  public AbsPage zClickButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zClickButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click dialog button " + button);
    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("button cannot be null");

    String locator = null;
    AbsPage page = null;

    if (button == Button.B_OK) {
      locator =
              + Locators.zDialogClass
              + "'] "
              + "div[class='"
              + Locators.zDialogButtonsClass
              + "'] td[class=ZWidgetTitle]:contains(OK)";

    } else if (button == Button.B_CANCEL) {
      locator =
              + Locators.zDialogClass
              + "'] "
              + "div[class='"
              + Locators.zDialogButtonsClass
              + "'] td[class=ZWidgetTitle]:contains(Cancel)";
    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator was set
    if (locator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator exists
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " locator " + locator + " not present!");

    // if(zIsActive())
    // zGetDisplayedText("css=div[class=" + Locators.zDialogContentClassId +
    // "]");

    this.zClickAt(locator, "0,0");

    // If the app is busy, wait for it to become active

    // If page was specified, make sure it is active
    if (page != null) {

      // This function (default) throws an exception if never active

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 2
  public AbsPage zPressButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    tracer.trace("Click button " + button);

    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("Button cannot be null");

    AbsPage page = null;
    String locator = null;
    String subLocator = null;
    if (button == Button.B_TREE_NEWADDRESSBOOK) {

      locator = "css=div[id=main_Contacts-parent-ADDRBOOK] div[class*=ImgContextMenu]";
      subLocator = "css=div#ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK td#NEW_ADDRBOOK_title";
      page =
          new DialogCreateFolder(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

    } else if (button == Button.B_TREE_NEWTAG) {
      // locator = zNewTagIcon;
      locator =
          "css=div[id=main_Contacts-parent-TAG] div[class*=ImgContextMenu]"; // td#ztih__main_Contacts__TAG_optCell";
      subLocator = "css=div#ZmActionMenu_contacts_TAG td#NEW_TAG_title";
      page = new DialogTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("no logic defined for button " + button);

    // Default behavior, process the locator by clicking on it

    // Make sure the button exists
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator))
      throw new HarnessException("Button is not present locator=" + locator + " button=" + button);

    // Click it
    this.zClickAt(locator, "");

    // If the app is busy, wait for that to finish

    // Make sure the subLocator exists
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(subLocator))
      throw new HarnessException("Button is not present locator=" + subLocator);


    // If the app is busy, wait for that to finish

    // If page was specified, make sure it is active
    if (page != null) {

      // This function (default) throws an exception if never active

    return (page);
  public AbsPage zClickButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zClickButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click dialog button " + button);
    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("button cannot be null");

    String locator = null;
    AbsPage page = null;

    if (button == Button.B_YES) {
      locator = Locators.YES_BUTTON;
    } else if (button == Button.B_NO) {
      locator = Locators.NO_BUTTON;
    } else if (button == Button.B_OK) {
      for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        if (sIsElementPresent(Locators.OK_BUTTON + i + "_button2_title")) {
          locator = Locators.OK_BUTTON + i + "_button2_title";
    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator was set
    if (locator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator exists
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " locator " + locator + " not present!");

    // if(zIsActive())
    // zGetDisplayedText("css=div[class=" + Locators.zDialogContentClassId +
    // "]");

    this.zClickAt(locator, "0,0");

    // If the app is busy, wait for it to become active
    // this.zWaitForBusyOverlay();

    // If page was specified, make sure it is active
    if (page != null) {

      // This function (default) throws an exception if never active

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 4
  public AbsPage zPressButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zDisplayPressButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click " + button);

    AbsPage page = this;
    String locator = null;
    boolean doPostfixCheck = false;

    if (button == Button.B_VIEW_ENTIRE_MESSAGE) {

      locator = this.ContainerLocator + " span[id$='_msgTruncation_link']";

      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator))
        throw new HarnessException("locator is not present for button " + button + " : " + locator);

      this.sClick(locator); // sClick() is required for this element


      return (page);

