Exemplo n.º 1
  protected boolean httpGetFile(String strContType) throws IOException {
    if (!isDbFilesPath(uri.getPath())
        && !isKnownExtension(uri.getPath())
        && strContType.length() == 0) {
      String strTemp = FilePath.join(uri.getPath(), "/");

      if (RhoSupport.findClass(strTemp + "controller") != null) return false;

      int nPos = findIndex(uri.getPath());
      if (nPos >= 0) {
        String url = uri.getPath(); // + (nPos == 0 ? ".iseq" : "");
        Properties reqHash = new Properties();
        this.doDispatch(reqHash, url);
        //	RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processIndexRequest(url);//erb-compiled should load from class
        // processResponse(res);

        // RhodesApp.getInstance().keepLastVisitedUrl(url_external);
        return true;

      if (httpGetIndexFile()) return true;

    return httpServeFile(strContType);
Exemplo n.º 2
  void doDispatch(Properties reqHash, String strIndex) throws IOException {
    reqHash.setProperty("request-method", this.method);
    reqHash.setProperty("request-uri", uri.getPath());
    reqHash.setProperty("request-query", uri.getQueryString());

    if (postData != null && postData.size() > 0) {
      if (!RHOCONF().getBool("log_skip_post")) LOG.TRACE(postData.toString());
      reqHash.setProperty("request-body", postData.toString());

    RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processRequest(reqHash, reqHeaders, resHeaders, strIndex);

    LOG.INFO("dispatch end");
Exemplo n.º 3
    public InputConnection handleResourceRequest(BrowserFieldRequest request) throws Exception {
      String url = request.getURL();
      if (RhodesApp.getInstance().isRhodesAppUrl(url) || URI.isLocalData(url)) {
        HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(url, request.getHeaders(), null, null);

        return connection;
      } else return super.handleResourceRequest(request);
Exemplo n.º 4
  protected boolean httpServeFile(String strContType) throws IOException {
    String strPath = uri.getPath();
    // if ( !strPath.startsWith("/apps") )
    //	strPath = "/apps" + strPath;

    LOG.TRACE("httpServeFile: " + strPath);

    if (!isDbFilesPath(strPath)) {
      if (strContType.equals("application/javascript")) {
        responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath);
        if (responseData == null) {
          String str = "";
          responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());
      } else responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath);
    } else {
      if (strPath.startsWith("/apps/app/db/db-files"))
        strPath = strPath.substring(9); // remove /apps/app
      else strPath = strPath.substring(5); // remove /apps

    if (responseData == null) {

      SimpleFile file = null;
      try {
        file = RhoClassFactory.createFile();
        String strFileName = strPath;
        //				if ( strFileName.startsWith("/apps") )
        //					strFileName = strPath.substring(5);

        file.open(strFileName, true, true);
        responseData = file.getInputStream();
        if (responseData != null) {
          contentLength = (int) file.length();
        m_file = file;
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        if (file != null) file.close();
    } else {
      if (responseData != null) {
        contentLength = responseData.available();

    if (responseData == null) return false;

    if (strContType.length() > 0) resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", strContType);

    resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(contentLength));

    // resHeaders.addProperty("Date",getLocalHttpTimeString());
    // resHeaders.addProperty("Cache-control", "public, max-age=3600" );
    // resHeaders.addProperty("Expires", "Thu, 01 Dec 2010 16:00:00 GMT" );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public String next() {
      if (isEnd()) return null;

      int nEnd = strPath.indexOf('/', nStart);
      if (nEnd < 0) nEnd = strPath.length();

