/** * Adds a radio button group. * * @param label group label (or null) * @param items radio button labels * @param rows number of rows * @param columns number of columns * @param defaultItem button initially selected */ public void addRadioButtonGroup( String label, String[] items, int rows, int columns, String defaultItem) { Panel panel = new Panel(); int n = items.length; panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, columns, 0, 0)); CheckboxGroup cg = new CheckboxGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(items[i], cg, items[i].equals(defaultItem)); cb.addItemListener(this); panel.add(cb); } if (radioButtonGroups == null) radioButtonGroups = new Vector(); radioButtonGroups.addElement(cg); Insets insets = getInsets(5, 10, 0, 0); if (label == null || label.equals("")) { label = "rbg" + radioButtonGroups.size(); insets.top += 5; } else { setInsets(10, insets.left, 0); addMessage(label); insets.top = 2; insets.left += 10; } c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = y; c.gridwidth = 2; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.insets = new Insets(insets.top, insets.left, 0, 0); grid.setConstraints(panel, c); add(panel); if (Recorder.record || macro) saveLabel(cg, label); y++; }
/** * Adds a group of checkboxs using a grid layout. * * @param rows the number of rows * @param columns the number of columns * @param labels the labels * @param defaultValues the initial states * @param headings the column headings Example: * http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/multi-column-dialog/index.html */ public void addCheckboxGroup( int rows, int columns, String[] labels, boolean[] defaultValues, String[] headings) { Panel panel = new Panel(); int nRows = headings != null ? rows + 1 : rows; panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(nRows, columns, 6, 0)); int startCBIndex = cbIndex; if (checkbox == null) checkbox = new Vector(12); if (headings != null) { Font font = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { if (i > headings.length - 1 || headings[i] == null) panel.add(new Label("")); else { Label label = new Label(headings[i]); label.setFont(font); panel.add(label); } } } int i1 = 0; int[] index = new int[labels.length]; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) { int i2 = col * rows + row; if (i2 >= labels.length) break; index[i1] = i2; String label = labels[i1]; if (label == null || label.length() == 0) { Label lbl = new Label(""); panel.add(lbl); i1++; continue; } if (label.indexOf('_') != -1) label = label.replace('_', ' '); Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(label); checkbox.addElement(cb); cb.setState(defaultValues[i1]); cb.addItemListener(this); if (Recorder.record || macro) saveLabel(cb, labels[i1]); if (IJ.isLinux()) { Panel panel2 = new Panel(); panel2.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel2.add("West", cb); panel.add(panel2); } else panel.add(cb); i1++; } } c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = y; c.gridwidth = 2; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.insets = getInsets(10, 0, 0, 0); grid.setConstraints(panel, c); add(panel); y++; }
/** Returns the state of the next checkbox. */ public boolean getNextBoolean() { if (checkbox == null) return false; Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) (checkbox.elementAt(cbIndex)); if (recorderOn) recordCheckboxOption(cb); boolean state = cb.getState(); if (macro) { String label = (String) labels.get((Object) cb); String key = Macro.trimKey(label); state = isMatch(macroOptions, key + " "); } cbIndex++; return state; }
/** Returns the selected item in the next radio button group. */ public String getNextRadioButton() { if (radioButtonGroups == null) return null; CheckboxGroup cg = (CheckboxGroup) (radioButtonGroups.elementAt(radioButtonIndex)); radioButtonIndex++; Checkbox checkbox = cg.getSelectedCheckbox(); String item = "null"; if (checkbox != null) item = checkbox.getLabel(); if (macro) { String label = (String) labels.get((Object) cg); item = Macro.getValue(macroOptions, label, item); } if (recorderOn) recordOption(cg, item); return item; }
/** * Notify any DialogListeners of changes having occurred If a listener returns false, do not call * further listeners and disable the OK button and preview Checkbox (if it exists). For * PlugInFilters, this ensures that the PlugInFilterRunner, which listens as the last one, is not * called if the PlugInFilter has detected invalid parameters. Thus, unnecessary calling the * run(ip) method of the PlugInFilter for preview is avoided in that case. */ private void notifyListeners(AWTEvent e) { if (dialogListeners == null) return; boolean everythingOk = true; for (int i = 0; everythingOk && i < dialogListeners.size(); i++) try { resetCounters(); if (!((DialogListener) dialogListeners.elementAt(i)).dialogItemChanged(this, e)) everythingOk = false; } // disable further listeners if false (invalid parameters) returned catch (Exception err) { // for exceptions, don't cover the input by a window but IJ.beep(); // show them at in the "Log" IJ.log( "ERROR: " + err + "\nin DialogListener of " + dialogListeners.elementAt(i) + "\nat " + (err.getStackTrace()[0]) + "\nfrom " + (err.getStackTrace()[1])); // requires Java 1.4 } boolean workaroundOSXbug = IJ.isMacOSX() && okay != null && !okay.isEnabled() && everythingOk; if (previewCheckbox != null) previewCheckbox.setEnabled(everythingOk); if (okay != null) okay.setEnabled(everythingOk); if (workaroundOSXbug) repaint(); // OSX 10.4 bug delays update of enabled until the next input }
private void recordCheckboxOption(Checkbox cb) { String label = (String) labels.get((Object) cb); if (label != null) { if (cb.getState()) // checked Recorder.recordOption(label); else if (Recorder.getCommandOptions() == null) Recorder.recordOption(" "); } }
/** * Adds a checkbox; does not make it recordable if isPreview is true. With isPreview true, the * checkbox can be referred to as previewCheckbox from hereon. */ private void addCheckbox(String label, boolean defaultValue, boolean isPreview) { String label2 = label; if (label2.indexOf('_') != -1) label2 = label2.replace('_', ' '); if (checkbox == null) { checkbox = new Vector(4); c.insets = getInsets(15, 20, 0, 0); } else c.insets = getInsets(0, 20, 0, 0); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = y; c.gridwidth = 2; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(label2); grid.setConstraints(cb, c); cb.setState(defaultValue); cb.addItemListener(this); cb.addKeyListener(this); add(cb); checkbox.addElement(cb); // ij.IJ.write("addCheckbox: "+ y+" "+cbIndex); if (!isPreview && (Recorder.record || macro)) // preview checkbox is not recordable saveLabel(cb, label); if (isPreview) previewCheckbox = cb; y++; }
/** * Used by PlugInFilterRunner to provide visable feedback whether preview is running or not by * switching from "Preview" to "wait..." */ public void previewRunning(boolean isRunning) { if (previewCheckbox != null) { previewCheckbox.setLabel(isRunning ? previewRunning : previewLabel); if (IJ.isMacOSX()) repaint(); // workaround OSX 10.4 refresh bug } }
/** Returns 'true' if this dialog has a "Preview" checkbox and it is enabled. */ public boolean isPreviewActive() { return previewCheckbox != null && previewCheckbox.getState(); }