/** * This is the container for an instance of a site on a single server. This can be access via * __instance__ * * @anonymous name : {local}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the site being run.}, type: * {library} * @anonymous name : {core}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to corejs.} example : * {core.core.mail() calls corejs/core/mail.js}, type : {library} * @anonymous name : {external} isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the external libraries.}, type : * {library} * @anonymous name : {db}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the database.}, type : {database} * @anonymous name : {setDB} desc : {changes <tt>db</tt> to refer to a different database.} param : * {type : (string) name : (dbname) desc : (name of the database to which to connect)} * @anonymous name : {SYSOUT} desc : {Prints a string.} param : {type : (string) name : (str) desc : * (the string to print)} * @anonymous name : {log} desc : {Global logger.} param : {type : (string) name : (str) desc : (the * string to log)} * @expose * @docmodule system.system.__instance__ */ public class AppContext extends ServletContextBase implements JSObject, Sizable { /** @unexpose */ static final boolean DEBUG = AppServer.D; /** * If these files exist in the directory or parent directories of a file being run, run these * files first. Includes _init.js and /~~/core/init.js. */ static final String INIT_FILES[] = new String[] {"/~~/core/init.js", "PREFIX_init"}; /** * Initializes a new context for a given site directory. * * @param f the file to run */ public AppContext(File f) { this(f.toString()); } /** * Initializes a new context for a given site's path. * * @param root the path to the site from where ed is being run */ public AppContext(String root) { this(root, guessNameAndEnv(root).name, guessNameAndEnv(root).env); } /** * Initializes a new context. * * @param root the path to the site * @param name the name of the site * @param environment the version of the site */ public AppContext(String root, String name, String environment) { this(root, new File(root), name, environment); } /** * Initializes a new context. * * @param root the path to the site * @param rootFile the directory in which the site resides * @param name the name of the site * @param environment the version of the site */ public AppContext(String root, File rootFile, String name, String environment) { this(root, rootFile, name, environment, null); } private AppContext( String root, File rootFile, String name, String environment, AppContext nonAdminParent) { super(name + ":" + environment); if (root == null) throw new NullPointerException("AppContext root can't be null"); if (rootFile == null) throw new NullPointerException("AppContext rootFile can't be null"); if (name == null) name = guessNameAndEnv(root).name; if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("how could name be null"); _root = root; _rootFile = rootFile; _git = new GitDir(_rootFile); _name = name; _environment = environment; _nonAdminParent = nonAdminParent; _admin = _nonAdminParent != null; _codePrefix = _admin ? "/~~/modules/admin/" : ""; _moduleRegistry = ModuleRegistry.getNewGlobalChild(); if (_git.isValid()) { _gitBranch = _git.getBranchOrTagName(); _gitHash = _git.getCurrentHash(); } _isGrid = name.equals("grid"); _scope = new Scope( "AppContext:" + root + (_admin ? ":admin" : ""), _isGrid ? ed.cloud.Cloud.getInstance().getScope() : Scope.newGlobal(), null, Language.JS(), _rootFile); _scope.setGlobal(true); _initScope = _scope.child("_init"); _usage = new UsageTracker(this); _baseScopeInit(); _adminContext = _admin ? null : new AppContext(root, rootFile, name, environment, this); _rootContextReachable = new SeenPath(); if (!_admin) _logger.info( "Started Context. root:" + _root + " environment:" + environment + " git branch: " + _gitBranch); } /** * Returns the adapter type for the given file. Will first use the adapter selector function if it * was specified in init.js, otherwise will use the static type (either set in _init file, as a * server-wide override in 10gen.properties, or default of DIRECT_10GEN) * * @param file to produce type for * @return adapter type for the specified file */ public AdapterType getAdapterType(File file) { // Q : I think this is the right thing to do if (inScopeSetup()) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } /* * cheap hack - prevent any _init.