public CashierInterface(Database database) { this.db = database; movies = db.getMovies(); times = db.getShowTimes(movies[0]); movieList = new DropdownView(movies); timesList = new DropdownView(times); movieList.addActionListener(updateTimes); feedback.setEditable(false); feedback.setLineWrap(true); feedback.setWrapStyleWord(true); Display movies = new Display(movieList, "Select Movie:", null); Display times = new Display(timesList, "Select Showing:", null); Display tix = new Display( tickets, "How many of each ticket " + "type would you like?(" + getTicketAnnotation() + ")", null); Display feedbk = new Display(feedback, "Info", null); add(movies); add(times); add(tix); add(new Display(new TextAreaView())); add(feedbk); add(ap); }
private void DEBUGGING() { Database db = new Database(this); ArrayList<Entry> temp = Entry.sortEntries(db.getAllFromID("1")); String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) { res += temp.get(i).getDate() + ", " + temp.get(i).getVal() + ", " + temp.get(i).getType() + "\n"; } addTextElement(res); }
public void action() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setBroker(broker.getText()); cust.setCadd(cadd.getText()); cust.setCname(cname.getText()); cust.setCreq(creq.getText()); cust.setFeatures(features.getText()); cust.setPtype((String) ptype.getSelectedItem()); if (!cust.getCname().equals("") && !cust.getCreq().equals("")) { String sql_query = "INSERT INTO Customer(Customer_Name,Customer_Address,Customer_Requirements,Special_Features,Broker_Name,Property_Type) Values('" + cust.getCname() + "','" + cust.getCadd() + "','" + cust.getCreq() + "','" + cust.getFeatures() + "','" + cust.getBroker() + "','" + cust.getPtype() + "')"; System.out.println(sql_query); Database db = new Database(); int i = db.insert(sql_query); if (i != 0) { broker.setText(""); cadd.setText(""); cname.setText(""); creq.setText(""); features.setText(""); ptype.setSelectedIndex(0); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Operation successfully completed", "Successfull", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Due to some connection error data could not be entered properly\nPlease contact your service provider", " Error ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Please Enter Customer Name and Customer Requirement ", " Error ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }
public File saveInternal() { ContextWrapper cw = new ContextWrapper(this); File mediaStorageDir = cw.getDir("", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); File mediaFile; String mImageName = Tools.getFileNamePhoto(); Database db = new Database(this); db.updatePicture(mImageName, String.valueOf(MainActivity.CURRENT_ID)); mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + mImageName); Notes_Activity.takenPhoto = true; return mediaFile; }
/** @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Moneda> mon = new ArrayList(); Database basedato = new Database(); basedato.connectDB(); mon = basedato.selectTable(); System.out.println(mon.get(0).getId() + mon.get(0).getName() + mon.get(0).getValue()); System.out.println(mon.get(1).getId() + mon.get(1).getName() + mon.get(1).getValue()); }
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession(); if (session.getAttribute("Database") != null) { dbConn = (Database) session.getAttribute("Database"); if (session.getAttribute("User") != null) { selinasuser = (SelinasUser) session.getAttribute("User"); if (session.getAttribute("ImmobilienOrderByTyp") != null) orderByTyp = (String) session.getAttribute("ImmobilienOrderByTyp"); try { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); try { dbConn.getConnection(); out.println( "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' class=" + FB + tableTagClass + FB + ">" + writeDokumentHeaderToPageContext(columnHeader) + writeDokumentDataToPageContext( DataSetImmobilie.reade(dbConn, selinasuser.user, orderByTyp))); dbConn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // no DokumentLinks found out.println( "<table class=" + FB + tableTagClass + FB + ">" + writeDokumentHeaderToPageContext(columnHeader)); } // catch return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; // Evaluate body into existing out stream, and start next with // doEndTag() } catch (Exception e) { throw new JspException( "Create of TableContent " + " Exception " + e.getMessage() + " is not vaild"); } // try } else { throw new JspException( "User object in session " + session.getAttribute("User") + " has not the valid type"); } // session.getAttribute("User") } else { throw new JspException( "Database object in session " + session.getAttribute("Database") + " has not the valid type"); } // session.getAttribute("Database") } // doStartTag
