   * Test that implicit schema creation of other schemas besides the initial default schema is still
   * transactional.
  public void testOtherImplicitSchemaCreation() throws SQLException {
    Connection c1 = openUserConnection("newuser");
    Statement s1 = c1.createStatement();

    // Will auto-create schema OTHERSCHEMA:
    s1.executeUpdate("create table otherschema.t1(i int)");

                "select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='OTHERSCHEMA'"),


                "select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='OTHERSCHEMA'"));

   * Test that we recover from self locking in the auto-create nested transaction (cf solution for
   * DERBY-48).
  public void testDerby48SelfLockingRecovery() throws SQLException {
    Connection c1 = openUserConnection("newuser");
    Statement s1 = c1.createStatement();

    // Set read locks in parent transaction
    s1.executeQuery("select count(*) from sys.sysschemas");

    // ..which conflicts with the auto-create in a subtransaction
    // which will self-lock here, but should recover to try again
    // in outer transaction:
    s1.executeUpdate("create table t1(i int)");

        s1.executeQuery("select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='NEWUSER'"),


    // Since the fallback does the auto-create of the schema in
    // the outer transaction, a rollback will remove it:
    JDBC.assertEmpty(s1.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysschemas where schemaname='NEWUSER'"));

Exemplo n.º 3
  /** Test whether we can reconnect. */
  public void testConnectRepeatedly() throws SQLException {
    String url = "jdbc:splice:wombat;create=true";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

    Statement st = con.createStatement();
    JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(st.executeQuery("values 1"), "1");

    // Can we reconnect?
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
    st = con.createStatement();
    JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(st.executeQuery("values 1"), "1");
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static Test suite() {
   if (JDBC.vmSupportsJSR169())
     // Test uses DriverManager which
     // is not supported with JSR169
     return new TestSuite("empty ConnectTest:DriverManager not supported");
   else {
     TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("ConnectTest suite");
     // Derby2026 test uses explicit client connection so not relevant to embedded
             new ConnectTest("clientTestDerby2026LoginTimeout")));
     return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite);
  /** Reproduces hang seen in DERBY-48 */
  public void testDerby48testNewSchemaHang() throws SQLException {
    Connection c1 = openUserConnection("newuser");
    Statement s1 = c1.createStatement();

    // Will auto-create schema NEWUSER:
    s1.executeUpdate("create table t1(i int)");

    // DERBY-48: The next connect causes a hang on write lock the
    // new schema row being created by c1 that is not yet
    // committed if the fix for DERBY-48 is not yet in place.
    // The fix makes the the auto-create happen in a nested transaction
    // which commit immediately, so the hang should not be present.

    Connection c2 = null;

    try {
      c2 = openUserConnection("newuser");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      if (e.getSQLState().equals(LOCK_TIMEOUT)) {
        fail("DERBY-48 still seen", e);
      } else {
        throw e;


    // Since the auto-create happened in a nested transaction
    // which has committed, the schema should still be around
    // after the rollback. Note that this is a side-effect of the
    // fix for DERBY-48, not required behavior for SQL, but it is
    // user visible behavior, so we test it here to make sure that
    // patch works as intended:

            .executeQuery("select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='NEWUSER'"),


   * Test that we do get to see the self locking in the auto-create nested transaction (cf solution
   * for DERBY-48) when deadlock detection is on, i.e. 40XL2 (LOCK_TIMEOUT_LOG) rather than 40XL1
   * (LOCK_TIMEOUT) happens.
   * <p>After fix for DERBY-5564 LOCK_TIMEOUT will be returned whether diagnostics are on or not.
  public void testDerby48SelfLockingRecoveryDeadlockDetectionOn() throws SQLException {
    Connection c1 = openUserConnection("newuser");
    Statement s1 = c1.createStatement();

    // Set read locks in parent transaction
    s1.executeQuery("select count(*) from sys.sysschemas");

    // ..which conflicts with the auto-create in a subtransaction
    // which will self-lock here, but should throw now:
    // in outer transaction:
    try {
      s1.executeUpdate("create table t1(i int)");
      fail("Expected exception " + LOCK_TIMEOUT);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      assertSQLState("Expected state: ", LOCK_TIMEOUT, e);

