private static Map<String, ExchangeRate> requestExchangeRates( final URL url, final String... fields) { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); HttpURLConnection connection = null; Reader reader = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(Constants.HTTP_TIMEOUT_MS); connection.setReadTimeout(Constants.HTTP_TIMEOUT_MS); connection.connect(); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { reader = new InputStreamReader( new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), 1024), Constants.UTF_8); final StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); Io.copy(reader, content); final Map<String, ExchangeRate> rates = new TreeMap<String, ExchangeRate>(); final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(content.toString()); for (final Iterator<String> i = head.keys(); i.hasNext(); ) { final String currencyCode =; if (!"timestamp".equals(currencyCode)) { final JSONObject o = head.getJSONObject(currencyCode); for (final String field : fields) { final String rateStr = o.optString(field, null); if (rateStr != null) { try { final BigInteger rate = GenericUtils.toNanoCoins(rateStr, 0); if (rate.signum() > 0) { rates.put(currencyCode, new ExchangeRate(currencyCode, rate, url.getHost())); break; } } catch (final ArithmeticException x) { log.warn("problem fetching exchange rate: " + currencyCode, x); } } } } } "fetched exchange rates from " + url + ", took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); return rates; } else { log.warn("http status " + responseCode + " when fetching " + url); } } catch (final Exception x) { log.warn("problem fetching exchange rates", x); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (final IOException x) { // swallow } } if (connection != null) connection.disconnect(); } return null; }
@Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) { final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); final ArrayList<Uri> attachments = new ArrayList<Uri>(); final File cacheDir = context.getCacheDir(); text.append(viewDescription.getText()).append('\n'); try { text.append("\n\n\n=== application info ===\n\n"); final CharSequence applicationInfo = collectApplicationInfo(); text.append(applicationInfo); } catch (final IOException x) { text.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } try { final CharSequence stackTrace = collectStackTrace(); if (stackTrace != null) { text.append("\n\n\n=== stack trace ===\n\n"); text.append(stackTrace); } } catch (final IOException x) { text.append("\n\n\n=== stack trace ===\n\n"); text.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } if (viewCollectDeviceInfo.isChecked()) { try { text.append("\n\n\n=== device info ===\n\n"); final CharSequence deviceInfo = collectDeviceInfo(); text.append(deviceInfo); } catch (final IOException x) { text.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } } if (viewCollectInstalledPackages.isChecked()) { try { text.append("\n\n\n=== installed packages ===\n\n"); CrashReporter.appendInstalledPackages(text, context); } catch (final IOException x) { text.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } } if (viewCollectApplicationLog.isChecked()) { try { final File logDir = context.getDir("log", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); for (final File logFile : logDir.listFiles()) { final String logFileName = logFile.getName(); final File file; if (logFileName.endsWith(".log.gz")) file = File.createTempFile( logFileName.substring(0, logFileName.length() - 6), ".log.gz", cacheDir); else if (logFileName.endsWith(".log")) file = File.createTempFile( logFileName.substring(0, logFileName.length() - 3), ".log", cacheDir); else continue; final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(logFile); final OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); Io.copy(is, os); os.close(); is.close(); Io.chmod(file, 0777); attachments.add(Uri.fromFile(file)); } } catch (final IOException x) {"problem writing attachment", x); } } if (viewCollectWalletDump.isChecked()) { try { final CharSequence walletDump = collectWalletDump(); if (walletDump != null) { final File file = File.createTempFile("wallet-dump.", ".txt", cacheDir); final Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), Charsets.UTF_8); writer.write(walletDump.toString()); writer.close(); Io.chmod(file, 0777); attachments.add(Uri.fromFile(file)); } } catch (final IOException x) {"problem writing attachment", x); } } if (CrashReporter.hasSavedBackgroundTraces()) { text.append("\n\n\n=== saved exceptions ===\n\n"); try { CrashReporter.appendSavedBackgroundTraces(text); } catch (final IOException x) { text.append(x.toString()).append('\n'); } } text.append("\n\nPUT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TO THE TOP. DOWN HERE NOBODY WILL NOTICE."); startSend(subject(), text, attachments); }