Exemplo n.º 1
  private void demoInactiveTableElements() throws IOException {
    this.currentDemo = DEMO_INACTIVE;
    // #style label
    this.form.append("without cell design:");
    // #style defaultTable
    TableItem table = new TableItem(3, 2);
    table.set(1, 0, "1,0");
    table.set(2, 0, "2,0");
    table.set(0, 1, "0,1");
    table.set(1, 1, "xxxx1,1");
    table.set(2, 1, "2,1");

    // #style label
    this.form.append("with center cell design:");
    // #style defaultTable
    table = new TableItem(3, 2);
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(1, 0, "1,0");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(2, 0, "2,0");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(0, 1, "0,1");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(1, 1, "xxxx1,1");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(2, 1, "2,1");
    table.setLineStyle(TableItem.LINE_STYLE_SOLID, 0x000000); // set the line color to black

    // #style label
    this.form.append("constructed with TableData:");
    TableData data = new TableData(3, 2);
    data.set(1, 0, "1,0");
    data.set(2, 0, "2,0");
    data.set(0, 1, "0,1");
    data.set(1, 1, "xxxx1,1");
    data.set(2, 1, "2,1");
    // #style defaultTable
    table = new TableItem(data);

    // #style label
    this.form.append("items in a table:");
    // #style defaultTable
    table = new TableItem(4, 5);
    // #style heading
    table.set(1, 0, "Nokia");
    // #style heading
    table.set(2, 0, "Samsung");
    // #style heading
    table.set(3, 0, "Motorola");
    // #style heading
    table.set(0, 1, "Country:");
    Image img = Image.createImage("/fi.png");
    // #style centeredCell
    ImageItem imgItem = new ImageItem(null, img, ImageItem.PLAIN, null);
    table.set(1, 1, imgItem);
    img = Image.createImage("/ko.png");
    // #style centeredCell
    imgItem = new ImageItem(null, img, ImageItem.PLAIN, null);
    table.set(2, 1, imgItem);
    img = Image.createImage("/us.png");
    // #style centeredCell
    imgItem = new ImageItem(null, img, ImageItem.PLAIN, null);
    table.set(3, 1, imgItem);
    // #style heading
    table.set(0, 2, "Share:");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(1, 2, "40%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(2, 2, "13%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(3, 2, "12%");
    // #style heading
    table.set(0, 3, "Share 07:");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(1, 3, "34%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(2, 3, "11%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(3, 3, "17%");
    // #style heading
    table.set(0, 4, "Share 06:");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(1, 4, "31%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(2, 4, "9%");
    // #style centeredCell
    table.set(3, 4, "21%");

    // table.setSelectionMode( TableItem.SELECTION_MODE_ROW | TableItem.SELECTION_MODE_COLUMN );
    // table.setSelectedBackground( new SimpleBackground(0xffff00)); // using CSS instead now