* file from getting run as anythign but DIRECT_10GEN */ if (file != null && file.getName().indexOf("_init.") != -1) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } if (_adapterSelector == null) { return _staticAdapterType; } /* * only let the app select type if file is part of application (i.e. * don't do it for corejs, core modules, etc... */ String fp = file.getAbsolutePath(); String fullRoot = _rootFile.getAbsolutePath(); // there must be a nicer way to do this? if (!fp.startsWith(fullRoot)) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } Object o = _adapterSelector.call(_initScope, new JSString(fp.substring(fullRoot.length()))); if (o == null) { return _staticAdapterType; } if (!(o instanceof JSString)) { log("Error : adapter selector not returning string. Ignoring and using static adapter type"); return _staticAdapterType; } AdapterType t = getAdapterTypeFromString(o.toString()); return (t == null ? _staticAdapterType : t); } /** * Creates a copy of this context. * * @return an identical context */ AppContext newCopy() { return new AppContext(_root, _rootFile, _name, _environment, _nonAdminParent); } /** Initializes the base scope for the application */ private void _baseScopeInit() { // --- libraries if (_admin) _scope.put("local", new JSObjectBase(), true); else _setLocalObject(new JSFileLibrary(_rootFile, "local", this)); _loadConfig(); _core = CoreJS.get().getLibrary(getCoreJSVersion(), this, null, true); _logger.info("corejs : " + _core.getRoot()); _scope.put("core", _core, true); _external = Module.getModule("external").getLibrary(getVersionForLibrary("external"), this, null, true); _scope.put("external", _external, true); _scope.put("__instance__", this, true); _scope.lock("__instance__"); // --- db if (!_isGrid) { _scope.put("db", DBProvider.get(this), true); _scope.put( "setDB", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object name, Object extra[]) { if (name.equals(_lastSetTo)) return true; DBBase db = (DBBase) AppContext.this._scope.get("db"); if (!db.allowedToAccess(name.toString())) throw new JSException("you are not allowed to access db [" + name + "]"); if (name.equals(db.getName())) return true; AppContext.this._scope.put( "db", DBProvider.get(AppContext.this, name.toString()), false); _lastSetTo = name.toString(); if (_adminContext != null) { // yes, i do want a new copy so Constructors don't get copied for both _adminContext._scope.put( "db", DBProvider.get(AppContext.this, name.toString()), false); } return true; } String _lastSetTo = null; }, true); } // --- output _scope.put( "SYSOUT", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object str, Object foo[]) { System.out.println(AppContext.this._name + " \t " + str); return true; } }, true); _scope.put("log", _logger, true); // --- random? _scope.put( "openFile", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object name, Object extra[]) { return new JSLocalFile(_rootFile, name.toString()); } }, true); _scope.put("globalHead", _globalHead, true); Map<String, JSFileLibrary> rootFileMap = new HashMap<String, JSFileLibrary>(); for (String rootKey : new String[] {"local", "core", "external"}) { Object temp = _scope.get(rootKey); if (temp instanceof JSFileLibrary) rootFileMap.put(rootKey, (JSFileLibrary) temp); } _scope.put( "fork", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(final Scope scope, final Object funcJS, final Object extra[]) { if (!(funcJS instanceof JSFunction)) throw new JSException("fork has to take a function"); return queueWork("forked", (JSFunction) funcJS, extra); } }); _scope.lock("fork"); ed.appserver.templates.djang10.JSHelper.install(_scope, rootFileMap, _logger); _scope.lock("user"); // protection against global user object } private void _loadConfig() { try { _configScope.set("__instance__", this); _loadConfigFromCloudObject(getSiteObject()); _loadConfigFromCloudObject(getEnvironmentObject()); File f; if (!_admin) { f = getFileSafe("_config.js"); if (f == null || !f.exists()) f = getFileSafe("_config"); } else f = new File( Module.getModule("core-modules/admin").getRootFile(getVersionForLibrary("admin")), "_config.js"); _libraryLogger.info("config file [" + f + "] exists:" + f.exists()); if (f == null || !f.exists()) return; Convert c = new Convert(f); JSFunction func = c.get(); func.setUsePassedInScope(true); func.call(_configScope); _logger.debug("config things " + _configScope.keySet()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("couldn't load config", e); } } private void _loadConfigFromCloudObject(JSObject o) { if (o == null) return; _configScope.putAll((JSObject) o.get("config")); } /** * Get the version of corejs to run for this AppContext. * * @return the version of corejs as a string. null if should use default */ public String getCoreJSVersion() { Object o = _scope.get("corejsversion"); if (o != null) { _logger.error("you are using corejsversion which is deprecated. please use version.corejs"); return JS.toString(o); } return getVersionForLibrary("corejs"); } /** * Get the version of a library to run. * * @param