    } else if (button == Button.B_HIGHLIGHT_OBJECTS) {

      locator = this.ContainerLocator + " span[id$='_highlightObjects_link']";

      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator))
        throw new HarnessException("locator is not present for button " + button + " : " + locator);

      this.sClick(locator); // sClick() is required for this element


      return (page);

    } else if (button == Button.B_ACCEPT) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.AcceptButton;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_ACCEPT_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.AcceptNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_ACCEPT_EDIT_REPLY) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.AcceptEditReplyMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_ACCEPT_DONT_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.AcceptDontNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.B_TENTATIVE) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.TentativeButton;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_TENTATIVE_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.TentativeNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_TENTATIVE_EDIT_REPLY) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.TentativeEditReplyMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_TENTATIVE_DONT_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.TentativeDontNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.B_DECLINE) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.DeclineButton;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_DECLINE_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.DeclineNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_DECLINE_EDIT_REPLY) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.DeclineEditReplyMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.O_DECLINE_DONT_NOTIFY_ORGANIZER) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.DeclineDontNotifyOrganizerMenu;
      page = null;
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.B_PROPOSE_NEW_TIME) {

      locator = DisplayMail.Locators.ProposeNewTimeButton;
      page = null;

    } else if (button == Button.B_ACCEPT_SHARE) {

      locator = this.ContainerLocator + " td[id$='__Shr__SHARE_ACCEPT_title']";
      page = new SeparateWindowDialog(DialogWarningID.ZmAcceptShare, MyApplication, this);
      ((SeparateWindowDialog) page).zSetWindowTitle(this.DialogWindowTitle);
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else if (button == Button.B_DECLINE_SHARE) {

      locator = this.ContainerLocator + " td[id$='__Shr__SHARE_DECLINE_title']";
      page = new SeparateWindowDialog(DialogWarningID.ZmAcceptShare, MyApplication, this);
      ((SeparateWindowDialog) page).zSetWindowTitle(this.DialogWindowTitle);
      doPostfixCheck = true;

    } else {

      throw new HarnessException("no implementation for button: " + button);

    if (locator == null) throw new HarnessException("no locator defined for button " + button);

    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator))
      throw new HarnessException("locator is not present for button " + button + " : " + locator);



    if (page != null) {

    if (doPostfixCheck) {
      // Make sure the response is delivered before proceeding
      Stafpostqueue sp = new Stafpostqueue();

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 5
  public AbsPage zToolbarPressPulldown(Button pulldown, Button option) throws HarnessException {
        myPageName() + " zToolbarPressButtonWithPulldown(" + pulldown + ", " + option + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click pulldown " + pulldown + " then " + option);

    if (pulldown == null) throw new HarnessException("Pulldown cannot be null!");

    if (option == null) throw new HarnessException("Option cannot be null!");

    // Default behavior variables
    String containerToolbar = "css=div[id^='ztb__MSG']";
    String containerActionMenu = "css=div[id^='zm__MSG']";
    String pulldownLocator = null; // If set, this will be expanded
    String optionLocator = null; // If set, this will be clicked
    AbsPage page = null; // If set, this page will be returned

    if (pulldown == Button.B_ACTIONS) {

      pulldownLocator = containerToolbar + " div[id$='__ACTIONS_MENU'] td[id$='_dropdown']>div";

      if (option == Button.B_PRINT) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='PRINT'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;
        throw new HarnessException("implement me"); // Need to implement the print dialog

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.B_RESPORTSPAM) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='SPAM'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.B_RESPORTNOTSPAM) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='SPAM'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.O_MARK_AS_READ) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='MARK_READ'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.O_MARK_AS_UNREAD) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='MARK_UNREAD'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.O_SHOW_ORIGINAL) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='SHOW_ORIG'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.B_REDIRECT) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='REDIRECT'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = new SeparateWindowDialogRedirect(this.MyApplication, this);

