  public ModelAndView onSubmit(
      Model model, RequestContext requestContext, Object command, BindException errors)
      throws Exception {
    int action = getAction();

    String view = getSuccessView();
    if (action == ACTION_SAVE) {
      ScheduleForm scheduleForm = (ScheduleForm) command;
      // pk must be set, if not than it is real error
      Long schedulePk = LongConvertor.getLongFromString(scheduleForm.getPk());
      if (schedulePk == null) {
        return createModelAndView(getErrorView());
      // at first load old (for unsetable attributes from form, but not-null)
      Schedule schedule = getScheduleLogic().get(schedulePk);
      // fill entity acording to form
      ScheduleHelper.formToEntity(scheduleForm, schedule);

      // get current employee
      Employee employee = getSecurityLogic().getLoggedEmployee();


      // some errors encountered -> do not save and show form view
      if (requestContext.getErrors().size() > 0) {
        model.put("scheduleForm", scheduleForm);
        return createModelAndView(model, getFormView());

      requestContext.addRedirectIgnoreInfo(new Message("schedule.updated"));

    return createModelAndView(view);