Exemplo n.º 1
  public void enterProcedureDecl(ResolveParser.ProcedureDeclContext ctx) {
    Scope s = symtab.getScope(ctx);
    try {
      List<ProgParameterSymbol> paramSyms = s.getSymbolsOfType(ProgParameterSymbol.class);

      currentProcOpSym =
              new OperationQuery(
                  null, ctx.name, Utils.apply(paramSyms, ProgParameterSymbol::getDeclaredType)));

      // This is the requires for the operation with some substutions made (see corrFnExp rule in
      // HH-diss)
      PExp corrFnExpRequires =
          perParameterCorrFnExpSubstitute(paramSyms, currentProcOpSym.getRequires());
      List<PExp> opParamAntecedents = new ArrayList<>();
      Utils.apply(paramSyms, opParamAntecedents, this::extractAssumptionsFromParameter);
      Set<PExp> l = getModuleLevelAssertionsOfType(ClauseType.REQUIRES);
      VCAssertiveBlockBuilder block =
          new VCAssertiveBlockBuilder(g, s, "Correct_Op_Hypo=" + ctx.name.getText(), ctx)
              // TODO: constraints should be added on demand via NOTICE:...
              // .assume(getModuleLevelAssertionsOfType(ClauseType.CONSTRAINT))
              .assume(opParamAntecedents) // we assume correspondence for reprs here automatically
    } catch (SymbolTableException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // this shouldn't happen now