Exemplo n.º 1
   * Determine if the given tree contains a leaf which matches the part-of-speech and lexical
   * criteria.
   * @param pos Regular expression to match part of speech (may be null, in which case any POS is
   *     allowed)
   * @param pos Regular expression to match word (may be null, in which case any word is allowed)
  public static boolean shouldPrintTree(Tree tree, Pattern pos, Pattern word) {
    for (Tree t : tree) {
      if (t.isPreTerminal()) {
        CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel) t.label();
        String tpos = label.value();

        Tree wordNode = t.firstChild();
        CoreLabel wordLabel = (CoreLabel) wordNode.label();
        String tword = wordLabel.value();

        if ((pos == null || pos.matcher(tpos).find())
            && (word == null || word.matcher(tword).find())) return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  private static String toString(final List<CoreLabel> lineage) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (CoreLabel cl : lineage) {
      sb.append(" <-- ");

    return sb.toString();
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Depth-first (post-order) search through the tree, recording the stack state as the lineage
   * every time a terminal is reached.
   * <p>This implementation uses the Index annotation to store depth. If CoreLabels are not present
   * in the trees (or at least something that implements HasIndex), an exception will result.
   * @param t The tree
   * @return A list of lineages
  private static List<List<CoreLabel>> makeLineages(final Tree t) {
    if (t == null) return null;

    ((HasIndex) t.label()).setIndex(0);

    final Stack<Tree> treeStack = new Stack<>();

    final Stack<CoreLabel> labelStack = new Stack<>();
    CoreLabel rootLabel = new CoreLabel(t.label());

    final List<List<CoreLabel>> lineages = new ArrayList<>();

    while (!treeStack.isEmpty()) {
      Tree node = treeStack.pop();
      int nodeDepth = ((HasIndex) node.label()).index();
      while (!labelStack.isEmpty() && labelStack.peek().index() != nodeDepth - 1) labelStack.pop();

      if (node.isPreTerminal()) {
        List<CoreLabel> lin = new ArrayList<>(labelStack);

      } else {
        for (Tree kid : node.children()) {
          ((HasIndex) kid.label()).setIndex(nodeDepth + 1);
        CoreLabel nodeLabel = new CoreLabel(node.label());

    if (DEBUG) {
      for (List<CoreLabel> lin : lineages) {
        for (CoreLabel cl : lin) System.out.print(cl.value() + " <- ");

    return lineages;
Exemplo n.º 4
  public DataBag exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
    if (input == null || input.size() < 1 || input.isNull(0)) return null;

    // Output bag
    DataBag bagOfTokens = bagFactory.newDefaultBag();

    StringReader textInput = new StringReader(input.get(0).toString());
    PTBTokenizer ptbt = new PTBTokenizer(textInput, new CoreLabelTokenFactory(), "");

    for (CoreLabel label; ptbt.hasNext(); ) {
      label = (CoreLabel) ptbt.next();
      if (label.value().length() > 2) {
        Tuple termText = tupleFactory.newTuple(label.word());
    return bagOfTokens;
   * transformTree does all language-specific tree transformations. Any parameterizations should be
   * inside the specific TreebankLangParserParams class.
  public Tree transformTree(Tree t, Tree root) {
    if (t == null || t.isLeaf()) {
      return t;

    String parentStr;
    String grandParentStr;
    Tree parent;
    Tree grandParent;
    if (root == null || t.equals(root)) {
      parent = null;
      parentStr = "";
    } else {
      parent = t.parent(root);
      parentStr = parent.label().value();
    if (parent == null || parent.equals(root)) {
      grandParent = null;
      grandParentStr = "";
    } else {
      grandParent = parent.parent(root);
      grandParentStr = grandParent.label().value();

    String baseParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(parentStr);
    String baseGrandParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(grandParentStr);

    CoreLabel lab = (CoreLabel) t.label();
    String word = lab.word();
    String tag = lab.tag();
    String baseTag = ctlp.basicCategory(tag);
    String category = lab.value();
    String baseCategory = ctlp.basicCategory(category);

    if (t.isPreTerminal()) { // it's a POS tag
      List<String> leftAunts =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(parent, grandParent));
      List<String> rightAunts =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(parent, grandParent));