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.O_EDIT_AS_NEW) {

        optionLocator = containerActionMenu + " div[id='EDIT_AS_NEW'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException(
            "no logic defined for pulldown/option " + pulldown + "/" + option);

    } else if (pulldown == Button.B_TAG) {

      pulldownLocator = containerToolbar + " div[id$='__TAG_MENU'] td[id$='_dropdown']>div";

      if (option == Button.O_TAG_NEWTAG) {

        optionLocator = "css=td[id$='__TAG_MENU|MENU|NEWTAG_title']";
        page = null; // new DialogTag(this.MyApplication, this);
        throw new HarnessException("implement me"); // Need to implement the 'new tag' dialog

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else if (option == Button.O_TAG_REMOVETAG) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id$='__TAG_MENU|MENU'] div[id='message_removetag'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

        // FALL THROUGH

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException(
            "no logic defined for pulldown/option " + pulldown + "/" + option);

    } else {

      throw new HarnessException("no logic defined for pulldown/option " + pulldown + "/" + option);

    if (pulldownLocator != null) {

      this.zClickAt(pulldownLocator, "");

      if (optionLocator != null) {

        this.zClickAt(optionLocator, "");

    if (page != null) {

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 6
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see framework.ui.AbsTree#zTreeItem(framework.ui.Action, framework.items.FolderItem)
  public AbsPage zTreeItem(Action action, IItem addressbook) throws HarnessException {
    tracer.trace("Click " + action + " on addressbook " + addressbook);

    // Validate the arguments
    if ((action == null) || (addressbook == null)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Must define an action and addressbook");
    FolderItem folder = null;
    TagItem tag = null;
    if (!(addressbook instanceof FolderItem)) {
      tag = (TagItem) addressbook;
      // throw new HarnessException("Must use FolderItem as argument, but was "+
      // addressbook.getClass());
    } else {

      folder = (FolderItem) addressbook;
    AbsPage page = null;
    String locator = null;

    if (action == Action.A_LEFTCLICK) {

      // choose target addressbook to move contact to (done for TouchPad)
      locator =
          "css=div[id^='ext-tagview'] div[id^='ext-simplelistitem'] div[id^='ext-element']:contains('"
              + tag.getName()
              + "')";
      page = null;
    } else if (action == Action.A_RIGHTCLICK) {

      locator = "id=zti__main_Contacts__" + folder.getId() + "_textCell";
      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
        throw new HarnessException("Unable to locator folder in tree " + locator);

      this.zRightClickAt(locator, "");

      return (null);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Action " + action + " not yet implemented");

    if (locator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("no locator defined for action: " + action);

    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Unable to locator folder in tree " + locator);

    // By default, left click at locator

    if (page != null) {

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 7
  protected AbsPage zTreeItem(Action action, Button option, TagItem t) throws HarnessException {

    if ((action == null) || (option == null) || (t == null)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Must define an action, option, and addressbook");
    AbsPage page = null;
    String actionLocator = null;
    String optionLocator = "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_TAG'] ";

    tracer.trace("processing " + t.getName());

    if (action == Action.A_LEFTCLICK) {

      throw new HarnessException("implement me!");

    } else if (action == Action.A_RIGHTCLICK) {

      actionLocator = "css=td[id^='zti__main_Contacts__']:contains('" + t.getName() + "')";
      this.zRightClickAt(actionLocator, "");


    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Action " + action + " not yet implemented");

    if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWTAG) {

      // optionLocator = "//td[contains(@id,'_left_icon')]/div[contains(@class,'ImgNewTag')]";
      // optionLocator="//div[contains(@id,'POPUP_DWT') and
      // contains(@class,'ZHasSubMenu')]//tbody/tr[@id='POPUP_NEW_TAG']";
      // optionLocator = css=div[id='ZmActionMenu_conversationList_TAG'] div[id='NEW_TAG']
      // td[id$='_title']
      optionLocator += " div[id^='NEW_TAG'] td[id$='_title']";

      page = new DialogTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageMail);