      String res = strPath.substring(nStart, nEnd);
      nStart = nEnd + 1;
      return URI.urlDecode(res).trim();
Exemplo n.º 6
  public void resetUrl(String url) {
    url_external = url;
    uri = new URI(url_external);

    if (!uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps")) uri.setPath("/apps" + uri.getPath());
    else uri.setPath(uri.getPath());

    method = "";
    responseCode = 200;
    responseMsg = "OK";
    contentLength = -1;
    requestProcessed = false;

    try {
    } catch (IOException exc) {
      LOG.ERROR("clean failed.", exc);
Exemplo n.º 7
  protected boolean httpGetIndexFile() {
    String strIndex = null;
    String slash = "";
    if (uri.getPath() != null && uri.getPath().length() > 0)
      slash = uri.getPath().charAt(uri.getPath().length() - 1) == '/' ? "" : "/";

    for (int i = 0; i < m_arIndexes.length; i++) {
      String name = uri.getPath() + slash + m_arIndexes[i];
      String nameClass = name;
      if (nameClass.endsWith(".iseq")) nameClass = nameClass.substring(0, nameClass.length() - 5);

      if (RhoSupport.findClass(nameClass) != null || RhoRuby.resourceFileExists(name)) {
        strIndex = name;

    if (strIndex == null) return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  void respondNotFound(String strError) {
    responseCode = HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
    responseMsg = "Not found";
    if (strError != null && strError.length() != 0) responseMsg += ".Error: " + strError;

    String strBody = "Page not found: " + uri.getPath();

    contentLength = strBody.length();
    responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(strBody.getBytes());

    resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", "text/html");
    resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(contentLength));
Exemplo n.º 9
  /** Construct connection using URI * */
  public RhoConnection(URI _uri) {
    url_external = _uri.toString();
    uri_orig = _uri;
    uri = new URI(url_external);

    if (!uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps")) uri.setPath("/apps" + uri.getPath());
    else uri.setPath(uri.getPath());
Exemplo n.º 10
  public void processRequest() throws IOException {
    if (!requestProcessed) {
      String strErr = "";

      LOG.TRACE("processRequest: " + getURL());
      String strReferer = reqHeaders != null ? reqHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase("Referer") : "";
      if (getRef() != null
          && getRef().length() > 0
          && strReferer != null
          && strReferer.equalsIgnoreCase(uri_orig.getPathNoFragment())) {
      } else {
        String strContType = getContentType();

        if (uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps/public")) {
        } else {
          if (this.method.equals("POST")
              || strContType.length() == 0
              || strContType.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") >= 0) {
            if (dispatch()) {
              requestProcessed = true;

          if (
          /*this.method == "GET" &&*/ httpGetFile(strContType)) {

            // }else if ( dispatch() ){
          } else {
      requestProcessed = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public String getFile() {
   if (uri != null) {
     String path = uri.getPath();
     if (path != null) {
       int s0 = path.lastIndexOf('/');
       int s1 = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
       if (s1 > s0) s0 = s1;
       if (s0 < 0) s0 = 0;
       return path.substring(s0);
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 12
  void callLoginCallback(SyncNotification oNotify, int nErrCode, String strMessage) {
    try {
      if (getSync().isStoppedByUser()) return;

      String strBody = "error_code=" + nErrCode;
      strBody += "&error_message=" + URI.urlEncode(strMessage != null ? strMessage : "");
      strBody += "&rho_callback=1";

      LOG.INFO("Login callback: " + oNotify.toString() + ". Body: " + strBody);

      callNotify(oNotify, strBody);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      LOG.ERROR("Call Login callback failed.", exc);
Exemplo n.º 13
  void respondMoved(String location) {
    responseCode = HTTP_MOVED_PERM;
    responseMsg = "Moved Permanently";

    String strLoc = location;
    if (strLoc.startsWith("/apps")) strLoc = strLoc.substring(5);

    String strQuery = uri.getQueryString();
    if (strQuery != null && strQuery.length() > 0) strLoc += "?" + strQuery;

    resHeaders.addProperty("Location", strLoc);
    contentLength = 0;

    responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes());
Exemplo n.º 14
  String getContentType() {
    String contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("Content-Type");
    if (contType == null || contType.length() == 0)
      contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("content-type");

    if (contType != null && contType.length() > 0) return contType;

