   * Deactivate Bucket, this will move the Bucket to a "marked-for-delete" state
   * <p>NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation.
   * @param id the URN of a ViPR Bucket
   * @param param Bucket delete param for optional force delete
   * @brief Delete Bucket
   * @return Task resource representation
   * @throws InternalException
  @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
  @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
      roles = {Role.TENANT_ADMIN},
      acls = {ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL})
  public TaskResourceRep deactivateBucket(@PathParam("id") URI id, BucketDeleteParam param)
      throws InternalException {

    String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            "BucketDelete --- Bucket id: %1$s, Task: %2$s, ForceDelete: %3$s",
            id, task, param.getForceDelete()));
    ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, Bucket.class, "id");
    Bucket bucket = queryResource(id);
    if (!param.getForceDelete()) {
      ArgValidator.checkReference(Bucket.class, id, checkForDelete(bucket));
    StorageSystem device = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, bucket.getStorageDevice());

    Operation op =
            Bucket.class, bucket.getId(), task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_BUCKET);
    op.setDescription("Bucket deactivate");

    ObjectController controller = getController(ObjectController.class, device.getSystemType());
    controller.deleteBucket(bucket.getStorageDevice(), id, task);


    return toTask(bucket, task, op);
   * Updates Bucket values like Quota and Retention.
   * @param id Bucket ID
   * @param param Bucket update parameter
   * @return Task resource representation
   * @throws InternalException if update fails
  @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
  @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
      roles = {Role.TENANT_ADMIN},
      acls = {ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL})
  public TaskResourceRep updateBucket(@PathParam("id") URI id, BucketUpdateParam param)
      throws InternalException {
    Bucket bucket = null;
    ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, Bucket.class, "id");
    bucket = _dbClient.queryObject(Bucket.class, id);
    ArgValidator.checkEntity(bucket, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id));

    Long softQuota = SizeUtil.translateSize(param.getSoftQuota());
    Long hardQuota = SizeUtil.translateSize(param.getHardQuota());
    Integer retention = null != param.getRetention() ? Integer.valueOf(param.getRetention()) : 0;

    // if no softquota is provided, use the old value
    if (softQuota == 0) {
      softQuota = bucket.getSoftQuota();

    // if no hardquota is provided, use the old value
    if (hardQuota == 0) {
      hardQuota = bucket.getHardQuota();

    // Hard Quota should be more than SoftQuota
    verifyQuotaValues(softQuota, hardQuota, bucket.getLabel());

    // if no retention is provided, use the old value
    if (retention == 0) {
      retention = bucket.getRetention();

    VirtualPool cos = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, bucket.getVirtualPool());
    // verify retention. Its validated only if Retention is configured.
    if (retention != 0 && cos.getMaxRetention() != 0 && retention > cos.getMaxRetention()) {
      throw APIException.badRequests.insufficientRetentionForVirtualPool(cos.getLabel(), "bucket");

    String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    _log.info(String.format("BucketUpdate --- Bucket id: %1$s, Task: %2$s", id, task));

    StorageSystem storageSystem =
        _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, bucket.getStorageDevice());

    Operation op =
            Bucket.class, bucket.getId(), task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.UPDATE_BUCKET);
    op.setDescription("Bucket update");
    ObjectController controller =
        getController(ObjectController.class, storageSystem.getSystemType());

    controller.updateBucket(bucket.getStorageDevice(), id, softQuota, hardQuota, retention, task);


    return toTask(bucket, task, op);