      // Chinese-specific punctuation splits
      if (chineseSplitPunct && baseTag.equals("PU")) {
        if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-DOU";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split dou hao"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-COMMA";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split comma"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseColonAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-COLON";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split colon"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          if (chineseSplitPunctLR) {
            if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
              tag += "-LQUOTE";
            } else {
              tag += "-RQUOTE";
          } else {
            tag = tag + "-QUOTE";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split quote"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-ENDSENT";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split end sent"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseParenthesisAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          if (chineseSplitPunctLR) {
            if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftParenthesisAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
              tag += "-LPAREN";
            } else {
              tag += "-RPAREN";
          } else {
            tag += "-PAREN";
            // printlnErr("Just used -PAREN annotation");
            // printlnErr(word);
            // throw new RuntimeException();
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split paren"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDashAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-DASH";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split dash"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseOtherAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-OTHER";
        } else {
          printlnErr("Unknown punct (you should add it to CTLP): " + tag + " |" + word + "|");
      } else if (chineseSplitDouHao) { // only split DouHao
        if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().accept(word)
            && baseTag.equals("PU")) {
          tag = tag + "-DOU";

      // Chinese-specific POS tag splits (non-punctuation)

      if (tagWordSize) {
        int l = word.length();
        tag += "-" + l + "CHARS";

      if (mergeNNVV && baseTag.equals("NN")) {
        tag = "VV";

      if ((chineseSelectiveTagPA || chineseVerySelectiveTagPA)
          && (baseTag.equals("CC") || baseTag.equals("P"))) {
        tag += "-" + baseParentStr;
      if (chineseSelectiveTagPA && (baseTag.equals("VV"))) {
        tag += "-" + baseParentStr;

      if (markMultiNtag && tag.startsWith("N")) {
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("N") && parent.children()[i] != t) {
            tag += "=N";
            // System.out.println("Found multi=N rewrite");

      if (markVVsisterIP && baseTag.equals("VV")) {
        boolean seenIP = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) {
            seenIP = true;
        if (seenIP) {
          tag += "-IP";
          // System.out.println("Found VV with IP sister"); // testing

      if (markPsisterIP && baseTag.equals("P")) {
        boolean seenIP = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) {
            seenIP = true;
        if (seenIP) {
          tag += "-IP";

      if (markADgrandchildOfIP && baseTag.equals("AD") && baseGrandParentStr.equals("IP")) {
        tag += "~IP";
        // System.out.println("Found AD with IP grandparent"); // testing

      if (gpaAD && baseTag.equals("AD")) {
        tag += "~" + baseGrandParentStr;
        // System.out.println("Found AD with grandparent " + grandParentStr); // testing

      if (markPostverbalP && leftAunts.contains("VV") && baseTag.equals("P")) {
        // System.out.println("Found post-verbal P");
        tag += "^=lVV";

      // end Chinese-specific tag splits

      Label label = new CategoryWordTag(tag, word, tag);
    } else {
      // it's a phrasal category
      Tree[] kids = t.children();

      // Chinese-specific category splits
      List<String> leftSis = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(t, parent));
      List<String> rightSis =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(t, parent));

      if (paRootDtr && baseParentStr.equals("ROOT")) {
        category += "^ROOT";

      if (markIPsisterBA && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        if (leftSis.contains("BA")) {
          category += "=BA";
          // System.out.println("Found IP sister of BA");

      if (dominatesV && hasV(t.preTerminalYield())) {
        // mark categories containing a verb
        category += "-v";

      if (markIPsisterVVorP && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        // todo: cdm: is just looking for "P" here selective enough??
        if (leftSis.contains("VV") || leftSis.contains("P")) {
          category += "=VVP";

      if (markIPsisDEC && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("DEC")) {
          category += "=DEC";
          // System.out.println("Found prenominal IP");