    String path = uri.getPath();
    int nPoint = path.lastIndexOf('.');
    String strExt = "";
    if (nPoint > 0) strExt = path.substring(nPoint + 1);

    if (strExt.equals("png")) return "image/png";
    else if (strExt.equals("jpeg")) return "image/jpeg";
    else if (strExt.equals("jpg")) return "image/jpg";
    else if (strExt.equals("js")) return "application/javascript";
    else if (strExt.equals("css")) return "text/css";
    else if (strExt.equals("gif")) return "image/gif";
    else if (strExt.equals("html") || strExt.equals("htm")) return "text/html";
    else if (strExt.equals("txt")) return "text/plain";

    return "";
Exemplo n.º 15
  public HttpConnection getResource(RequestedResource resource, BrowserContent referrer) {

    if (resource == null) return null;

    String url = resource.getUrl();
    if (url == null || url.endsWith("/favicon.ico")) return null;

    try {
      if (referrer == null || URI.isLocalData(url) || !m_bLoadImageAsync) {
        boolean bLocalHost = RhodesApp.getInstance().isRhodesAppUrl(url);
        if (bLocalHost && m_connResource != null) {
          com.rho.net.RhoConnection rhoConn =
                  ((com.rho.net.bb.NativeBBHttpConnection) m_connResource).getNativeConnection();

          Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null, m_connResource);
          return m_connResource;
        } else {
          HttpConnection connection =
              Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null, null);
          // if (bLocalHost)
          //	m_connResource = connection;
          return connection;
      } else {
        SecondaryResourceFetchThread.enqueue(resource, referrer);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      LOG.ERROR("getResource failed.", exc);

    return null;

     // check if this is cache-only request
     if (resource.isCacheOnly()) {
         // no cache support
         return null;

     String url = resource.getUrl();

     if (url == null) {
         return null;

      // if referrer is null we must return the connection
      if (referrer == null) {
          HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null);
          return connection;

      } else
    if ( URI.isLocalHost(url) || URI.isLocalData(url))
              HttpConnection connection = Utilities.makeConnection(url, resource.getRequestHeaders(), null);
              return connection;
           // if referrer is provided we can set up the connection on a separate thread
           SecondaryResourceFetchThread.enqueue(resource, referrer);
     }catch(Exception exc)
     	LOG.ERROR("getResource failed.", exc);

     return null;*/
Exemplo n.º 16
  void doFireSyncNotification(
      SyncSource src,
      boolean bFinish,
      int nErrCode,
      String strError,
      String strParams,
      String strServerError) {
    if (getSync().isStoppedByUser()) return;

    try {
      SyncNotification pSN = null;

      String strBody = "";
      boolean bRemoveAfterFire = bFinish;
        synchronized (m_mxSyncNotifications) {
          pSN = getSyncNotifyBySrc(src);
          if (pSN == null) return;

          strBody = "";

          if (src != null) {
            strBody += "total_count=" + src.getTotalCount();
            strBody += "&processed_count=" + src.getCurPageCount();
            strBody += "&processed_objects_count=" + getLastSyncObjectCount(src.getID());
            strBody += "&cumulative_count=" + src.getServerObjectsCount();
            strBody += "&source_id=" + src.getID();
            strBody += "&source_name=" + src.getName();

          if (strParams.length() > 0) strBody += (strBody.length() > 0 ? "&" : "") + strParams;
          else strBody += (strBody.length() > 0 ? "&" : "") + "sync_type=incremental";

          strBody += "&status=";
          if (bFinish) {
            if (nErrCode == RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE) {
              if (getSync().isSchemaChanged()) strBody += "schema_changed";
              else strBody += (src == null && strParams.length() == 0) ? "complete" : "ok";
            } else {
              if (getSync().isStoppedByUser()) nErrCode = RhoAppAdapter.ERR_CANCELBYUSER;

              strBody += "error";
              strBody += "&error_code=" + nErrCode;

              if (strError != null && strError.length() > 0)
                strBody += "&error_message=" + URI.urlEncode(strError);
              else if (src != null) strBody += "&error_message=" + URI.urlEncode(src.m_strError);