name the name of the library to look up * @return the version of the library to run as a string. null if should use default */ public String getVersionForLibrary(String name) { String version = getVersionForLibrary(_configScope, name, this); _libraryVersions.set(name, version); return version; } public JSObject getLibraryVersionsLoaded() { return _libraryVersions; } /** @unexpose */ public static String getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name) { AppRequest ar = AppRequest.getThreadLocal(); return getVersionForLibrary(s, name, ar == null ? null : ar.getContext()); } /** @unexpose */ private static String getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name, AppContext ctxt) { final String version = _getVersionForLibrary(s, name, ctxt); _libraryLogger.log( ctxt != null && !ctxt._admin ? Level.DEBUG : Level.INFO, ctxt + "\t" + name + "\t" + version); return version; } private static String _getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name, AppContext ctxt) { final JSObject o1 = ctxt == null ? null : (JSObject) (s.get("version_" + ctxt.getEnvironmentName())); final JSObject o2 = (JSObject) s.get("version"); _libraryLogger.debug(ctxt + "\t versionConfig:" + (o1 != null) + " config:" + (o2 != null)); String version = _getString(name, o1, o2); if (version != null) return version; if (ctxt == null || ctxt._nonAdminParent == null) return null; return ctxt._nonAdminParent.getVersionForLibrary(name); } private static String _getString(String name, JSObject... places) { for (JSObject o : places) { if (o == null) continue; Object temp = o.get(name); if (temp == null) continue; return temp.toString(); } return null; } /** @return [ <name> , <env> ] */ static NameAndEnv guessNameAndEnv(String root) { root = ed.io.FileUtil.clean(root); root = root.replaceAll("\\.+/", ""); String pcs[] = root.split("/+"); if (pcs.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException("no root for : " + root); // handle anything with sites/foo for (int i = 0; i < pcs.length - 1; i++) if (pcs[i].equals("sites")) { return new NameAndEnv(pcs[i + 1], i + 2 < pcs.length ? pcs[i + 2] : null); } final int start = pcs.length - 1; for (int i = start; i > 0; i--) { String s = pcs[i]; if (i == start && (s.equals("master") || s.equals("test") || s.equals("www") || s.equals("staging") || // s.equals("stage") || s.equals("dev"))) continue; return new NameAndEnv(s, i + 1 < pcs.length ? pcs[i + 1] : null); } return new NameAndEnv(pcs[0], pcs.length > 1 ? pcs[1] : null); } static class NameAndEnv { NameAndEnv(String name, String env) { this.name = name; this.env = env; } final String name; final String env; } /** * Returns the name of the site being run. * * @return the name of the site */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * Get the database being used. * * @return The database being used */ public DBBase getDB() { return (DBBase) _scope.get("db"); } /** * Given the _id of a JSFile, return the file. * * @param id _id of the file to find * @return The file, if found, otherwise null */ JSFile getJSFile(String id) { if (id == null) return null; DBCollection f = getDB().getCollection("_files"); return (JSFile) (f.find(new ObjectId(id))); } /** * Returns (and if necessary, reinitializes) the scope this context is using. * * @return the scope */ public Scope getScope() { return _scope(); } public Scope getInitScope() { return _initScope; } public Object getInitObject(String what) { return getFromInitScope(what); } public Object getFromInitScope(String what) { if (!_knownInitScopeThings.contains(what)) System.err.println("*** Unknown thing requested from initScope [" + what + "]"); return _initScope.get(what); } public void setInitObject(String name, Object value) { _initScope.set(name, value); } void setTLPreferredScope(AppRequest req, Scope s) { _scope.setTLPreferred(s); } private synchronized Scope _scope() { if (_inScopeSetup) return _scope; if (_getScopeTime() > _lastScopeInitTime) _scopeInited = false; if (_scopeInited) return _scope; _scopeInited = true; _lastScopeInitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _setupScope(); _setStaticAdapterType(); _setAdapterSelectorFunction(); return _scope; } protected void _setAdapterSelectorFunction() { Object o = this.getFromInitScope(INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR); if (o == null) { log("Adapter selector function not specified in _init file"); return; } if (!