protected String doCalculateSignature(PsiMethod method) {
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    final PsiModifierList modifierList = method.getModifierList();
    String modifiers = modifierList.getText();
    final String oldModifier = VisibilityUtil.getVisibilityModifier(modifierList);
    final String newModifier = getVisibility();
    String newModifierStr = VisibilityUtil.getVisibilityString(newModifier);
    if (!newModifier.equals(oldModifier)) {
      int index = modifiers.indexOf(oldModifier);
      if (index >= 0) {
        final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(modifiers);
            index + oldModifier.length() + ("".equals(newModifierStr) ? 1 : 0),
        modifiers = buf.toString();
      } else {
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(newModifierStr)) {
          newModifierStr += " ";
        modifiers = newModifierStr + modifiers;

    if (modifiers.length() > 0
        && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, '\n')
        && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, '\r')
        && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, ' ')) {
      buffer.append(" ");

    if (!method.isConstructor()) {
      final CanonicalTypes.Type type = getReturnType();
      if (type != null) {
      buffer.append(" ");

    final int lineBreakIdx = buffer.lastIndexOf("\n");
    String indent =
            ' ', lineBreakIdx >= 0 ? buffer.length() - lineBreakIdx - 1 : buffer.length());
    List<ParameterTableModelItemBase<ParameterInfoImpl>> items = myParametersTableModel.getItems();
    int curIndent = indent.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
      final ParameterTableModelItemBase<ParameterInfoImpl> item = items.get(i);
      if (i > 0) {
      final String text = item.typeCodeFragment.getText();
      buffer.append(text).append(" ");
      final String name = item.parameter.getName();
      curIndent = indent.length() + text.length() + 1 + name.length();
    // if (!items.isEmpty()) {
    //  buffer.append("\n");
    // }
    PsiTypeCodeFragment[] thrownExceptionsFragments = myExceptionsModel.getTypeCodeFragments();
    if (thrownExceptionsFragments.length > 0) {
      // buffer.append("\n");
      buffer.append(" throws ");
      curIndent += 9; // ") throws ".length()
      indent = StringUtil.repeatSymbol(' ', curIndent);
      for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptionsFragments.length; i++) {
        String text = thrownExceptionsFragments[i].getText();
        if (i != 0) buffer.append(indent);
        if (i < thrownExceptionsFragments.length - 1) {

    return buffer.toString();
  private void reportNullableReturns(
      DataFlowInstructionVisitor visitor,
      ProblemsHolder holder,
      Set<PsiElement> reportedAnchors,
      @NotNull PsiElement block) {
    final PsiMethod method = getScopeMethod(block);
    if (method == null || NullableStuffInspectionBase.isNullableNotInferred(method, true)) return;

    boolean notNullRequired = NullableNotNullManager.isNotNull(method);
    if (!notNullRequired && !SUGGEST_NULLABLE_ANNOTATIONS) return;

    PsiType returnType = method.getReturnType();
    // no warnings in void lambdas, where the expression is not returned anyway
    if (block instanceof PsiExpression
        && block.getParent() instanceof PsiLambdaExpression
        && returnType == PsiType.VOID) return;

    // no warnings for Void methods, where only null can be possibly returned
    if (returnType == null || returnType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_VOID)) return;

    for (PsiElement statement : visitor.getProblems(NullabilityProblem.nullableReturn)) {
      assert statement instanceof PsiExpression;
      final PsiExpression expr = (PsiExpression) statement;
      if (!reportedAnchors.add(expr)) continue;

