/** This class provides methods to access templates stored in the database. */
public final class DatabaseTemplateHome {
  // Static variable pointed to the DAO instance
  private static IDatabaseTemplateDAO _dao = SpringContextService.getBean("databaseTemplateDAO");

  /** Instantiates a new database template home. */
  private DatabaseTemplateHome() {}

   * Get a template in the database from its key
   * @param strKey The key of the template to get
   * @return The template loaded from the database
  public static String getTemplateFromKey(String strKey) {
    return _dao.getTemplateFromKey(strKey);

   * Update a template in the database
   * @param strKey The key of the template
   * @param strValue The new value of the template
  public static void updateTemplate(String strKey, String strValue) {
    _dao.updateTemplate(strKey, strValue);
   * Get the records count
   * @param directory the {@link Directory}
   * @param user the {@link AdminUser}
   * @return the record count
  public int getRecordsCount(Directory directory, AdminUser user) {
    Plugin plugin = PluginService.getPlugin(DirectoryPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
    int nNbRecords = 0;
    boolean bWorkflowServiceEnable = WorkflowService.getInstance().isAvailable();
    RecordFieldFilter filter = new RecordFieldFilter();
    filter.setWorkgroupKeyList(AdminWorkgroupService.getUserWorkgroups(user, user.getLocale()));

    if ((directory.getIdWorkflow() != DirectoryUtils.CONSTANT_ID_NULL)
        && (directory.getIdWorkflow() != DirectoryUtils.CONSTANT_ID_ZERO)
        && bWorkflowServiceEnable) {
      List<Integer> listResultRecordIds =
              .getSearchResults(directory, null, null, null, null, filter, plugin);
      List<Integer> listTmpResultRecordIds =
      listResultRecordIds =
          DirectoryUtils.retainAllIdsKeepingFirstOrder(listResultRecordIds, listTmpResultRecordIds);
      nNbRecords = listResultRecordIds.size();
    } else {
      IRecordService recordService = SpringContextService.getBean(RecordService.BEAN_SERVICE);
      nNbRecords = recordService.getCountRecord(filter, plugin);

    return nNbRecords;
   * Returns the instance of the singleton
   * @return The instance of the singleton
  public static synchronized DatabaseService getService() {
    if (_singleton == null) {
      _singleton = SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_DATABASE_SERVICE);

    return _singleton;
  /** @return IEudonetWsService */
  public static IProfanityFilter getService() {
    if (_singleton == null) {
      _singleton = SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_PROFANITY_FILTER_SERVICE);

    return _singleton;
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Send a text message asynchronously with attached files. The message is queued until a daemon
   * thread send all awaiting messages
   * @param strRecipientsTo The list of the main recipients email.Every recipient must be separated
   *     by the mail separator defined in config.properties
   * @param strRecipientsCc The recipients list of the carbon copies .
   * @param strRecipientsBcc The recipients list of the blind carbon copies .
   * @param strSenderName The sender name.
   * @param strSenderEmail The sender email address.
   * @param strSubject The message subject.
   * @param strMessage The message.
   * @param filesAttachement The list of attached files.
   * @param bUniqueRecipientTo true if the mail must be send unitarily for each recipient
  public static void sendMailMultipartText(
      String strRecipientsTo,
      String strRecipientsCc,
      String strRecipientsBcc,
      String strSenderName,
      String strSenderEmail,
      String strSubject,
      String strMessage,
      List<FileAttachment> filesAttachement,
      boolean bUniqueRecipientTo) {
    MailItem item = new MailItem();

    IMailQueue queue = (IMailQueue) SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_MAIL_QUEUE);
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Send a calendar message asynchronously. The message is queued until a daemon thread send all
   * awaiting messages
   * @param strRecipientsTo The list of the main recipients email. Every recipient must be separated
   *     by the mail separator defined in config.properties
   * @param strRecipientsCc The recipients list of the carbon copies .
   * @param strRecipientsBcc The recipients list of the blind carbon copies .
   * @param strSenderName The sender name.
   * @param strSenderEmail The sender email address.
   * @param strSubject The message subject.
   * @param strMessage The message.
   * @param strCalendarMessage The calendar message
   * @param bCreateEvent True to create the calendar event, false to remove it
   * @param bUniqueRecipientTo true if the mail must be send unitarily for each recipient
  public static void sendMailCalendar(
      String strRecipientsTo,
      String strRecipientsCc,
      String strRecipientsBcc,
      String strSenderName,
      String strSenderEmail,
      String strSubject,
      String strMessage,
      String strCalendarMessage,
      boolean bCreateEvent,
      boolean bUniqueRecipientTo) {
    MailItem item = new MailItem();