(o instanceof JSFunction)) { log( "Adapter selector function specified in _init file not a function. Ignoring. [" + o.getClass() + "]"); return; } _adapterSelector = (JSFunction) o; log("Adapter selector function specified in _init file"); } public void setStaticAdapterTypeValue(AdapterType type) { log("Static adapter type directly set : " + type); _staticAdapterType = type; } public AdapterType getStaticAdapterTypeValue() { return _staticAdapterType; } /** * Figure out what kind of static adapter type was specified. By default it's a 10genDEFAULT app */ protected void _setStaticAdapterType() { /* * app configuration steps could have set this already. If so, don't bother doing anything */ if (_staticAdapterType != AdapterType.UNSET) { log("Static adapter type has already been directly set to " + _staticAdapterType); return; } /* * check to see if overridden in 10gen.properties */ String override = Config.get().getProperty(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); if (override != null) { AdapterType t = getAdapterTypeFromString(override); if (t == null) { log( "Static adapter type specified as override [" + override + "] unknown - will use _init file specified or default"); } else { log("Static adapter type overridden by 10gen.properties or env. Value : " + override); _staticAdapterType = t; return; } } /* * if not, use the one from _init file if specified */ _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; Object o = getFromInitScope(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); if (o == null) { log("Static adapter type not specified in _init file - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); return; } if (!(o instanceof JSString)) { log("Static adapter type from _init file not a string - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); return; } _staticAdapterType = getAdapterTypeFromString(o.toString()); if (_staticAdapterType == null) { log( "Static adapter type from _init file [" + o.toString() + "] unknown - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; return; } log("Static adapter type specified in _init file = " + _staticAdapterType); return; } public AdapterType getAdapterTypeFromString(String s) { if (AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } if (AdapterType.CGI.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.CGI; } if (AdapterType.WSGI.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.WSGI; } return null; } /** @unexpose */ public File getFileSafe(final String uri) { try { return getFile(uri); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { return null; } } /** @unexpose */ public File getFile(final String uri) throws FileNotFoundException { File f = _files.get(uri); if (f != null) return f; if (uri.startsWith("/~~/") || uri.startsWith("~~/")) f = _core.getFileFromPath(uri.substring(3)); else if (uri.startsWith("/admin/")) f = _core.getFileFromPath("/modules" + uri); else if (uri.startsWith("/@@/") || uri.startsWith("@@/")) f = _external.getFileFromPath(uri.substring(3)); else if (_localObject != null && uri.startsWith("/modules/")) f = _localObject.getFileFromPath(uri); else f = new File(_rootFile, uri); if (f == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(uri); _files.put(uri, f); return f; } public String getRealPath(String path) { try { return getFile(path).getAbsolutePath(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { throw new RuntimeException("file not found [" + path + "]"); } } public URL getResource(String path) { try { File f = getFile(path); if (!f.exists()) return null; return f.toURL(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { // the spec says to return null if we can't find it // even though this is weird... return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("error opening [" + path + "]", ioe); } } public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path) { URL url = getResource(path); if (url == null) return null; try { return url.openStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("can't getResourceAsStream [" + path + "]", ioe); } } /** * This causes the AppContext to be started over. All context level variable will be lost. If code * is being managed, will cause it to check that its up to date. */ public void reset() { _reset = true; } /** Checks if this context has been reset. */ public boolean isReset() { return _reset; } /** * Returns the path to the directory the appserver is running. (For example, site/version.) * * @return the path */ public String getRoot() { return _root; } public File getRootFile() { return _rootFile; } /** * Creates an new request for the app server from an HTTP request. * * @param request HTTP request to create * @return the request */ public AppRequest createRequest(HttpRequest request) { return createRequest(request, request.getHost(), request.getURI()); } /** * Creates an new request for the app server from an HTTP request. * * @param request HTTP request to create * @param uri the URI requested * @return the request */ public AppRequest createRequest(HttpRequest request, String host, String uri) { _numRequests++; if (AppRequest.isAdmin(request)) return new AppRequest(_adminContext, request, host, uri); return new AppRequest(this, request, host, uri); } /** * Tries to find the given file, assuming that it's missing the ".jxp" extension * * @param f File to check * @return same file if not found to be missing the .jxp, or a new File w/ the .jxp appended */ File tryNoJXP(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; if (f.