      if (notNullRequired) {
        final String text =
                ? InspectionsBundle.message("dataflow.message.return.null.from.notnull")
                : InspectionsBundle.message("dataflow.message.return.nullable.from.notnull");
        holder.registerProblem(expr, text);
      } else if (AnnotationUtil.isAnnotatingApplicable(statement)) {
        final NullableNotNullManager manager =
        final String defaultNullable = manager.getDefaultNullable();
        final String presentableNullable = StringUtil.getShortName(defaultNullable);
        final String text =
                ? InspectionsBundle.message(
                    "dataflow.message.return.null.from.notnullable", presentableNullable)
                : InspectionsBundle.message(
                    "dataflow.message.return.nullable.from.notnullable", presentableNullable);
        final LocalQuickFix[] fixes =
            PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(expr, PsiMethod.class, PsiLambdaExpression.class)
                    instanceof PsiLambdaExpression
                ? LocalQuickFix.EMPTY_ARRAY
                : new LocalQuickFix[] {
                  new AnnotateMethodFix(
                      defaultNullable, ArrayUtil.toStringArray(manager.getNotNulls())) {
                    public int shouldAnnotateBaseMethod(
                        PsiMethod method, PsiMethod superMethod, Project project) {
                      return 1;
        holder.registerProblem(expr, text, fixes);
  private void analyzeDfaWithNestedClosures(
      PsiElement scope,
      ProblemsHolder holder,
      StandardDataFlowRunner dfaRunner,
      Collection<DfaMemoryState> initialStates,
      final boolean onTheFly) {
    final DataFlowInstructionVisitor visitor = new DataFlowInstructionVisitor(dfaRunner);
    final RunnerResult rc =
        dfaRunner.analyzeMethod(scope, visitor, IGNORE_ASSERT_STATEMENTS, initialStates);
    if (rc == RunnerResult.OK) {
      createDescription(dfaRunner, holder, visitor, onTheFly, scope);

      MultiMap<PsiElement, DfaMemoryState> nestedClosures = dfaRunner.getNestedClosures();
      for (PsiElement closure : nestedClosures.keySet()) {
            closure, holder, dfaRunner, nestedClosures.get(closure), onTheFly);
    } else if (rc == RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX) {
      if (scope.getParent() instanceof PsiMethod) {
        PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) scope.getParent();
        final PsiIdentifier name = method.getNameIdentifier();
        if (name != null) { // Might be null for synthetic methods like JSP page.
  public static boolean hasAccessibleConstructor(PsiType type) {
    if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) return true;

    final PsiClass psiClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(type);
    if (psiClass == null || psiClass.isEnum() || psiClass.isAnnotationType()) return false;

    if (!(psiClass instanceof PsiCompiledElement)) return true;

    final PsiMethod[] methods = psiClass.getConstructors();
    if (methods.length == 0) return true;

    for (final PsiMethod method : methods) {
      if (!method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)) return true;
    return false;
  private static boolean canCallMethodsInConstructors(PsiClass aClass, boolean virtual) {
    for (PsiMethod constructor : aClass.getConstructors()) {
      if (!constructor.getLanguage().isKindOf(JavaLanguage.INSTANCE)) return true;

      PsiCodeBlock body = constructor.getBody();
      if (body == null) continue;

      for (PsiMethodCallExpression call :
          SyntaxTraverser.psiTraverser().withRoot(body).filter(PsiMethodCallExpression.class)) {
        PsiReferenceExpression methodExpression = call.getMethodExpression();
        if (methodExpression instanceof PsiThisExpression
            || methodExpression instanceof PsiSuperExpression) continue;
        if (!virtual) return true;

        PsiMethod target = call.resolveMethod();
        if (target != null && PsiUtil.canBeOverriden(target)) return true;

    return false;
  private void reportNullableArgumentsPassedToNonAnnotated(
      DataFlowInstructionVisitor visitor, ProblemsHolder holder, Set<PsiElement> reportedAnchors) {
    for (PsiElement expr :
        visitor.getProblems(NullabilityProblem.passingNullableArgumentToNonAnnotatedParameter)) {
      if (reportedAnchors.contains(expr)) continue;