      if (baseCategory.equals("VP")) {
        // cdm 2008: this used to just check that it startsWith("VP"), but
        // I think that was bad because it also matched VPT verb compounds
        if (chineseSplitVP == 3) {
          boolean hasCC = false;
          boolean hasPU = false;
          boolean hasLexV = false;
          for (Tree kid : kids) {
            if (kid.label().value().startsWith("CC")) {
              hasCC = true;
            } else if (kid.label().value().startsWith("PU")) {
              hasPU = true;
            } else if (StringUtils.lookingAt(
                kid.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) {
              hasLexV = true;
          if (hasCC || (hasPU && !hasLexV)) {
            category += "-CRD";
            // System.out.println("Found coordinate VP"); // testing
          } else if (hasLexV) {
            category += "-COMP";
            // System.out.println("Found complementing VP"); // testing
          } else {
            category += "-ADJT";
            // System.out.println("Found adjoining VP"); // testing
        } else if (chineseSplitVP >= 1) {
          boolean hasBA = false;
          for (Tree kid : kids) {
            if (kid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) {
              hasBA = true;
            } else if (chineseSplitVP == 2 && tlp.basicCategory(kid.label().value()).equals("VP")) {
              for (Tree kidkid : kid.children()) {
                if (kidkid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) {
                  hasBA = true;
          if (hasBA) {
            category += "-BA";

      if (markVPadjunct && baseParentStr.equals("VP")) {
        // cdm 2008: This used to use startsWith("VP") but changed to baseCat
        Tree[] sisters = parent.children();
        boolean hasVPsister = false;
        boolean hasCC = false;
        boolean hasPU = false;
        boolean hasLexV = false;
        for (Tree sister : sisters) {
          if (tlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("VP")) {
            hasVPsister = true;
          if (sister.label().value().startsWith("CC")) {
            hasCC = true;
          if (sister.label().value().startsWith("PU")) {
            hasPU = true;
          if (StringUtils.lookingAt(sister.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) {
            hasLexV = true;
        if (hasVPsister && !(hasCC || hasPU || hasLexV)) {
          category += "-VPADJ";
          // System.out.println("Found adjunct of VP"); // testing

      if (markNPmodNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("NP")) {
          category += "=MODIFIERNP";
          // System.out.println("Found NP modifier of NP"); // testing

      if (markModifiedNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.isEmpty()
            && (leftSis.contains("ADJP")
                || leftSis.contains("NP")
                || leftSis.contains("DNP")
                || leftSis.contains("QP")
                || leftSis.contains("CP")
                || leftSis.contains("PP"))) {
          category += "=MODIFIEDNP";
          // System.out.println("Found modified NP"); // testing

      if (markNPconj && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("CC")
            || rightSis.contains("PU")
            || leftSis.contains("CC")
            || leftSis.contains("PU")) {
          category += "=CONJ";
          // System.out.println("Found NP conjunct"); // testing

      if (markIPconj && baseCategory.equals("IP") && baseParentStr.equals("IP")) {
        Tree[] sisters = parent.children();
        boolean hasCommaSis = false;
        boolean hasIPSis = false;
        for (Tree sister : sisters) {
          if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("PU")
              && ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter()
                  .accept(sister.children()[0].label().toString())) {
            hasCommaSis = true;
            // System.out.println("Found CommaSis"); // testing
          if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("IP") && sister != t) {
            hasIPSis = true;
        if (hasCommaSis && hasIPSis) {
          category += "-CONJ";
          // System.out.println("Found IP conjunct"); // testing

      if (unaryIP && baseCategory.equals("IP") && t.numChildren() == 1) {
        category += "-U";
        // System.out.println("Found unary IP"); //testing
      if (unaryCP && baseCategory.equals("CP") && t.numChildren() == 1) {
        category += "-U";
        // System.out.println("Found unary CP"); //testing

      if (splitBaseNP && baseCategory.equals("NP")) {
        if (t.isPrePreTerminal()) {
          category = category + "-B";

      // if (Test.verbose) printlnErr(baseCategory + " " + leftSis.toString()); //debugging

      if (markPostverbalPP && leftSis.contains("VV") && baseCategory.equals("PP")) {
        // System.out.println("Found post-verbal PP");
        category += "=lVV";

      if ((markADgrandchildOfIP || gpaAD)
          && listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.kidLabels(t)).contains("AD")) {
        category += "^ADVP";

      if (markCC) {
        // was: for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
        // This second version takes an idea from Collins: don't count
        // marginal conjunctions which don't conjoin 2 things.
        for (int i = 1; i < kids.length - 1; i++) {
          String cat2 = kids[i].label().value();
          if (cat2.startsWith("CC")) {
            category += "-CC";

      Label label = new CategoryWordTag(category, word, tag);
    return t;