/** Sets values of items into cells of output file */
 private void setValues() {
   int lastRow = 0;
   for (Container c : finalContainers) {
     List<Item> writeItems = c.getList();
     for (int i = 0; i < writeItems.size(); i++) {
       // place in excell file from where to write
       // items of the next container
       Row row = outputSheet.createRow(lastRow);
       Item item = writeItems.get(i);
       Object[] values =
           new Object[] { // array to store item's values
             item.getName(), // 0
             item.getPrice(), // 1
             item.getNumOfItems(), // 2
             item.getItemsInPack(), // 3
             item.getNumOfPacks(), // 4
             item.getNetWeightOfPack(), // 5
             item.getWeightOfPack(), // 6
             item.getVolumeOfPack(), // 7
             item.getSumNetWeight(), // 8
             item.getSumWeight(), // 9
           }; // 10
       // setting name separately, because of String type value
       Cell name = row.createCell(0);
       name.setCellValue((String) values[0]);
       for (int j = 1; j < values.length; j++) {
         Cell cell = row.createCell(j);
         // checking type of number of packs variable it should be int
         if (j == 4) cell.setCellValue((double) values[j]);
         else cell.setCellValue((double) values[j]);
       // checking if end of items list in the containers is reached
       // and adding +2 empty rows
       if (i == (writeItems.size() - 1)) {
         lastRow += 1; // +2 empty spaces for better appearance
         setReport(c, lastRow);
         lastRow += 4;