 * Do not modify this class. It was generated. Instead modify LeafRegionEntry.cpp and then run
 * bin/generateRegionEntryClasses.sh from the directory that contains your build.xml.
public class VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap extends RowLocationThinDiskRegionEntry
    implements OffHeapRegionEntry {
  public VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap(
      RegionEntryContext context, Object key, @Retained Object value) {
    super(context, (value instanceof RecoveredEntry ? null : value));
    // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
    initialize(context, value);
    this.tableInfo = RegionEntryUtils.entryGetTableInfo(context, key, value);
    this.key = RegionEntryUtils.entryGetRegionKey(key, value);
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // common code
  protected int hash;
  private HashEntry<Object, Object> next;

  private volatile long lastModified;

  private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap>
      lastModifiedUpdater =
              VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap.class, "lastModified");

  protected long getlastModifiedField() {
    return lastModifiedUpdater.get(this);

  protected boolean compareAndSetLastModifiedField(long expectedValue, long newValue) {
    return lastModifiedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expectedValue, newValue);
  /** @see HashEntry#getEntryHash() */
  public final int getEntryHash() {
    return this.hash;

  protected void setEntryHash(int v) {
    this.hash = v;
  /** @see HashEntry#getNextEntry() */
  public final HashEntry<Object, Object> getNextEntry() {
    return this.next;
  /** @see HashEntry#setNextEntry */
  public final void setNextEntry(final HashEntry<Object, Object> n) {
    this.next = n;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // disk code
  protected void initialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
    diskInitialize(context, value);

  public int updateAsyncEntrySize(EnableLRU capacityController) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("should never be called");
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
    DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
    DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
    long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
    // get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize
    this.id = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true /* is persistence */, ds.needsLinkedList());
    Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);
   * DiskId
   * @since 5.1
  protected DiskId id; // = new DiskId();

  public DiskId getDiskId() {
    return this.id;

  public void setDiskId(RegionEntry old) {
    this.id = ((AbstractDiskRegionEntry) old).getDiskId();
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // key code
  private Object key;

  public final Object getRawKey() {
    return this.key;

  protected void _setRawKey(Object key) {
    this.key = key;
   * All access done using ohAddrUpdater so it is used even though the compiler can not tell it is.
  @Retained @Released private volatile long ohAddress;
   * I needed to add this because I wanted clear to call setValue which normally can only be called
   * while the re is synced. But if I sync in that code it causes a lock ordering deadlock with the
   * disk regions because they also get a rw lock in clear. Some hardware platforms do not support
   * CAS on a long. If gemfire is run on one of those the AtomicLongFieldUpdater does a sync on the
   * re and we will once again be deadlocked. I don't know if we support any of the hardware
   * platforms that do not have a 64bit CAS. If we do then we can expect deadlocks on disk regions.
  private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap>
      ohAddrUpdater =
              VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap.class, "ohAddress");
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  public Token getValueAsToken() {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.getValueAsToken(this);

  protected Object getValueField() {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper._getValue(this);

  protected void setValueField(@Unretained Object v) {
    OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.setValue(this, v);

  public Object _getValueRetain(RegionEntryContext context, boolean decompress) {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper._getValueRetain(this, decompress);

  public long getAddress() {
    return ohAddrUpdater.get(this);

  public boolean setAddress(long expectedAddr, long newAddr) {
    return ohAddrUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expectedAddr, newAddr);

  public void release() {

  private transient ExtraTableInfo tableInfo;

  public final ExtraTableInfo getTableInfo(GemFireContainer baseContainer) {
    return this.tableInfo;

  public final Object getContainerInfo() {
    return this.tableInfo;

  public final Object setContainerInfo(final LocalRegion owner, final Object val) {
    final GemFireContainer container;
    ExtraTableInfo tabInfo;
    if (owner == null) {
      final RowFormatter rf;
      if ((tabInfo = this.tableInfo) != null && (rf = tabInfo.getRowFormatter()) != null) {
        container = rf.container;
      } else {
        return null;
    } else {
      container = (GemFireContainer) owner.getUserAttribute();
    if (container != null && container.isByteArrayStore()) {
      tabInfo = container.getExtraTableInfo(val);
      this.tableInfo = tabInfo;
      // cleanup the key if required
      if (tabInfo != null && tabInfo.regionKeyPartOfValue()) {
        return tabInfo;
    return null;