    } else if (option == Button.B_DELETE) {

      // optionLocator = Locators.zDeleteTreeMenuItem;
      optionLocator += " div[id^='DELETE_WITHOUT_SHORTCUT'] td[id$='_title']";

      page =
          new DialogWarning(
              ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

    } else if (option == Button.B_RENAME) {

      // optionLocator = Locators.zRenameTreeMenuItem;
      optionLocator += " div[id^='RENAME_TAG'] td[id$='_title']";

      page = new DialogRenameTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("button " + option + " not yet implemented");

    if (actionLocator == null) throw new HarnessException("locator is null for action " + action);
    if (optionLocator == null) throw new HarnessException("locator is null for option " + option);

    // Default behavior. Click the locator
    zClickAt(optionLocator, "");

    // If there is a busy overlay, wait for that to finish

    if (page != null) {

      // Wait for the page to become active, if it was specified

    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 8
  protected AbsPage zTreeItem(Action action, Button option, FolderItem folderItem)
      throws HarnessException {

    AbsPage page = null;
    String actionLocator = null;
    String optionLocator = null;

    if ((action == null) || (option == null) || (folderItem == null)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Must define an action, option, and addressbook");

        myPageName() + " zTreeItem(" + action + ", " + option + "," + folderItem.getName() + ")");
    tracer.trace(action + " then " + option + " on Folder Item = " + folderItem.getName());

    if (folderItem.getName().equals("USER_ROOT")) {
      actionLocator = "css=div#ztih__main_Contacts__ADDRBOOK_div";
    } else {
      actionLocator = "css=div#zti__main_Contacts__" + folderItem.getId() + "_div";

    if (action == Action.A_RIGHTCLICK) {

      if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWFOLDER) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id^='NEW_ADDRBOOK'] td[id$='_title']";
        page =
            new DialogCreateFolder(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else if (option == Button.B_DELETE) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id^='DELETE_WITHOUT_SHORTCUT'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = null;

      } else if (option == Button.B_RENAME) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id^='RENAME_FOLDER'] td[id$='_title']";
        page =
            new DialogRenameFolder(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_EDIT) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id^='EDIT_PROPS'] td[id$='_title']";
        page =
            new DialogEditFolder(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_FOLDER_EMPTY) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id^='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id^='EMPTY_FOLDER'] td[id$='_title']";
        page =
            new DialogWarning(
                ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else if (option == Button.B_SHARE) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id='ZmActionMenu_contacts_ADDRBOOK'] div[id='SHARE_ADDRBOOK'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = new DialogShare(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException("implement action:" + action + " option:" + option);

      if (actionLocator != null) {

        zRightClickAt(actionLocator, "0,0");

      if (optionLocator != null) {

        zClickAt(optionLocator, "0,0");

      if (page != null) {

      return page;

    } else if (action == Action.A_LEFTCLICK) {

      if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWFOLDER) {

        zClickAt("css=div[class^=ImgNewContactsFolder][class*=ZWidget]", "0,0");
        page =
            new DialogCreateFolder(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageAddressbook);

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException("implement action:" + action + " option:" + option);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("implement action:" + action + " option:" + option);

    if (page != null) {

    return page;
Exemplo n.º 9
  public AbsPage zClickButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zClickButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click dialog button " + button);

    AbsPage page = null;
    String locator = null;

    if (button == Button.B_OK) {

      locator =
              + Locators.zEditPropertiesDialogId
              + "']//div[contains(@id,'_buttons')]//td[text()='OK']";

    } else if (button == Button.B_CANCEL) {

      locator =
              + Locators.zEditPropertiesDialogId
              + "']//div[contains(@id,'_buttons')]//td[text()='Cancel']";

