  public void testRegisterOverCapacity() throws Exception {
    RestService restService = createMock(RestService.class);
    CachedSchemaRegistryClient client =
        new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(restService, 1); // capacity is just one

    String schema1 =
        "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"Blah\", \"fields\": [{ \"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\" }]}";
    Schema avroSchema1 = new Schema.Parser().parse(schema1);

    String schema2 =
        "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"Blah\", \"fields\": ["
            + "{ \"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\" },"
            + "{ \"name\": \"blah\", \"type\": \"string\" }"
            + "]}";
    Schema avroSchema2 = new Schema.Parser().parse(schema2);

    String subject = "foo";
    int id = 25;

    // Expect one call to register schema (the second one will fail)
    expect(restService.registerSchema(anyString(), eq(subject))).andReturn(id);


    assertEquals(id, client.register(subject, avroSchema1));
    try {
      // This call should exceed the identityMapCapacity
      assertEquals(id, client.register(subject, avroSchema2));
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

  public void testIdCache() throws Exception {
    RestService restService = createMock(RestService.class);
    CachedSchemaRegistryClient client = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(restService, 20);

    String schema =
        "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"Blah\", \"fields\": [{ \"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\" }]}";
    Schema avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schema);

    String subject = "foo";
    int id = 25;

    expect(restService.registerSchema(anyString(), eq(subject))).andReturn(id);

    // Expect only one call to getId (the rest should hit the cache)
    expect(restService.getId(id)).andReturn(new SchemaString(schema));


    assertEquals(id, client.register(subject, avroSchema));
    assertEquals(avroSchema, client.getByID(id));
    assertEquals(avroSchema, client.getByID(id)); // hit the cache

  public void testVersionCache() throws Exception {
    RestService restService = createMock(RestService.class);
    CachedSchemaRegistryClient client = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(restService, 20);

    String schema =
        "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"Blah\", \"fields\": [{ \"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\" }]}";
    Schema avroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schema);

    String subject = "foo";
    int id = 25;
    int version = 7;

    expect(restService.registerSchema(anyString(), eq(subject))).andReturn(id);

    // Expect only one call to lookup the subject (the rest should hit the cache)
    expect(restService.lookUpSubjectVersion(anyString(), eq(subject)))
            new io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.entities.Schema(
                subject, version, id, schema));


    assertEquals(id, client.register(subject, avroSchema));
    assertEquals(version, client.getVersion(subject, avroSchema));
    assertEquals(version, client.getVersion(subject, avroSchema)); // hit the cache