public void sellTickets() { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tickets.getViewState(), ","); ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> disCodes = db.getDiscountsAndPrices(); int discountCodeCount = disCodes.size(); if (st.countTokens() == discountCodeCount) { ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> order = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(); int orderSize = 0; int price = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> codeAndPrice : disCodes) { int ticCount = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); orderSize = orderSize + ticCount; order.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer>(codeAndPrice.getKey(), ticCount)); price = price + (codeAndPrice.getValue() * ticCount); } try { Movie m = db.getMovie(movieList.getViewState(), timesList.getViewState()); int attendance = m.getAttendance(); int capacity = m.getTheater().getCapacity(); if (capacity >= attendance + orderSize) { feedback.setViewState( "Please tender $" + price + " to the cashier and proceed to theater " + m.getTheater().getID()); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> suborder : order) { m.addOrder(suborder.getKey(), suborder.getValue()); } } else { feedback.setViewState( "I'm sorry, but the showing of " + m.toString() + " is sold out. Please select another film."); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } else { String err = "Malformed ticket order: Input must be comma " + "separated, without spaces," + " with the value in each postion reflecting " + "the number of each type of ticket you would like." + "e.g. If the discount codes are Adult,Child,Senior " + "2,1,0 would represent an order of two adults and" + " one child"; System.out.println(err); feedback.setViewState(err); } }
//// TODO: 11/01/16 think of a better way to incorporate values.. add values .. updt the submit // button to show dynamically , maybe create a view for it. public void insertNote() { TextView tv = new TextView(this); String edittext = ""; edittext = note_et.getText().toString(); edittext = "temp"; Database db = new Database(this); db.updateNote(edittext, "1"); Toast.makeText( this, "Description Size(): " + db.sizeNote(String.valueOf(MainActivity.CURRENT_ID)), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); addTextElement(edittext); }
public void insertFlag() { TextView tv = new TextView(this); Database db = new Database(this); db.updateFlag(Tools.FLAG, "1"); Toast.makeText( this, "Description Size(): " + db.sizeFlag(String.valueOf(MainActivity.CURRENT_ID)), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // todo reset this with add flagelement.. which will be esentially the same as the addaudio // begin element.. addFlagElement(); scrollDown(); }
public void getTimes() { times = db.getShowTimes(movieList.getViewState()); timesList.removeAllItems(); for (String s : times) { timesList.addItem(s); } }
public String getTicketAnnotation() { ArrayList<String> codes = db.getDiscountCodes(); String tickets = ""; for (String s : codes) { tickets = tickets + s + ","; } return tickets.substring(0, tickets.length() - 1); }
/** * Erstellt einen neuen Filter für die Anzahl der Betten. Bereits vorhandene Filter dieses Typs * bleiben erhalten und werden mit einem OR kombiniert. * * @param anzahlBetten Die gewünschte Anzahl der Betten. */ public void addFilterAnzahlBetten(Integer anzahlBetten) { String[] newFilter = new String[filterAnzahlBetten.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < filterAnzahlBetten.length; i++) { newFilter[i] = filterAnzahlBetten[i]; } newFilter[newFilter.length - 1] = "AnzahlBetten = " + Database.getSqlString(anzahlBetten); filterAnzahlBetten = newFilter; }
/** * Erstellt einen neuen Filter für den Preis pro Nacht. Bereits vorhandene Filter dieses Typs * bleiben erhalten und werden mit einem OR kombiniert. * * @param preisProNacht Der gewünschte Preis pro Nacht. */ public void addFilterPreisProNacht(Float preisProNacht) { String[] newFilter = new String[filterPreisProNacht.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < filterPreisProNacht.length; i++) { newFilter[i] = filterPreisProNacht[i]; } newFilter[newFilter.length - 1] = "PreisProNacht = " + Database.getSqlString(preisProNacht); filterPreisProNacht = newFilter; }
/** * Erstellt einen neuen Filter für die ZimmerNr. Bereits vorhandene Filter dieses Typs bleiben * erhalten und werden mit einem OR kombiniert. * * @param zimmerNr Die gewünschte Zimmernummer. */ public void addFilterZimmerNr(Integer zimmerNr) { String[] newFilter = new String[filterZimmerNr.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < filterZimmerNr.length; i++) { newFilter[i] = filterZimmerNr[i]; } newFilter[newFilter.length - 1] = "ZimmerNr = " + Database.getSqlString(zimmerNr); filterZimmerNr = newFilter; }
/* * Durchschnittswert der Sterne ermitteln */ private void getAvgStars() throws SQLException { if (film_id != null) { ResultSet rs = db.showAvgStars(film_id); while ( { avgStar = rs.getString("round"); } } }