    JDBC.assertEmpty(s1.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysschemas where schemaname='NEWUSER'"));

  public void testDerby3043CheckConstraint() throws SQLException {
    // Demonstrate the DERBY-3043 workaround: if the table name is
    // schema-qualified, check constraints do not cause a problem,
    // and the named schema is automatically created if it does
    // not yet exist:
    Connection c0 = openUserConnection("frogs");
    Statement s0 = c0.createStatement();

    JDBC.assertEmpty(s0.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysschemas where schemaname='FROGS'"));
    JDBC.assertEmpty(s0.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysschemas where schemaname='NOSUCH'"));

    // A simple example, which should work whether or not the
    // DERBY-3043 fix is in place

        "create table frogs.users2(username varchar(16) " + "CHECK(LENGTH(username)>7))");

    // Demonstrate that any schema is lazy-created, not just the
    // default schema which matches the username:

        "create table nosuch.users(username varchar(16) " + "CHECK(LENGTH(username)>7))");

    // Schemas FROGS and NOSUCH have been lazy-created:

        s0.executeQuery("select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='FROGS'"),
        s0.executeQuery("select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='NOSUCH'"),

    // Now verify that the test cases from DERBY-3043 pass:

    Connection c1 = openUserConnection("blogs");

    Statement s1 = c1.createStatement();

    // At the beginning, the schema 'blogs' does not exist.

    JDBC.assertEmpty(s1.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysschemas where schemaname='BLOGS'"));

    // Should work, but without the DERBY-3043 fix will get a
    // "Schema blogs does not exist" error

    s1.executeUpdate("create table users(username varchar(16) " + "CHECK(LENGTH(username)>7))");

    // Another slightly more complicated example, which requires
    // the DERBY-3043 fix again to work.

            + "username VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL "
            + "    CHECK(LENGTH(username)>7),"
            + "password VARCHAR (32672) NOT NULL , "
            + "PRIMARY KEY(PK))");

    // Schema BLOGS should have been lazy-created:

        s1.executeQuery("select schemaname from sys.sysschemas " + "where schemaname='BLOGS'"),

 * JUnit test which checks that only expected methods throw SQLFeatureNotSupporteException. As
 * currently compiled, this class does not object to a handful of mandatory LOB-supporting methods
 * which Derby does not implement. You can expose these methods by setting the STRICT_ENFORCEMENT
 * constant to true.
public class UnsupportedVetter extends BaseJDBCTestCase {

  public static final String SQL_PACKAGE_NAME = "java.sql";

  private static final boolean STRICT_ENFORCEMENT = false;

  //	STATE

  // Table of methods which are allowed to raise
  // SQLFeatureNotSupportedException. Derived from the 1.6 Javadoc.
  private static Exclusions[] rawExcludables =
      new Exclusions[] {
        new Exclusions(
            new MD[] {
              new MD("createArrayOf", new Class[] {String.class, Object[].class}),
              new MD("createNClob", new Class[] {}),
              new MD("createSQLXML", new Class[] {}),
              new MD("createStruct", new Class[] {String.class, Object[].class}),
              new MD("getNetworkTimeout", new Class[] {}, JDBC.vmSupportsJDBC41()),
              new MD("getTypeMap", new Class[] {}),
              new MD("prepareStatement", new Class[] {String.class, int[].class}),
              new MD("prepareStatement", new Class[] {String.class, String[].class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {java.util.concurrent.Executor.class, int.class},
              new MD("setTypeMap", new Class[] {Map.class}),
        new Exclusions(
            new MD[] {
              new MD("cancel", new Class[] {}),
              new MD("execute", new Class[] {String.class, int[].class}),
              new MD("execute", new Class[] {String.class, String[].class}),
              new MD("executeUpdate", new Class[] {String.class, int[].class}),
              new MD("executeUpdate", new Class[] {String.class, String[].class})
        new Exclusions(
            new MD[] {
              new MD("setArray", new Class[] {int.class, java.sql.Array.class}),
              new MD("setNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD(
                  "setNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {int.class, NClob.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNString", new Class[] {int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setRef", new Class[] {int.class, Ref.class}),
              new MD("setRowId", new Class[] {int.class, RowId.class}),
              new MD("setSQLXML", new Class[] {int.class, SQLXML.class}),
              new MD("setURL", new Class[] {int.class, URL.class}),
              new MD("setNull", new Class[] {int.class, int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setUnicodeStream", new Class[] {int.class, InputStream.class, int.class}),
        new Exclusions(
            new MD[] {
              // OR THE OTHER OF OUR CLIENTS.
              new FD("getBlob", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new FD("getClob", new Class[] {int.class}),