    } else if (button == Button.B_SHARE) {

      locator =
              + Locators.zEditPropertiesDialogId
              + "']//div[contains(@id,'_buttons')]//td[text()=''Add Share...']";

    } else if (button == Button.O_RESEND_LINK) {

      throw new HarnessException("implement me");

    } else if (button == Button.O_REVOKE_LINK) {

      locator =
              + Locators.zEditPropertiesDialogId
              + "']//div[contains(@id,'_content')]//div/fieldset/div/table/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(text(),'Revoke')]";
      page = new DialogShareRevoke(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageMail);

      // Click the link

      // Wait for the Edit dialog to appear

      // Done
      return (page);

    } else if (button == Button.O_EDIT_LINK) {

      locator =
              + Locators.zEditPropertiesDialogId
              + "']//div[contains(@id,'_content')]//div/fieldset/div/table/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(text(),'Edit')]";
      page = new DialogShare(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageMail);

      // Click the link

      // Wait for the Edit dialog to appear

      // Done
      return (page);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator was set



    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 10
  public AbsPage zClickButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zClickButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click dialog button " + button);
    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("button cannot be null");

    String locator = null;
    AbsPage page = null;
    boolean waitForPostfix = false;

    if (button == Button.B_SEARCH_LOCATION) {

      locator = Locators.LocationPickerSerach;
      page = null;

    } else if (button == Button.B_SELECT_LOCATION) {

      locator = Locators.SelectLocationFromPicker;
      page = null;

    } else if (button == Button.B_OK) {

      locator = Locators.AddLocationFromPicker;
      page = null;

    } else if (button == Button.B_CANCEL) {

      locator = "css=div[class='DwtDialog'] td[id$='_button1_title']";
      page = null;

    } else {

      return (super.zClickButton(button));

    // Make sure the locator was set
    if (locator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " not implemented");

    // Make sure the locator exists
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
      throw new HarnessException("Button " + button + " locator " + locator + " not present!");
    this.sClickAt(locator, "");

    // If page was specified, make sure it is active
    if (page != null) {
      // This function (default) throws an exception if never active

    // This dialog could send messages, so wait for the queue
    if (waitForPostfix) {
      Stafpostqueue sp = new Stafpostqueue();

    return (page);
   * Press the toolbar button
   * @param button
   * @return
   * @throws HarnessException
  public AbsPage zToolbarPressButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zToolbarPressButton(" + button + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click button " + button);

    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("Button cannot be null!");

    // Fallthrough objects
    AbsPage page = null;
    String locator = null;

    if (button == Button.B_CLOSE) {

      locator = "css=div[class='ZmDumpsterDialog'] td[id$='_button1_title']";
      page = null;


    } else if (button == Button.B_SEARCH) {

      locator = "css=td#searchDumpsterButton_title";
      page = null;


    } else if (button == Button.B_RECOVER_TO) {

      locator = "css=td#zb__dumpsterMail__MOVE_left_icon div.ImgMoveToFolder";
      page = new DialogMove(this.MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) this.MyApplication).zPageMail);


    } else if (button == Button.B_DELETE) {

      locator = "css=td#zb__dumpsterMail__DELETE_title";
      page = null;


    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("no logic defined for button " + button);

    // Make sure a locator was set
    if (locator == null) throw new HarnessException("locator was null for button " + button);

    // Default behavior, process the locator by clicking on it
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator))
      throw new HarnessException("locator was not present for button " + button);

    // Click it

    // if the app is busy, wait for it to become active again

    if (page != null) {

      // Make sure the page becomes active

    // Return the page, if specified
    return (page);
   * Left click on an item in the dialog box
   * @param action
   * @param subject
   * @return
   * @throws HarnessException
  public AbsPage zListItem(Action action, String subject) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zListItem(" + action + ", " + subject + ")");

    tracer.trace(action + " on subject = " + subject);

