Exemplo n.º 1
 public static int getProcessID(Process process) {
   long id = getProcessHandle(process);
   if (id != 0) {
     HANDLE handle = new HANDLE();
     return Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessId(handle);
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public Pointer getHIcon(Pointer hWnd) {
    FuFlags fuFlags = new FuFlags();

    try {
      Pointer icon =
              hWnd, Messages.WM_GETICON, FType.ICON_SMALL, 0, fuFlags.getFlags(), 20);
      if (icon != null) return u32.CopyIcon(icon);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      Pointer icon =
          SendMessageTimeoutA(hWnd, Messages.WM_GETICON, FType.ICON_BIG, 0, fuFlags.getFlags(), 20);
      if (icon != null) return u32.CopyIcon(icon);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      Pointer icon =
              hWnd, Messages.WM_GETICON, FType.ICON_SMALL2, 0, fuFlags.getFlags(), 20);
      if (icon != null) return u32.CopyIcon(icon);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      int hiconSM = GetClassLong(hWnd, GCFlags.GCL_HICONSM);
      if (hiconSM != 0) return u32.CopyIcon(Pointer.createConstant(hiconSM));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    try {
      int hicon = GetClassLong(hWnd, GCFlags.GCL_HICON);
      if (hicon != 0) return u32.CopyIcon(Pointer.createConstant(hicon));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static int getWindowsProcessId(Process proc) throws Exception {
   if (proc.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Win32Process")
       || proc.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.ProcessImpl")) {
     /* determine the pid on windows plattforms */
     Field f = proc.getClass().getDeclaredField("handle");
     long handl = f.getLong(proc);
     Kernel32 kernel = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
     WinNT.HANDLE handle = new WinNT.HANDLE();
     return kernel.GetProcessId(handle);
   return 0;
  private static int getProcessId(Process process) {
    int PID = 0;
    if (process.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Win32Process")
        || process.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.ProcessImpl")) {
      try {
        Field f = process.getClass().getDeclaredField("handle");
        long handl = f.getLong(process);

        Kernel kernel = Kernel.INSTANCE;
        W32API.HANDLE handle = new W32API.HANDLE();
        PID = kernel.GetProcessId(handle);
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        Loggers.SERVER.error("PID PROBLEM " + e);
    return PID;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get a window handle for a component identifier.
  * @param componentId component identifier
  * @return native window handle
 private HWND getHWND(long componentId) {
   return new HWND(Pointer.createConstant(componentId));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public final WinDef.HWND longToHwnd(long input) {
   WinDef.HWND handle = new WinDef.HWND();
   return handle;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public final WinDef.HMENU longToHmenu(long input) {
   WinDef.HMENU handle = new WinDef.HMENU();
   return handle;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Ported from Winbase.h (kernel32.dll/kernel services). Microsoft Windows SDK 6.0A.
 * @author dblock[at]dblock.org
public interface WinBase extends StdCallLibrary, WinDef, BaseTSD {

  /** Constant value representing an invalid HANDLE. */
      new HANDLE(Pointer.createConstant(Pointer.SIZE == 8 ? -1 : 0xFFFFFFFFL));

  int WAIT_OBJECT_0 = ((NTStatus.STATUS_WAIT_0) + 0);

  /** Maximum computer name length. The value is 15 on Mac, 31 on everything else. */
  int MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH = Platform.isMac() ? 15 : 31;

   * This logon type is intended for users who will be interactively using the computer, such as a
   * user being logged on by a terminal server, remote shell, or similar process. This logon type
   * has the additional expense of caching logon information for disconnected operations; therefore,
   * it is inappropriate for some client/server applications, such as a mail server.
   * This logon type is intended for high performance servers to authenticate plaintext passwords.
   * The LogonUser function does not cache credentials for this logon type.
   * This logon type is intended for batch servers, where processes may be executing on behalf of a
   * user without their direct intervention. This type is also for higher performance servers that
   * process many plaintext authentication attempts at a time, such as mail or Web servers. The
   * LogonUser function does not cache credentials for this logon type.
  int LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH = 4;
   * Indicates a service-type logon. The account provided must have the service privilege enabled.
   * This logon type is for GINA DLLs that log on users who will be interactively using the
   * computer. This logon type can generate a unique audit record that shows when the workstation
   * was unlocked.
   * This logon type preserves the name and password in the authentication package, which allows the
   * server to make connections to other network servers while impersonating the client. A server
   * can accept plaintext credentials from a client, call LogonUser, verify that the user can access
   * the system across the network, and still communicate with other servers.
   * This logon type allows the caller to clone its current token and specify new credentials for
   * outbound connections. The new logon session has the same local identifier but uses different
   * credentials for other network connections. This logon type is supported only by the
   * LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50 logon provider.

   * Use the standard logon provider for the system. The default security provider is negotiate,
   * unless you pass NULL for the domain name and the user name is not in UPN format. In this case,
   * the default provider is NTLM.

  /** Use the Windows NT 3.5 logon provider. */
  /** Use the NTLM logon provider. */
  /** Use the negotiate logon provider. */

   * If this flag is set, a child process created with the bInheritHandles parameter of
   * CreateProcess set to TRUE will inherit the object handle.

   * If this flag is set, calling the {@link Kernel32#CloseHandle} function will not close the
   * object handle.