              // According to the JDBC4 spec and javadoc, the following
              // methods are optional and do not have to be implemented.

              new MD("getArray", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getArray", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getBigDecimal", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getBoolean", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getBlob", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getBoolean", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getByte", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getBytes", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getClob", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getDate", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getDate", new Class[] {String.class, Calendar.class}),
              new MD("getDouble", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getFloat", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getInt", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getLong", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getNClob", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNClob", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getNString", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNString", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getObject", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getObject", new Class[] {String.class, Class.class}, JDBC.vmSupportsJDBC41()),
              new MD("getRef", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getRef", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getRowId", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getRowId", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getShort", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getSQLXML", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getSQLXML", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getString", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getTime", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getTime", new Class[] {String.class, java.util.Calendar.class}),
              new MD("getTimestamp", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getTimestamp", new Class[] {String.class, java.util.Calendar.class}),
              new MD("getURL", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getURL", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("registerOutParameter", new Class[] {String.class, int.class}),
              new MD("registerOutParameter", new Class[] {String.class, int.class, int.class}),
              new MD("registerOutParameter", new Class[] {String.class, int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("registerOutParameter", new Class[] {int.class, int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setArray", new Class[] {int.class, java.sql.Array.class}),
              new MD("setAsciiStream", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class, int.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setBigDecimal", new Class[] {String.class, java.math.BigDecimal.class}),
              new MD("setBinaryStream", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class, int.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setBlob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class}),
              new MD("setBlob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.InputStream.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setBlob", new Class[] {String.class, Blob.class}),
              new MD("setBoolean", new Class[] {String.class, boolean.class}),
              new MD("setByte", new Class[] {String.class, byte.class}),
              new MD("setBytes", new Class[] {String.class, byte[].class}),
              new MD("setCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, int.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setClob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD("setClob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setClob", new Class[] {String.class, Clob.class}),
              new MD("setDate", new Class[] {String.class, java.sql.Date.class}),
              new MD("setDate", new Class[] {String.class, java.sql.Date.class, Calendar.class}),
              new MD("setDouble", new Class[] {String.class, double.class}),
              new MD("setFloat", new Class[] {String.class, float.class}),
              new MD("setInt", new Class[] {String.class, int.class}),
              new MD("setLong", new Class[] {String.class, long.class}),
              new MD(
                  "setNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {int.class, NClob.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("setNClob", new Class[] {String.class, NClob.class}),
              new MD("setNString", new Class[] {int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setNString", new Class[] {String.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setNull", new Class[] {String.class, int.class}),
              new MD("setNull", new Class[] {String.class, int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setObject", new Class[] {String.class, Object.class}),
              new MD("setObject", new Class[] {String.class, Object.class, int.class}),
              new MD("setObject", new Class[] {String.class, Object.class, int.class, int.class}),
              new MD("setRef", new Class[] {int.class, Ref.class}),
              new MD("setRowId", new Class[] {int.class, RowId.class}),
              new MD("setRowId", new Class[] {String.class, RowId.class}),
              new MD("setSQLXML", new Class[] {int.class, SQLXML.class}),
              new MD("setSQLXML", new Class[] {String.class, SQLXML.class}),
              new MD("setShort", new Class[] {String.class, short.class}),
              new MD("setString", new Class[] {String.class, String.class}),
              new MD("setTime", new Class[] {String.class, Time.class}),
              new MD("setTime", new Class[] {String.class, Time.class, Calendar.class}),
              new MD("setTimestamp", new Class[] {String.class, Timestamp.class}),
              new MD("setTimestamp", new Class[] {String.class, Timestamp.class, Calendar.class}),
              new MD("setURL", new Class[] {int.class, URL.class}),
              new MD("setURL", new Class[] {String.class, URL.class})
        new Exclusions(
            new MD[] {
              // OR THE OTHER OF OUR CLIENTS.
              new FD("updateNClob", new Class[] {int.class, Reader.class, long.class}),
              new FD("updateNClob", new Class[] {String.class, Reader.class, long.class}),

