Exemplo n.º 1
 public void test() {
   Pitch[] expectedPitches = getExpectedPitches();
   int iPitch = 0;
   Staff staff = getFirstStaff();
   for (int iM = 0; iM < staff.getMeasures().size(); iM++) {
     Measure measure = staff.getMeasures().get(iM);
     Voice voice = measure.getVoice(0);
     for (VoiceElement e : voice.getElements()) {
       if (e instanceof Chord) {
         // check note and pitch
         Chord chord = (Chord) e;
         assertEquals(expectedPitches[iPitch++], chord.getNotes().get(0).getPitch());
   // TODO - ignore this test, since MusicXML input file has a bug (only a single measure),
   // so currently only the first measure is tested
   // assertEquals("not all notes found", expectedPitches.length, iPitch);