  // STARTUPINFO flags
  int STARTF_USESIZE = 0x002;

  // Process Creation flags
  int DEBUG_PROCESS = 0x00000001;
  int DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS = 0x00000002;
  int CREATE_SUSPENDED = 0x00000004;
  int DETACHED_PROCESS = 0x00000008;
  int CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010;
  int CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP = 0x00000200;
  int CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM = 0x00000800;
  int CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM = 0x00001000;
  int CREATE_FORCEDOS = 0x00002000;
  int INHERIT_PARENT_AFFINITY = 0x00010000;
  int CREATE_PROTECTED_PROCESS = 0x00040000;
  int CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB = 0x01000000;
  int CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE = 0x04000000;
  int CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000;

  /* Invalid return values */

  /** Return code for a process still active. */

   * The FILETIME structure is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals
   * since January 1, 1601 (UTC). Conversion code in this class Copyright 2002-2004 Apache Software
   * Foundation.
   * @author Rainer Klute ([email protected]) for the Apache Software Foundation
   *     (org.apache.poi.hpsf)
  public static class FILETIME extends Structure {
    public int dwLowDateTime;
    public int dwHighDateTime;

    public static class ByReference extends FILETIME implements Structure.ByReference {
      public ByReference() {}

      public ByReference(Pointer memory) {

    public FILETIME(Date date) {
      long rawValue = dateToFileTime(date);
      dwHighDateTime = (int) (rawValue >> 32 & 0xffffffffL);
      dwLowDateTime = (int) (rawValue & 0xffffffffL);

    public FILETIME() {}

    public FILETIME(Pointer memory) {

     * The difference between the Windows epoch (1601-01-01 00:00:00) and the Unix epoch (1970-01-01
     * 00:00:00) in milliseconds: 11644473600000L. (Use your favorite spreadsheet program to verify
     * the correctness of this value. By the way, did you notice that you can tell from the epochs
     * which operating system is the modern one? :-))
    private static final long EPOCH_DIFF = 11644473600000L;

     * Converts a Windows FILETIME into a {@link Date}. The Windows FILETIME structure holds a date
     * and time associated with a file. The structure identifies a 64-bit integer specifying the
     * number of 100-nanosecond intervals which have passed since January 1, 1601. This 64-bit value
     * is split into the two double words stored in the structure.
     * @param high The higher double word of the FILETIME structure.
     * @param low The lower double word of the FILETIME structure.
     * @return The Windows FILETIME as a {@link Date}.
    public static Date filetimeToDate(final int high, final int low) {
      final long filetime = (long) high << 32 | low & 0xffffffffL;
      final long ms_since_16010101 = filetime / (1000 * 10);
      final long ms_since_19700101 = ms_since_16010101 - EPOCH_DIFF;
      return new Date(ms_since_19700101);

     * Converts a {@link Date} into a filetime.
     * @param date The date to be converted
     * @return The filetime
     * @see #filetimeToDate
    public static long dateToFileTime(final Date date) {
      final long ms_since_19700101 = date.getTime();
      final long ms_since_16010101 = ms_since_19700101 + EPOCH_DIFF;
      return ms_since_16010101 * 1000 * 10;

    public Date toDate() {
      return filetimeToDate(dwHighDateTime, dwLowDateTime);

    public long toLong() {
      return toDate().getTime();

    public String toString() {
      return super.toString() + ": " + toDate().toString(); // $NON-NLS-1$

  /* Local Memory Flags */
  int LMEM_FIXED = 0x0000;
  int LMEM_MOVEABLE = 0x0002;
  int LMEM_NOCOMPACT = 0x0010;
  int LMEM_NODISCARD = 0x0020;
  int LMEM_ZEROINIT = 0x0040;
  int LMEM_MODIFY = 0x0080;
  int LMEM_DISCARDABLE = 0x0F00;
  int LMEM_VALID_FLAGS = 0x0F72;
  int LMEM_INVALID_HANDLE = 0x8000;


  /* Flags returned by LocalFlags (in addition to LMEM_DISCARDABLE) */
  int LMEM_DISCARDED = 0x4000;
  int LMEM_LOCKCOUNT = 0x00FF;

   * Specifies a date and time, using individual members for the month, day, year, weekday, hour,
   * minute, second, and millisecond. The time is either in coordinated universal time (UTC) or
   * local time, depending on the function that is being called.
   * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724950(VS.85).aspx
  public static class SYSTEMTIME extends Structure {
    // The year. The valid values for this member are 1601 through 30827.
    public short wYear;
    // The month. The valid values for this member are 1 through 12.
    public short wMonth;
    // The day of the week. The valid values for this member are 0 through 6.
    public short wDayOfWeek;
    // The day of the month. The valid values for this member are 1 through 31.
    public short wDay;
    // The hour. The valid values for this member are 0 through 23.
    public short wHour;
    // The minute. The valid values for this member are 0 through 59.
    public short wMinute;
    // The second. The valid values for this member are 0 through 59.
    public short wSecond;
    // The millisecond. The valid values for this member are 0 through 999.
    public short wMilliseconds;

   * The lpBuffer parameter is a pointer to a PVOID pointer, and that the nSize parameter specifies
   * the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output message buffer. The function allocates a
   * buffer large enough to hold the formatted message, and places a pointer to the allocated buffer
   * at the address specified by lpBuffer. The caller should use the LocalFree function to free the
   * buffer when it is no longer needed.
   * Insert sequences in the message definition are to be ignored and passed through to the output
   * buffer unchanged. This flag is useful for fetching a message for later formatting. If this flag
   * is set, the Arguments parameter is ignored.
   * The lpSource parameter is a pointer to a null-terminated message definition. The message
   * definition may contain insert sequences, just as the message text in a message table resource
  int FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING = 0x00000400;
   * The lpSource parameter is a module handle containing the message-table resource(s) to search.
   * If this lpSource handle is NULL, the current process's application image file will be searched.
   * Cannot be used with FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING.
   * The function should search the system message-table resource(s) for the requested message. If
   * this flag is specified with FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, the function searches the system
   * message table if the message is not found in the module specified by lpSource. Cannot be used
   * with FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING. If this flag is specified, an application can pass the result
   * of the GetLastError function to retrieve the message text for a system-defined error.
  int FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000;
   * The Arguments parameter is not a va_list structure, but is a pointer to an array of values that
   * represent the arguments. This flag cannot be used with 64-bit argument values. If you are using
   * 64-bit values, you must use the va_list structure.