  public int estimateMemoryUsage() {
    return ClassSize.refSize;

  public int getTypeFormatId() {
    return StoredFormatIds.ACCESS_MEM_HEAP_ROW_LOCATION_ID;

  public final Object cloneObject() {
    return this;

  public final RowLocation getClone() {
    return this;

  public final int compare(DataValueDescriptor other) {
    // just use some arbitrary criteria like hashCode for ordering
    if (this == other) {
      return 0;
    return this.hashCode() - other.hashCode();

  public DataValueDescriptor recycle() {
    return this;

  public DataValueDescriptor getNewNull() {
    return DataValueFactory.DUMMY;

  public boolean isNull() {
    return this == DataValueFactory.DUMMY;

  public Object getObject() throws StandardException {
    return this;
  // Unimplemented methods not expected to be invoked
  public DataValueDescriptor coalesce(DataValueDescriptor[] list, DataValueDescriptor returnValue)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public int compare(DataValueDescriptor other, boolean nullsOrderedLow) throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public boolean compare(int op, DataValueDescriptor other, boolean orderedNulls, boolean unknownRV)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public boolean compare(
      int op,
      DataValueDescriptor other,
      boolean orderedNulls,
      boolean nullsOrderedLow,
      boolean unknownRV)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue equals(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public int getLengthInBytes(DataTypeDescriptor dtd) throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue greaterOrEquals(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue greaterThan(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue in(
      DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor[] inList, boolean orderedList)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue isNotNull() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue isNullOp() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue lessOrEquals(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public BooleanDataValue lessThan(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public void normalize(DataTypeDescriptor dtd, DataValueDescriptor source)
      throws StandardException {}

  public BooleanDataValue notEquals(DataValueDescriptor left, DataValueDescriptor right)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public void readExternalFromArray(ArrayInputStream ais)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public void setValue(DataValueDescriptor theValue) throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public int writeBytes(byte[] outBytes, int offset, DataTypeDescriptor dtd) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public int computeHashCode(int maxWidth, int hash) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation for " + toString());

  public final DataValueDescriptor getKeyColumn(int index) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public final void getKeyColumns(DataValueDescriptor[] keys) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public boolean compare(
      int op,
      ExecRow row,
      boolean byteArrayStore,
      int colIdx,
      boolean orderedNulls,
      boolean unknownRV)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public boolean compare(
      int op, CompactCompositeKey key, int colIdx, boolean orderedNulls, boolean unknownRV)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public int equals(
      RowFormatter rf,
      byte[] bytes,
      boolean isKeyBytes,
      int logicalPosition,
      int keyBytesPos,
      final DataValueDescriptor[] outDVD)
      throws StandardException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected invocation");

  public byte getTypeId() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implement the method for DataType=" + this);

  public void writeNullDVD(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implement the method for DataType=" + this);

  public Object getValueWithoutFaultInOrOffHeapEntry(LocalRegion owner) {
    return this;

  public Object getValueOrOffHeapEntry(LocalRegion owner) {
    return this;

  public Object getRawValue() {
    Object val = OffHeapRegionEntryHelper._getValueRetain(this, false);
    if (val != null && !Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(val) && val != Token.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
      CachedDeserializable storedObject = (CachedDeserializable) val;
      return storedObject.getDeserializedValue(null, this);
    return null;

  public Object prepareValueForCache(
      RegionEntryContext r,
      Object val,
      boolean isEntryUpdate,
      boolean valHasMetadataForGfxdOffHeapUpdate) {
    if (okToStoreOffHeap(val) && OffHeapRegionEntryUtils.isValidValueForGfxdOffHeapStorage(val)) {
      // TODO:Asif:Check if this is a valid supposition
      // final long address = this.getAddress();
      if (isEntryUpdate
       * (address == OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.REMOVED_PHASE1_ADDRESS || address
       * == OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.NULL_ADDRESS) || r instanceof
       * PlaceHolderDiskRegion
      ) {
        return OffHeapRegionEntryUtils.prepareValueForUpdate(
            this, r, val, valHasMetadataForGfxdOffHeapUpdate);
      } else {
        return OffHeapRegionEntryUtils.prepareValueForCreate(r, val, false);
    return super.prepareValueForCache(r, val, isEntryUpdate, valHasMetadataForGfxdOffHeapUpdate);