/** * Erstellt einen neuen Suchfilter für die ZimmerNr. Im Gegensatz zu normalen Filtern findet * dieser Filter auch dann Zimmernummern, wenn nur ein Teilstring angegeben wurde. Bereits * vorhandene Filter dieses Typs bleiben erhalten und werden mit einem OR kombiniert. * * @param zimmerNr Die gewünschte Zimmernummer. */ public void addSearchFilterZimmerNr(String zimmerNr) { String[] newFilter = new String[filterZimmerNr.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < filterZimmerNr.length; i++) { newFilter[i] = filterZimmerNr[i]; } newFilter[newFilter.length - 1] = "CAST(ZimmerNr AS VARCHAR(10) ) LIKE " + Database.getSqlString("%" + zimmerNr + "%"); filterZimmerNr = newFilter; }
/** @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session.getAttribute("user") != null) { try { Group staff = Database.getInstance().getGroup(2); User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user"); if (Database.getInstance().isInGroup(user, staff)) { String strroundid = request.getParameter("id"); int roundid = Integer.parseInt(strroundid); String title = request.getParameter("title"); String description = request.getParameter("description"); String strenddate = request.getParameter("enddate"); String endtime = request.getParameter("endtime"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); java.util.Date endDate = sdf.parse(strenddate); java.sql.Date endSqlDate = new Date(endDate.getTime()); java.sql.Time endSqlTime = java.sql.Time.valueOf(endtime); Round round = new Round(0, title, description, "Closed"); Round dbRound = Database.getInstance().getRound(roundid); Countdown dbCountdown = Database.getInstance().getCountdown(dbRound); Countdown countdown = new Countdown( dbCountdown.getId(), round.getTitle(), "Countdown of " + round.getTitle() + ", which is is about: " + round.getDescription(), endSqlDate, endSqlTime); if (Database.getInstance().updateRound(round, countdown)) response.sendRedirect("round.jsp?id=" + roundid); else response.getOutputStream().print("Error while saving the round!"); } else { response.getOutputStream().print("you are not staff"); } } catch (Exception e) { response.getOutputStream().print("Error while saving the round!"); } } else { response.getOutputStream().print("Not logged in"); } }
public String[] getDineAvtaler(int d, int m, int a) { String dato = datoAsString(d, m, a); ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rs = db.readQuery( "SELECT avtaleid, dato, starttid, sluttid, beskrivelse, romid, sted, kommer " + "FROM avtale NATURAL JOIN erinviterttil " + "WHERE synlig = 1 AND dato = '" + dato + "' AND brukernavn = '" + bruker + "'"); try { int count = 0; while ( { String avtaleid = Integer.toString(rs.getInt(1)); while (avtaleid.length() < 4) { avtaleid = "0" + avtaleid; } temp.add( avtaleid + ": " + rs.getString(2).substring(0, 2) + "." + rs.getString(2).substring(2, 4) + "." + rs.getString(2).substring(4) + " " + rs.getString(3) + " - " + rs.getString(4) + ": " + rs.getString(5) + " i "); if (rs.getString(6) == null) { temp.set(count, temp.get(count) + rs.getString(7) + "."); } else { temp.set(count, temp.get(count) + "Rom " + rs.getInt(6) + "."); } if (rs.getString(8) == null) { temp.set(count, temp.get(count) + " Du har ikke svart på invitasjonen."); } else if (rs.getBoolean(8)) { temp.set(count, temp.get(count) + " Du har svart ja."); } else { temp.set(count, temp.get(count) + " Du har svart nei."); } count++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] dineavtaler = new String[temp.size()]; temp.toArray(dineavtaler); return dineavtaler; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Database.setFileName("test.dat"); dataBase.eraseFile(); dataBase.load(); AccountOwner newAccountOwner = new AccountOwner("Michael Powell", "P$1111"); newAccountOwner.put(); AccountOwner newAccountOwner2 = new AccountOwner("Ann Singh", "P$2222"); newAccountOwner2.put(); Account newAccount = new Account("O1001", "Checking", "50.00"); newAccount.put(); Account newAccount2 = new Account("O1001", "Savings", "50.00"); newAccount2.put(); Account newAccount3 = new Account("O1002", "Savings", "50.00"); newAccount3.put(); Account newAccount4 = new Account("O1002", "Checking", "250.00"); newAccount4.put(); Assert.assertEquals("A1004", Account.get("A1004").getId()); Assert.assertEquals("O1002", AccountOwner.get("O1002").getId()); }
public AffinityCredential() { super(AffinityConstants.CLIENT_ID, AffinityConstants.CLIENT_SECRET); try { tokenURL = new URL(""); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); tokenURL = null; } db = new Database(); token = db.getToken(); }
/* * Filminformationen aus DB laden */ private void getMovieDetails() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = db.showMovieByID(film_id); while ( { coverUrl = rs.getString("cover_url"); titel = rs.getString("titel"); fsk = rs.getString("fsk"); filmstart = rs.getString("kinostart"); inhalt = rs.getString("inhalt"); genre = rs.getString("genre"); laenge = rs.getString("laenge"); jahr = rs.getString("jahr"); land = rs.getString("land"); } ResultSet rs2 = db.showRegisseurByMovieID(film_id); while ( { regisseur = rs2.getString("name"); } ResultSet rs3 = db.showDarstellerByMovieID(film_id); while ( { darsteller = rs3.getString("name"); } }
