Exemplo n.º 1
   * @param sor
   * @throws XdsPatientIdDoesNotMatchException
   * @throws XdsDeprecatedException
   * @throws XdsUnknownPatientIdException
   * @throws MetadataException
   * @throws MetadataValidationException
   * @throws XDSNonIdenticalHashException
   * @throws XdsInternalException
   * @throws XdsException
  void handleSubmitObjectsRequest(OMElement sor)
      throws XdsPatientIdDoesNotMatchException, XDSNonIdenticalHashException,
          XdsDeprecatedException, MetadataValidationException, MetadataException,
          XdsInternalException, XdsException {
    // Run XML schema validation.
    RegistryUtility.schema_validate_local(sor, MetadataTypes.METADATA_TYPE_Rb);
    boolean commitCompleted = false;

    // Get backend registry instance.
    BackendRegistry backendRegistry = new BackendRegistry(log_message);
    try {
      // Create metadata instance from SOR.
      Metadata m = new Metadata(sor);

      SubmitObjectsRequestStoredQuerySupport sqSupport =
          new SubmitObjectsRequestStoredQuerySupport(response, log_message, backendRegistry);

      // Run validations.
      RegistryObjectValidator rov =
          new RegistryObjectValidator(response, log_message, backendRegistry);
      rov.validate(m, true /* isSubmit */, response.registryErrorList, this.getConfigActor());
      if (!response.has_errors()) {
        // Only continue if response does not have any errors (a bit ugly).

        // Change symbolic names to UUIDs.
        IdParser idParser = new IdParser(m);

        // If this submission includes a DocumentEntry replace and the original DocumentEntry is in
        // a folder
        // then the replacement document must be put into the folder as well.  This must happen here
        // so the following logic to update folder lastUpdateTime can be triggered.
        this.updateFolderContentsOnDocumentReplace(m, backendRegistry);

        // if this submission adds a document to a folder then update that folder's lastUpdateTime
        // Slot
        this.updateFoldersLastUpdateTimeSlot(m, sqSupport, backendRegistry);


        // Finally, make the actual submission:
        this.submitRegistryRequest(m, backendRegistry, "SubmitObjectsRequest");

        // Approve
        // this.approveObjects(m, backendRegistry);

        // Deprecate
        this.deprecateObjects(m, sqSupport, backendRegistry);

      commitCompleted = true;
    } finally {
      if (!commitCompleted) {
  public Metadata run_internal() throws XdsInternalException, XdsException {

    OMElement results = impl();

    Metadata m = MetadataParser.parseNonSubmission(results);

    if (log_message != null) log_message.addOtherParam("Results structure", m.structure());

    return m;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * @param m
   * @param sqSupport
   * @param backendRegistry
   * @throws XdsException
  private void updateFoldersLastUpdateTimeSlot(
      Metadata m, SubmitObjectsRequestStoredQuerySupport sqSupport, BackendRegistry backendRegistry)
      throws XdsException {
    // Update any folders "lastUpdateTime" slot with the current time:

    // if this submission adds a document to a folder then update that folder's lastUpdateTime Slot
    for (OMElement assoc : m.getAssociations()) {
      if (MetadataSupport.xdsB_eb_assoc_type_has_member.equals(m.getAssocType(assoc))) {
        String sourceId = m.getAssocSource(assoc);
        if (!m.getSubmissionSetId().equals(sourceId) && !m.getFolderIds().contains(sourceId)) {
          // Assoc src not part of the submission
          logger.info("Adding to Folder (1)" + sourceId);
          if (this.isFolder(sourceId, sqSupport)) {
            logger.info("Adding to Folder (2)" + sourceId);
            OMElement res =
                    "SELECT * from RegistryPackage rp WHERE rp.id='" + sourceId + "'", true);
            // Update any folders "lastUpdateTime" slot:
            Metadata fm = MetadataParser.parseNonSubmission(res);
            // OMElement to_backend = fm.getV3SubmitObjectsRequest();
            // log_message.addOtherParam("From Registry Adaptor", to_backend);
            this.submitRegistryRequest(fm, backendRegistry, "Update Folder LastUpdateTime Slot");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param m
  * @param rov
  * @param backendRegistry
  * @throws MetadataValidationException
  * @throws MetadataException
  * @throws XdsException
 private void deprecateObjects(
     Metadata m, SubmitObjectsRequestStoredQuerySupport sqSupport, BackendRegistry backendRegistry)
     throws MetadataValidationException, MetadataException, XdsException {
   List<String> deprecatableObjectIds = m.getDeprecatableObjectIds();
   // add to the list of things to deprecate, any XFRM or APND documents hanging off documents
   // in the deprecatable_object_ids list
   List<String> XFRMandAPNDDocuments = sqSupport.getXFRMandAPNDDocuments(deprecatableObjectIds);
   if (deprecatableObjectIds.size() > 0) {
     // validate that these are documents first
     List<String> missing = sqSupport.getMissingDocuments(deprecatableObjectIds);
     if (missing != null) {
       throw new XdsException(
           "The following documents were referenced by this submission but are not present in the registry: "
               + missing);
     this.submitDeprecateObjectsRequest(backendRegistry, deprecatableObjectIds);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param m
  * @throws MetadataException
 private void logMetadata(Metadata m) throws MetadataException {
   // Log relevant data (if logger is turned on of course).
   if (log_message.isLogEnabled() == true) {
     log_message.addOtherParam("SSuid", m.getSubmissionSetUniqueId());
     ArrayList<String> doc_uids = new ArrayList<String>();
     for (String id : m.getExtrinsicObjectIds()) {
       String uid = m.getUniqueIdValue(id);
       if (uid != null && !uid.equals("")) {
     log_message.addOtherParam("DOCuids", doc_uids);
     ArrayList<String> fol_uids = new ArrayList<String>();
     for (String id : m.getFolderIds()) {
       String uid = m.getUniqueIdValue(id);
       if (uid != null && !uid.equals("")) {
     log_message.addOtherParam("FOLuids", fol_uids);
     log_message.addOtherParam("Structure", m.structure());
Exemplo n.º 6
   * @param m
   * @param backendRegistry
   * @throws XdsException
  private void updateFolderContentsOnDocumentReplace(Metadata m, BackendRegistry backendRegistry)
      throws XdsException {
    // If this submission includes a DocumentEntry replace and the original DocumentEntry is in a
    // folder
    // then the replacement document must be put into the folder as well.  This must happen here
    // so the following logic to update folder lastUpdateTime can be triggered.

    HashMap<String, String> rplcToOrigIds = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (OMElement assoc : m.getAssociations()) {
      if (MetadataSupport.xdsB_ihe_assoc_type_rplc.equals(m.getAssocType(assoc))) {
        rplcToOrigIds.put(m.getAssocSource(assoc), m.getAssocTarget(assoc));
    for (String replacementDocumentId : rplcToOrigIds.keySet()) {
      String originalDocumentId = rplcToOrigIds.get(replacementDocumentId);
      // for each original document, find the collection of folders it belongs to
      Metadata me = this.findFoldersForDocumentByUuid(originalDocumentId, backendRegistry);
      List<String> folderIds = me.getObjectIds(me.getObjectRefs());
      // for each folder, add an association placing replacment in that folder
      // This brings up interesting question, should the Assoc between SS and Assoc be generated
      // also?  YES!
      for (String fid : folderIds) {
        OMElement assoc =
                    MetadataSupport.xdsB_eb_assoc_type_has_member, fid, replacementDocumentId));
        OMElement assoc2 =