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) return f; File temp = new File(f.toString() + ".jxp"); return temp.exists() ? temp : f; } File tryOtherExtensions(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; if (f.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) return f; for (int i = 0; i < JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions.length; i++) { File temp = new File(f.toString() + JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions[i]); if (temp.exists()) return temp; } return f; } /** * Maps a servlet-like URI to a jxp file. * * @param f File to check * @return new File with <root>.jxp if exists, orig file if not * @example /wiki/geir -> maps to wiki.jxp if exists */ File tryServlet(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; String uri = f.toString(); if (uri.startsWith(_rootFile.toString())) uri = uri.substring(_rootFile.toString().length()); if (_core != null && uri.startsWith(_core._base.toString())) uri = "/~~" + uri.substring(_core._base.toString().length()); while (uri.startsWith("/")) uri = uri.substring(1); int start = 0; while (true) { int idx = uri.indexOf("/", start); if (idx < 0) break; String foo = uri.substring(0, idx); File temp = getFileSafe(foo + ".jxp"); if (temp != null && temp.exists()) f = temp; start = idx + 1; } return f; } /** * Returns the index.jxp for the File argument if it's an existing directory, and the index.jxp * file exists * * @param f directory to check * @return new File for index.jxp in that directory, or same file object if not */ File tryIndex(File f) { if (!(f.isDirectory() && f.exists())) return f; for (int i = 0; i < JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions.length; i++) { File temp = new File(f, "index" + JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions[i]); if (temp.exists()) return temp; } return f; } JxpSource getSource(File f) throws IOException { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("getSource\n\t " + f); File temp = _findFile(f); if (DEBUG) System.err.println("\t " + temp); if (!temp.exists()) return handleFileNotFound(f); // if it's a directory (and we know we can't find the index file) // TODO : at some point, do something where we return an index for the dir? if (temp.isDirectory()) return null; // if we are at init time, save it as an initializaiton file loadedFile(temp); // Ensure that this is w/in the right tree for the context if (_localObject != null && _localObject.isIn(temp)) return _localObject.getSource(temp); // if not, is it core? if (_core.isIn(temp)) return _core.getSource(temp); throw new RuntimeException("what? can't find:" + f); } /** * Finds the appropriate file for the given path. * * <p>We have a hierarchy of attempts as we try to find a file : * * <p>1) first, see if it exists as is, or if it's really a .jxp w/o the extension 2) next, see if * it can be deconstructed as a servlet such that /foo/bar maps to /foo.jxp 3) See if we can find * the index file for it if a directory */ File _findFile(File f) { File temp; if ((temp = tryNoJXP(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryOtherExtensions(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryServlet(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryIndex(f)) != f) { return temp; } return f; } public void loadedFile(File f) { if (_inScopeSetup) _initFlies.add(f); } public void addInitDependency(File f) { _initFlies.add(f); } JxpServlet getServlet(File f) throws IOException { // if this site doesn't exist, don't return anything if (!_rootFile.exists()) return null; JxpSource source = getSource(f); if (source == null) return null; return source.getServlet(this); } private void _setupScope() { if (_inScopeSetup) return; final Scope saveTLPref = _scope.getTLPreferred(); _scope.setTLPreferred(null); final Scope saveTL = Scope.getThreadLocal(); _scope.makeThreadLocal(); _inScopeSetup = true; try { Object fo = getConfigObject("framework"); if (fo != null) { Framework f = null; if (fo instanceof JSString) { f = Framework.byName(fo.toString(), null); // we allow people to just specify name _logger.info("Setting framework by name [" + fo.toString() + "]"); } else if (fo instanceof JSObjectBase) { JSObjectBase obj = (JSObjectBase) fo; if (obj.containsKey("name")) { String s = obj.getAsString("version"); f = Framework.byName(obj.getAsString("name"), s); _logger.info("Setting framework by name [" + obj.getAsString("name") + "]"); } else if (obj.containsKey("custom")) { Object o = obj.get("custom"); if (o instanceof JSObjectBase) { f = Framework.byCustom((JSObjectBase) o); _logger.info("Setting framework by custom [" + o + "]"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Error - custom framework wasn't an object [" + o + "]"); } } else if (obj.containsKey("classname")) { f = Framework.byClass(obj.getAsString("classname")); _logger.info("Setting framework by class [" + obj.getAsString("classname") + "]"); } } if (f == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error : can't find framework [" + fo + "]"); } f.install(this); } _runInitFiles(INIT_FILES); if (_adminContext != null) { _adminContext._scope.set("siteScope", _scope); _adminContext._setLocalObject(_localObject); } _lastScopeInitTime = _getScopeTime(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _scopeInited = false; throw re; } catch (Exception e) { _scopeInited = false; throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { _inScopeSetup = false; _scope.setTLPreferred(saveTLPref); if (saveTL != null) saveTL.makeThreadLocal(); this.approxSize(_rootContextReachable); } } public boolean inScopeSetup() { return _inScopeSetup; } private void _runInitFiles(String[] files) throws IOException { if (files == null) return; for (JSFunction func : _initRefreshHooks) { func.call(_initScope, null); } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) runInitFile(files[i].replaceAll("PREFIX", _codePrefix)); } public void addInitRefreshHook(JSFunction func) { _initRefreshHooks.add(func); } /** @param path (ex: /~~/foo.js ) */ public void runInitFile(String path) throws IOException { _runInitFile(tryOtherExtensions(getFile(path))); } private void _runInitFile(File f) throws IOException { if (f == null) return; if (!f.exists()) return; _initFlies.add(f); JxpSource s = getSource(f); JSFunction func = s.getFunction(); func.setUsePassedInScope(true); func.call(_initScope); } long _getScopeTime() { long last = 0; for (File f : _initFlies) if (f.exists()) last = Math.max(last, f.lastModified()); return last; } /** * Convert this AppContext to a string by returning the name of the directory it's running in. * * @return the filename of its root directory */ public String toString() { return _rootFile.toString(); } public String debugInfo() { return _rootFile + " admin:" + _admin; } public void fix(Throwable t) { StackTraceHolder.getInstance().fix(t); } /** * Get a "global" head array. This array contains HTML that will be inserted into the head of * every request served by this app context. It's analagous to the <tt>head</tt> array, but * persistent. * * @return a mutable array */ public JSArray getGlobalHead() { return _globalHead; } /** * Gets the date of creation for this app context. * * @return the creation date as a JS Date. */ public JSDate getWhenCreated() { return _created; } /** * Gets the number of requests served by this app context. * * @return the number of requests served */ public int getNumRequests() { return _numRequests; } /** * Get the name of the git branch we think we're running. * * @return the name of the git branch, as a string */ public String getGitBranch() { return _gitBranch; } public String getGitHash() { return _gitHash; } /** * Update the git branch that we're running and return it. * * @return the name of the git branch, or null if there isn't any */ public String getCurrentGitBranch() { return getCurrentGitBranch(false); } public String getCurrentGitBranch(boolean forceUpdate) { if (_gitBranch == null) return null; if (_gitFile == null) _gitFile = new File(_rootFile, ".git/HEAD"); if (!_gitFile.exists()) throw new RuntimeException("this should be impossible"); if (forceUpdate || _lastScopeInitTime < _gitFile.lastModified()) { _gitBranch = _git.getBranchOrTagName(); _gitHash = _git.getCurrentHash(); } return _gitBranch; } /** * Get the environment in which this site is running * * @return the environment name as a string */ public String getEnvironmentName() { return _environment; } /** * updates the context to the correct branch based on environment and to the latest version of the * code if name or environemnt is missing, does nothing */ public String updateCode() { if (!_git.isValid()) throw new RuntimeException(_rootFile + " is not a git repository"); _logger.info("going to update code"); _git.fullUpdate(); if (_name == null || _environment == null) return getCurrentGitBranch(); JSObject env = getEnvironmentObject(); if (env == null) return null; String branch = env.get("branch").toString(); _logger.info("updating to [" + branch + "]"); _git.checkout(branch); Python.deleteCachedJythonFiles(_rootFile); return getCurrentGitBranch(true); } private JSObject getSiteObject() { return AppContextHolder.getSiteFromCloud(_name); } private JSObject getEnvironmentObject() { return AppContextHolder.getEnvironmentFromCloud(_name, _environment); } private void _setLocalObject(JSFileLibrary local) { _localObject = local; _scope.put("local", _localObject, true); _scope.put("jxp", _localObject, true); _scope.warn("jxp"); } JxpSource handleFileNotFound(File f) { String name = f.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".class")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 6); return getJxpServlet(name); } return null; } public JxpSource getJxpServlet(String name) { JxpSource source = _httpServlets.get(name); if (source != null) return source; try { Class c = Class.forName(name); Object n = c.newInstance(); if (!(n instanceof HttpServlet)) throw new RuntimeException("class [" + name + "] is not a HttpServlet"); HttpServlet servlet = (HttpServlet) n; servlet.init(createServletConfig(name)); source = new ServletSource(servlet); _httpServlets.put(name, source); return source; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't load [" + name + "]", e); } } ServletConfig createServletConfig(final String name) { final Object rawServletConfigs = _scope.get("servletConfigs"); final Object servletConfigObject = rawServletConfigs instanceof JSObject ? ((JSObject) rawServletConfigs).get(name) : null; final JSObject servletConfig; if (servletConfigObject instanceof JSObject) servletConfig = (JSObject) servletConfigObject; else servletConfig = null; return new ServletConfig() { public String getInitParameter(String name) { if (servletConfig == null) return null; Object foo = servletConfig.get(name); if (foo == null) return null; return foo.toString(); } public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { Collection keys; if (servletConfig == null) keys = new LinkedList(); else keys = servletConfig.keySet(); return new CollectionEnumeration(keys); } public ServletContext getServletContext() { return AppContext.this; } public String getServletName() { return name; } }; } public static AppContext findThreadLocal() { AppContext context = _tl.get(); if (context != null) return context; AppRequest req = AppRequest.getThreadLocal(); if (req != null) return req._context; Scope s = Scope.getThreadLocal(); if (s != null) { Object foo = s.get("__instance__"); if (foo instanceof AppContext) return (AppContext) foo; } return null; } public void makeThreadLocal() { _tl.set(this); } public static void clearThreadLocal() { _tl.set(null); } public String getInitParameter(String name) { Object foo = _configScope.get(name); if (foo == null) return null; return foo.toString(); } public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { return new CollectionEnumeration(_configScope.keySet()); } public Object getConfigObject(String name) { return _configScope.get(name); } public void setConfigObject(String name, Object value) { _configScope.set(name, value); } public String getContextPath() { return ""; } public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("getNamedDispatcher not implemented"); } public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("getRequestDispatcher not implemented"); } public Set getResourcePaths(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("getResourcePaths not implemented"); } public AppContext getSiteInstance() { if (_nonAdminParent == null) return this; return _nonAdminParent; } public long approxSize() { return approxSize(new SeenPath()); } public long approxSize(SeenPath seen) { long size = 0; seen.visited(this); if (seen.shouldVisit(_scope, this)) size += _scope.approxSize(seen, false, true); if (seen.shouldVisit(_initScope, this)) size += _initScope.approxSize(seen, true, false); size += JSObjectSize.size(_localObject, seen, this); size += JSObjectSize.size(_core, seen, this); size += JSObjectSize.size(_external, seen, this); if (seen.shouldVisit(_adminContext, this)) size += _adminContext.approxSize(seen); size += JSObjectSize.size(_logger, seen, this); return size; } public int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode(this); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o == this; } public AppWork queueWork(String identifier, JSFunction work, Object... params) { return queueWork(new AppWork.FunctionAppWork(this, identifier, work, params)); } public AppWork queueWork(AppWork work) { if (_workQueue == null) { _workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<AppWork>(100); AppWork.addQueue(_workQueue); } if (_workQueue.offer(work)) return work; throw new RuntimeException("work queue full!"); } public Logger getLogger(String