  public boolean destroy(
      LocalRegion region,
      EntryEventImpl event,
      boolean inTokenMode,
      boolean cacheWrite,
      @Unretained Object expectedOldValue,
      boolean forceDestroy,
      boolean removeRecoveredEntry)
      throws CacheWriterException, EntryNotFoundException, TimeoutException,
          RegionClearedException {
    Object key = event.getKey();
    if (key instanceof CompactCompositeRegionKey) {
      byte[] keyBytes = ((CompactCompositeRegionKey) key).snapshotKeyFromValue(false);
      if (keyBytes != null) {
    return super.destroy(

  public Version[] getSerializationVersions() {
    return null;

  public Object getValue(GemFireContainer baseContainer) {
    return RegionEntryUtils.getValue(baseContainer.getRegion(), this);

  public Object getValueWithoutFaultIn(GemFireContainer baseContainer) {
    return RegionEntryUtils.getValueWithoutFaultIn(baseContainer.getRegion(), this);

  public ExecRow getRow(GemFireContainer baseContainer) {
    return RegionEntryUtils.getRow(baseContainer, baseContainer.getRegion(), this, this.tableInfo);

  public ExecRow getRowWithoutFaultIn(GemFireContainer baseContainer) {
    return RegionEntryUtils.getRowWithoutFaultIn(
        baseContainer, baseContainer.getRegion(), this, this.tableInfo);

  public int getBucketID() {
    return -1;

  protected StringBuilder appendFieldsToString(final StringBuilder sb) {
    // OFFHEAP _getValue ok: the current toString on OffHeapCachedDeserializable
    // is safe to use without incing refcount.
    final Object k = getKeyCopy();
    final Object val = OffHeapRegionEntryUtils.getHeapRowForInVMValue(this);
    RegionEntryUtils.entryKeyString(k, val, getTableInfo(null), sb);
    sb.append("; byte source = " + this._getValue());
    sb.append("; rawValue=");
    ArrayUtils.objectStringNonRecursive(val, sb);
    sb.append("; lockState=0x").append(Integer.toHexString(getState()));
    return sb;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  private static RegionEntryFactory factory =
      new RegionEntryFactory() {
        public final RegionEntry createEntry(RegionEntryContext context, Object key, Object value) {
          return new VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap(context, key, value);

        public final Class<?> getEntryClass() {
          return VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap.class;

        public RegionEntryFactory makeVersioned() {
          return VersionedLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryOffHeap.getEntryFactory();

        public RegionEntryFactory makeOnHeap() {
          return VMLocalRowLocationThinDiskRegionEntryHeap.getEntryFactory();

  public static RegionEntryFactory getEntryFactory() {
    return factory;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
 * Do not modify this class. It was generated. Instead modify LeafRegionEntry.cpp and then run
 * bin/generateRegionEntryClasses.sh from the directory that contains your build.xml.
public class VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap extends VMThinRegionEntry
    implements OffHeapRegionEntry, VersionStamp {
  public VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap(
      RegionEntryContext context, Object key, @Retained Object value) {
    super(context, value);
    // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
    this.key = key;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // common code
  protected int hash;
  private HashEntry<Object, Object> next;

  private volatile long lastModified;

  private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap> lastModifiedUpdater =
          VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap.class, "lastModified");

  protected long getlastModifiedField() {
    return lastModifiedUpdater.get(this);

  protected boolean compareAndSetLastModifiedField(long expectedValue, long newValue) {
    return lastModifiedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expectedValue, newValue);
  /** @see HashEntry#getEntryHash() */
  public final int getEntryHash() {
    return this.hash;

  protected void setEntryHash(int v) {
    this.hash = v;
  /** @see HashEntry#getNextEntry() */
  public final HashEntry<Object, Object> getNextEntry() {
    return this.next;
  /** @see HashEntry#setNextEntry */
  public final void setNextEntry(final HashEntry<Object, Object> n) {
    this.next = n;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // versioned code
  private VersionSource memberID;
  private short entryVersionLowBytes;
  private short regionVersionHighBytes;
  private int regionVersionLowBytes;
  private byte entryVersionHighByte;
  private byte distributedSystemId;

  public int getEntryVersion() {
    return ((entryVersionHighByte << 16) & 0xFF0000) | (entryVersionLowBytes & 0xFFFF);

