public void ingestPairsWithCalculatedIDs(int vert) {
    int idLength = 8;

    for (int i = 0; i < vert; i++) {
      Map<String, String> personProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
      personProperties.put("age", i + "");
      personProperties.put("firstname", "John" + i);
      personProperties.put("lastname", "Doe" + i);

      // Calculate id of given size from attributes:
      String id = IDUtils.md5(personProperties, idLength);

      Vertex person = graph.addVertex(id);

      person.setProperty("age", i);
      person.setProperty("firstname", "John" + i);
      person.setProperty("lastname", "Doe" + i);

      Map<String, String> locationProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
      locationProperties.put("address", i + "");

      // Calculate id of given size from attributes:
      String id2 = IDUtils.md5(locationProperties, idLength);

      Vertex location = graph.addVertex(id2);

      location.setProperty("address", i);
      Edge edge = graph.addEdge(i, person, location, "edge");
      edge.setProperty("fr", i);
  public void ingestPairs(int vert) {
    StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
    for (int i = 0; i < vert; i++) {
      Vertex person = graph.addVertex("p" + i);
      person.setProperty("type", "person");
      person.setProperty("age", i);
      person.setProperty("firstname", "John" + i);
      person.setProperty("lastname", "Doe" + i);

      Vertex location = graph.addVertex("l" + i);
      location.setProperty("type", "location");
      location.setProperty("address", "address" + i);

      Edge edge = graph.addEdge(i, person, location, "e");
      edge.setProperty("type", "lived at");
      edge.setProperty("from", "199" + i);
      edge.setProperty("to", "201" + i);
    System.out.println("Created graph\n");