 private void autoWire(
     CompatibilityLevel level, InputPorts inputPorts, LinkedList<OutputPort> readyOutputs)
     throws PortException {
   boolean success = false;
   do {
     Set<InputPort> complete = new HashSet<InputPort>();
     for (InputPort in : inputPorts.getAllPorts()) {
       success = false;
       if (!in.isConnected()
           && !complete.contains(in)
           && in.getPorts().getOwner().getOperator().shouldAutoConnect(in)) {
         Iterator<OutputPort> outIterator;
         // TODO: Simon: Does the same in both cases. Check again.
         if (in.simulatesStack()) {
           outIterator = readyOutputs.descendingIterator();
         } else {
           outIterator = readyOutputs.descendingIterator();
         while (outIterator.hasNext()) {
           OutputPort outCandidate = outIterator.next();
           // TODO: Remove shouldAutoConnect() in later versions
           Operator owner = outCandidate.getPorts().getOwner().getOperator();
           if (owner.shouldAutoConnect(outCandidate)) {
             if (outCandidate.getMetaData() != null) {
               if (in.isInputCompatible(outCandidate.getMetaData(), level)) {
                 // we cannot continue with the remaining input ports
                 // since connecting may have triggered the creation of new input ports
                 // which would result in undefined behavior and a ConcurrentModificationException
                 success = true;
         // no port found.
         if (success) {
   } while (success);