/*     */ public ActionForward execute(
     ActionMapping mapping,
     ActionForm form,
     HttpServletRequest request,
     HttpServletResponse response)
       /*     */ {
   /*  62 */ DabianchengjigradeForm vform = (DabianchengjigradeForm) form;
   /*  63 */ Biaozhun biaozhun = new Biaozhun();
   /*  64 */ BiaozhunDAO bdao = new BiaozhunDAO();
   /*  65 */ List blist = new LinkedList();
   /*  66 */ Qdao qdao = new Qdao();
   /*  67 */ String hql = "";
   /*     */
   /*  69 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='文献综述' and "
           + vform.getWenxian()
           + ">=minnum/10 and "
           + vform.getWenxian()
           + "<=maxnum/10";
   /*  70 */ blist.addAll(qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  73 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='外文翻译' and "
           + vform.getFanyi()
           + ">=minnum/10 and "
           + vform.getFanyi()
           + "<=maxnum/10";
   /*  74 */ blist.addAll(1, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  77 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='动手能力' and "
           + vform.getDongshou()
           + ">=minnum/4 and "
           + vform.getDongshou()
           + "<=maxnum/4";
   /*  78 */ blist.addAll(2, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  81 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='综合能力' and "
           + vform.getZonghe()
           + ">=minnum/4 and "
           + vform.getZonghe()
           + "<=maxnum/4";
   /*  82 */ blist.addAll(3, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  85 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='文图表达' and "
           + vform.getWentu()
           + ">=minnum/20 and "
           + vform.getWentu()
           + "<=maxnum/20";
   /*  86 */ blist.addAll(4, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  89 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='规范要求' and "
           + vform.getGuifan()
           + ">=minnum/20 and "
           + vform.getGuifan()
           + "<=maxnum/20";
   /*  90 */ blist.addAll(5, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  93 */ hql =
       "from Biaozhun where type='答辩情况' and "
           + vform.getDabian()
           + ">=minnum/5 and "
           + vform.getDabian()
           + "<=maxnum/5";
   /*  94 */ blist.addAll(6, qdao.query(hql));
   /*     */
   /*  98 */ PingyuStu pystu = new PingyuStu();
   /*  99 */ PingyuStuDAO pystudao = new PingyuStuDAO();
   /* 100 */ String pingyuzi = "";
   /* 101 */ if (pystudao.getSession().get(PingyuStu.class, vform.getStucode()) != null) {
     /* 102 */ pystu = pystudao.findById(vform.getStucode());
     /* 103 */ pingyuzi =
             + "<br>"
             + pystu.getBeijin()
             + pystu.getContent()
             + pystu.getAttitude()
             + pystu.getResult();
     /*     */ }
   /*     */ else {
     /* 106 */ request.setAttribute("notice", "该学生尚未自评!");
     /*     */ }
   /*     */
   /* 112 */ request.setAttribute(
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(0)).getContent()
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(1)).getContent()
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(2)).getContent()
           /* 113 */ ((Biaozhun) blist.get(3)).getContent()
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(4)).getContent()
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(5)).getContent()
           + ((Biaozhun) blist.get(6)).getContent());
   /*     */
   /* 115 */ toChi tochi = new toChi();
   /* 116 */ request.setAttribute("chengji", tochi.toChinese(vform.getChengji().toString()));
   /*     */
   /* 119 */ request.setAttribute("dbgid", vform.getDbgid());
   /*     */
   /* 123 */ StuList stu = new StuList();
   /* 124 */ StuListDAO studao = new StuListDAO();
   /* 125 */ stu = studao.findById(vform.getStucode());
   /* 126 */ DepartList depart = new DepartList();
   /* 127 */ DepartListDAO departdao = new DepartListDAO();
   /* 128 */ depart = departdao.findById(stu.getDepartid());
   /* 129 */ request.setAttribute("StuList", stu);
   /* 130 */ request.setAttribute("departname", depart.getDepartname());
   /* 131 */ CollegeList college = new CollegeList();