      final String text =
              ? "Passing <code>null</code> argument to non annotated parameter"
              : "Argument <code>#ref</code> #loc might be null but passed to non annotated parameter";
      LocalQuickFix[] fixes =
          createNPEFixes((PsiExpression) expr, (PsiExpression) expr, holder.isOnTheFly());
      final PsiElement parent = expr.getParent();
      if (parent instanceof PsiExpressionList) {
        final int idx = ArrayUtilRt.find(((PsiExpressionList) parent).getExpressions(), expr);
        if (idx > -1) {
          final PsiElement gParent = parent.getParent();
          if (gParent instanceof PsiCallExpression) {
            final PsiMethod psiMethod = ((PsiCallExpression) gParent).resolveMethod();
            if (psiMethod != null
                && psiMethod.getManager().isInProject(psiMethod)
                && AnnotationUtil.isAnnotatingApplicable(psiMethod)) {
              final PsiParameter[] parameters = psiMethod.getParameterList().getParameters();
              if (idx < parameters.length) {
                final AddNullableAnnotationFix addNullableAnnotationFix =
                    new AddNullableAnnotationFix(parameters[idx]);
                fixes =
                    fixes == null
                        ? new LocalQuickFix[] {addNullableAnnotationFix}
                        : ArrayUtil.append(fixes, addNullableAnnotationFix);
                holder.registerProblem(expr, text, fixes);
  private static LookupElement castQualifier(
      @NotNull LookupElement item,
      @Nullable final PsiTypeLookupItem castTypeItem,
      @Nullable PsiType plainQualifier,
      JavaCompletionProcessor processor) {
    if (castTypeItem == null) {
      return item;
    if (plainQualifier != null) {
      Object o = item.getObject();
      if (o instanceof PsiMethod) {
        PsiType castType = castTypeItem.getType();
        if (plainQualifier instanceof PsiClassType && castType instanceof PsiClassType) {
          PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) o;
          PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult plainResult =
              ((PsiClassType) plainQualifier).resolveGenerics();
          PsiClass plainClass = plainResult.getElement();
          if (plainClass != null && plainClass.findMethodBySignature(method, true) != null) {
            PsiClass castClass = ((PsiClassType) castType).resolveGenerics().getElement();

            if (castClass == null || !castClass.isInheritor(plainClass, true)) {
              return item;

            PsiSubstitutor plainSub = plainResult.getSubstitutor();
            PsiSubstitutor castSub =
                TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(plainClass, (PsiClassType) castType);
            PsiType returnType = method.getReturnType();
            if (method.getSignature(plainSub).equals(method.getSignature(castSub))) {
              PsiType typeAfterCast = toRaw(castSub.substitute(returnType));
              PsiType typeDeclared = toRaw(plainSub.substitute(returnType));
              if (typeAfterCast != null
                  && typeDeclared != null
                  && typeAfterCast.isAssignableFrom(typeDeclared)
                  && processor.isAccessible(plainClass.findMethodBySignature(method, true))) {
                return item;
      } else if (containsMember(plainQualifier, o)) {
        return item;

    return LookupElementDecorator.withInsertHandler(
        new InsertHandlerDecorator<LookupElement>() {
          public void handleInsert(
              InsertionContext context, LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement> item) {
            final Document document = context.getEditor().getDocument();
            final PsiFile file = context.getFile();
            final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement ref =
                    file, context.getStartOffset(), PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement.class, false);
            if (ref != null) {
              final PsiElement qualifier = ref.getQualifier();
              if (qualifier != null) {
                final CommonCodeStyleSettings settings = context.getCodeStyleSettings();

                final String parenSpace = settings.SPACE_WITHIN_PARENTHESES ? " " : "";
                document.insertString(qualifier.getTextRange().getEndOffset(), parenSpace + ")");

                final String spaceWithin = settings.SPACE_WITHIN_CAST_PARENTHESES ? " " : "";
                final String prefix = "(" + parenSpace + "(" + spaceWithin;
                final String spaceAfter = settings.SPACE_AFTER_TYPE_CAST ? " " : "";
                final int exprStart = qualifier.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
                document.insertString(exprStart, prefix + spaceWithin + ")" + spaceAfter);

                CompletionUtil.emulateInsertion(context, exprStart + prefix.length(), castTypeItem);
