Exemplo n.º 1
 public void doApply(
     @NotNull Editor editor,
     @NotNull PySmartEnterProcessor processor,
     @NotNull PyWithStatement withStatement)
     throws IncorrectOperationException {
   final PsiElement colonToken = PyUtil.getFirstChildOfType(withStatement, PyTokenTypes.COLON);
   final PsiElement withToken =
       PyUtil.getFirstChildOfType(withStatement, PyTokenTypes.WITH_KEYWORD);
   final Document document = editor.getDocument();
   if (colonToken == null && withToken != null) {
     int insertAt = withToken.getTextRange().getEndOffset();
     String textToInsert = ":";
     final PyWithItem lastItem = ArrayUtil.getLastElement(withStatement.getWithItems());
     if (lastItem == null || lastItem.getExpression() == null) {
       textToInsert = " :";
       processor.registerUnresolvedError(insertAt + 1);
     } else {
       final PyExpression expression = lastItem.getExpression();
       insertAt = expression.getTextRange().getEndOffset();
       final PsiElement asToken = PyUtil.getFirstChildOfType(lastItem, PyTokenTypes.AS_KEYWORD);
       if (asToken != null) {
         insertAt = asToken.getTextRange().getEndOffset();
         final PyExpression target = lastItem.getTarget();
         if (target != null) {
           insertAt = target.getTextRange().getEndOffset();
         } else {
           textToInsert = " :";
           processor.registerUnresolvedError(insertAt + 1);
     document.insertString(insertAt, textToInsert);
    public void visitPyAssignmentStatement(PyAssignmentStatement node) {
      final PyExpression value = node.getAssignedValue();
      if (value instanceof PyCallExpression) {
        final PyType type = myTypeEvalContext.getType(value);
        final PyExpression callee = ((PyCallExpression) value).getCallee();

        if (type instanceof PyNoneType && callee != null) {
          final PyTypeChecker.AnalyzeCallResults analyzeCallResults =
              PyTypeChecker.analyzeCall(((PyCallExpression) value), myTypeEvalContext);
          if (analyzeCallResults != null) {
            final PyCallable callable = analyzeCallResults.getCallable();
            if (PySdkUtil.isElementInSkeletons(callable)) {
            if (callable instanceof PyFunction) {
              final PyFunction function = (PyFunction) callable;
              // Currently we don't infer types returned by decorators
              if (hasInheritors(function) || PyUtil.hasCustomDecorators(function)) {
                PyBundle.message("INSP.none.function.assignment", callee.getName()),
                new PyRemoveAssignmentQuickFix());
  private static PyExpression invertExpression(@NotNull final PsiElement expression) {
    final PyElementGenerator elementGenerator =
    if (expression instanceof PyBoolLiteralExpression) {
      final String value =
          ((PyBoolLiteralExpression) expression).getValue() ? PyNames.FALSE : PyNames.TRUE;
      return elementGenerator.createExpressionFromText(LanguageLevel.forElement(expression), value);
    if (expression instanceof PyReferenceExpression
        && (PyNames.FALSE.equals(expression.getText())
            || PyNames.TRUE.equals(expression.getText()))) {

      final String value = PyNames.TRUE.equals(expression.getText()) ? PyNames.FALSE : PyNames.TRUE;
      return elementGenerator.createExpressionFromText(LanguageLevel.forElement(expression), value);
    } else if (expression instanceof PyPrefixExpression) {
      if (((PyPrefixExpression) expression).getOperator() == PyTokenTypes.NOT_KEYWORD) {
        final PyExpression operand = ((PyPrefixExpression) expression).getOperand();
        if (operand != null)
          return elementGenerator.createExpressionFromText(
              LanguageLevel.forElement(expression), operand.getText());
    return elementGenerator.createExpressionFromText(
        LanguageLevel.forElement(expression), "not " + expression.getText());
  private PsiElement performReplace(
      @NotNull final PsiElement declaration, final IntroduceOperation operation) {
    final PyExpression expression = operation.getInitializer();
    final Project project = operation.getProject();
    return new WriteCommandAction<PsiElement>(project, expression.getContainingFile()) {
      protected void run(final Result<PsiElement> result) throws Throwable {
        result.setResult(addDeclaration(operation, declaration));

