// Don't know why this is called update, the parser should only run once, if it breaks all of your
  // code, sorry!
  // I renamed it to a more suitable name.
  public static void parseGameObject() {

    float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

    // Search for a variable called 'x' in the string recieved
    while (c != 'x' && t < line.length()) {
      c = line.charAt(t);
    // Check if there was a 'x' found on the line
    if (c != 'x' && t < line.length())
      System.out.println("GameObject definition must contain an X Position!");
    else {
      // Read until whitespace is reached, and append to 'number' string
      while (!Character.isWhitespace(c) && t < line.length()) {
        c = line.charAt(t);
        number = number + line.charAt(t);
    // Deal with number produced here
    x = Float.parseFloat(number);
    System.out.println("X: " + number);

    // reset variables
    t = 0;
    c = ' ';
    number = "";

    // Search for 'y' value
    while (c != "y".charAt(0) && t < line.length()) {
      c = line.charAt(t);
    // Check if 'y' was found
    if (c != "y".charAt(0) && t < line.length())
      System.out.println("GameObject definition must contain an Y Position!");
    else {
      // If found, read unitl whitespace
      while (!Character.isWhitespace(c) && t < line.length()) {
        c = line.charAt(t);
        number = number + line.charAt(t);
    // Deal with produced number here
    y = Float.parseFloat(number);
    System.out.println("Y: " + number);

    // Reset variables
    t = 0;
    c = " ".charAt(0);
    number = "";

    // Search for 'z' value
    while (c != "z".charAt(0) && t < line.length()) {
      c = line.charAt(t);

    // Check if a 'z' value was discovered
    if (c != "z".charAt(0)) System.out.println("GameObject definition must contain an Z Position!");
    else {
      // Read in 'z' until whitespace is found
      while (!Character.isWhitespace(c) && t < line.length()) {
        c = line.charAt(t);
        number = number + line.charAt(t);
    // Deal with produced number here
    z = Float.parseFloat(number);
    System.out.println("Z: " + number);

    GameObject obj = new GameObject("Object " + Objects.size() + 1);
    obj.getTransform().setPosition(new Vector3f(x, y, z));

    // This runs the test function parseGameComponent, eventually the parser will first detect if
    // the line is a GameObject or GameComponent
  public static void parseCamera(String line) {
    int intIndex;
    int parent = 0;
    float fov = 0, near = 0, far = 0;
    // Searches for the FOV field

    // To save many comments, I will explain how this works here
    // This is basically identical to the gameObject parser above
    // but instead of searching for values like 'x', 'y', and 'z', it searches for camera specific
    // ones
    // such as the FOV, NEAR and FAR components needed to initialize the camera

    intIndex = line.indexOf("fov=");

    if (intIndex == -1) System.out.println("Camera type GameComponents require a fov setting!");
    else {
      int t = intIndex + 4;
      char c = "a".charAt(0);
      String number = "";

      while (c != " ".charAt(0)) {
        c = line.charAt(t);
        number = number + line.charAt(t);
        if (t < line.length() - 1) t++;
      number.replace(" ", "");

      fov = Float.parseFloat(number);
      System.out.println("Camera FOV: " + number);

      intIndex = line.indexOf("near=");

      if (intIndex == -1) System.out.println("Camera type GameComponents require a near setting!");
      else {
        t = intIndex + 5;
        number = "";
        c = "a".charAt(0);
        while (c != " ".charAt(0)) {
          c = line.charAt(t);
          number = number + line.charAt(t);
          if (t < line.length() - 1) t++;
        number.replace(" ", "");

        near = Float.parseFloat(number);
        System.out.println("Camera NEAR: " + number);

        intIndex = line.indexOf("far=");

        if (intIndex == -1) System.out.println("Camera type GameComponents require a far setting!");
        else {
          t = intIndex + 4;
          number = "";
          c = "a".charAt(0);
          while (c != " ".charAt(0)) {
            c = line.charAt(t);
            number = number + line.charAt(t);
            if (t < line.length()) t++;
          number.replace(" ", "");

          far = Float.parseFloat(number);
          System.out.println("Camera FAR: " + number);

    intIndex = line.indexOf("parent=");

    if (intIndex == -1) System.out.println("Camera type GameComponents require a parent setting!");
    else {
      t = intIndex + 7;
      number = "";
      c = "a".charAt(0);
      while (c != ' ') {
        c = line.charAt(t);
        number = number + line.charAt(t);
        if (t < line.length()) t++;
      number = number.replaceAll("\\s+", "");

      parent = Integer.parseInt(number);
      System.out.println("Camera Parent: " + number);

    Camera cam =
        new Camera(
            (float) Math.toRadians(fov), (Window.getWidth() / Window.getHeight()), near, far);
    Objects.get(parent).addComponent(new FreeLook(8.0f));
    Objects.get(parent).addComponent(new FreeMove(1.0f));

    for (GameObject go : Objects)
      for (GameComponent c : go.getComponents()) System.out.println(c.getClass().getSimpleName());