public int update(int oid, String quantity, String memo) { // 更新揀貨單的揀貨數量 logger.debug( "OrderPlaceDDAO.update: " + "pickId: " + oid + ", quantity: " + quantity + ", memo: " + memo); EntityManager em = XPersistence.getManager(); OrderPlaceD bean = em.find(OrderPlaceD.class, oid); logger.debug("OrderPlaceD.update: orderPlaceD: " + bean); if (bean != null) { // bean.setQuantity(quantity); bean.setRemark(memo); try { em.merge(bean); XPersistence.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("OrderPlaceD.update: " + e); } return 1; // 1:成功 } return 0; // 0:失敗 }
public Long getCatchSize(Long channelId, String startDate, String endDate) { Long size = 0L; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = OracleUtil.getConnection(); pst = conn.prepareStatement( "select nvl(sum(a.log_catch_count),0) from twap_app_log_webcrawler a where exists(select 1 from twap_public_channel b where a.log_channel_id = b.channel_id start with b.channel_id=? connect by prior b.channel_id=b.channel_pid) and (to_char(a.create_time,'yyyy-mm-dd')<=? and to_char(a.create_time,'yyyy-mm-dd')>=?)"); pst.setLong(1, channelId); pst.setString(3, startDate); pst.setString(2, endDate); rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( size = rs.getLong(1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } finally { close(conn, pst, rs); } return size; }
public Map<String, String> getCatchSizeList(Long channelId) { Map<String, String> map = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { List<Channel> list = new ChannelDao().getChannels(channelId); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { conn = OracleUtil.getConnection(); map = new HashMap<String, String>(); String sql = "select nvl(sum(a.log_catch_count),0) from twap_app_log_webcrawler a where exists(select 1 from twap_public_channel b where a.log_channel_id = b.channel_id start with b.channel_id=? connect by prior b.channel_id=b.channel_pid) and (to_char(a.create_time,'yyyy-mm-dd')=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') )"; for (Channel channel : list) { pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); pst.setLong(1, channel.getChannelId()); log.debug(sql.replaceAll("\\?", channel.getChannelId().toString())); rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( { map.put(channel.getChannelName(), String.valueOf(rs.getLong(1))); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } finally { close(conn, pst, rs); } return map; }
// TODO this requires redesign for writables public static boolean perform(WebHandle handle, WebDriver driver) { WebElement we = handle.findElement(driver); if (we == null) { // TODO this place strongly interferes with driver's implicitly wait. So, I think, personal // fails counter per handle needed. log.error( handle.url.graphUrl() + " | " + handle.xpath + "\n" + "Unable to .perform(WebDriver), cause search of element by stored selector is failed."); return false; } if (!we.isDisplayed() || !we.isEnabled()) { log.error( handle.url.graphUrl() + " | " + handle.xpath + "\n" + "Failed to .perform(WebDriver), cause element not displayed or not enabled."); return false; } switch (handle.eltype) { case clickable:; break; // case writable: we.sendKeys(context); break; case terminal: if (handle.isRoot()) return true; assert false : "terminal elements was touched"; break; default: assert false : "this shouldn't have happened???"; break; } return true; }
public List<AppLog> getAppLogList(Long channelId, String startDate, String endDate) { List<AppLog> list = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = OracleUtil.getConnection(); pst = conn.prepareStatement( "select rownum row_num,a.log_message,(select channel_name from twap_public_channel t where t.channel_id = a.log_channel_id) channel_name,a.log_channel_id,a.log_url,a.log_catch_count,to_char(a.create_time,'yy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') create_time from twap_app_log_webcrawler a where exists(select 1 from twap_public_channel b where a.log_channel_id = b.channel_id start with b.channel_id=? connect by prior b.channel_id=b.channel_pid) and (to_char(a.create_time,'yyyy-mm-dd')<=? and to_char(a.create_time,'yyyy-mm-dd')>=?) order by a.create_time desc"); pst.setLong(1, channelId); pst.setString(3, startDate); pst.setString(2, endDate); rs = pst.executeQuery(); list = new ArrayList<AppLog>(); while ( { AppLog appLog = new AppLog( rs.getString("log_message"), rs.getLong("log_channel_id"), rs.getString("log_url"), rs.getLong("log_catch_count")); appLog.setChannelName(rs.getString("channel_name")); appLog.setCreateTime(rs.getString("create_time")); appLog.setLogId(rs.getLong("row_num")); list.add(appLog); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); rollback(conn); } finally { close(conn, pst, rs); } return list; }