private void movement() { int x = getX(), y = getY(), dir = getRotation(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && x > 10) { setLocation(x - 7, y); setRotation(Math.max(dir - 2, 247)); starsDir(); } else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && x < 794) { setLocation(x + 7, y); setRotation(Math.min(dir + 2, 293)); starsDir(); } else { setRotation((int) Math.round(-(dir - 270) / 1.8) + dir); starsDir(); } x = getX(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up") && y > 70) { setLocation(x, y - 7); } else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down") && y < 660) { setLocation(x, y + 7); } }
public void genLoc() { location = new int[2]; int x = (int) (Math.random() * 3 + 1); switch (x) { case 1: location[0] = 5; case 2: location[0] = 600; case 3: location[0] = (int) (Math.random() * 600); } int y = (int) (Math.random() * 3 + 1); switch (x) { case 1: location[1] = 5; case 2: location[1] = 400; case 3: location[1] = (int) (Math.random() * 400); } setLocation(location[0], location[1]); }
public void followHuman() { int dist = 400; Actor kill = null; if (!getObjectsInRange(dist, Player.class).isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : getObjectsInRange(dist, Player.class)) { Actor guy = (Actor) obj; int guyDist = (int) Math.hypot(guy.getX() - getX(), guy.getY() - getY()); if (kill == null || guyDist < dist) { kill = guy; dist = guyDist; } } turnTowards(kill.getX(), kill.getY()); } }
/** * Get the distance to the ScrollingActor. * * @return The distance between this object and the ScrollingActor. */ public double getDistanceToScrollingActor() { List<ScrollingActor> actors = getWorld().getObjects(ScrollingActor.class); if (actors != null && !actors.isEmpty()) { ScrollingActor actor = null; for (ScrollingActor scrollingActor : actors) { if (scrollingActor.isScrollingCenter()) { actor = scrollingActor; } } if (actor == null) { System.err.println("No scrollingActor in the world."); return 0; } return Math.hypot(getExactX() - actor.getExactX(), getExactY() - actor.getExactY()); } return 0; }
public void genSpecs() { rotation = (int) (Math.random() * 180); setRotation(rotation); }
public Enemies(Player p) { speed = (int) (Math.random() * 3); genSpecs(); genLoc(); player = p; }
public void set(int fury) { if (!player.FURY_ENABLED) fury = 0; fury = Math.min(6, fury); setImage("fury_" + fury + ".png"); }