    IMailQueue queue = (IMailQueue) SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_MAIL_QUEUE);
  /** Initialize the Database service */
  public void init() {
    RoleRemovalListenerService.getService().registerListener(new DatabaseUserRoleRemovalListener());
        .registerListener(new DatabaseUserFieldListener());

    _baseAuthentication = SpringContextService.getBean(AUTHENTICATION_BEAN_NAME);

    if (_baseAuthentication != null) {
    } else {
          "BaseAuthentication not found, please check your database_context.xml configuration");
  * Returns the removal service
  * @return The removal service
 public static RemovalListenerService getService() {
   return SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_DIRECTORY_REMOVAL_SERVICE);
/** This class provides instances management methods (create, find, ...) for DatabaseUser objects */
public final class DatabaseUserHome {
  // Static variable pointed at the DAO instance
  private static IDatabaseUserDAO _dao =

  /** Private constructor - this class need not be instantiated */
  private DatabaseUserHome() {}

   * Creation of an instance of databaseUser
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the informations to store
   * @param strPassword The user's password
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of DatabaseUser which has been created with its primary key.
  public static DatabaseUser create(DatabaseUser databaseUser, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.insert(databaseUser, strPassword, plugin);

    return databaseUser;

   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser update(DatabaseUser databaseUser, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.store(databaseUser, plugin);

    return databaseUser;

   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param strNewPassword The new password to store
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser updatePassword(
      DatabaseUser databaseUser, String strNewPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updatePassword(databaseUser, strNewPassword, plugin);

    return databaseUser;

   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param user The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param bNewValue The new value of the reset password attribute
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser updateResetPassword(
      DatabaseUser user, boolean bNewValue, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateResetPassword(user, bNewValue, plugin);

    return user;

   * Remove the databaseUser whose identifier is specified in parameter
   * @param databaseUser The DatabaseUser object to remove
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  public static void remove(DatabaseUser databaseUser, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.delete(databaseUser, plugin);

  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // Finders

   * Returns an instance of a DatabaseUser whose identifier is specified in parameter
   * @param nKey The Primary key of the databaseUser
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return An instance of DatabaseUser
  public static DatabaseUser findByPrimaryKey(int nKey, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.load(nKey, plugin);

   * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
  public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersList(Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectDatabaseUserList(plugin);

   * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects for a login
   * @param strLogin The login of the databseUser
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
  public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListForLogin(
      String strLogin, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectDatabaseUserListForLogin(strLogin, plugin);

   * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects for a email
   * @param strEmail The email of the databseUser
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
  public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListForEmail(
      String strEmail, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectDatabaseUserListForEmail(strEmail, plugin);

   * Returns the password of the specified user
   * @param nKey The Primary key of the databaseUser
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return An instance of DatabaseUser
  public static String findPasswordByPrimaryKey(int nKey, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectPasswordByPrimaryKey(nKey, plugin);

   * Check the password for a DatabaseUser
   * @param strLogin The user login of DatabaseUser
   * @param strPassword The password of DatabaseUser
   * @param plugin The Plugin using this data access service
   * @return true if password is ok
  public static boolean checkPassword(String strLogin, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.checkPassword(strLogin, strPassword, plugin);

   * Find DatabaseUsers by filter
   * @param duFilter filter
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return a list of DatabaseUsers
  public static List<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListByFilter(
      DatabaseUserFilter duFilter, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectDatabaseUsersListByFilter(duFilter, plugin);

   * Get a user id from his login
   * @param strLogin The login of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return The user id, or 0 if no user has this login.
  public static int findDatabaseUserIdFromLogin(String strLogin, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.findDatabaseUserIdFromLogin(strLogin, plugin);

   * Gets the history of password of the given user
   * @param nUserID Id of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return The collection of recent passwords used by the user.
  public static List<String> selectUserPasswordHistory(int nUserID, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.selectUserPasswordHistory(nUserID, plugin);