  /** The drive type cannot be determined. */
  int DRIVE_UNKNOWN = 0;
  /** The root path is invalid, for example, no volume is mounted at the path. */
  int DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR = 1;
   * The drive is a type that has removable media, for example, a floppy drive or removable hard
   * disk.
  /** The drive is a type that cannot be removed, for example, a fixed hard drive. */
  int DRIVE_FIXED = 3;
  /** The drive is a remote (network) drive. */
  int DRIVE_REMOTE = 4;
  /** The drive is a CD-ROM drive. */
  int DRIVE_CDROM = 5;
  /** The drive is a RAM disk. */
  int DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6;

   * The OVERLAPPED structure contains information used in asynchronous (or overlapped) input and
   * output (I/O).
  public static class OVERLAPPED extends Structure {
    public ULONG_PTR Internal;
    public ULONG_PTR InternalHigh;
    public int Offset;
    public int OffsetHigh;
    public HANDLE hEvent;


   * Contains information about the current computer system. This includes the architecture and type
   * of the processor, the number of processors in the system, the page size, and other such
   * information.
  public static class SYSTEM_INFO extends Structure {

    /** Unnamed inner structure. */
    public static class PI extends Structure {

      public static class ByReference extends PI implements Structure.ByReference {}

       * System's processor architecture. This value can be one of the following values:
      public WORD wProcessorArchitecture;
      /** Reserved for future use. */
      public WORD wReserved;

    /** Unnamed inner union. */
    public static class UNION extends Union {

      public static class ByReference extends UNION implements Structure.ByReference {}

       * An obsolete member that is retained for compatibility with Windows NT 3.5 and earlier. New
       * applications should use the wProcessorArchitecture branch of the union. Windows Me/98/95:
       * The system always sets this member to zero, the value defined for
      public DWORD dwOemID;
      /** Processor architecture (unnamed struct). */
      public PI pi;

    /** Processor architecture (unnamed union). */
    public UNION processorArchitecture;
    /** Page size and the granularity of page protection and commitment. */
    public DWORD dwPageSize;
     * Pointer to the lowest memory address accessible to applications and dynamic-link libraries
     * (DLLs).
    public Pointer lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
    /** Pointer to the highest memory address accessible to applications and DLLs. */
    public Pointer lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
     * Mask representing the set of processors configured into the system. Bit 0 is processor 0; bit
     * 31 is processor 31.
    public DWORD_PTR dwActiveProcessorMask;
    /** Number of processors in the system. */
    public DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors;
     * An obsolete member that is retained for compatibility with Windows NT 3.5 and Windows
     * Me/98/95. Use the wProcessorArchitecture, wProcessorLevel, and wProcessorRevision members to
     * determine the type of processor. PROCESSOR_INTEL_386 PROCESSOR_INTEL_486
    public DWORD dwProcessorType;
    /** Granularity for the starting address at which virtual memory can be allocated. */
    public DWORD dwAllocationGranularity;
     * System's architecture-dependent processor level. It should be used only for display purposes.
     * To determine the feature set of a processor, use the IsProcessorFeaturePresent function. If
     * wProcessorArchitecture is PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL, wProcessorLevel is defined by the CPU
     * vendor. If wProcessorArchitecture is PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64, wProcessorLevel is set to
     * 1.
    public WORD wProcessorLevel;
    /** Architecture-dependent processor revision. */
    public WORD wProcessorRevision;

   * Contains information about the current state of both physical and virtual memory, including
   * extended memory. The GlobalMemoryStatusEx function stores information in this structure.
  public static class MEMORYSTATUSEX extends Structure {
    /** The size of the structure, in bytes. */
    public DWORD dwLength;
     * A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory that
     * is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use).
    public DWORD dwMemoryLoad;
    /** The amount of actual physical memory, in bytes. */
    public DWORDLONG ullTotalPhys;
     * The amount of physical memory currently available, in bytes. This is the amount of physical
     * memory that can be immediately reused without having to write its contents to disk first. It
     * is the sum of the size of the standby, free, and zero lists.
    public DWORDLONG ullAvailPhys;
     * The current committed memory limit for the system or the current process, whichever is
     * smaller, in bytes.
    public DWORDLONG ullTotalPageFile;
     * The maximum amount of memory the current process can commit, in bytes. This value is equal to
     * or smaller than the system-wide available commit value.
    public DWORDLONG ullAvailPageFile;
     * The size of the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process, in
     * bytes.
    public DWORDLONG ullTotalVirtual;
     * The amount of unreserved and uncommitted memory currently in the user-mode portion of the
     * virtual address space of the calling process, in bytes.
    public DWORDLONG ullAvailVirtual;
    /** Reserved. This value is always 0. */
    public DWORDLONG ullAvailExtendedVirtual;

    public MEMORYSTATUSEX() {
      dwLength = new DWORD(size());

   * The SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure contains the security descriptor for an object and specifies
   * whether the handle retrieved by specifying this structure is inheritable. This structure
   * provides security settings for objects created by various functions, such as {@link
   * Kernel32#CreateFile}, {@link Kernel32#CreatePipe}, or {@link Advapi32#RegCreateKeyEx}.
  public static class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES extends Structure {
    /** The size of the structure, in bytes. */
    public DWORD dwLength;

    /** A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that controls access to the object. */
    public Pointer lpSecurityDescriptor;

     * A Boolean value that specifies whether the returned handle is inherited when a new process is
     * created
    public boolean bInheritHandle;

      dwLength = new DWORD(size());

   * Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the main window for
   * a process at creation time.
  public static class STARTUPINFO extends Structure {
    /** The size of the structure, in bytes. */
    public DWORD cb;

    /** Reserved; must be NULL. */
    public String lpReserved;

     * The name of the desktop, or the name of both the desktop and window station for this process.
     * A backslash in the string indicates that the string includes both the desktop and window
     * station names. For more information, see Thread Connection to a Desktop.
    public String lpDesktop;