   /* 132 */ CollegeListDAO collegedao = new CollegeListDAO();
   /* 133 */ college = collegedao.findById(stu.getCollegeid());
   /* 134 */ request.setAttribute("collegename", college.getCollegename());
   /* 135 */ ClassList stuclass = new ClassList();
   /* 136 */ ClassListDAO classdao = new ClassListDAO();
   /* 137 */ stuclass = classdao.findById(stu.getClassid());
   /* 138 */ request.setAttribute("classname", stuclass.getClassname());
   /* 139 */ GradeList grade = new GradeList();
   /* 140 */ GradeListDAO gdao = new GradeListDAO();
   /* 141 */ grade = gdao.findById(stu.getGradeid());
   /* 142 */ request.setAttribute("gradename", grade.getGradename());
   /* 143 */ request.setAttribute("stucode", stu.getStucode());
   /* 144 */ request.setAttribute("departid", depart.getDepartid());
   /*     */
   /* 148 */ PingfenDAO pfdao = new PingfenDAO();
   /*     */
   /* 150 */ qdao.del("delete Pingfen where stucode='" + stu.getStucode() + "'");
   /*     */
   /* 152 */ String stucode = stu.getStucode();
   /* 153 */ Transaction ts1 = pfdao.getSession().beginTransaction();
   /* 154 */ Date checktime = new Date();
   /* 155 */ Pingfen pf = new Pingfen();
   /* 156 */ pf.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 157 */ pf.setScore(vform.getWenxian());
   /* 158 */ pf.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 159 */ pf.setType("文献综述");
   /* 160 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf);
   /* 161 */ Pingfen pf2 = new Pingfen();
   /* 162 */ pf2.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 163 */ pf2.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 164 */ pf2.setScore(vform.getFanyi());
   /* 165 */ pf2.setType("外文翻译");
   /* 166 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf2);
   /* 167 */ Pingfen pf3 = new Pingfen();
   /* 168 */ pf3.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 169 */ pf3.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 170 */ pf3.setScore(vform.getDongshou());
   /* 171 */ pf3.setType("动手能力");
   /* 172 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf3);
   /* 173 */ Pingfen pf4 = new Pingfen();
   /* 174 */ pf4.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 175 */ pf4.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 176 */ pf4.setScore(vform.getZonghe());
   /* 177 */ pf4.setType("综合能力");
   /* 178 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf4);
   /* 179 */ Pingfen pf5 = new Pingfen();
   /* 180 */ pf5.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 181 */ pf5.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 182 */ pf5.setScore(vform.getWentu());
   /* 183 */ pf5.setType("文图表达");
   /* 184 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf5);
   /* 185 */ Pingfen pf6 = new Pingfen();
   /* 186 */ pf6.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 187 */ pf6.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 188 */ pf6.setScore(vform.getGuifan());
   /* 189 */ pf6.setType("规范要求");
   /* 190 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf6);
   /* 191 */ Pingfen pf7 = new Pingfen();
   /* 192 */ pf7.setChecktime(checktime);
   /* 193 */ pf7.setStucode(stucode);
   /* 194 */ pf7.setScore(vform.getDabian());
   /* 195 */ pf7.setType("答辩情况");
   /* 196 */ pfdao.getSession().save(pf7);
   /*     */
   /* 198 */ ts1.commit();
   /*     */
   /* 200 */ return mapping.findForward("display");
   /*     */ }
Exemplo n.º 2
 /*     */ public ActionForward execute(
     ActionMapping mapping,
     ActionForm form,
     HttpServletRequest request,
     HttpServletResponse response)
       /*     */ {
   /*  69 */ KetishenbaoForm kform = (KetishenbaoForm) form;
   /*     */
   /*  71 */ Integer atid =
   /*  72 */ String stucode = request.getParameter("s").toString();
   /*     */
   /*  75 */ ApplyTec applytec = new ApplyTec();
   /*  76 */ ApplyTecDAO atdao = new ApplyTecDAO();
   /*  77 */ applytec = atdao.findById(atid);
   /*  78 */ Integer departid = applytec.getDepartid();
   /*  79 */ Integer collegeid = applytec.getCollegeid();
   /*  80 */ request.setAttribute("ApplyTec", applytec);
   /*     */
   /*  82 */ request.setAttribute("title", applytec.getTitle());
