public void Main_page() { win.Tab_mgr() .Active_tab_assert(); // force an active tab in case all tabs are closed; needed for // win.Active_page() below; DATE:2014-09-17 win.Page__navigate_by_url_bar( win.Active_tab().Wiki().Domain_str() + Xoh_href_ .Str__wiki); // NOTE: add "/wiki/" to generate non-page like url; EX: "home" -> // "home/wiki/" which will be interpreted as a url, as opposed to // "home" which will be intrepretted as page; DATE:2014-04-14 }
public void Save_as() { if (this.Active_tab_is_null()) return; Xog_tab_itm tab = win.Tab_mgr().Active_tab(); String file_name = Xoa_app_.Utl__encoder_mgr() .Fsys_safe() .Encode_str(String_.new_u8(tab.Page().Ttl().Full_url())) + ".html"; String file_url = app.Gui_mgr() .Kit() .New_dlg_file(Gfui_kit_.File_dlg_type_save, "Select file to save to:") .Init_file_(file_name) .Ask(); if (String_.Len_eq_0(file_url)) return; Io_mgr.I.SaveFilStr(file_url, tab.Html_box().Text()); app.Usr_dlg().Prog_many("", "", "saved page: file=~{0}", file_url); }
public void Print() { if (this.Active_tab_is_null()) return; win.Active_html_box().Html_js_eval_proc_as_str(Xog_js_procs.Win__print_preview); }
public void Refresh() { if (Active_tab_is_null()) return; win.Page__refresh(); }
public void Reload() { if (Active_tab_is_null()) return; win.Page__reload(); }
private void Mode(byte v) { if (Active_tab_is_null()) return; win.Page__mode_(v); }
private boolean Active_tab_is_null() { return win.Tab_mgr().Active_tab_is_null(); }
public void Sandbox() { win.Page__navigate_by_url_bar("Project:Sandbox"); }
public void Random() { win.Page__navigate_by_url_bar("Special:Random"); }
public void Go_fwd() { win.Page__navigate_by_history(Bool_.Y); }
public void Goto(String page) { win.Page__navigate_by_url_bar(page); }