     * For console processes, this is the title displayed in the title bar if a new console window
     * is created. If NULL, the name of the executable file is used as the window title instead.
     * This parameter must be NULL for GUI or console processes that do not create a new console
     * window.
    public String lpTitle;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEPOSITION, this member is the x offset of the upper left corner
     * of a window if a new window is created, in pixels. Otherwise, this member is ignored.
     * <p>The offset is from the upper left corner of the screen. For GUI processes, the specified
     * position is used the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped
     * window if the x parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.
    public DWORD dwX;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEPOSITION, this member is the y offset of the upper left corner
     * of a window if a new window is created, in pixels. Otherwise, this member is ignored.
     * <p>The offset is from the upper left corner of the screen. For GUI processes, the specified
     * position is used the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped
     * window if the y parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.
    public DWORD dwY;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESIZE, this member is the width of the window if a new window
     * is created, in pixels. Otherwise, this member is ignored.
     * <p>For GUI processes, this is used only the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to
     * create an overlapped window if the nWidth parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.
    public DWORD dwXSize;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESIZE, this member is the height of the window if a new window
     * is created, in pixels. Otherwise, this member is ignored.
     * <p>For GUI processes, this is used only the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to
     * create an overlapped window if the nHeight parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.
    public DWORD dwYSize;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS, if a new console window is created in a console
     * process, this member specifies the screen buffer width, in character columns. Otherwise, this
     * member is ignored.
    public DWORD dwXCountChars;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS, if a new console window is created in a console
     * process, this member specifies the screen buffer height, in character rows. Otherwise, this
     * member is ignored.
    public DWORD dwYCountChars;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE, this member is the initial text and background
     * colors if a new console window is created in a console application. Otherwise, this member is
     * ignored.
     * <p>This value can be any combination of the following values: FOREGROUND_BLUE,
     * BACKGROUND_RED, and BACKGROUND_INTENSITY. For example, the following combination of values
     * produces red text on a white background:
    public DWORD dwFillAttribute;

     * A bit field that determines whether certain STARTUPINFO members are used when the process
     * creates a window.
    public int dwFlags;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW, this member can be any of the values that can be
     * specified in the nCmdShow parameter for the ShowWindow function, except for SW_SHOWDEFAULT.
     * Otherwise, this member is ignored.
     * <p>For GUI processes, the first time ShowWindow is called, its nCmdShow parameter is ignored
     * wShowWindow specifies the default value. In subsequent calls to ShowWindow, the wShowWindow
     * member is used if the nCmdShow parameter of ShowWindow is set to SW_SHOWDEFAULT.
    public WORD wShowWindow;

    /** Reserved for use by the C Run-time; must be zero. */
    public WORD cbReserved2;

    /** Reserved for use by the C Run-time; must be NULL. */
    public ByteByReference lpReserved2;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, this member is the standard input handle for the
     * process. If STARTF_USESTDHANDLES is not specified, the default for standard input is the
     * keyboard buffer.
     * <p>If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEHOTKEY, this member specifies a hotkey value that is sent
     * as the wParam parameter of a WM_SETHOTKEY message to the first eligible top-level window
     * created by the application that owns the process. If the window is created with the WS_POPUP
     * window style, it is not eligible unless the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended window style is also
     * set. For more information, see CreateWindowEx.
     * <p>Otherwise, this member is ignored.
    public HANDLE hStdInput;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, this member is the standard output handle for the
     * process. Otherwise, this member is ignored and the default for standard output is the console
     * window's buffer.
    public HANDLE hStdOutput;

     * If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, this member is the standard error handle for the
     * process. Otherwise, this member is ignored and the default for standard error is the console
     * window's buffer.
    public HANDLE hStdError;

    public STARTUPINFO() {
      cb = new DWORD(size());

   * Contains information about a newly created process and its primary thread. It is used with the
   * CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, CreateProcessWithLogonW, or CreateProcessWithTokenW
   * function.
  public static class PROCESS_INFORMATION extends Structure {

     * A handle to the newly created process. The handle is used to specify the process in all
     * functions that perform operations on the process object.
    public HANDLE hProcess;

     * A handle to the primary thread of the newly created process. The handle is used to specify
     * the thread in all functions that perform operations on the thread object.
    public HANDLE hThread;

     * A value that can be used to identify a process. The value is valid from the time the process
     * is created until all handles to the process are closed and the process object is freed; at
     * this point, the identifier may be reused.
    public DWORD dwProcessId;

     * A value that can be used to identify a thread. The value is valid from the time the thread is
     * created until all handles to the thread are closed and the thread object is freed; at this
     * point, the identifier may be reused.
    public DWORD dwThreadId;

    public static class ByReference extends PROCESS_INFORMATION implements Structure.ByReference {
      public ByReference() {}

      public ByReference(Pointer memory) {


    public PROCESS_INFORMATION(Pointer memory) {

   * If the file is to be moved to a different volume, the function simulates the move by using the
   * CopyFile and DeleteFile functions.
   * <p>This value cannot be used with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT.

  /** Reserved for future use. */

   * The system does not move the file until the operating system is restarted. The system moves the
   * file immediately after AUTOCHK is executed, but before creating any paging files. Consequently,
   * this parameter enables the function to delete paging files from previous startups.
   * <p>This value can be used only if the process is in the context of a user who belongs to the
   * administrators group or the LocalSystem account.
   * <p>This value cannot be used with MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED.
   * <p>Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: For information about special situations where this
   * functionality can fail, and a suggested workaround solution, see Files are not exchanged when
   * Windows Server 2003 restarts if you use the MoveFileEx function to schedule a replacement for
   * some files in the Help and Support Knowledge Base.
   * <p>Windows 2000: If you specify the MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag for dwFlags, you cannot
   * also prepend the file name that is specified by lpExistingFileName with "\\?".

   * The function fails if the source file is a link source, but the file cannot be tracked after
   * the move. This situation can occur if the destination is a volume formatted with the FAT file
   * system.

   * If a file named lpNewFileName exists, the function replaces its contents with the contents of
   * the lpExistingFileName file, provided that security requirements regarding access control lists
   * (ACLs) are met. For more information, see the Remarks section of this topic.
   * <p>This value cannot be used if lpNewFileName or lpExistingFileName names a directory.