    AbsPage page = null;
    String listLocator = "css=div[id=zl__dumpsterMail__rows]";
    String rowLocator = listLocator + " div[id^=zli__dumpsterMail__]";
    String itemLocator = null;

    // Find the item locator

    // TODO: how to handle both messages and conversations, maybe check the view first?
    if (!this.sIsElementPresent(rowLocator))
      throw new HarnessException("List View Rows is not present " + rowLocator);

    // How many items are in the table?
    int count = this.sGetCssCount(rowLocator);
    logger.debug(myPageName() + " zListSelectItem: number of list items: " + count);

    // Get each conversation's data from the table list
    for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {

      // Look for the subject
      String s = "";

      // Subject - Fragment
      itemLocator = rowLocator + ":nth-child(" + i + ") td[id*='__su']";
      if (sIsElementPresent(itemLocator)) {
        s = this.sGetText(itemLocator).trim();

      if (s.contains(subject)) {
        break; // found it

      itemLocator = null;

    if (itemLocator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("subject locator is not present " + itemLocator);

    if (action == Action.A_LEFTCLICK) {

      // Left-Click on the item


      // Return the displayed mail page object
      page = null;


    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("implement me!  action = " + action);

    if (page != null) {

    // default return command
    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 13
  public AbsPage zTreeItem(Action action, Button option, IItem item) throws HarnessException {
    // Validate the arguments
    if ((action == null) || (option == null) || (item == null)) {
      throw new HarnessException(
          "zTreeItem(Action, Button, IItem): Must define an action, option, and item");

        myPageName() + " zTreeItem(" + action + ", " + option + ", " + item.getName() + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click " + action + " then " + option + " on item " + item.getName());

    AbsPage page = null;
    String actionLocator = null;
    String optionLocator = null;

    if (item instanceof TagItem) {
      actionLocator =
          "css=td[id^=zti__main_Briefcase__]:contains(" + ((TagItem) item).getName() + ")";
    } else if (item instanceof FolderItem) {
      actionLocator =
          "css=td[id^=zti__main_Briefcase__" + ((FolderItem) item).getId() + "_textCell]";
    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Must use IItem as argument, but was " + item.getClass());


    if (action == Action.A_RIGHTCLICK) {
      this.zRightClickAt(actionLocator, "0,0");
    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("implement me! " + action + ": not implemented");

    if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWTAG) {

      optionLocator = Locators.zNewTagTreeMenuItem;

      page = new DialogTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

    } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_RENAMETAG) {

      optionLocator = Locators.zRenameTagTreeMenuItem;

      page = new DialogRenameTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);
    } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_DELETE) {

      optionLocator = Locators.zDeleteTreeMenuItem;

      if (item instanceof TagItem) {
        page =
            new DialogWarning(
                ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);
    } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWFOLDER) {

      optionLocator = Locators.zNewFolderTreeMenuItem;

      page =
          new DialogCreateBriefcaseFolder(
              MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

    } else if (option == Button.B_TREE_EDIT_PROPERTIES) {

      optionLocator = Locators.zEditPropertiesTreeMenuItem;

      page =
          new DialogEditProperties(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("button " + option + " not yet implemented");



    // Default behavior. Click the locator
    zClickAt(optionLocator, "");

    // If there is a busy overlay, wait for that to finish

    if (page != null) {
      // Wait for the page to become active, if it was specified
    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 14
  public AbsPage zPressPulldown(Button pulldown, Button option) throws HarnessException {
    logger.info(myPageName() + " zPressPulldown(" + pulldown + ", " + option + ")");

    tracer.trace("Click " + pulldown + " then " + option);

    if (pulldown == null) throw new HarnessException("Pulldown cannot be null");

    if (option == null) throw new HarnessException("Option cannot be null");