private Vector<? extends Databasable> DoSearch( Class cl, String firstName, String lastName, Database db) { db.connect(); Vector<Databasable> searchresult = new Vector<Databasable>(); if (firstName == null) { if (lastName == null) { searchresult = null; } else { database.Search s = new database.Search(cl, "getSurName", "%" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%") .setWildCardSearch(true) .setCaseSensitive(false); searchresult = db.readAll(s); } } else { if (lastName == null) { database.Search s = new database.Search(cl, "getFirstName", "%" + firstName.toUpperCase() + "%") .setWildCardSearch(true) .setCaseSensitive(false); searchresult = db.readAll(s); } else { database.Search s = new database.Search( cl, "getFirstName;getSurName", "%" + firstName.toUpperCase() + "%", "%" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%") .setWildCardSearch(true) .setCaseSensitive(false); searchresult = db.readAll(s); } } db.disconnect(); return searchresult; }
@Override public Token getToken() { if (null == token || token.isExpired()) { try { ObjectNode objectNode = factory.objectNode(); objectNode.put("grant_type", "client_credentials"); objectNode.put("client_id", tokenKey1); objectNode.put("client_secret", tokenKey2); List<NameValuePair> headers = new ArrayList<>(); headers.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Content-Type", "application/json")); HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(); httpPost.setURI(tokenURL.toURI()); for (NameValuePair nameValuePair : headers) { httpPost.addHeader(nameValuePair.getName(), nameValuePair.getValue()); } httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(objectNode.toString(), "UTF-8")); HttpResponse tokenResponse = client.execute(httpPost); HttpEntity entity = tokenResponse.getEntity(); String results = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8"); if (tokenResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory factory = mapper.getJsonFactory(); JsonParser jp = factory.createJsonParser(results); JsonNode json = mapper.readTree(jp); String accessToken = json.get("access_token").asText(); Long expiredAt = System.currentTimeMillis() + json.get("expires_in").asLong() * 1000; db.updateToken(accessToken, expiredAt); token = new Token(accessToken, expiredAt); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Some errors occurred while fetching a token by username and password ."); } } return token; }
public boolean harAnsattAvtale(int day, int maaned, int aar) { ResultSet rs = db.readQuery( "SELECT count(avtaleid) FROM avtale WHERE dato = '" + datoAsString(day, maaned, aar) + "'"); int count = 0; try {; count = rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (count > 0) { return true; } return false; }
public boolean kommerTilAvtale(int day, int maaned, int aar) { ResultSet rs = db.readQuery( "SELECT count(avtaleid) FROM avtale NATURAL JOIN erinviterttil" + " WHERE dato = '" + datoAsString(day, maaned, aar) + "' AND brukernavn = '" + this.bruker + "' " + "AND kommer = 1"); int count = 0; try {; count = rs.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (count > 0) { return true; } return false; }
@Override public String processRequest(RequestType type, HttpServletRequest request, Session session) { String response = replaceTags(template, "MASTERSERVLET", createLink(session)); String classtype = request.getParameter("type"); if (classtype == null) { response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", ""); } else { if (classtype.equals("student")) { String result = request.getParameter("searchresult"); if (result == null) { // zoek op in de database met studenten Database db = getDB(); Vector<Student> searchresult = (Vector<Student>) DoSearch( Student.class, request.getParameter("firstname"), request.getParameter("lastname"), db); if ((searchresult == null) || (searchresult.isEmpty())) { response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", "##search_nothingfound##"); } // als er maar 1 resultaat is, toon de kalender van de persoon else if (searchresult.size() == 1) { String link = CalendarTools.GeneratePHPiCalendarLink( searchresult.get(0), session.getAccount().getLanguage()); response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(calendarTemplate, "LINK", link)); } else { response = replaceTags( response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(scriptTemplate, "LINK", createLink(session) + "&type=student")); response = replaceTags( response, "SEARCHRESULTS", HTMLInterfaceTool.changeToDataTable("results", searchresult)); } } else // Er is geklikt op een rechtstreekse student waarvan het antwoord nu getoond moet // worden { // zoek op in de database met studenten Database db = getDB(); db.connect(); database.Search s = new database.Search(Student.class, "getStudentNumber", result); String link = CalendarTools.GeneratePHPiCalendarLink( db.