   * The function does not return until the file is actually moved on the disk.
   * <p>Setting this value guarantees that a move performed as a copy and delete operation is
   * flushed to disk before the function returns. The flush occurs at the end of the copy operation.
   * <p>This value has no effect if MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT is set.
Exemplo n.º 9
public class C {
  private static final String LIB = "c";

  static {

   # define _SIGSET_NWORDS	(1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
   typedef struct
     unsigned long int __val[_SIGSET_NWORDS];
   } __sigset_t;
  public static final int _SIGSET_NWORDS = (1024 / (8 * NativeLong.SIZE));

  public static class sigset_t extends Structure {
    public NativeLong[] __val = new NativeLong[_SIGSET_NWORDS];

    protected List getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList("__val");

    public sigset_t() {

    public static class ByReference extends sigset_t implements Structure.ByReference {}

    public static class ByValue extends sigset_t implements Structure.ByValue {}

   struct sched_param
     int __sched_priority;
  public static class sched_param extends Structure {
    public int __sched_priority;

    protected List getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList("__sched_priority");

    public sched_param() {

    //Structure describing the action to be taken when a signal arrives.
    struct sigaction
      //Signal handler.
      #ifdef __USE_POSIX199309
        //Used if SA_SIGINFO is not set.
        __sighandler_t sa_handler;
        //Used if SA_SIGINFO is set.
        void (*sa_sigaction) (int, siginfo_t *, void *);
      # define sa_handler	__sigaction_handler.sa_handler
      # define sa_sigaction	__sigaction_handler.sa_sigaction
      __sighandler_t sa_handler;

      //Additional set of signals to be blocked.
      __sigset_t sa_mask;

      //Special flags.
      int sa_flags;

      //Restore handler.
      void (*sa_restorer) (void);
  public static class sigaction extends Structure {
    public static class __sigaction_handler extends Union {
      public sighandler_t /*sighandler_t*/ sa_handler;
      public sa_sigaction /*sa_sigaction*/ sa_sigaction;

    public __sigaction_handler __sigaction_handler;
    public sigset_t sa_mask;
    public int sa_flags;
    public Pointer sa_restorer;

    protected List getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList("__sigaction_handler", "sa_mask", "sa_flags", "sa_restorer");

    public sigaction() {

    public sigaction(int sa_flags, sighandler_t sa_handler) {
      this.sa_flags = sa_flags;
      this.__sigaction_handler.sa_handler = sa_handler;

    public sigaction(int sa_flags, sa_sigaction sa_sigaction) {
      this.sa_flags = sa_flags | SA_SIGINFO;
      this.__sigaction_handler.sa_sigaction = sa_sigaction;

    public static class ByReference extends sigaction implements Structure.ByReference {
      public ByReference() {

      public ByReference(int sa_flags, sighandler_t sa_handler) {
        super(sa_flags, sa_handler);

      public ByReference(int sa_flags, sa_sigaction sa_sigaction) {
        super(sa_flags, sa_sigaction);

    public static class ByValue extends sigset_t implements Structure.ByValue {}

  public static interface sighandler_t extends Callback {
    void handler(int signal);

  public static interface sa_sigaction extends Callback {
    void action(int signum, siginfo_t info, Pointer context);

    # define __SI_MAX_SIZE     128
    # if __WORDSIZE == 64
    #  define __SI_PAD_SIZE     ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 4)
    # else
    #  define __SI_PAD_SIZE     ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / sizeof (int)) - 3)
    # endif
  public static final int __SI_MAX_SIZE = 128;
  public static final int __SI_PAD_SIZE =
          ? ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / (Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE)) - 4)
          : ((__SI_MAX_SIZE / (Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE)) - 3);

  // sigval
  // {
  //  int sival_int;
  //  void *sival_ptr;
  // } sigval_t;
  public static class sigval_t extends Union {
    public int sival_int;
    Pointer sival_ptr;

   typedef struct
     int si_signo;		//Signal number.
     int si_errno;		//If non-zero, an errno value associated with this signal, as defined in <errno.h>.
     int si_code;		//Signal code.

       int _pad[__SI_PAD_SIZE];

       // kill().
         __pid_t si_pid;	// Sending process ID.
         __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
       } _kill;

       // POSIX.1b timers.
         int si_tid;		// Timer ID.
         int si_overrun;	// Overrun count.
         sigval_t si_sigval;	// Signal value.
       } _timer;

       // POSIX.1b signals.
         __pid_t si_pid;	// Sending process ID.
         __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
         sigval_t si_sigval;	// Signal value.
       } _rt;

       // SIGCHLD.
         __pid_t si_pid;	// Which child.
         __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
         int si_status;	// Exit value or signal.
         __sigchld_clock_t si_utime;
         __sigchld_clock_t si_stime;
       } _sigchld;

         void *si_addr;	// Faulting insn/memory ref.
       } _sigfault;

       // SIGPOLL.
         long int si_band;	// Band event for SIGPOLL.
         int si_fd;
       } _sigpoll;

       // SIGSYS.
         void *_call_addr;	// Calling user insn.
         int _syscall;	// Triggering system call number.
         unsigned int _arch; // AUDIT_ARCH_* of syscall.
       } _sigsys;
     } _sifields;
   } siginfo_t __SI_ALIGNMENT;
  public static class siginfo_t extends Structure {
    public int si_signo; // Signal number.
    public int
        si_errno; // If non-zero, an errno value associated with this signal, as defined in
                  // <errno.h>.
    public int si_code; // Signal code.

    public static class _sifields extends Union {
      public int[] _pad = new int[__SI_PAD_SIZE];

      // kill().
      // struct
      // {
      //  __pid_t si_pid;	// Sending process ID.
      //  __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
      // } _kill;
      public static class _kill extends Structure {
        public int si_pid;
        public short si_uid;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_pid", "si_uid");

      public _kill kill;

