Exemplo n.º 1
   * Call this method upon connecting. We'll see what the capabilities are and set up the
   * appropriate session.
  private void SetupSessionBasedOnCapabilities() {

    if (hs.isDetectionValid() != true) {

    if (hs.isHardwareSniffable() == true) {
      msg("Monitor is supported! Switching to monitor mode.");
      // at this point, monitor mode is active and it will automatically detect the network if
      // available.

    } else {
      msg("Monitor mode not supported so we'll enable OBD2 scanning.");

      // switch to OBD2 communications mode

      // sanity check
      if (hs.getRoutineScan() == null) return;

      // add one or more datapoints to the routine scan class so that it actively scans that PID to
      // generate DPN arrived events.

    //		// OBD2?
    //		if (hs.isDetectionValid() == true) {
    //			msg("Detection was successful, switching to OBD mode and adding a few datapoints to the
    // scan...");
    //			// switch to OBD mode.
    //			hs.setActiveSession(HybridSession.SESSION_TYPE_OBD2);
    //			// start with a clean slate
    //			hs.getRoutineScan().removeAllDPNs();
    //			// add speed and RPM to the routinescan. Routinescan will
    //			// continuously request PIDs and as they are decoded, the
    //			// DPDecoded event will fire.
    //			hs.getRoutineScan().addDPN("SPEED");
    //			hs.getRoutineScan().addDPN("RPM");
    //		}

Exemplo n.º 2
  public AutoSessionOBD(HybridSession hsession, EventCallback newParentOOBMessageHandler) {
    hs = hsession;
    mParentOOBMessageHandler = newParentOOBMessageHandler;

    // set session type to OBD. That's all we'll be doing here.

    rs = new RoutineScan(hs.getOBDSession(), hs.getPIDDecoder());


    msg("AutoSessionOBD initialized.");