        PyExpression newExpression = createExpression(project, operation.getName(), declaration);

        if (operation.isReplaceAll()) {
          List<PsiElement> newOccurrences = new ArrayList<PsiElement>();
          for (PsiElement occurrence : operation.getOccurrences()) {
            final PsiElement replaced = replaceExpression(occurrence, newExpression, operation);
            if (replaced != null) {
        } else {
          final PsiElement replaced = replaceExpression(expression, newExpression, operation);

  public PsiPolyVariantReference getReference(PyResolveContext context) {
    final PsiFile file = getContainingFile();
    final PyExpression qualifier = getQualifier();

    // Handle import reference
    final PsiElement importParent =
        PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, PyImportElement.class, PyFromImportStatement.class);
    if (importParent != null) {
      return PyImportReference.forElement(this, importParent, context);

    // Return special reference
    final ConsoleCommunication communication =
    if (communication != null) {
      if (qualifier != null) {
        return new PydevConsoleReference(this, communication, qualifier.getText() + ".");
      return new PydevConsoleReference(this, communication, "");

    if (qualifier != null) {
      return new PyQualifiedReference(this, context);

    return new PyReferenceImpl(this, context);
    public void visitPyReferenceExpression(PyReferenceExpression node) {
      final PyExpression qualifier = node.getQualifier();
      if (qualifier == null || PyNames.CANONICAL_SELF.equals(qualifier.getText())) return;
      if (myTypeEvalContext.getType(qualifier) instanceof PyNamedTupleType) return;
      final String name = node.getName();
      final List<LocalQuickFix> quickFixes = new ArrayList<LocalQuickFix>();
      quickFixes.add(new PyRenameElementQuickFix());

      if (name != null && name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("__") && !name.endsWith("__")) {
        final PsiReference reference = node.getReference(getResolveContext());
        if (reference == null) return;
        final PsiElement resolvedExpression = reference.resolve();
        final PyClass resolvedClass = getClassOwner(resolvedExpression);
        if (resolvedExpression instanceof PyTargetExpression) {
          final String newName = StringUtil.trimLeading(name, '_');
          if (resolvedClass != null) {
            final String qFixName =
                    ? PyBundle.message("QFIX.use.property")
                    : PyBundle.message("QFIX.add.property");
            quickFixes.add(new PyAddPropertyForFieldQuickFix(qFixName));

            final Collection<String> usedNames = PyRefactoringUtil.collectUsedNames(resolvedClass);
            if (!usedNames.contains(newName)) {
              quickFixes.add(new PyMakePublicQuickFix());

        final PyClass parentClass = getClassOwner(node);
        if (parentClass != null) {
          if (PyTestUtil.isPyTestClass(parentClass) && ignoreTestFunctions) return;

          if (parentClass.isSubclass(resolvedClass)) return;

          PyClass outerClass = getClassOwner(parentClass);
          while (outerClass != null) {
            if (outerClass.isSubclass(resolvedClass)) return;

            outerClass = getClassOwner(outerClass);
        final PyType type = myTypeEvalContext.getType(qualifier);
        final String bundleKey =
            type instanceof PyModuleType
                ? "INSP.protected.member.$0.access.module"
                : "INSP.protected.member.$0.access";
            PyBundle.message(bundleKey, name),
            quickFixes.toArray(new LocalQuickFix[quickFixes.size() - 1]));
  protected Collection<String> generateSuggestedNames(PyExpression expression) {
    Collection<String> candidates =
        new LinkedHashSet<String>() {
          public boolean add(String s) {
            if (PyNames.isReserved(s)) {
              return false;
            return super.add(s);
    String text = expression.getText();
    final Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> selection =
    if (selection != null) {
      text = selection.getSecond().substring(text);
    if (expression instanceof PyCallExpression) {
      final PyExpression callee = ((PyCallExpression) expression).getCallee();
      if (callee != null) {
        text = callee.getText();
    if (text != null) {
    final TypeEvalContext context = TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(expression.getContainingFile());
    PyType type = context.getType(expression);
    if (type != null && type != PyNoneType.INSTANCE) {
      String typeName = type.getName();
      if (typeName != null) {
        if (type.isBuiltin()) {
          typeName = typeName.substring(0, 1);
    final PyKeywordArgument kwArg =
        PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(expression, PyKeywordArgument.class);
    if (kwArg != null && kwArg.getValueExpression() == expression) {