              // According to the JDBC4 spec and javadoc, the following
              // methods are optional and do not have to be implemented.

              new MD("getNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getNString", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNString", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getURL", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getURL", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getArray", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getArray", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getNClob", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getNClob", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getRef", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getRef", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getRowId", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getRowId", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getSQLXML", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getSQLXML", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("getUnicodeStream", new Class[] {int.class}),
              new MD("getUnicodeStream", new Class[] {String.class}),
              new MD("refreshRow", new Class[] {}),
              new MD("updateArray", new Class[] {int.class, java.sql.Array.class}),
              new MD("updateArray", new Class[] {String.class, java.sql.Array.class}),
              new MD("updateNCharacterStream", new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {int.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("updateNCharacterStream", new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class}),
              new MD(
                  new Class[] {String.class, java.io.Reader.class, long.class}),
              new MD("updateNClob", new Class[] {int.class, NClob.class}),
              new MD("updateNClob", new Class[] {int.class, Reader.class}),
              new MD("updateNClob", new Class[] {String.class, NClob.class}),
              new MD("updateNClob", new Class[] {String.class, Reader.class}),
              new MD("updateNString", new Class[] {int.class, String.class}),
              new MD("updateNString", new Class[] {String.class, String.class}),
              new MD("updateRef", new Class[] {int.class, Ref.class}),
              new MD("updateRef", new Class[] {String.class, Ref.class}),
              new MD("updateRowId", new Class[] {int.class, RowId.class}),
              new MD("updateRowId", new Class[] {String.class, RowId.class}),
              new MD("updateSQLXML", new Class[] {int.class, SQLXML.class}),
              new MD("updateSQLXML", new Class[] {String.class, SQLXML.class})
        // Lance Andersen, spec lead for JDBC4, says:
        // If you support a datatype, then you have to implement
        // all of its methods.


  // This is the Hashtable where we keep the exclusions.
  private static Hashtable<Class, HashSet<Method>> excludableMap;


  /** Creates a new instance. */
  public UnsupportedVetter() {


  /** Find all methods in this framework which raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException. */
  public void testSupportedMethods() throws Exception {

    HashSet<String> vanishedMethodList = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet<String> unsupportedList = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList = new HashSet<String>();

    // Build map of interfaces to their methods which may raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.

    vetDataSource(unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetConnectionPooledDataSource(unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetXADataSource(unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    // Print methods which behave unexpectedly.

    assertEquals("vanishedMethodList", 0, vanishedMethodList.size());
    assertEquals("unsupportedList", 0, unsupportedList.size());
    assertEquals("notUnderstoodList", 0, notUnderstoodList.size());

  // Find all the objects inside the DataSource and vet them.
  private void vetDataSource(HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource();
    Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    vetObject(ds, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    connectionWorkhorse(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Find all the objects inside the ConnectionPooledDataSource and vet them.
  private void vetConnectionPooledDataSource(
      HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList) throws Exception {
    ConnectionPoolDataSource ds = J2EEDataSource.getConnectionPoolDataSource();
    PooledConnection pc =
            getTestConfiguration().getUserName(), getTestConfiguration().getUserPassword());
    Connection conn = pc.getConnection();

    vetObject(ds, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(pc, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    connectionWorkhorse(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Find all the objects inside the XADataSource and vet them.
  private void vetXADataSource(HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    XADataSource ds = J2EEDataSource.getXADataSource();
    XAConnection xaconn =
            getTestConfiguration().getUserName(), getTestConfiguration().getUserPassword());
    Connection conn = xaconn.getConnection();

    vetObject(ds, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(xaconn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    connectionWorkhorse(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Find all the methods for java.sql objects in the Connection which raise
  // SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private void connectionWorkhorse(
      Connection conn, HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    vetSavepoint(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetLargeObjects(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select * from sys.systables where tablename = ?");

    ps.setString(1, "foo");

