private Deck getGeneratedDeck() { switch (lstDecks.getGameType()) { case Commander: return DeckgenUtil.generateCommanderDeck(isAi, GameType.Commander); case TinyLeaders: return DeckgenUtil.generateCommanderDeck(isAi, GameType.TinyLeaders); case Archenemy: return DeckgenUtil.generateSchemeDeck(); case Planechase: return DeckgenUtil.generatePlanarDeck(); default: while (true) { switch (Aggregates.random(DeckType.ConstructedOptions)) { case PRECONSTRUCTED_DECK: return Aggregates.random( DeckProxy.getAllPreconstructedDecks(QuestController.getPrecons())) .getDeck(); case QUEST_OPPONENT_DECK: return Aggregates.random(DeckProxy.getAllQuestEventAndChallenges()).getDeck(); case COLOR_DECK: final List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>(); final int count = Aggregates.randomInt(1, 3); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { colors.add("Random " + i); } return DeckgenUtil.buildColorDeck(colors, isAi); case THEME_DECK: return Aggregates.random(DeckProxy.getAllThemeDecks()).getDeck(); default: continue; } } } }
private Deck getFavoriteDeck() { Iterable<DeckProxy> decks; switch (lstDecks.getGameType()) { case Commander: decks = DeckProxy.getAllCommanderDecks(); break; case TinyLeaders: decks = DeckProxy.getAllTinyLeadersDecks(); break; case Archenemy: decks = DeckProxy.getAllSchemeDecks(); break; case Planechase: decks = DeckProxy.getAllPlanarDecks(); break; default: decks = DeckProxy.getAllConstructedDecks(); break; } decks = Iterables.filter( decks, new Predicate<DeckProxy>() { @Override public boolean apply(final DeckProxy deck) { return deck.isFavoriteDeck(); } }); if (Iterables.isEmpty(decks)) { return getGeneratedDeck(); // fall back to generated deck if no favorite decks } return Aggregates.random(decks).getDeck(); }
private Deck getUserDeck() { Iterable<DeckProxy> decks; final GameType gameType = lstDecks.getGameType(); switch (gameType) { case Commander: decks = DeckProxy.getAllCommanderDecks(DeckFormat.Commander.isLegalDeckPredicate()); break; case TinyLeaders: decks = DeckProxy.getAllTinyLeadersDecks(DeckFormat.TinyLeaders.isLegalDeckPredicate()); break; case Archenemy: decks = DeckProxy.getAllSchemeDecks(DeckFormat.Archenemy.isLegalDeckPredicate()); break; case Planechase: decks = DeckProxy.getAllPlanarDecks(DeckFormat.Planechase.isLegalDeckPredicate()); break; default: decks = DeckProxy.getAllConstructedDecks(gameType.getDeckFormat().isLegalDeckPredicate()); break; } if (Iterables.isEmpty(decks)) { return getGeneratedDeck(); // fall back to generated deck if no decks in filtered list } return Aggregates.random(decks).getDeck(); }
/** * chooseBoonTarget. * * @param list a {@link forge.CardList} object. * @param type a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link} object. */ public static Card chooseBoonTarget(final CardCollectionView list, final String type) { Card choice = null; if (type.equals("P1P1")) { choice = ComputerUtilCard.getBestCreatureAI(list); if (choice == null) { // We'd only get here if list isn't empty, maybe we're trying to animate a land? choice = ComputerUtilCard.getBestLandToAnimate(list); } } else if (type.equals("DIVINITY")) { final CardCollection boon = CardLists.filter( list, new Predicate<Card>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Card c) { return c.getCounters(CounterType.DIVINITY) == 0; } }); choice = ComputerUtilCard.getMostExpensivePermanentAI(boon, null, false); } else { // The AI really should put counters on cards that can use it. // Charge counters on things with Charge abilities, etc. Expand // these above choice = Aggregates.random(list); } return choice; }
/** * chooseCursedTarget. * * @param list a {@link forge.CardList} object. * @param type a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param amount a int. * @return a {@link} object. */ public static Card chooseCursedTarget( final CardCollectionView list, final String type, final int amount) { Card choice; if (type.equals("M1M1")) { // try to kill the best killable creature, or reduce the best one final List<Card> killable = CardLists.filter( list, new Predicate<Card>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Card c) { return c.getNetToughness() <= amount; } }); if (killable.size() > 0) { choice = ComputerUtilCard.getBestCreatureAI(killable); } else { choice = ComputerUtilCard.getBestCreatureAI(list); } } else { // improve random choice here choice = Aggregates.random(list); } return choice; }