      // POSIX.1b timers.
      // struct
      // {
      //  int si_tid;		// Timer ID.
      //  int si_overrun;	// Overrun count.
      //  sigval_t si_sigval;	// Signal value.
      // } _timer;
      public static class _timer extends Structure {
        public int si_tid;
        public int si_overrun;
        public sigval_t si_sigval;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_tid", "si_overrun", "si_sigval");

      public _timer timer;

      // POSIX.1b signals.
      // struct
      // {
      //  __pid_t si_pid;	// Sending process ID.
      //  __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
      //  sigval_t si_sigval;	// Signal value.
      // } _rt;
      public static class _rt extends Structure {
        public int si_pid;
        public short si_uid;
        public sigval_t si_sigval;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_pid", "si_uid", "si_sigval");

      public _rt rt;

      // SIGCHLD.
      // struct
      // {
      //  __pid_t si_pid;	// Which child.
      //  __uid_t si_uid;	// Real user ID of sending process.
      //  int si_status;	// Exit value or signal.
      //  __sigchld_clock_t si_utime;
      //  __sigchld_clock_t si_stime;
      // } _sigchld;
      public static class _sigchld extends Structure {
        public int si_pid;
        public short si_uid;
        public int si_status;
        public long si_utime;
        public long si_stime;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_pid", "si_uid", "si_status", "si_utime", "si_stime");

      public _sigchld sig_chld;

      // struct
      // {
      //  void *si_addr;	// Faulting insn/memory ref.
      // } _sigfault;
      public static class _sigfault extends Structure {
        public Pointer si_addr;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_addr");

      public _sigfault sig_fault;

      // SIGPOLL.
      // struct
      // {
      //  long int si_band;	// Band event for SIGPOLL.
      //  int si_fd;
      // } _sigpoll;
      public static class _sigpoll extends Structure {
        public int si_band;
        public int si_fd;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("si_band", "si_fd");

      public _sigpoll sig_poll;

      // SIGSYS.
      // struct
      // {
      //  void *_call_addr;	// Calling user insn.
      //  int _syscall;	// Triggering system call number.
      //  unsigned int _arch; // AUDIT_ARCH_* of syscall.
      // } _sigsys;
      public static class _sigsys extends Structure {
        public Pointer _call_addr;
        public int _syscall;
        public int _arch;

        protected List getFieldOrder() {
          return Arrays.asList("_call_addr", "_syscall", "_arch");

      public _sigsys sig_sys;

    public _sifields si_field;

    protected List getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList("si_signo", "si_errno", "si_code", "si_field");

    public siginfo_t() {

    public void loadBySignal() {

    public void loadBySignal(int signum) {
      switch (signum) {
        case SIGCHLD:
        case SIGKILL:
        case SIGTERM:
        case SIGILL:
        case SIGFPE:
        case SIGSEGV:
        case SIGBUS:
        case SIGTRAP:
          // case SIGIO:
        case SIGPOLL:

    public static class ByReference extends siginfo_t implements Structure.ByReference {
      public ByReference() {

    public static class ByValue extends siginfo_t implements Structure.ByValue {}

   struct signalfd_siginfo
     uint32_t ssi_signo;
     int32_t ssi_errno;
     int32_t ssi_code;
     uint32_t ssi_pid;
     uint32_t ssi_uid;
     int32_t ssi_fd;
     uint32_t ssi_tid;
     uint32_t ssi_band;
     uint32_t ssi_overrun;
     uint32_t ssi_trapno;
     int32_t ssi_status;
     int32_t ssi_int;
     uint64_t ssi_ptr;
     uint64_t ssi_utime;
     uint64_t ssi_stime;
     uint64_t ssi_addr;
     uint8_t __pad[48];
  public static class signalfd_siginfo extends Structure {
    public int ssi_signo;
    public int ssi_errno;
    public int ssi_code;
    public int ssi_pid;
    public int ssi_uid;
    public int ssi_fd;
    public int ssi_tid;
    public int ssi_band;
    public int ssi_overrun;
    public int ssi_trapno;
    public int ssi_status;
    public int ssi_int;
    public long ssi_ptr;
    public long ssi_utime;
    public long ssi_stime;
    public long ssi_addr;
    public byte[] __pad = new byte[48];