    ParameterMetaData parameterMetaData = ps.getParameterMetaData();
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS(0)");
    ParameterMetaData csmd = cs.getParameterMetaData();

    // The vetObject() method calls all of the methods in these objects
    // in a deterministic order, calling the close() method last.
    // Inspect these objects in an order which respects the fact that
    // the objects are closed as a result of calling vetObject().
    vetObject(dbmd, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(stmt, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(csmd, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(cs, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(rsmd, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(rs, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(parameterMetaData, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(ps, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(conn, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    // No need to close the objects. They were closed by vetObject().

  // Examine Savepoints.
  private void vetSavepoint(
      Connection conn, HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {

    Savepoint sp = conn.setSavepoint();

    vetObject(sp, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);


  // Examine BLOBs and CLOBs.
  private void vetLargeObjects(
      Connection conn, HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

    stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id INT PRIMARY KEY, " + "b BLOB(10), c CLOB(10))");
        "INSERT INTO t (id, b, c) VALUES (1, "
            + "CAST ("
            + TestUtil.stringToHexLiteral("101010001101")
            + "AS BLOB(10)), CAST ('hello' AS CLOB(10)))");

    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT id, b, c FROM t");


    Blob blob = rs.getBlob(2);
    Clob clob = rs.getClob(3);

    vetObject(blob, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);
    vetObject(clob, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);



  // Initialize the hashtable of methods which are allowed to raise
  // SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private void initializeExcludableMap(HashSet<String> vanishedMethodList) throws Exception {
    excludableMap = new Hashtable<Class, HashSet<Method>>();

    int count = rawExcludables.length;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      Exclusions exclusions = rawExcludables[i];
      Class<?> iface = exclusions.getInterface();
      MD[] mds = exclusions.getExcludedMethods();
      int exclusionCount = mds.length;
      HashSet<Method> excludedMethodSet = new HashSet<Method>();

      for (int j = 0; j < exclusionCount; j++) {
        MD md = mds[j];

        if (!md.requiredAtThisLevel()) {

        // If we are strictly enforcing the JDBC standard,
        // then expose the mandatory methods which we know Derby
        // doesn't implement.
        if (STRICT_ENFORCEMENT && !md.isOptional()) {

        Method method = null;

        try {
          method = iface.getMethod(md.getMethodName(), md.getArgTypes());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

        if (method == null) {
              "Method has vanished from SQL interface: " + iface.getName() + "." + md);


      excludableMap.put(iface, excludedMethodSet);

  // Find all the methods from java.sql interfaces which are implemented by an object
  // and which raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private void vetObject(
      Object candidate, HashSet<String> unsupportedList, HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    Class myClass = candidate.getClass();

    vetInterfaces(candidate, myClass, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Find all the java.sql interfaces implemented by a class and find
  // the methods in those interfaces which raise
  // SQLFeatureNotSupportedException when called on the passed-in candidate object.
  private void vetInterfaces(
      Object candidate,
      Class myClass,
      HashSet<String> unsupportedList,
      HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    Class superClass = myClass.getSuperclass();

    if (superClass != null) {
      vetInterfaces(candidate, superClass, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

    // The contract for Class.getInterfaces() states that the interfaces
    // come back in a deterministic order, namely, in the order that
    // they were declared in the "extends" clause.
    Class<?>[] interfaces = myClass.getInterfaces();
    int interfaceCount = interfaces.length;

    for (int i = 0; i < interfaceCount; i++) {
      Class<?> iface = interfaces[i];

      if (iface.getPackage().getName().equals(SQL_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
        vetInterfaceMethods(candidate, iface, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

      vetInterfaces(candidate, iface, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Examine all the methods in an interface to determine which ones
  // raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private void vetInterfaceMethods(
      Object candidate,
      Class iface,
      HashSet<String> unsupportedList,
      HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    Method[] methods = sortMethods(iface);
    int methodCount = methods.length;

    for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
      Method method = methods[i];

      vetMethod(candidate, iface, method, unsupportedList, notUnderstoodList);