@Override public SpellAbility chooseSingleSpellAbility( Player player, SpellAbility sa, List<SpellAbility> spells) { final String logic = sa.getParam("AILogic"); if ("Random".equals(logic)) { return Aggregates.random(spells); } else if ("Phasing".equals(logic)) { // Teferi's Realm : keep aggressive List<SpellAbility> filtered = Lists.newArrayList( Iterables.filter( spells, new Predicate<SpellAbility>() { @Override public boolean apply(final SpellAbility sp) { return !sp.getDescription().contains("Creature") && !sp.getDescription().contains("Land"); } })); return Aggregates.random(filtered); } else if ("PayUnlessCost".equals(logic)) { for (final SpellAbility sp : spells) { String unlessCost = sp.getParam("UnlessCost"); sp.setActivatingPlayer(sa.getActivatingPlayer()); Cost unless = new Cost(unlessCost, false); SpellAbility paycost = new SpellAbility.EmptySa(sa.getHostCard(), player); paycost.setPayCosts(unless); if (ComputerUtilCost.willPayUnlessCost( sp, player, unless, false, new FCollection<Player>(player)) && ComputerUtilCost.canPayCost(paycost, player)) { return sp; } } return spells.get(0); } else if ("Khans".equals(logic) || "Dragons".equals(logic)) { // Fate Reforged sieges for (final SpellAbility sp : spells) { if (sp.getDescription().equals(logic)) { return sp; } } } return spells.get(0); // return first choice if no logic found }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see forge.card.ability.SpellAbilityEffect#resolve(forge.card.spellability.SpellAbility) */ @Override public void resolve(final SpellAbility sa) { final Card hostCard = sa.getHostCard(); final Game game = hostCard.getGame(); final List<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> svars = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> triggers = new ArrayList<String>(); if (sa.hasParam("Optional")) { if (!sa.getActivatingPlayer() .getController() .confirmAction(sa, null, "Copy this permanent?")) { return; } } if (sa.hasParam("Keywords")) { keywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(sa.getParam("Keywords").split(" & "))); } if (sa.hasParam("AddTypes")) { types.addAll(Arrays.asList(sa.getParam("AddTypes").split(" & "))); } if (sa.hasParam("AddSVars")) { svars.addAll(Arrays.asList(sa.getParam("AddSVars").split(" & "))); } if (sa.hasParam("Triggers")) { triggers.addAll(Arrays.asList(sa.getParam("Triggers").split(" & "))); } final int numCopies = sa.hasParam("NumCopies") ? AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(hostCard, sa.getParam("NumCopies"), sa) : 1; Player controller = null; if (sa.hasParam("Controller")) { final FCollectionView<Player> defined = AbilityUtils.getDefinedPlayers(hostCard, sa.getParam("Controller"), sa); if (!defined.isEmpty()) { controller = defined.getFirst(); } } if (controller == null) { controller = sa.getActivatingPlayer(); } List<Card> tgtCards = getTargetCards(sa); final TargetRestrictions tgt = sa.getTargetRestrictions(); if (sa.hasParam("ValidSupportedCopy")) { List<PaperCard> cards = Lists.newArrayList(StaticData.instance().getCommonCards().getUniqueCards()); String valid = sa.getParam("ValidSupportedCopy"); if (valid.contains("X")) { valid = valid.replace("X", Integer.toString(AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(hostCard, "X", sa))); } if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(valid, "creature")) { Predicate<PaperCard> cpp = Predicates.compose(CardRulesPredicates.Presets.IS_CREATURE, PaperCard.FN_GET_RULES); cards = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(cards, cpp)); } if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(valid, "equipment")) { Predicate<PaperCard> cpp = Predicates.compose(CardRulesPredicates.Presets.IS_EQUIPMENT, PaperCard.FN_GET_RULES); cards = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(cards, cpp)); } if (sa.hasParam("RandomCopied")) { List<PaperCard> copysource = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(cards); List<Card> choice = new ArrayList<Card>(); final String num = sa.hasParam("RandomNum") ? sa.getParam("RandomNum") : "1"; int ncopied = AbilityUtils.calculateAmount(hostCard, num, sa); while (ncopied > 0) { final PaperCard cp = Aggregates.random(copysource); Card possibleCard = Card.fromPaperCard( cp, sa.getActivatingPlayer()); // Need to temporarily set the Owner so the Game is set if (possibleCard.isValid(valid, hostCard.getController(), hostCard)) { choice.add(possibleCard); copysource.remove(cp); ncopied -= 1; } } tgtCards = choice; } else if (sa.hasParam("DefinedName")) { String name = sa.getParam("DefinedName"); if (name.equals("NamedCard")) { if (!hostCard.getNamedCard().isEmpty()) { name = hostCard.getNamedCard(); } } Predicate<PaperCard> cpp = Predicates.compose(, name), PaperCard.FN_GET_RULES); cards = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(cards, cpp)); tgtCards.clear(); if (!cards.isEmpty()) { tgtCards.add(Card.fromPaperCard(cards.get(0), controller)); } } } hostCard.clearClones(); for (final Card c : tgtCards) { if ((tgt == null) || c.canBeTargetedBy(sa)) { int multiplier = numCopies * hostCard.getController().getTokenDoublersMagnitude(); final List<Card> crds = new ArrayList<Card>(multiplier); for (int i = 0; i < multiplier; i++) { final Card copy = CardFactory.copyCopiableCharacteristics(c, sa.getActivatingPlayer()); copy.setToken(true); copy.setCopiedPermanent(c); CardFactory.copyCopiableAbilities(c, copy); // add keywords from sa for (final String kw : keywords) { copy.addIntrinsicKeyword(kw); } for (final String type : types) { copy.addType(type); } for (final String svar : svars) { String actualsVar = hostCard.getSVar(svar); String name = svar; if (actualsVar.startsWith("SVar:")) { actualsVar = actualsVar.split("SVar:")[1]; name = actualsVar.split(":")[0]; actualsVar = actualsVar.split(":")[1]; } copy.setSVar(name, actualsVar); } for (final String s : triggers) { final String actualTrigger = hostCard.getSVar(s); final Trigger parsedTrigger = TriggerHandler.parseTrigger(actualTrigger, copy, true); copy.addTrigger(parsedTrigger); } // Temporarily register triggers of an object created with CopyPermanent // game.getTriggerHandler().registerActiveTrigger(copy, false); final Card copyInPlay = game.getAction().moveToPlay(copy); // when copying something stolen: copyInPlay.setController(controller, 0); copyInPlay.setSetCode(c.getSetCode()); copyInPlay.setCloneOrigin(hostCard); sa.getHostCard().addClone(copyInPlay); crds.add(copyInPlay); if (sa.hasParam("RememberCopied")) { hostCard.addRemembered(copyInPlay); } if (sa.hasParam("Tapped")) { copyInPlay.setTapped(true); } if (sa.hasParam("CopyAttacking") && game.getPhaseHandler().inCombat()) { final String attacked = sa.getParam("CopyAttacking"); GameEntity defender; if ("True".equals(attacked)) { FCollectionView<GameEntity> defs = game.getCombat().getDefenders(); defender = c.getController() .getController() .chooseSingleEntityForEffect( defs, sa, "Choose which defender to attack with " + c, false); } else { defender = AbilityUtils.getDefinedPlayers(hostCard, sa.getParam("CopyAttacking"), sa).get(0); } game.getCombat().addAttacker(copyInPlay, defender); game.fireEvent(new GameEventCombatChanged()); } if (sa.hasParam("AttachedTo")) { CardCollectionView list = AbilityUtils.getDefinedCards(hostCard, sa.getParam("AttachedTo"), sa); if (list.isEmpty()) { list = copyInPlay.getController().getGame().getCardsIn(ZoneType.Battlefield); list = CardLists.getValidCards( list, sa.getParam("AttachedTo"), copyInPlay.getController(), copyInPlay); } if (!list.isEmpty()) { Card attachedTo = sa.getActivatingPlayer() .getController() .chooseSingleEntityForEffect( list, sa, copyInPlay + " - Select a card to attach to."); if (copyInPlay.isAura()) { if (attachedTo.canBeEnchantedBy(copyInPlay)) { copyInPlay.enchantEntity(attachedTo); } else { // can't enchant continue; } } else if (copyInPlay.isEquipment()) { // Equipment if (attachedTo.canBeEquippedBy(copyInPlay)) { copyInPlay.equipCard(attachedTo); } else { continue; } } else { // Fortification copyInPlay.fortifyCard(attachedTo); } } else { continue; } } } if (sa.hasParam("AtEOT")) { final String location = sa.getParam("AtEOT"); registerDelayedTrigger(sa, location, crds); } } // end canBeTargetedBy } // end foreach Card } // end resolve