  public long getRegionVersion() {
    return (((long) regionVersionHighBytes) << 32) | (regionVersionLowBytes & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL);

  public long getVersionTimeStamp() {
    return getLastModified();

  public void setVersionTimeStamp(long time) {

  public VersionSource getMemberID() {
    return this.memberID;

  public int getDistributedSystemId() {
    return this.distributedSystemId;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  public void setVersions(VersionTag tag) {
    this.memberID = tag.getMemberID();
    int eVersion = tag.getEntryVersion();
    this.entryVersionLowBytes = (short) (eVersion & 0xffff);
    this.entryVersionHighByte = (byte) ((eVersion & 0xff0000) >> 16);
    this.regionVersionHighBytes = tag.getRegionVersionHighBytes();
    this.regionVersionLowBytes = tag.getRegionVersionLowBytes();
    if (!(tag.isGatewayTag()) && this.distributedSystemId == tag.getDistributedSystemId()) {
      if (getVersionTimeStamp() <= tag.getVersionTimeStamp()) {
      } else {
    } else {
    this.distributedSystemId = (byte) (tag.getDistributedSystemId() & 0xff);

  public void setMemberID(VersionSource memberID) {
    this.memberID = memberID;

  public VersionStamp getVersionStamp() {
    return this;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  public VersionTag asVersionTag() {
    VersionTag tag = VersionTag.create(memberID);
    tag.setRegionVersion(this.regionVersionHighBytes, this.regionVersionLowBytes);
    return tag;

  public void processVersionTag(
      LocalRegion r,
      VersionTag tag,
      boolean isTombstoneFromGII,
      boolean hasDelta,
      VersionSource thisVM,
      InternalDistributedMember sender,
      boolean checkForConflicts) {
    basicProcessVersionTag(r, tag, isTombstoneFromGII, hasDelta, thisVM, sender, checkForConflicts);

  public void processVersionTag(EntryEvent cacheEvent) {
    // this keeps Eclipse happy.  without it the sender chain becomes confused
    // while browsing this code
  /** get rvv internal high byte. Used by region entries for transferring to storage */
  public short getRegionVersionHighBytes() {
    return this.regionVersionHighBytes;
  /** get rvv internal low bytes. Used by region entries for transferring to storage */
  public int getRegionVersionLowBytes() {
    return this.regionVersionLowBytes;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  // key code
  private Object key;

  public final Object getRawKey() {
    return this.key;

  protected void _setRawKey(Object key) {
    this.key = key;
   * All access done using ohAddrUpdater so it is used even though the compiler can not tell it is.
  @Retained @Released private volatile long ohAddress;
   * I needed to add this because I wanted clear to call setValue which normally can only be called
   * while the re is synced. But if I sync in that code it causes a lock ordering deadlock with the
   * disk regions because they also get a rw lock in clear. Some hardware platforms do not support
   * CAS on a long. If gemfire is run on one of those the AtomicLongFieldUpdater does a sync on the
   * re and we will once again be deadlocked. I don't know if we support any of the hardware
   * platforms that do not have a 64bit CAS. If we do then we can expect deadlocks on disk regions.
  private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap> ohAddrUpdater =
      AtomicUpdaterFactory.newLongFieldUpdater(VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap.class, "ohAddress");
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  public Token getValueAsToken() {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.getValueAsToken(this);

  protected Object getValueField() {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper._getValue(this);

  protected void setValueField(@Unretained Object v) {
    OffHeapRegionEntryHelper.setValue(this, v);

  public Object _getValueRetain(RegionEntryContext context, boolean decompress) {
    return OffHeapRegionEntryHelper._getValueRetain(this, decompress);

  public long getAddress() {
    return ohAddrUpdater.get(this);

  public boolean setAddress(long expectedAddr, long newAddr) {
    return ohAddrUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expectedAddr, newAddr);

  public void release() {
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
  private static RegionEntryFactory factory =
      new RegionEntryFactory() {
        public final RegionEntry createEntry(RegionEntryContext context, Object key, Object value) {
          return new VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap(context, key, value);

        public final Class<?> getEntryClass() {
          return VersionedThinRegionEntryOffHeap.class;

        public RegionEntryFactory makeVersioned() {
          return this;

        public RegionEntryFactory makeOnHeap() {
          return VersionedThinRegionEntryHeap.getEntryFactory();

  public static RegionEntryFactory getEntryFactory() {
    return factory;
  // DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp