public static void main(String[] args) { Search.useMatoll(true); ManualLexicon.useManualLexicon(true); Search indexSearch = new Search(); String word = "married"; int topK = 100; boolean lemmatize = true; boolean useWordNet = false; boolean mergePartialMatches = true; System.out.println(ManualLexicon.getClasses(word)); Set<RetrievedInstance> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.addAll(indexSearch.getResources(word, topK, lemmatize, mergePartialMatches, useWordNet)); System.out.println("Resources: \n"); result.forEach(System.out::println); result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); System.out.println("======================================\nProperties:\n DBpedia + MATOLL"); result.addAll( indexSearch.getPredicates(word, topK, lemmatize, mergePartialMatches, useWordNet)); result.forEach(System.out::println); result.clear(); result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); result.addAll(indexSearch.getClasses(word, topK, lemmatize, mergePartialMatches, useWordNet)); System.out.println("======================================\nClasses:\n"); result.forEach(System.out::println); result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); result.addAll( indexSearch.getRestrictionClasses(word, topK, lemmatize, mergePartialMatches, useWordNet)); System.out.println("======================================\nRestriction Classes:\n"); result.forEach(System.out::println); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println((end - start) + " ms"); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // initialize Search and Manual Lexicon boolean useMatoll = ProjectConfiguration.useMatoll(); boolean useManualLexicon = ProjectConfiguration.useManualLexicon(); Search.useMatoll(useMatoll); ManualLexicon.useManualLexicon(useManualLexicon); String datasetName = ProjectConfiguration.getDatasetName(); int maxWords = ProjectConfiguration.getMaxWords(); int numberOfEpochs = ProjectConfiguration.getNumberOfEpochs(); int numberOfSamplingSteps = ProjectConfiguration.getNumberOfSamplingSteps(); int numberKSamples = ProjectConfiguration.getNumberOfKSamples(); String evaluatorName = ProjectConfiguration.getEvaluatorName(); String samplingMethod = ProjectConfiguration.getSamplingMethod();"START");"\nMax tokens : " + maxWords + "\n"); System.out.println("\nMax tokens : " + maxWords + "\n"); CandidateRetriever retriever = new CandidateRetrieverOnLucene( false, "resourceIndex", "classIndex", "predicateIndex", "matollIndex"); WordNetAnalyzer wordNet = new WordNetAnalyzer("src/main/resources/WordNet-3.0/dict"); Search indexLookUp = new Search(retriever, wordNet); Evaluator evaluator = new QueryEvaluator(); if (evaluatorName.equals("mix")) { evaluator = new MixEvaluator(); } // get stop word list for Explorer, not to query words like "the, is, have ..." // create dudes HashMap<Integer, RDFDUDES> dudes = new HashMap<Integer, RDFDUDES>(); ExpressionFactory expressions = new ExpressionFactory(); RDFDUDES someIndividual = new RDFDUDES(RDFDUDES.Type.INDIVIDUAL); RDFDUDES someProperty = new RDFDUDES(RDFDUDES.Type.PROPERTY, "1", "2"); RDFDUDES who = expressions.wh( "", ""); RDFDUDES what = expressions.what(); RDFDUDES when = expressions.wh( "", ""); RDFDUDES where = expressions.wh( "", ""); RDFDUDES which = expressions.which("1"); RDFDUDES empty = null; RDFDUDES someClass = new RDFDUDES(RDFDUDES.Type.CLASS); RDFDUDES underSpecified = new RDFDUDES(RDFDUDES.Type.CLASS, "1"); RDFDUDES did = expressions.did(); RDFDUDES is = expressions.copula("1", "2"); RDFDUDES how =; // instantiate the class property someClass.instantiateProperty(""); HashMap<Integer, String> assignedDUDES = new LinkedHashMap<>(); dudes.put(0, what); dudes.put(1, someProperty); dudes.put(2, someIndividual); dudes.put(3, someClass); dudes.put(4, underSpecified); dudes.put(5, which); dudes.put(6, empty); dudes.put(7, did); dudes.put(8, when); dudes.put(9, where); dudes.put(10, who); dudes.put(11, is); dudes.put(12, how); // assignedDUDES.put(0, "What"); assignedDUDES.put(1, "Property"); assignedDUDES.put(2, "Individual"); assignedDUDES.put(3, "Class"); assignedDUDES.put(4, "UnderSpecifiedClass"); assignedDUDES.put(5, "Which"); assignedDUDES.put(6, "Empty"); assignedDUDES.put(7, "Did"); assignedDUDES.put(8, "When"); assignedDUDES.put(9, "Where"); assignedDUDES.put(10, "Who"); assignedDUDES.put(11, "Is_Copula"); assignedDUDES.put(12, "How"); // DBpediaEndpoint.setToRemote(); QueryConstructor.initialize(dudes); SPARQLObjectiveFunction objFunction = new SPARQLObjectiveFunction(evaluator); // explorers NodeExplorer nodeExplorer = new NodeExplorer(dudes, indexLookUp, assignedDUDES); SlotExplorer slotExplorer = new SlotExplorer(dudes); SwapExplorer swapExplorer = new SwapExplorer(dudes, assignedDUDES, indexLookUp); ExpansionExplorer expansionExplorer = new ExpansionExplorer(indexLookUp, dudes, assignedDUDES); QueryTypeExplorer queryTypeExplorer = new QueryTypeExplorer(); // nodeExplorer.setGreedyExplorer(true); // join all into one JointExplorer jointExplorer = new JointExplorer( nodeExplorer, slotExplorer, expansionExplorer, swapExplorer, queryTypeExplorer, objFunction, dudes); List<Explorer<DeptDudeState>> explorers = new ArrayList<>(); explorers.add(jointExplorer); /** load the corpus, corpora */ QALDCorpusLoader loader = new QALDCorpusLoader(); List<QueryDocument> documents = new ArrayList<>(); QALDCorpus corpus = loader.load(QALDCorpusLoader.Dataset.valueOf(datasetName)); // get short text documents for (QueryDocument d1 : corpus.getDocuments()) { String question = d1.getQuestionString(); if (d1.getQaldInstance().getAggregation().equals("false") && d1.getQaldInstance().getOnlyDBO().equals("true") && d1.getQaldInstance().getHybrid().equals("false")) { int numWords = question.split(" ").length; if (numWords == maxWords) { if (DBpediaEndpoint.isValidQuery(d1.getGoldResult())) { // System.out.println(d1); // if (parsedIns.contains(question)) { documents.add(d1); // } } else { System.out.println("Query doesn't run: " + d1.getGoldResult()); } } } } // Collections.shuffle(documents); List<QueryDocument> train = new ArrayList<>(documents); /* * In the following, we setup all necessary components for training * and testing. */ /* * Define an objective function that guides the training procedure. */ /* * Define templates that are responsible to generate * factors/features to score intermediate, generated states. */ List<AbstractTemplate<QueryDocument, DeptDudeState, ?>> templates = new ArrayList<>(); try { templates.add(new ModifiedSimilarityTemplate()); templates.add(new DependencyTemplate(assignedDUDES)); templates.add(new SlotFillingTemplate(dudes, assignedDUDES)); templates.add(new ExpansionTemplate()); templates.add(new DomainRangeTemplate(dudes)); templates.add(new QueryTypeTemplate()); templates.add(new SwapTemplate()); // templates.add(new NodeURITemplate(dudes)); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } /* * Create the scorer object that computes a score from the features of a * factor and the weight vectors of the templates. */ Scorer scorer = new LinearScorer(); /* * Define a model and provide it with the necessary templates. */ Model<QueryDocument, DeptDudeState> model = new Model<>(scorer, templates); model.setMultiThreaded(true); /* * Create an Initializer that is responsible for providing an initial * state for the sampling chain given a sentence. */ Initializer<QueryDocument, DeptDudeState> trainInitializer = new EmptyDUDEInitializer(assignedDUDES); /* * Define the explorers that will provide "neighboring" states given a * starting state. The sampler will select one of these states as a * successor state and, thus, perform the sampling procedure. */ StoppingCriterion<DeptDudeState> objectiveOneCriterion = new StoppingCriterion<DeptDudeState>() { @Override public boolean checkCondition(List<DeptDudeState> chain, int step) { if (chain.isEmpty()) { return false; } double maxScore = chain.get(chain.size() - 1).getObjectiveScore(); if (maxScore == 1.0) { return true; } int count = 0; final int maxCount = 4; for (int i = 0; i < chain.size(); i++) { if (chain.get(i).getObjectiveScore() >= maxScore) { count++; } } return count >= maxCount || step >= numberOfSamplingSteps; } }; StoppingCriterion<DeptDudeState> modelSPARQLCriterion = new StoppingCriterion<DeptDudeState>() { @Override public boolean checkCondition(List<DeptDudeState> chain, int step) { if (chain.isEmpty()) { return false; } String lastQuery = QueryConstructor.getSPARQLQuery(chain.get(chain.size() - 1)); QueryEvaluator evaluator = new QueryEvaluator(); int count = 0; final int maxCount = 2; for (int i = chain.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { String query = QueryConstructor.getSPARQLQuery(chain.get(i)); double sim = evaluator.evaluate(query, lastQuery); if (sim == 1.0) { count++; } } return count >= maxCount || step >= numberOfSamplingSteps; } }; TopKSampler<QueryDocument, DeptDudeState, String> sampler = new TopKSampler<>(model, scorer, objFunction, explorers, objectiveOneCriterion); sampler.setSamplingStrategy(ListSamplingStrategies.topKBestObjectiveSamplingStrategy(20)); sampler.setAcceptStrategy(AcceptStrategies.objectiveAccept()); /* * Define a learning strategy. The learner will receive state pairs * which can be used to update the models parameters. */ Learner learner = null; if (ProjectConfiguration.getLearner().equals("default")) { learner = new DefaultLearner<DeptDudeState>(model, 0.1); } else { learner = new ForceUpdateLearner<DeptDudeState>(model, 0.1); } /* * The trainer will loop over the data and invoke sampling and learning. * Additionally, it can invoke predictions on new data. */ Trainer trainer = new Trainer(); trainer.addEpochCallback( new EpochCallback() { @Override public void onStartEpoch( Trainer caller, int epoch, int numberOfEpochs, int numberOfInstances) { if (samplingMethod.equals("objective")) { sampler.setSamplingStrategy( ListSamplingStrategies.topKBestObjectiveSamplingStrategy(numberKSamples)); sampler.setAcceptStrategy(AcceptStrategies.objectiveAccept()); sampler.setStoppingCriterion(objectiveOneCriterion); System.out.println("Trained model:\n" + model.toDetailedString());"Switched to Objective Score"); } // model score ranking else if (samplingMethod.equals("model")) { sampler.setSamplingStrategy( ListSamplingStrategies.topKModelSamplingStrategy(numberKSamples)); sampler.setAcceptStrategy(AcceptStrategies.strictModelAccept()); sampler.setStoppingCriterion(modelSPARQLCriterion); System.out.println("Trained model:\n" + model.toDetailedString());"Switched to Model Score"); } // hybrid else { if (epoch % 2 == 0) { sampler.setSamplingStrategy( ListSamplingStrategies.topKBestObjectiveSamplingStrategy(numberKSamples)); sampler.setAcceptStrategy(AcceptStrategies.objectiveAccept()); sampler.setStoppingCriterion(objectiveOneCriterion); System.out.println("Trained model:\n" + model.toDetailedString());"Switched to Objective Score"); } else { sampler.setSamplingStrategy( ListSamplingStrategies.topKModelSamplingStrategy(numberKSamples)); sampler.setAcceptStrategy(AcceptStrategies.strictModelAccept()); sampler.setStoppingCriterion(modelSPARQLCriterion); System.out.println("Trained model:\n" + model.toDetailedString());"Switched to Model Score"); } } // EpochCallback.super.onStartEpoch(caller, epoch, numberOfEpochs, // numberOfInstances); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); trainer.train(sampler, trainInitializer, learner, train, numberOfEpochs); model.saveModelToFile("models", "model"); System.out.println(model.toDetailedString());"\nModel: \n" + model.toDetailedString() + "\n"); }