Exemplo n.º 1
   * Counts the rows from the {@code scanner} until exhaustion. It doesn't require the scanner to be
   * new, so it can be used to finish scanning a previously-started scan.
  protected static int countRowsInScan(AsyncKuduScanner scanner) throws Exception {
    final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();

    Callback<Object, RowResultIterator> cb =
        new Callback<Object, RowResultIterator>() {
          public Object call(RowResultIterator arg) throws Exception {
            if (arg == null) return null;
            return null;

    while (scanner.hasMoreRows()) {
      Deferred<RowResultIterator> data = scanner.nextRows();
      data.addCallbacks(cb, defaultErrorCB);

    Deferred<RowResultIterator> closer = scanner.close();
    closer.addCallbacks(cb, defaultErrorCB);
    return counter.get();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Register a callback and an "errback".
  * <p>This has the exact same effect as {@link Deferred#addCallbacks(Callback, Callback)} keeps
  * the type information "correct" when the callback and errback return a {@code Deferred}.
  * @param d The {@code Deferred} we want to add the callback and errback to.
  * @param cb The callback to register.
  * @param eb The errback to register.
  * @return {@code d} with an "updated" type.
 public static <T, R, D extends Deferred<R>, E> Deferred<R> addCallbacksDeferring(
     final Deferred<T> d, final Callback<D, T> cb, final Callback<D, E> eb) {
   return d.addCallbacks((Callback<R, T>) ((Object) cb), (Callback<R, E>) ((Object) eb));