Exemplo n.º 1
  protected int doReadMessages(List<Object> buf) throws Exception {
    DatagramChannel ch = javaChannel();
    DatagramChannelConfig config = config();
    RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle allocHandle = this.allocHandle;
    if (allocHandle == null) {
      this.allocHandle = allocHandle = config.getRecvByteBufAllocator().newHandle();
    ByteBuf data = allocHandle.allocate(config.getAllocator());
    boolean free = true;
    try {
      ByteBuffer nioData = data.internalNioBuffer(data.writerIndex(), data.writableBytes());
      int pos = nioData.position();
      InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = (InetSocketAddress) ch.receive(nioData);
      if (remoteAddress == null) {
        return 0;

      int readBytes = nioData.position() - pos;
      data.writerIndex(data.writerIndex() + readBytes);

      buf.add(new DatagramPacket(data, localAddress(), remoteAddress));
      free = false;
      return 1;
    } catch (Throwable cause) {
      return -1;
    } finally {
      if (free) {
Exemplo n.º 2
  protected int doReadMessages(List<Object> buf) throws Exception {
    SctpChannel ch = javaChannel();

    RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle allocHandle = unsafe().recvBufAllocHandle();
    ByteBuf buffer = allocHandle.allocate(config().getAllocator());
    boolean free = true;
    try {
      ByteBuffer data = buffer.internalNioBuffer(buffer.writerIndex(), buffer.writableBytes());
      int pos = data.position();

      MessageInfo messageInfo = ch.receive(data, null, notificationHandler);
      if (messageInfo == null) {
        return 0;
          new SctpMessage(
              messageInfo, buffer.writerIndex(buffer.writerIndex() + data.position() - pos)));
      free = false;
      return 1;
    } catch (Throwable cause) {
      return -1;
    } finally {
      int bytesRead = buffer.readableBytes();
      if (free) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  protected boolean doWriteMessage(Object msg, ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception {
    final SocketAddress remoteAddress;
    final ByteBuf data;
    if (msg instanceof AddressedEnvelope) {
      AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuf, SocketAddress> envelope =
          (AddressedEnvelope<ByteBuf, SocketAddress>) msg;
      remoteAddress = envelope.recipient();
      data = envelope.content();
    } else {
      data = (ByteBuf) msg;
      remoteAddress = null;

    final int dataLen = data.readableBytes();
    if (dataLen == 0) {
      return true;

    final ByteBuffer nioData = data.internalNioBuffer(data.readerIndex(), dataLen);
    final int writtenBytes;
    if (remoteAddress != null) {
      writtenBytes = javaChannel().send(nioData, remoteAddress);
    } else {
      writtenBytes = javaChannel().write(nioData);
    return writtenBytes > 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /** Read bytes into the given {@link ByteBuf} and return the amount. */
 private int doReadBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf) throws Exception {
   int writerIndex = byteBuf.writerIndex();
   int localReadAmount;
   if (byteBuf.hasMemoryAddress()) {
     localReadAmount =
         Native.readAddress(fd, byteBuf.memoryAddress(), writerIndex, byteBuf.capacity());
   } else {
     ByteBuffer buf = byteBuf.internalNioBuffer(writerIndex, byteBuf.writableBytes());
     localReadAmount = Native.read(fd, buf, buf.position(), buf.limit());
   if (localReadAmount > 0) {
     byteBuf.writerIndex(writerIndex + localReadAmount);
   return localReadAmount;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Write bytes form the given {@link ByteBuf} to the underlying {@link java.nio.channels.Channel}.
  * @param buf the {@link ByteBuf} from which the bytes should be written
  * @return amount the amount of written bytes
 private int doWriteBytes(ByteBuf buf, int readable) throws Exception {
   int readerIndex = buf.readerIndex();
   int localFlushedAmount;
   if (buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
     if (buf.hasMemoryAddress()) {
       localFlushedAmount =
           Native.writeAddress(fd, buf.memoryAddress(), readerIndex, buf.writerIndex());
     } else {
       ByteBuffer nioBuf = buf.internalNioBuffer(readerIndex, readable);
       localFlushedAmount = Native.write(fd, nioBuf, nioBuf.position(), nioBuf.limit());
   } else {
     // backed by more then one buffer, do a gathering write...
     ByteBuffer[] nioBufs = buf.nioBuffers();
     localFlushedAmount = (int) Native.writev(fd, nioBufs, 0, nioBufs.length);
   if (localFlushedAmount > 0) {
     buf.readerIndex(readerIndex + localFlushedAmount);
   return localFlushedAmount;
Exemplo n.º 6
  private SSLEngineResult wrap(ByteBufAllocator alloc, SSLEngine engine, ByteBuf in, ByteBuf out)
      throws SSLException {
    ByteBuf newDirectIn = null;
    try {
      int readerIndex = in.readerIndex();
      int readableBytes = in.readableBytes();

      // We will call SslEngine.wrap(ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer) to allow efficient handling of
      // CompositeByteBuf without force an extra memory copy when CompositeByteBuffer.nioBuffer() is
      // called.
      final ByteBuffer[] in0;
      if (in.isDirect() || !wantsDirectBuffer) {
        // As CompositeByteBuf.nioBufferCount() can be expensive (as it needs to check all composed
        // ByteBuf
        // to calculate the count) we will just assume a CompositeByteBuf contains more then 1
        // ByteBuf.
        // The worst that can happen is that we allocate an extra ByteBuffer[] in
        // CompositeByteBuf.nioBuffers()
        // which is better then walking the composed ByteBuf in most cases.
        if (!(in instanceof CompositeByteBuf) && in.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
          in0 = singleBuffer;
          // We know its only backed by 1 ByteBuffer so use internalNioBuffer to keep object
          // allocation
          // to a minimum.
          in0[0] = in.internalNioBuffer(readerIndex, readableBytes);
        } else {
          in0 = in.nioBuffers();
      } else {
        // We could even go further here and check if its a CompositeByteBuf and if so try to
        // decompose it and
        // only replace the ByteBuffer that are not direct. At the moment we just will replace the
        // whole
        // CompositeByteBuf to keep the complexity to a minimum
        newDirectIn = alloc.directBuffer(readableBytes);
        newDirectIn.writeBytes(in, readerIndex, readableBytes);
        in0 = singleBuffer;
        in0[0] = newDirectIn.internalNioBuffer(0, readableBytes);

      for (; ; ) {
        ByteBuffer out0 = out.nioBuffer(out.writerIndex(), out.writableBytes());
        SSLEngineResult result = engine.wrap(in0, out0);
        out.writerIndex(out.writerIndex() + result.bytesProduced());

        switch (result.getStatus()) {
          case BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
            return result;
    } finally {
      // Null out to allow GC of ByteBuffer
      singleBuffer[0] = null;

      if (newDirectIn != null) {
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ByteBuf out, int index, int len) {
   return out.nioBufferCount() == 1
       ? out.internalNioBuffer(index, len)
       : out.nioBuffer(index, len);
 public ByteBuffer internalNioBuffer(int var1, int var2) {
   return a.internalNioBuffer(var1, var2);