   * Get the number of password change done by a user since the given date.
   * @param minDate Minimum date to consider.
   * @param nUserId Id of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return The number of password change done by the user since the given date.
  public static int countUserPasswordHistoryFromDate(
      Timestamp minDate, int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.countUserPasswordHistoryFromDate(minDate, nUserId, plugin);

   * Log a password change in the password history
   * @param strPassword New password of the user
   * @param nUserId Id of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void insertNewPasswordInHistory(String strPassword, int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.insertNewPasswordInHistory(strPassword, nUserId, plugin);

   * Remove every password saved in the password history for a user.
   * @param nUserId Id of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void removeAllPasswordHistoryForUser(int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.removeAllPasswordHistoryForUser(nUserId, plugin);

   * Get the list of id of user with the expired status.
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return The list of id of user with the expired status.
  public static List<Integer> findAllExpiredUserId(Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.findAllExpiredUserId(plugin);

   * Get the list of id of users that have an expired time life but not the expired status
   * @param currentTimestamp Timestamp describing the current time.
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return the list of id of users with expired time life
  public static List<Integer> getIdUsersWithExpiredLifeTimeList(
      Timestamp currentTimestamp, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.getIdUsersWithExpiredLifeTimeList(currentTimestamp, plugin);

   * Get the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
   * @param firstAlertMaxDate The maximum expiration date to send first alert.
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
  public static List<Integer> getIdUsersToSendFirstAlert(
      Timestamp firstAlertMaxDate, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.getIdUsersToSendFirstAlert(firstAlertMaxDate, plugin);

   * Get the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
   * @param alertMaxDate The maximum date to send alerts.
   * @param timeBetweenAlerts Timestamp describing the time between two alerts.
   * @param maxNumberAlerts Maximum number of alerts to send to a user
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
  public static List<Integer> getIdUsersToSendOtherAlert(
      Timestamp alertMaxDate, Timestamp timeBetweenAlerts, int maxNumberAlerts, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.getIdUsersToSendOtherAlert(
        alertMaxDate, timeBetweenAlerts, maxNumberAlerts, plugin);

   * Get the list of id of users that have an expired password but not the change password flag
   * @param currentTimestamp Timestamp describing the current time.
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return the list of id of users with expired passwords
  public static List<Integer> getIdUsersWithExpiredPasswordsList(
      Timestamp currentTimestamp, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.getIdUsersWithExpiredPasswordsList(currentTimestamp, plugin);

   * Update status of a list of user accounts
   * @param listIdUser List of user accounts to update
   * @param nNewStatus New status of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void updateUserStatus(List<Integer> listIdUser, int nNewStatus, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateUserStatus(listIdUser, nNewStatus, plugin);

   * Increment the number of alert send to users by 1
   * @param listIdUser The list of users to update
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void updateNbAlert(List<Integer> listIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateNbAlert(listIdUser, plugin);

   * Set the "change password" flag of users to true
   * @param listIdUser The list of users to update
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void updateChangePassword(List<Integer> listIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateChangePassword(listIdUser, plugin);

   * Update the user expiration date with the new values. Also update his alert account to 0
   * @param nIdUser Id of the user to update
   * @param newExpirationDate Id of the user to update
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void updateUserExpirationDate(
      int nIdUser, Timestamp newExpirationDate, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateUserExpirationDate(nIdUser, newExpirationDate, plugin);

   * Get the number of notification send to a user to warn him about the expiration of his account
   * @param nIdUser Id of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @return The number of notification send to the user
  public static int getNbAccountLifeTimeNotification(int nIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
    return _dao.getNbAccountLifeTimeNotification(nIdUser, plugin);

   * Update a user last login date
   * @param strLogin Login of the user to update
   * @param dateLastLogin date of the last login of the user
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public static void updateUserLastLoginDate(String strLogin, Date dateLastLogin, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateUserLastLoginDate(strLogin, new java.sql.Timestamp(dateLastLogin.getTime()), plugin);
  * Get the instance of the service
  * @return the instance of the service
 public static DirectoryParameterService getService() {
   return SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER_SERVICE);
Exemplo n.º 11
   * Returns the mail queue
   * @return the mail queue
  public static IMailQueue getQueue() {
    IMailQueue queue = (IMailQueue) SpringContextService.getBean(BEAN_MAIL_QUEUE);

    return queue;