@Override public boolean execute() throws MissingOrIncorrectArgumentException, InsufficientPermissionException { if (errorCheck()) return true; // /xp price <amount|bank|me> String name = player.getName().toLowerCase(); // int currentXP = player.getTotalExperience(); int currentXP = Utilities.getTotalExp(player); int bankXP = XPBank.getBank().getBalance(name); int xp; EconomyResponse er; // Parse arguments if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("me")) xp = currentXP; else if (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("bank")) xp = bankXP; else { try { xp = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new MissingOrIncorrectArgumentException(); } } double dPrice = Properties.flatFeeDeposit + (Properties.perXPDeposit * xp); double wPrice = Properties.flatFeeWithdrawl + (Properties.perXPWithdrawl * xp); Messaging.send( player, "`pIt would cost `w" + economy.format(dPrice) + "`p to deposit `w" + xp + "`p XP."); Messaging.send( player, "`pIt would cost `w" + economy.format(wPrice) + "`p to withdraw `w" + xp + "`p XP."); return true; }
public PriceCmd(CommandSender cs, String args[]) { super(cs, args); this.permission = Properties.permBank; minArg = 2; economy = XPBank.getEconomy(); }