<Student>read(s), session.getAccount().getLanguage()); response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(calendarTemplate, "LINK", link)); } } else if (classtype.equals("educator")) { String result = request.getParameter("searchresult"); if (result == null) { Database db = getDB(); Vector<Educator> searchresult = (Vector<Educator>) DoSearch( Educator.class, request.getParameter("firstname"), request.getParameter("lastname"), db); if ((searchresult == null) || (searchresult.isEmpty())) { response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", "##search_nothingfound##"); } else if (searchresult.size() == 1) { String link = CalendarTools.GeneratePHPiCalendarLink( searchresult.get(0), session.getAccount().getLanguage()); response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(calendarTemplate, "LINK", link)); } else { response = replaceTags( response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(scriptTemplate, "LINK", createLink(session) + "&type=educator")); response = replaceTags( response, "SEARCHRESULTS", HTMLInterfaceTool.changeToDataTable("results", searchresult)); } } else // Er is geklikt op een rechtstreekse student waarvan het antwoord nu getoond moet // worden { // zoek op in de database met studenten Database db = getDB(); db.connect(); database.Search s = new database.Search(Educator.class, "getEmployeeNumber", result); String link = CalendarTools.GeneratePHPiCalendarLink( db.<Educator>read(s), session.getAccount().getLanguage()); response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(calendarTemplate, "LINK", link)); db.disconnect(); } } else if (classtype.equals("room")) { Database db = getDB(); db.connect(); database.Search s = new database.Search(Room.class, "getLocation", request.getParameter("roomnumber")); Room searchresult =; db.disconnect(); if (searchresult == null) { response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", "##search_nothingfound##"); } else { String link = CalendarTools.GeneratePHPiCalendarLink( searchresult, session.getAccount().getLanguage()); response = replaceTags(response, "CALENDAR", replaceTags(calendarTemplate, "LINK", link)); } } } return response; }
public class Query { static Database database = Database.getInstance(); public static LinkedHashMap<String, AccountOwnerData> getAllOwners() { LinkedHashMap<String, AccountOwnerData> list = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccountOwnerData>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : { String key = entry.getKey(); Object obj = entry.getValue(); if (obj instanceof AccountOwnerData) { AccountOwnerData recordOwner = (AccountOwnerData) obj; list.put(key, recordOwner); } } return (list); } public static LinkedHashMap<String, AccountData> getAllAccounts() { LinkedHashMap<String, AccountData> list = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccountData>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : { Object obj = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey(); if (obj instanceof AccountData) { AccountData recordAccount = (AccountData) obj; list.put(key, recordAccount); } } return (list); } public static LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>> getAllTransactionsByAccount() { LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>> list = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Object>>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : { Object obj = entry.getValue(); if ((obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof AccountOwnerData) || (obj instanceof AccountData)) { continue; } if (obj instanceof DepositData) { DepositData deposit = (DepositData) obj; ArrayList<Object> members = (list.get(deposit.accountId) == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : list.get(deposit.accountId)); members.add(deposit); list.put(deposit.accountId, members); } if (obj instanceof WithdrawalData) { WithdrawalData withdraw = (WithdrawalData) obj; ArrayList<Object> members = (list.get(withdraw.accountId) == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : list.get(withdraw.accountId)); members.add(withdraw); list.put(withdraw.accountId, members); } if (obj instanceof TransferData) { TransferData transfer = (TransferData) obj; ArrayList<Object> members = (list.get(transfer.fromAccountId) == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : list.get(transfer.fromAccountId)); members.add(transfer); list.put(transfer.fromAccountId, members); members = (list.get(transfer.toAccountId) == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : list.get(transfer.toAccountId)); members.add(transfer); list.put(transfer.toAccountId, members); } } return (list); } public static LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getAllTransactions() { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> list = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : { Object obj = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey(); if ((obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof AccountOwnerData) || (obj instanceof AccountData)) { continue; } list.put(key, obj); } return (list); } public void getAll() { System.out.println("All Owners:"); for (Entry<String, AccountOwnerData> entry : getAllOwners().entrySet()) { Object obj = entry.getKey(); System.out.println(obj + " = " + entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("All Accounts:"); for (Entry<String, AccountData> entry : getAllAccounts().entrySet()) { Object obj = entry.getKey(); System.out.println(obj + " = " + entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("All Transactions by Account:"); for (Entry<String, ArrayList<Object>> entry : getAllTransactionsByAccount().entrySet()) { Object obj = entry.getKey(); System.out.println(obj + " = " + entry.getValue()); } } }
public void go() { List<String> categories = db.getCategoryNames(); view.makeCategoryCombo(categories); ActionListener keyWordActionListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { int totalComponents = view.getAddPanel().getComponentCount(); JPanel anotherAddKeyWordsPane = new JPanel(); final JLabel removeLabel = new JLabel("remove"); removeLabel.setForeground(; removeLabel.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { view.getAddPanel().remove(removeLabel.getParent()); view.getAddPanel().revalidate(); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) { removeLabel.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) { removeLabel.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {} @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {} }); JLabel tfAnotherAddKeyWords = new JLabel(view.getKeyWordsTextFeild().getText()); view.getKeyWordsTextFeild().setText(""); anotherAddKeyWordsPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); anotherAddKeyWordsPane.add(removeLabel); anotherAddKeyWordsPane.add(tfAnotherAddKeyWords); view.getAddPanel().add(anotherAddKeyWordsPane, totalComponents - 5); view.getAddPanel().revalidate(); } }; view.getKeyWordsTextFeild().addActionListener(keyWordActionListener); view.getCancelButton() .addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { splitController.addCancelButtonPressed(); } }); view.getSaveButton() .addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { List<String> dummy = new ArrayList<String>(); dummy.add(view.getComboAddCategory().getSelectedItem().toString()); if (db.addCodeExample( view.getAddTitle().getText(), view.getTfAddDescription().getText(), view.getAddCode().getText(), view.getAddProgrammingLanguage().getSelectedItem().toString(), dummy, view.getAddPublic().isSelected()) == 2) { view.addNameNotUnique(); } else { splitController.addSaveButtonPressed(view.getAddTitle().getText()); } } }); }
/** * build the {@link Transaction} list and filter also for {@link #acc}, {@link * #paymentReason},{@link #from} and {@link #until} * * @return the filtered {@link Transaction} list */ public List<Transaction> calculateTransactions() { List<Account> accounts = accountController.getAccounts(); if (accounts == null) return null; Account fromAcc = null; for (Account account : accounts) { if (account.toString().equals(acc)) { fromAcc = account; break; } } List<Transaction> result = new ArrayList<Transaction>(); List<Transaction> transactions; try { transactions = Database.getInstance().getTransactions(fromAcc); } catch (Throwable e) { return null; } if (transactions == null) return null; Pattern payment = null; if (paymentReason != null) { payment = Pattern.compile(".*" + Pattern.quote(paymentReason.toLowerCase()) + ".*"); } if (from == null && until == null) result = transactions; if (from != null && until == null) for (Transaction transaction : transactions) if (transaction.getDate().after(from)) result.add(transaction); if (from != null && until != null) for (Transaction transaction : transactions) if (transaction.getDate().after(from) && transaction.getDate().before(until)) result.add(transaction); if (from == null && until != null) for (Transaction transaction : transactions) if (transaction.getDate().before(until)) result.add(transaction); List<Transaction> endResult = new LinkedList<Transaction>(); if (paymentReason == null) { endResult = result; } else { for (Transaction transaction : result) { if (payment.matcher(transaction.getPaymentReason().toLowerCase()).matches()) { endResult.add(transaction); } } } // for (Transaction transaction : endResult) { // if(transaction.getFromAccount().getAccountID() == fromAcc.getAccountID()){ // if(transaction.getAmount().floatValue() > 0) // transaction.setAmount(transaction.getAmount().negate()); // } // } return endResult; }
