  public String getType(PsiElement e) {
    if (DumbService.getInstance(e.getProject()).isDumb()
        || !Settings.getInstance(e.getProject()).pluginEnabled
        || !Settings.getInstance(e.getProject()).objectManagerFindTypeProvider) {
      return null;

    if (!(e instanceof MethodReference)
        || !PhpElementsUtil.isMethodWithFirstStringOrFieldReference(e, "find")) {
      return null;

    String refSignature = ((MethodReference) e).getSignature();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(refSignature)) {
      return null;

    // we need the param key on getBySignature(), since we are already in the resolved method there
    // attach it to signature
    // param can have dotted values split with \
    PsiElement[] parameters = ((MethodReference) e).getParameters();
    if (parameters.length == 2) {
      return PhpTypeProviderUtil.getReferenceSignature((MethodReference) e, TRIM_KEY, 2);

    return null;