sub) { return _logger.getChild(sub); } public ModuleRegistry getModuleRegistry() { return _moduleRegistry; } // ---- START JSObject INTERFACE public Object get(Object n) { return _scope.get(n); } public JSFunction getFunction(String name) { return _scope.getFunction(name); } public final Set<String> keySet() { return _scope.keySet(); } public Set<String> keySet(boolean includePrototype) { return _scope.keySet(includePrototype); } public boolean containsKey(String s) { return _scope.containsKey(s); } public boolean containsKey(String s, boolean includePrototype) { return _scope.containsKey(s, includePrototype); } public Object set(Object n, Object v) { return _scope.putExplicit(n.toString(), v); } public Object setInt(int n, Object v) { throw new RuntimeException("not allowed"); } public Object getInt(int n) { return _scope.getInt(n); } public Object removeField(Object n) { return _scope.removeField(n); } public JSFunction getConstructor() { return null; } public JSObject getSuper() { return null; } // ---- END BROKEN JSOBJET INTERFACE public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return _tz; } public void setTimeZone(String tz) { if (tz.length() == 3) tz = tz.toUpperCase(); _tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz); if (!_tz.getID().equals(tz)) throw new RuntimeException("can't find time zone[" + tz + "]"); } final String _name; final String _root; final File _rootFile; final GitDir _git; private String _gitBranch; private String _gitHash; final String _environment; final boolean _admin; final AppContext _adminContext; final String _codePrefix; final AppContext _nonAdminParent; private JSFileLibrary _localObject; private JSFileLibrary _core; private JSFileLibrary _external; final Scope _scope; final SeenPath _rootContextReachable; final Scope _initScope; final Scope _configScope = new Scope(); final UsageTracker _usage; final ModuleRegistry _moduleRegistry; final JSArray _globalHead = new JSArray(); private final Map<String, File> _files = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, File>()); private final Set<File> _initFlies = new HashSet<File>(); private final Map<String, JxpSource> _httpServlets = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, JxpSource>()); private final JSObject _libraryVersions = new JSObjectBase(); private Queue<AppWork> _workQueue; private TimeZone _tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); boolean _scopeInited = false; boolean _inScopeSetup = false; long _lastScopeInitTime = 0; final boolean _isGrid; boolean _reset = false; int _numRequests = 0; final JSDate _created = new JSDate(); private File _gitFile = null; private long _lastGitCheckTime = 0; private Collection<JSFunction> _initRefreshHooks = new ArrayList<JSFunction>(); /* * adapter type - can have either a static ("all files in this app are X") * or dynamic - the provided selector function dynamically chooses, falling * back to the static if it returns null */ public static final String INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE = "adapterType"; public static final String INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR = "adapterSelector"; private AdapterType _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.UNSET; private JSFunction _adapterSelector = null; private static Logger _libraryLogger = Logger.getLogger("library.load"); static { _libraryLogger.setLevel(Level.INFO); } private static final Set<String> _knownInitScopeThings = new HashSet<String>(); private static final ThreadLocal<AppContext> _tl = new ThreadLocal<AppContext>(); static { _knownInitScopeThings.add("mapUrlToJxpFileCore"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("mapUrlToJxpFile"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("allowed"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("staticCacheTime"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("handle404"); _knownInitScopeThings.add(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); _knownInitScopeThings.add(INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR); } public static final class AppContextReachable extends ReflectionVisitor.Reachable { public boolean follow(Object o, Class c, java.lang.reflect.Field f) { if (_reachableStoppers.contains(c)) return false; if (f != null && _reachableStoppers.contains(f.getType())) return false; return super.follow(o, c, f); } } private static final Set<Class> _reachableStoppers = new HashSet<Class>(); static { _reachableStoppers.add(HttpServer.class); _reachableStoppers.add(AppServer.class); _reachableStoppers.add(DBTCP.class); _reachableStoppers.add(Mongo.class); _reachableStoppers.add(WeakBag.class); _reachableStoppers.add(WeakValueMap.class); } }
static { _libraryLogger.setLevel(Level.INFO); }