public class WithdrawalTest { Database dataBase = Database.getInstance(); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Database.setFileName("test.dat"); dataBase.eraseFile(); dataBase.load(); AccountOwner newAccountOwner = new AccountOwner("Michael Powell", "P$1111"); newAccountOwner.put(); AccountOwner newAccountOwner2 = new AccountOwner("Ann Singh", "P$2222"); newAccountOwner2.put(); Account newAccount = new Account("O1001", "Checking", "50.00"); newAccount.put(); Account newAccount2 = new Account("O1001", "Savings", "50.00"); newAccount2.put(); Account newAccount3 = new Account("O1002", "Savings", "50.00"); newAccount3.put(); Account newAccount4 = new Account("O1002", "Checking", "250.00"); newAccount4.put(); Assert.assertEquals("A1004", Account.get("A1004").getId()); Assert.assertEquals("O1002", AccountOwner.get("O1002").getId()); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception {} @Test public void UpdateWithdrawal() { // Testing proper password and withdrawal amount updates account to correct new balance. UAT // 5.1, 5.3 & 5.4 Withdrawal newWithdrawal = new Withdrawal("O1002", "A1004", "50.00"); Assert.assertEquals("Invalid Password", newWithdrawal.updateBalance("P@1234")); Assert.assertEquals("valid", newWithdrawal.updateBalance("P$2222")); Account newAccount4 = Account.get(newWithdrawal.getAccountId()); Assert.assertEquals("200.00", newAccount4.getBalance()); newWithdrawal.put(); newWithdrawal = new Withdrawal("O1002", "A1004", "100.00"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", newWithdrawal.updateBalance("P$2222")); newAccount4 = Account.get(newWithdrawal.getAccountId()); Assert.assertEquals("100.00", newAccount4.getBalance()); newWithdrawal = new Withdrawal("O1002", "A1004", "50.25"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", newWithdrawal.updateBalance("P$2222")); newAccount4 = Account.get(newWithdrawal.getAccountId()); Assert.assertEquals("49.75", newAccount4.getBalance()); } /* @Test public void WithdrawalNotNegative() { //Testing withdrawals do not contain a negative amount. UAT 5.2 Withdrawal withdrawal = new Withdrawal("01002", "A1004", "-100"); //Assert.assertEquals("valid", withdrawal.validateWithdrawalAmount("-100")); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be negative", withdrawal.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void amountNotGreaterThanBalance() { //Testing withdrawal amounts are not greater than balances, so there cannot be negative balances after withdrawing. UAT 5.5 Withdrawal newWithdrawal = new Withdrawal("O1002", "A1004", "350.00"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be greater than balance", newWithdrawal.validateWithdrawalAmount(newWithdrawal.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void notEmpty() { //Testing withdrawals do not contain empty values. UAT 5.6 Withdrawal newWithdrawal = new Withdrawal("O1001","A1001",""); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be empty", newWithdrawal.validateWithdrawalAmount(newWithdrawal.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void testWithdrawalAmountIsNumeric() { //Testing withdrawals do not contain any char or string data. UAT 5.7 Withdrawal withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","23w"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount must be numeric", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","23.00"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void testwithdrawalAmountMustBeDollarsAndCents () { //Testing withdrawals do not contain more than two decimal places. UAT 5.8 Withdrawal withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","1.234"); Assert.assertEquals("Amount must be dollars and cents", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","1.23"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void TestWithdrawalAmountCannotBeBlank() { //Testing withdrawals do not contain spaces (blanks). UAT 5.9 Withdrawal withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004"," "); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be blank", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(" ")); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004"," "); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be blank", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(" ")); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","50.00"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); } @Test public void TestWithdrawalAmountCannotBeZero() { //Testing withdrawals do not contain a zero amount. UAT 5.10 Withdrawal withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","0.00"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be zero", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","0.0"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be zero", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","0"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be zero", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004",".00"); Assert.assertEquals("Withdrawal amount cannot be zero", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); withdrawal1 = new Withdrawal ("O1002","A1004","1.00"); Assert.assertEquals("valid", withdrawal1.validateWithdrawalAmount(withdrawal1.getWithdrawalAmount())); } */ } // End DepositTest