   /*  83 */ request.setAttribute("yaoqiu", applytec.getPreparework());
   /*  84 */ request.setAttribute("neirong", applytec.getContent());
   /*  85 */ request.setAttribute("tecprof", applytec.getTecprof());
   /*     */
   /*  88 */ request.setAttribute(
       "ziliao", /*  89 */ "原始资料:是指导教师给学生推荐的参考文献(一般不少于5篇,其中英文原文参考文献至少2篇)、设计标准等。");
   /*  90 */ request.setAttribute(
       /*  91 */ "设计或论文要求:指导教师应为学生指明本课题要解决的主要问题和大体上可从哪几个方面去研究和论述该主要问题。表述要明确、具体,要具有引导性、启发性,并应给学生留下独立思考和创造的余地。");
   /*  92 */ request.setAttribute(
       /*  93 */ "设计或论文内容:A设计图纸(总平面规划图、规划设计分析图、建筑群体方案图……)、设计说明书等;B 演示软件(光盘)、程序清单、设计说明书(论文);C 论文(2万字以上)。");
   /*     */
   /*  97 */ CollegeSetup cs = new CollegeSetup();
   /*  98 */ CollegeSetupDAO csdao = new CollegeSetupDAO();
   /*  99 */ cs = csdao.findById(collegeid);
   /* 100 */ if (cs != null) {
     /* 101 */ request.setAttribute("datestart", cs.getDatestart());
     /* 102 */ request.setAttribute("dateover", cs.getDateover());
     /*     */ }
   /* 104 */ Date date = new Date();
   /* 105 */ SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
   /* 106 */ String dateup = sf.format(date);
   /* 107 */ request.setAttribute("datefagei", dateup);
   /*     */
   /* 112 */ StuList stu = new StuList();
   /* 113 */ StuListDAO studao = new StuListDAO();
   /* 114 */ stu = studao.findById(stucode);
   /* 115 */ DepartList depart = new DepartList();
   /* 116 */ DepartListDAO departdao = new DepartListDAO();
   /* 117 */ depart = departdao.findById(departid);
   /* 118 */ request.setAttribute("StuList", stu);
   /* 119 */ request.setAttribute("departname", depart.getDepartname());
   /* 120 */ CollegeList college = new CollegeList();
   /* 121 */ CollegeListDAO collegedao = new CollegeListDAO();
   /* 122 */ college = collegedao.findById(collegeid);
   /* 123 */ request.setAttribute("collegename", college.getCollegename());
   /* 124 */ ClassList stuclass = new ClassList();
   /* 125 */ ClassListDAO classdao = new ClassListDAO();
   /* 126 */ stuclass = classdao.findById(stu.getClassid());
   /* 127 */ request.setAttribute("classname", stuclass.getClassname());
   /*     */
   /* 131 */ List atrlist = new LinkedList();
   /* 132 */ String hql = "from ApplyTecResult where atid=" + applytec.getAtid();
   /* 133 */ Qdao qdao = new Qdao();
   /* 134 */ atrlist.addAll(qdao.query(hql));
   /* 135 */ Integer[] resultids = new Integer[atrlist.size()];
   /* 136 */ for (int k = 0; k < atrlist.size(); ++k) {
     /* 137 */ resultids[k] = ((ApplyTecResult) atrlist.get(k)).getResultid();
     /*     */ }
   /* 139 */ kform.setResultids(resultids);
   /* 140 */ request.setAttribute("KetishenbaoForm", kform);
   /*     */
   /* 142 */ ApplyType applytype = new ApplyType();
   /* 143 */ ApplyTypeDAO typedao = new ApplyTypeDAO();
   /* 144 */ List applytypelist = typedao.findByDepartid(departid);
   /* 145 */ request.setAttribute("applytypelist", applytypelist);
   /*     */
   /* 147 */ ApplyNumGrade ang = new ApplyNumGrade();
   /* 148 */ ApplyNumGradeDAO adao = new ApplyNumGradeDAO();
   /* 149 */ ang = adao.findById(departid);
   /* 150 */ GradeList grade = new GradeList();
   /* 151 */ GradeListDAO gdao = new GradeListDAO();
   /* 152 */ grade = gdao.findById(ang.getGradeid());
   /* 153 */ request.setAttribute("gradename", grade.getGradename());
   /*     */
   /* 155 */ List departlist = departdao.findByCollegeid(collegeid);
   /* 156 */ request.setAttribute("departlist", departlist);
   /*     */
   /* 158 */ request.setAttribute("disable", "disabled");
   /*     */
   /* 160 */ ApplyResultDAO ardao = new ApplyResultDAO();
   /* 161 */ List applyresultlist = new LinkedList();
   /* 162 */ hql = "from ApplyResult where departid in (" + departid + ")";
   /* 163 */ applyresultlist.addAll(qdao.query(hql));
   /* 164 */ request.setAttribute("applyresultlist", applyresultlist);
   /*     */
   /* 170 */ request.setAttribute("taskid", Integer.valueOf(0));
   /* 171 */ request.setAttribute("op", "taskadd");
   /* 172 */ request.setAttribute("GradeList", grade);
   /* 173 */ request.setAttribute("atid", applytec.getAtid());
   /*     */
   /* 179 */ return mapping.findForward("display");
   /*     */ }