  // Return the methods of an interface in a deterministic
  // order. Class.getMethods() does not do us this favor.
  private Method[] sortMethods(Class iface) throws Exception {
    Method[] raw = iface.getMethods();
    int count = raw.length;
    Method[] cooked = new Method[count];
    MethodSortable[] sortables = new MethodSortable[count];

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      sortables[i] = new MethodSortable(raw[i]);


    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      cooked[i] = sortables[i].getMethod();

    return cooked;

  // Examine a single method to see if it raises SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private void vetMethod(
      Object candidate,
      Class iface,
      Method method,
      HashSet<String> unsupportedList,
      HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList)
      throws Exception {
    try {
      method.invoke(candidate, getNullArguments(method.getParameterTypes()));

      // it's ok for the method to succeed
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (!(e instanceof InvocationTargetException)) {
        recordUnexpectedError(candidate, iface, method, notUnderstoodList, e);
      } else {
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();

        if (cause instanceof SQLFeatureNotSupportedException) {
          boolean isExcludable = isExcludable(method);

          if (!isExcludable) {
            StackTraceElement[] stack = cause.getStackTrace();
            int i = 0;
            while (i < stack.length && !stack[i].getMethodName().equals("notImplemented")) {
            while (i < stack.length && stack[i].getMethodName().equals("notImplemented")) {
            if (i == stack.length) {
              // cause.printStackTrace();

                    + ": "
                    + method
                    + "@"
                    + (i == stack.length ? "no source" : cause.getStackTrace()[i]));
          } else {

        } else if (cause instanceof SQLException) {
          // swallow other SQLExceptions, caused by bogus args
        } else if (cause instanceof NullPointerException) {
          // swallow other NPEs, caused by bogus args
        } else if (cause instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
          // swallow these, caused by bogus args
        } else {
          recordUnexpectedError(candidate, iface, method, notUnderstoodList, cause);

  // Record an unexpected error.
  private void recordUnexpectedError(
      Object candidate,
      Class iface,
      Method method,
      HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList,
      Throwable cause)
      throws Exception {
    notUnderstoodList.add(candidate.getClass().getName() + " " + method + " raises " + cause);

  // Returns true if this method is allowed to raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  private boolean isExcludable(Method method) throws Exception {
    Class iface = method.getDeclaringClass();
    HashSet<Method> excludableMethods = excludableMap.get(iface);

    if (excludableMethods == null) {
      return false;

    return excludableMethods.contains(method);

   * Takes an array of classes and returns an array of objects with null values compatible with the
   * classes. Helper method for converting a parameter list to an argument list.
   * @param params a <code>Class[]</code> value
   * @return an <code>Object[]</code> value
  private Object[] getNullArguments(Class[] params) {
    Object[] args = new Object[params.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
      args[i] = getNullValueForType(params[i]);
    return args;

   * Returns a null value compatible with the class. For instance, return <code>Boolean.FALSE</code>
   * for primitive booleans, 0 for primitive integers and <code>null</code> for non-primitive types.
   * @param type a <code>Class</code> value
   * @return a null value
  private Object getNullValueForType(Class type) {
    if (!type.isPrimitive()) {
      return null;
    if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    if (type == Character.TYPE) {
      return new Character((char) 0);
    if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
      return new Byte((byte) 0);
    if (type == Short.TYPE) {
      return new Short((short) 0);
    if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
      return new Integer(0);
    if (type == Long.TYPE) {
      return new Long(0L);
    if (type == Float.TYPE) {
      return new Float(0f);
    if (type == Double.TYPE) {
      return new Double(0d);
    fail("Don't know how to handle type " + type);
    return null; // unreachable statement

  // debug print the list of methods which throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
  private void printUnsupportedList(HashSet<String> unsupportedList) {
    int count = unsupportedList.size();

    if (count == 0) {

    println("--------------- UNSUPPORTED METHODS ------------------");

    String[] result = new String[count];


    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

  // debug print the list of methods which have disappeared from the SQL interface
  private void printVanishedMethodList(HashSet<String> vanishedMethodList) {
    int count = vanishedMethodList.size();

    if (count == 0) {

    println("--------------- VANISHED METHODS ------------------");