    final PyArgumentList argList = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(expression, PyArgumentList.class);
    if (argList != null) {
      final CallArgumentsMapping result = argList.analyzeCall(PyResolveContext.noImplicits());
      if (result.getMarkedCallee() != null) {
        final PyNamedParameter namedParameter = result.getPlainMappedParams().get(expression);
        if (namedParameter != null) {
    return candidates;
 public PyAssignmentStatement createDeclaration(IntroduceOperation operation) {
   final Project project = operation.getProject();
   final PyExpression initializer = operation.getInitializer();
   InitializerTextBuilder builder = new InitializerTextBuilder();
   String assignmentText = operation.getName() + " = " + builder.result();
   PsiElement anchor =
           ? findAnchor(operation.getOccurrences())
           : PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(initializer, PyStatement.class);
   return createDeclaration(project, assignmentText, anchor);
 public PyExpression getOppositeExpression(PyExpression expression)
     throws IllegalArgumentException {
   PyExpression right = getRightExpression();
   PyExpression left = getLeftExpression();
   if (expression.equals(left)) {
     return right;
   if (expression.equals(right)) {
     return left;
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
       "expression " + expression + " is neither left exp or right exp");
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Looks for two standard decorators to a function, or a wrapping assignment that closely follows
  * it.
  * @return a flag describing what was detected.
 public Modifier getModifier() {
   String deconame = getClassOrStaticMethodDecorator();
   if (PyNames.CLASSMETHOD.equals(deconame)) {
     return CLASSMETHOD;
   } else if (PyNames.STATICMETHOD.equals(deconame)) {
     return STATICMETHOD;
   // implicit staticmethod __new__
   PyClass cls = getContainingClass();
   if (cls != null && PyNames.NEW.equals(getName()) && cls.isNewStyleClass()) {
     return STATICMETHOD;
   if (getStub() != null) {
     return getWrappersFromStub();
   String func_name = getName();
   if (func_name != null) {
     PyAssignmentStatement assignment =
         PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(this, PyAssignmentStatement.class);
     if (assignment != null) {
       for (Pair<PyExpression, PyExpression> pair : assignment.getTargetsToValuesMapping()) {
         PyExpression value = pair.getSecond();
         if (value instanceof PyCallExpression) {
           PyExpression target = pair.getFirst();
           if (target instanceof PyTargetExpression && func_name.equals(target.getName())) {
             Pair<String, PyFunction> interpreted =
                 interpretAsModifierWrappingCall((PyCallExpression) value, this);
             if (interpreted != null) {
               PyFunction original = interpreted.getSecond();
               if (original == this) {
                 String wrapper_name = interpreted.getFirst();
                 if (PyNames.CLASSMETHOD.equals(wrapper_name)) {
                   return CLASSMETHOD;
                 } else if (PyNames.STATICMETHOD.equals(wrapper_name)) {
                   return STATICMETHOD;
   return null;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void visitPyCallExpression(final PyCallExpression node) {
   // TODO: refactor, messy code
   final PyExpression callee = node.getCallee();
   if (callee != null) {
     final PsiReference calleeRef = callee.getReference();
     if (calleeRef != null) {
       final PsiElement calleeDeclaration = calleeRef.resolve();
       if (calleeDeclaration instanceof PyFunction) {
         final PyFunction calleeFunction = (PyFunction) calleeDeclaration;
         final PyClass clazz = calleeFunction.getContainingClass();
         if (clazz != null) {
           if (PyUtil.isInit(calleeFunction)) {
             return; // Init call should not be marked as dependency
           myResult.putValue(clazz, calleeFunction);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /** @param self should be this */
 private static List<PyAssignmentStatement> findAttributesStatic(@NotNull final PsiElement self) {
   final List<PyAssignmentStatement> result = new ArrayList<>();
   for (final PyAssignmentStatement statement :