    protected List getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList(

    public signalfd_siginfo() {

  public static final int EPERM = 1 // Operation not permitted
      ENOENT = 2 // No such file or directory
      ESRCH = 3 // No such process
      EINTR = 4 // Interrupted system call
      EIO = 5 // I/O error
      ENXIO = 6 // No such device or address
      E2BIG = 7 // Arg list too long
      ENOEXEC = 8 // Exec format error
      EBADF = 9 // Bad file number
      ECHILD = 10 // No child processes
      EAGAIN = 11 // Try again
      ENOMEM = 12 // Out of memory
      EACCES = 13 // Permission denied
      EFAULT = 14 // Bad address
      ENOTBLK = 15 // Block device required
      EBUSY = 16 // Device or resource busy
      EEXIST = 17 // File exists
      EXDEV = 18 // Cross-device link
      ENODEV = 19 // No such device
      ENOTDIR = 20 // Not a directory
      EISDIR = 21 // Is a directory
      EINVAL = 22 // Invalid argument
      ENFILE = 23 // File table overflow
      EMFILE = 24 // Too many open files
      ENOTTY = 25 // Not a typewriter
      ETXTBSY = 26 // Text file busy
      EFBIG = 27 // File too large
      ENOSPC = 28 // No space left on device
      ESPIPE = 29 // Illegal seek
      EROFS = 30 // Read-only file system
      EMLINK = 31 // Too many links
      EPIPE = 32 // Broken pipe
      EDOM = 33 // Math argument out of domain of func
      ERANGE = 34 // Math result not representable
      EDEADLK = 35 // Resource deadlock would occur
      ENAMETOOLONG = 36 // File name too long
      ENOLCK = 37 // No record locks available
      ENOSYS = 38 // Function not implemented
      ENOTEMPTY = 39 // Directory not empty
      ELOOP = 40 // Too many symbolic links encountered
      ENOMSG = 42 // No message of desired type
      EIDRM = 43 // Identifier removed
      ECHRNG = 44 // Channel number out of range
      EL2NSYNC = 45 // Level 2 not synchronized
      EL3HLT = 46 // Level 3 halted
      EL3RST = 47 // Level 3 reset
      ELNRNG = 48 // Link number out of range
      EUNATCH = 49 // Protocol driver not attached
      ENOCSI = 50 // No CSI structure available
      EL2HLT = 51 // Level 2 halted
      EBADE = 52 // Invalid exchange
      EBADR = 53 // Invalid request descriptor
      EXFULL = 54 // Exchange full
      ENOANO = 55 // No anode
      EBADRQC = 56 // Invalid request code
      EBADSLT = 57 // Invalid slot
      EBFONT = 59 // Bad font file format
      ENOSTR = 60 // Device not a stream
      ENODATA = 61 // No data available
      ETIME = 62 // Timer expired
      ENOSR = 63 // Out of streams resources
      ENONET = 64 // Machine is not on the network
      ENOPKG = 65 // Package not installed
      EREMOTE = 66 // Object is remote
      ENOLINK = 67 // Link has been severed
      EADV = 68 // Advertise error
      ESRMNT = 69 // Srmount error
      ECOMM = 70 // Communication error on send
      EPROTO = 71 // Protocol error
      EMULTIHOP = 72 // Multihop attempted
      EDOTDOT = 73 // RFS specific error
      EBADMSG = 74 // Not a data message
      EOVERFLOW = 75 // Value too large for defined data type
      ENOTUNIQ = 76 // Name not unique on network
      EBADFD = 77 // File descriptor in bad state
      EREMCHG = 78 // Remote address changed
      ELIBACC = 79 // Can not access a needed shared library
      ELIBBAD = 80 // Accessing a corrupted shared library
      ELIBSCN = 81 // .lib section in a.out corrupted
      ELIBMAX = 82 // Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
      ELIBEXEC = 83 // Cannot exec a shared library directly
      EILSEQ = 84 // Illegal byte sequence
      ERESTART = 85 // Interrupted system call should be restarted
      ESTRPIPE = 86 // Streams pipe error
      EUSERS = 87 // Too many users
      ENOTSOCK = 88 // Socket operation on non-socket
      EDESTADDRREQ = 89 // Destination address required
      EMSGSIZE = 90 // Message too long
      EPROTOTYPE = 91 // Protocol wrong type for socket
      ENOPROTOOPT = 92 // Protocol not available
      EPROTONOSUPPORT = 93 // Protocol not supported
      ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 94 // Socket type not supported
      EOPNOTSUPP = 95 // Operation not supported on transport endpoint
      EPFNOSUPPORT = 96 // Protocol family not supported
      EAFNOSUPPORT = 97 // Address family not supported by protocol
      EADDRINUSE = 98 // Address already in use
      EADDRNOTAVAIL = 99 // Cannot assign requested address
      ENETDOWN = 100 // Network is down
      ENETUNREACH = 101 // Network is unreachable
      ENETRESET = 102 // Network dropped connection because of reset
      ECONNABORTED = 103 // Software caused connection abort
      ECONNRESET = 104 // Connection reset by peer
      ENOBUFS = 105 // No buffer space available
      EISCONN = 106 // Transport endpoint is already connected
      ENOTCONN = 107 // Transport endpoint is not connected
      ESHUTDOWN = 108 // Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
      ETOOMANYREFS = 109 // Too many references: cannot splice
      ETIMEDOUT = 110 // Connection timed out
      ECONNREFUSED = 111 // Connection refused
      EHOSTDOWN = 112 // Host is down
      EHOSTUNREACH = 113 // No route to host
      EALREADY = 114 // Operation already in progress
      EINPROGRESS = 115 // Operation now in progress
      ESTALE = 116 // Stale NFS file handle
      EUCLEAN = 117 // Structure needs cleaning
      ENOTNAM = 118 // Not a XENIX named type file
      ENAVAIL = 119 // No XENIX semaphores available
      EISNAM = 120 // Is a named type file
      EREMOTEIO = 121 // Remote I/O error
      EDQUOT = 122 // Quota exceeded
      ENOMEDIUM = 123 // No medium found
      EMEDIUMTYPE = 124 // Wrong medium type
  public static final int EWOULDBLOCK = EAGAIN // Operation would block

