Exemplo n.º 1
   * This constructor is used while generating QueryInfo object for the table
   * @param cd ColumnDescriptor Object
   * @param tableName String
   * @param tableNum int
   * @throws StandardException
   * @see TableQueryInfo#TableQueryInfo(FromBaseTable)
  ColumnQueryInfo(ColumnDescriptor cd, TableQueryInfo tqi, int tableNum) throws StandardException {

    this.actualColumnName = cd.getColumnName();
    this.actualColumnNumber = cd.getPosition();
    this.columnDescriptor = cd;
    this.td = cd.getTableDescriptor();
    this.columnType = cd.getType();
    this.tqi = tqi;
    this.exposedColumnName = this.actualColumnName;
    this.virtualColumnNumber = this.actualColumnNumber;
    assert this.columnDescriptor != null;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * This constructor is invoked while analyzing the projection attributes
   * @param rc ResultColumn
   * @throws StandardException
   * @see SelectQueryInfo#visit(com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.sql.compile.Visitable)
  ColumnQueryInfo(final ResultColumn rc, QueryInfoContext qic) throws StandardException {
    final ColumnDescriptor cd = searchColumnDescriptor(rc);

    if (cd != null) {
      this.actualColumnName = cd.getColumnName();
      this.actualColumnNumber = cd.getPosition();
      this.columnDescriptor = cd;
      this.columnType = cd.getType();
      this.td = cd.getTableDescriptor();
    } else {
      String columnName = rc.getSourceColumnName();
      if (columnName == null) {
        columnName = rc.getActualName();
      this.actualColumnName = columnName;
      this.actualColumnNumber = rc.getColumnPosition();
      this.columnType = rc.getType();
      this.td = null;
      this.columnDescriptor =
          new ColumnDescriptor(
              null, // default
              null, // defaultInfo
              (UUID) null, // table uuid
              (UUID) null, // default uuid
              0L, // autoincStart
              0L, // autoincInc
              false); // autoincValue

    if (tableNum > -1) {
      DMLQueryInfo currentTop = qic.getCurrentScopeQueryInfo();
      this.tqi = currentTop.getTableQueryInfo(tableNum);
      // TODO:Asif Should we do correlation check here?
    this.exposedColumnName = rc.getName();
    this.virtualColumnNumber = rc.getVirtualColumnId();
    assert this.columnDescriptor != null;