       new PsiQuery(self).siblings(PyAssignmentStatement.class).getElements()) {
     for (final PyQualifiedExpression targetExpression :
         new PsiQuery(statement.getTargets()).filter(PyQualifiedExpression.class).getElements()) {
       final PyExpression qualifier = targetExpression.getQualifier();
       if (qualifier == null) {
       final PsiReference qualifierReference = qualifier.getReference();
       if (qualifierReference == null) {
       if (qualifierReference.isReferenceTo(self)) {
   return result;
 private static boolean isAbstract(@NotNull PyClass pyClass) {
   final PyType metaClass =
           TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(pyClass.getProject(), pyClass.getContainingFile()));
   if (metaClass instanceof PyClassLikeType
       && PyNames.ABC_META_CLASS.equals(metaClass.getName())) {
     return true;
   if (metaClass == null) {
     final PyExpression metaClassExpr =
         as(pyClass.getMetaClassExpression(), PyReferenceExpression.class);
     if (metaClassExpr != null && PyNames.ABC_META_CLASS.equals(metaClassExpr.getName())) {
       return true;
   for (PyFunction method : pyClass.getMethods(false)) {
     if (PyUtil.isDecoratedAsAbstract(method)) {
       return true;
   return false;
 public boolean isAvailableOnElement(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
   final VirtualFile virtualFile = PsiUtilCore.getVirtualFile(element);
   if (virtualFile != null
       && ProjectRootManager.getInstance(element.getProject())
           .isInLibraryClasses(virtualFile)) return false;
   if (element instanceof PyTargetExpression) {
     final PyAssignmentStatement assignmentStatement =
         PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PyAssignmentStatement.class);
     if (assignmentStatement != null) {
       final PyExpression assignedValue = assignmentStatement.getAssignedValue();
       if (assignedValue == null) return false;
       final String name = assignedValue.getText();
       return name != null && (PyNames.TRUE.equals(name) || PyNames.FALSE.equals(name));
   if (element instanceof PyNamedParameter) {
     final PyExpression defaultValue = ((PyNamedParameter) element).getDefaultValue();
     if (defaultValue instanceof PyBoolLiteralExpression) return true;
   return element.getParent() instanceof PyBoolLiteralExpression;
 private static boolean isInBuiltins(PyExpression callee) {
   if (callee instanceof PyQualifiedExpression
       && (((PyQualifiedExpression) callee).getQualifier() != null)) {
     return false;
   PsiReference reference = callee.getReference();
   if (reference != null) {
     PsiElement resolved = reference.resolve();
     if (resolved != null && PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(callee).hasInBuiltins(resolved)) {
       return true;
   return false;
 public List<? extends RatedResolveResult> resolveMember(
     @NotNull String name,
     @Nullable PyExpression location,
     @NotNull AccessDirection direction,
     @NotNull PyResolveContext resolveContext) {
   final PsiElement resolved = myImportedModule.resolve();
   if (resolved != null) {
     final PsiFile containingFile = location != null ? location.getContainingFile() : null;
     List<PsiElement> elements =
             ResolveImportUtil.resolveChild(resolved, name, containingFile, false, true));
     final PyImportElement importElement = myImportedModule.getImportElement();
     final PyFile resolvedFile = PyUtil.as(resolved, PyFile.class);
     if (location != null
         && importElement != null
         && PyUtil.inSameFile(location, importElement)
         && ResolveImportUtil.getPointInImport(location) == PointInImport.NONE
         && resolved instanceof PsiFileSystemItem
         && (resolvedFile == null
             || !PyUtil.isPackage(resolvedFile)
             || resolvedFile.getElementNamed(name) == null)) {
       final List<PsiElement> importedSubmodules =
           PyModuleType.collectImportedSubmodules((PsiFileSystemItem) resolved, location);
       if (importedSubmodules != null) {
         final Set<PsiElement> imported = Sets.newHashSet(importedSubmodules);
         elements =
                 new Condition<PsiElement>() {
                   public boolean value(PsiElement element) {
                     return imported.contains(element);
     return ResolveImportUtil.rateResults(elements);
   return null;