    String[] result = new String[count];


    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

  // Debug print the list of method failures which we don't understand
  private void printNotUnderstoodList(HashSet<String> notUnderstoodList) {
    int count = notUnderstoodList.size();

    if (count == 0) {

    println("--------------- NOT UNDERSTOOD METHODS ------------------");

    String[] result = new String[count];


    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {


   * Method descriptor for optional methods which Derby does not have to implement. We abbreviate
   * the name of this class to make arrays of these declarations compact and readable.
  public static class MD {
    private String _methodName;
    private Class[] _argTypes;
    private boolean _requiredAtThisLevel;

    /** Construct from methodName and argument types. */
    public MD(String methodName, Class[] argTypes) {
      this(methodName, argTypes, true);

    public MD(String methodName, Class[] argTypes, boolean requiredAtThisLevel) {
      _methodName = methodName;
      _argTypes = argTypes;
      _requiredAtThisLevel = requiredAtThisLevel;

    /** Get the name of this method. */
    public String getMethodName() {
      return _methodName;

    /** Get the types of the method's arguments */
    public Class[] getArgTypes() {
      return _argTypes;

    /** Return whether this method is optional */
    public boolean isOptional() {
      return true;

    /** Return whether this method is required at the current JDBC level */
    public boolean requiredAtThisLevel() {
      return _requiredAtThisLevel;

    public String toString() {
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

      buffer.append("( ");

      if (_argTypes != null) {
        int count = _argTypes.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
          if (i > 0) {
            buffer.append(", ");


      buffer.append(" )");

      return buffer.toString();

   * Method descriptor for mandatory methods which we know Derby does not implement. We abbreviate
   * the name of this class to make arrays of these declarations compact and readable.
  public static final class FD extends MD {
    private String _methodName;
    private Class[] _argTypes;

    /** Construct from methodName and argument types. */
    public FD(String methodName, Class[] argTypes) {
      super(methodName, argTypes);

    /** Return whether this method is optional */
    public boolean isOptional() {
      return false;

   * Describes all of the methods for an interface which are allowed to raise
   * SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.
  public static final class Exclusions {
    private Class _class;
    private MD[] _excludedMethods;

     * Construct from the interface and descriptors for the methods which are allowed to raise
     * SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
    public Exclusions(Class theInterface, MD[] excludedMethods) {
      _class = theInterface;
      _excludedMethods = excludedMethods;

    /** Get the interface. */
    public Class getInterface() {
      return _class;

    /** Get descriptors for the methods which may raise SQLFeatureNotSupportedException. */
    public MD[] getExcludedMethods() {
      return _excludedMethods;

   * Used for sorting methods, which don't come back from Class.getMethods() in a deterministic
   * order. For extra credit, we put the close() method at the end of the sort order so that, when
   * we invoke the sorted methods, we don't accidentally invalidate the receiver.
  public static final class MethodSortable implements Comparable {
    private Method _method;

    /** Conjure out of a Method */
    public MethodSortable(Method method) {
      _method = method;

    /** Get the wrapped Method */
    public Method getMethod() {
      return _method;

    //	Comparable BEHAVIOR

    public int compareTo(Object other) {
      MethodSortable that = (MethodSortable) other;
      boolean thisIsClose = this.isCloseMethod();
      boolean thatIsClose = that.isCloseMethod();

      // throw the close() method to the end of the sort order
      if (thisIsClose) {
        if (thatIsClose) {
          return 0;
        } else {
          return 1;
      } else if (thatIsClose) {
        return -1;

      return this.toString().compareTo(that.toString());

    //	Object OVERRIDES

    public String toString() {
      return _method.toString();

    //	MINIONS

    // Returns true if the wrapped method is close().
    private boolean isCloseMethod() {
      return (toString().startsWith("close()"));

  private boolean savedVerbosity;

  protected void setUp() {
    // testSupportedMethods() sets the verbosity, so we need to save the
    // original verbosity here and restore it in tearDown.
    savedVerbosity = getTestConfiguration().isVerbose();

  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

  public static Test suite() {
    return TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(UnsupportedVetter.class);