    AbsPage page = null;
    String pulldownLocator = null;
    String optionLocator = null;

    if (pulldown == Button.B_TREE_FOLDERS_OPTIONS) {

      pulldownLocator =
          "css=div[id='ztih__main_Briefcase__BRIEFCASE_div'] td[id='ztih__main_Briefcase__BRIEFCASE_optCell'] div[class=ImgContextMenu]";

      if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWFOLDER) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id='ZmActionMenu_briefcase_BRIEFCASE'] div[id='NEW_BRIEFCASE'] td[id$='_title']";
        page =
            new DialogCreateBriefcaseFolder(
                MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException(
            "Pulldown/Option " + pulldown + "/" + option + " not implemented");


    } else if (pulldown == Button.B_TREE_TAGS_OPTIONS) {

      pulldownLocator =
          "css=div[id='zov__main_Briefcase'] td[id='ztih__main_Briefcase__TAG_optCell'] div[class=ImgContextMenu]";

      if (option == Button.B_TREE_NEWTAG) {

        optionLocator =
            "css=div[id='ZmActionMenu_briefcase_TAG'] div[id='NEW_TAG'] td[id$='_title']";
        page = new DialogTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

      } else {
        throw new HarnessException(
            "Pulldown/Option " + pulldown + "/" + option + " not implemented");


    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("Pulldown/Option " + pulldown + "/" + option + " not implemented");

    // Default behavior
    if (pulldownLocator != null) {

      // Make sure the locator exists
      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(pulldownLocator)) {
        throw new HarnessException(
            "Button "
                + pulldown
                + " option "
                + option
                + " pulldownLocator "
                + pulldownLocator
                + " not present!");

      // 8.0 change ... need zClickAt()
      // this.zClick(pulldownLocator);
      this.zClickAt(pulldownLocator, "0,0");

      // If the app is busy, wait for it to become active

      if (optionLocator != null) {

        // Make sure the locator exists
        if (!this.sIsElementPresent(optionLocator)) {
          throw new HarnessException(
              "Button "
                  + pulldown
                  + " option "
                  + option
                  + " optionLocator "
                  + optionLocator
                  + " not present!");

        // 8.0 change ... need zClickAt()
        // this.zClick(optionLocator);
        this.zClickAt(optionLocator, "0,0");

        // If the app is busy, wait for it to become active

      // If we click on pulldown/option and the page is specified, then
      // wait for the page to go active
      if (page != null) {

    // Return the specified page, or null if not set
    return (page);
Exemplo n.º 15
  public AbsPage zPressButton(Button button) throws HarnessException {
    tracer.trace("Click " + button);

    if (button == null) throw new HarnessException("Button cannot be null");

    AbsPage page = null;
    String locator = null;

    if (button == Button.B_TREE_NEWBRIEFCASE) {

      locator = "css=div[id=ztih__main_Briefcase__BRIEFCASE] div[class^=ImgNewFolder ZWidget]";
      page =
          new DialogCreateBriefcaseFolder(
              MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);

      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
        throw new HarnessException("Unable to locate folder in the tree " + locator);

      this.zClickAt(locator, "0,0");


      return page;

    } else if (button == Button.B_TREE_NEWTAG) {

      locator = "css=div[class^=ImgNewTag ZWidget]";

      if (!this.sIsElementPresent(locator)) {
        throw new HarnessException("Unable to locate folder in tree " + locator);
      page = new DialogTag(MyApplication, ((AppAjaxClient) MyApplication).zPageBriefcase);
    } else if (button == Button.B_TREE_BRIEFCASE_EXPANDCOLLAPSE) {

      locator = null;
      page = null;

      // TODO: implement me

    } else {
      throw new HarnessException("no logic defined for button " + button);

    if (locator == null) {
      throw new HarnessException("locator was null for button " + button);

    // Default behavior, process the locator by clicking on it

    // Click it
    this.zClickAt(locator, "0,0");

    // If the app is busy, wait for that to finish

    // If page was specified, make sure it is active
    if (page != null) {

      // This function (default) throws an exception if never active
    return (page);