              if (strServerError != null && strServerError.length() > 0)
                strBody += "&" + strServerError;
              else if (src != null
                  && src.m_strServerError != null
                  && src.m_strServerError.length() > 0) strBody += "&" + src.m_strServerError;

            if (src != null) strBody += makeCreateObjectErrorBody(src.getID());
          } else strBody += "in_progress";

          strBody += "&rho_callback=1";
          if (pSN.m_strParams != null && pSN.m_strParams.length() > 0) {
            if (!pSN.m_strParams.startsWith("&")) strBody += "&";

            strBody += pSN.m_strParams;

          bRemoveAfterFire = bRemoveAfterFire && pSN.m_bRemoveAfterFire;
      if (bRemoveAfterFire) clearNotification(src);

          "Fire notification. Source : "
              + (src != null ? (src).getName() : "")
              + "; "
              + pSN.toString());

      if (callNotify(pSN, strBody)) clearNotification(src);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      LOG.ERROR("Fire notification failed.", exc);
Exemplo n.º 17
  protected boolean dispatch() throws IOException {
    // LOG.INFO("dispatch start : " + uri.getPath());

    UrlParser up = new UrlParser(uri.getPath());
    String apps = up.next();
    String application;
    if (apps.equalsIgnoreCase("apps")) application = up.next();
    else application = apps;

    String model = up.next();

    if (model == null || model.length() == 0) return false;

    if (checkRhoExtensions(application, model)) return true;

    // Convert CamelCase to underscore_case
    StringBuffer cName = new StringBuffer();
    byte[] modelname = model.getBytes();
    char ch;
    for (int i = 0; i != model.length(); ++i) {
      if (modelname[i] >= (byte) 'A' && modelname[i] <= (byte) 'Z') {
        ch = (char) (modelname[i] + 0x20);
        if (i != 0) cName.append('_');

      } else ch = (char) modelname[i];
    String controllerName = cName.toString();

    String strCtrl = "apps/" + application + '/' + model + '/' + controllerName + "_controller";
    if (RhoSupport.findClass(strCtrl) == null) {
      strCtrl = "apps/" + application + '/' + model + '/' + "controller";
      if (RhoSupport.findClass(strCtrl) == null) return false;

    Properties reqHash = new Properties();

    String actionid = up.next();
    String actionnext = up.next();
    if (actionid != null && actionid.length() > 0) {
      if (actionid.length() > 6 && actionid.startsWith("%7B") && actionid.endsWith("%7D"))
        actionid = "{" + actionid.substring(3, actionid.length() - 3) + "}";

      if (actionid.length() > 2
          && actionid.charAt(0) == '{'
          && actionid.charAt(actionid.length() - 1) == '}') {
        reqHash.setProperty("id", actionid);
        reqHash.setProperty("action", actionnext);
      } else {
        reqHash.setProperty("id", actionnext);
        reqHash.setProperty("action", actionid);
    reqHash.setProperty("application", application);
    reqHash.setProperty("model", model);

    doDispatch(reqHash, null);

    if (actionid != null
        && actionid.length() > 2
        && actionid.charAt(0) == '{'
        && actionid.charAt(actionid.length() - 1) == '}')
      SyncThread.getInstance().addobjectnotify_bysrcname(model, actionid);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public String getHost() {
   LOG.TRACE("getHost: " + uri.getHost());
   return uri.getHost();
Exemplo n.º 19
 public int getPort() {
   LOG.TRACE("getPort: " + uri.getPort());
   return uri.getPort();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public String getProtocol() {
   LOG.TRACE("getProtocol: " + uri.getScheme());
   return uri.getScheme();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public String getQuery() {
   LOG.TRACE("getQuery: " + uri.getQueryString());
   return uri.getQueryString();
Exemplo n.º 22
 public String getRef() {
   LOG.TRACE("getRef: " + uri.getFragment());
   return uri.getFragment() != null ? uri.getFragment() : "";