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h
  public static final int S_IRWXU = 0000700,
      S_IRUSR = 0000400,
      S_IWUSR = 0000200,
      S_IXUSR = 0000100,
      S_IRWXG = 0000070,
      S_IRGRP = 0000040,
      S_IWGRP = 0000020,
      S_IXGRP = 0000010,
      S_IRWXO = 0000007,
      S_IROTH = 0000004,
      S_IWOTH = 0000002,
      S_IXOTH = 0000001,
      S_ISUID = 0004000,
      S_ISGID = 0002000,
      S_ISVTX = 0001000;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl-linux.h
  public static final int O_RDONLY = 0x0000,
      O_WRONLY = 0x0001,
      O_RDWR = 0x0002,
      O_ACCMODE = 0x0003,
      O_NONBLOCK = 0x0004,
      O_APPEND = 0x0008,
      O_SHLOCK = 0x0010,
      O_EXLOCK = 0x0020,
      O_ASYNC = 0x0040,
      O_FSYNC = 0x0080,
      O_CREAT = 0x0200,
      O_TRUNC = 0x0400,
      O_EXCL = 0x0800;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl-linux.h
  public static final int F_GETFL = 3 /* get file status flags */,
      F_SETFL = 4 /* set file status flags */,
      F_NOCACHE = 48 /* Mac OS X specific flag, turns cache on/off */;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/eventfd.h
  public static final int EFD_SEMAPHORE = 00000001, EFD_CLOEXEC = 02000000, EFD_NONBLOCK = 00004000;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum.h
  public static final int SIGHUP = 1 /* Hangup (POSIX).  */,
      SIGINT = 2 /* Interrupt (ANSI).  */,
      SIGQUIT = 3 /* Quit (POSIX).  */,
      SIGILL = 4 /* Illegal instruction (ANSI).  */,
      SIGTRAP = 5 /* Trace trap (POSIX).  */,
      SIGABRT = 6 /* Abort (ANSI).  */,
      SIGIOT = 6 /* IOT trap (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGBUS = 7 /* BUS error (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGFPE = 8 /* Floating-point exception (ANSI).  */,
      SIGKILL = 9 /* Kill, unblockable (POSIX).  */,
      SIGUSR1 = 10 /* User-defined signal 1 (POSIX).  */,
      SIGSEGV = 11 /* Segmentation violation (ANSI).  */,
      SIGUSR2 = 12 /* User-defined signal 2 (POSIX).  */,
      SIGPIPE = 13 /* Broken pipe (POSIX).  */,
      SIGALRM = 14 /* Alarm clock (POSIX).  */,
      SIGTERM = 15 /* Termination (ANSI).  */,
      SIGSTKFLT = 16 /* Stack fault.  */,
      SIGCHLD = 17 /* Child status has changed (POSIX).  */,
      SIGCONT = 18 /* Continue (POSIX).  */,
      SIGSTOP = 19 /* Stop, unblockable (POSIX).  */,
      SIGTSTP = 20 /* Keyboard stop (POSIX).  */,
      SIGTTIN = 21 /* Background read from tty (POSIX).  */,
      SIGTTOU = 22 /* Background write to tty (POSIX).  */,
      SIGURG = 23 /* Urgent condition on socket (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGXCPU = 24 /* CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGXFSZ = 25 /* File size limit exceeded (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGVTALRM = 26 /* Virtual alarm clock (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGPROF = 27 /* Profiling alarm clock (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGWINCH = 28 /* Window size change (4.3 BSD, Sun).  */,
      SIGPOLL = 29 /* Pollable event occurred (System V).  */,
      SIGIO = 29 /* I/O now possible (4.2 BSD).  */,
      SIGPWR = 30 /* Power failure restart (System V).  */,
      SIGSYS = 31 /* Bad system call.  */,
      SIGUNUSED = 31;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signalfd.h
  public static final int SFD_CLOEXEC = 02000000, SFD_NONBLOCK = 00004000;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigaction.h
  public static final int SIG_BLOCK = 0, SIG_UNBLOCK = 1, SIG_SETMASK = 2;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/signum.h
  public static final Pointer SIG_ERR = Pointer.createConstant(-1) /* Error return.  */,
      SIG_DFL = Pointer.createConstant(0) /* Default action.  */,
      SIG_IGN = Pointer.createConstant(1) /* Ignore signal.  */;

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sigaction.h
  public static final int SA_NOCLDSTOP = 1 /* Don't send SIGCHLD when children stop.  */,
      SA_NOCLDWAIT = 2 /* Don't create zombie on child death.  */,
      SA_SIGINFO = 4 /* Invoke signal-catching function with three arguments instead of one.  */,
      SA_ONSTACK = 0x08000000 /* Use signal stack by using `sa_restorer'. */,
      SA_RESTART = 0x10000000 /* Restart syscall on signal return.  */,
      SA_NODEFER =
          0x40000000 /* Don't automatically block the signal when its handler is being executed.  */,
      SA_RESETHAND = 0x80000000 /* Reset to SIG_DFL on entry to handler.  */,
      SA_INTERRUPT = 0x20000000 /* Historical no-op.  */;

  // Some aliases for the SA_ constants.

  // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h
  public static final int WNOHANG = 1,
      WUNTRACED = 2,
      WSTOPPED = 2,
      WEXITED = 4,
      WCONTINUED = 8,
      WNOWAIT = 0x01000000,
      WNOTHREAD = 0x20000000,
      WALL = 0x40000000,
      WCLONE = 0x80000000;

  // Courtesy http://linux.die.net/include/bits/waitstatus.h

  public static int WEXITSTATUS(int status) {
    return (status & 0xff00) >> 8;

  public static int WTERMSIG(int status) {
    return (status & 0x7f) >> 8;

  public static boolean WIFEXITED(int status) {
    return WTERMSIG(status) == 0;

  public static boolean WIFSIGNALED(int status) {
    return ((((status & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0);

  public static boolean WIFSTOPPED(int status) {
    return (status & 0xff) == 0x7f;

  public static boolean WIFCONTINUED(int status) {
    return status == 0xffff;

  public static native int close(int fd);

  public static native int getpid();

  public static native int kill(int pid, int sig);

  public static native int waitpid(int pid, IntByReference status, int options);

  public static native int pipe(int[] pipefd);

  public static native int read(int fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int count);

  public static native int write(int fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int count);

  public static native int fcntl(int fd, int command, long flags) throws LastErrorException;

  public static native int eventfd(int initval, int flags);

  public static native int eventfd_write(int fd, long value);

  public static native int eventfd_read(int fd, LongByReference value);

  public static native Pointer signal(int signum, Pointer handler);

  public static native sighandler_t signal(int signum, sighandler_t handler);

  public static native int sigemptyset(Pointer set);

  public static native int sigemptyset(sigset_t.ByReference set);

  public static native int sigfillset(sigset_t.ByReference set);

  public static native int sigaddset(sigset_t.ByReference set, int signum);

  public static native int sigdelset(sigset_t.ByReference set, int signum);

  public static native int sigismember(sigset_t.ByReference set, int signum);

  public static native int sigaction(
      int signum, sigaction.ByReference act, sigaction.ByReference oldact);

  public static native int sigprocmask(
      int how, sigset_t.ByReference set, sigset_t.ByReference oldset);

  public static native int signalfd(int fd, sigset_t.ByReference mask, int flags);