  protected SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType() {
    String[] headers;
    Map<String, Class<?>> typesFromData;
    CsvReader csvReader = null;
    try {
      csvReader = csvFileState.openCSVReader();
      headers = csvReader.getHeaders();
      typesFromData = CSVStrategy.findMostSpecificTypesFromData(csvReader, headers);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
      if (csvReader != null) {
    SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder =
        CSVStrategy.createBuilder(csvFileState, headers, typesFromData);
    Class<?> latClass = typesFromData.get(latField);
    Class<?> lngClass = typesFromData.get(lngField);
    if (CSVStrategy.isNumeric(latClass) && CSVStrategy.isNumeric(lngClass)) {
      List<String> csvHeaders = Arrays.asList(headers);
      int index = csvHeaders.indexOf(latField);
      AttributeTypeBuilder builder2 = new AttributeTypeBuilder();
      AttributeDescriptor descriptor = builder2.buildDescriptor(pointField);
      builder.add(index, descriptor);

    return builder.buildFeatureType();
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Updates the table of quotes for this symbol. Assumes that the listofsymbols has been updated,
   * but the table itself may not exist. Takes a date range, including both start and end days.
   * <p>Yahoo Finance returns an error message rather than an empty CSV if the start and end dates
   * are today. The caller is responsible for checking that the call range is acceptable.
   * @param symbol - symbol to update
   * @param startDate - beginning of range to add to
   * @param endDate - end of range to add to
  static void updateSymbol(String symbol, Date startDate, Date endDate) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Trying to update:" + symbol);
    Connection conn = initialize();
    Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
    URL data = YahooCsvDownloadUrl(symbol, startDate, endDate);
    BufferedReader in = null;
    try {
      in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data.openStream()));
    } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
      System.out.println("Symbol not found:" + symbol);
    CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(in);
    String[] headers = reader.getHeaders();
    stat.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + symbol + " (" + getColNames(headers) + ");");
    String statement =
        "INSERT INTO "
            + symbol
            + " ("
            + getColNames(headers)
            + ") VALUES ("
            + getQueryQuestionMarks(headers)
            + ");";

    PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement(statement);

    while (reader.readRecord()) {
      for (int j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
        String str = reader.get(headers[j]);
        prep.setString(j + 1, str);
      // TODO: salim, what's the point of these calls?
Exemplo n.º 3
  /** Sets up all the GEPSymbolSet symbols, loading them from the parameter file. */
  public void setup(
      final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base, final Parameter def, GEPSpecies species) {
    // Name of file with the terminal (variable) definitions and training values
    String terminalFilename;
    // Name of file with the test data values if specified
    String testingTerminalFilename;

    // keep track of the maximum arity of any function
    maxArity = 0;

    // What's my name? Don't really use this at this time ...
    name = state.parameters.getString(base.push(P_NAME), def.push(P_NAME));
    if (name == null || name.equals(""))
          "No name was given for this GEP symbol set...not required at this time.",

    // How many functions do I have?
    numberOfFunctions =
        state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_FUNCTIONSIZE), def.push(P_FUNCTIONSIZE), 1);
    numberOfSymbols = numberOfFunctions;

    // How many terminals do I have? Check for a data file first ...
    // if time series problem type and using raw time series data then
    //      number of terminals will be specified in the embedding dimension value
    //      provided in the parameter file
    // else if a file specified
    //      get the 1st line of the file and count the fields in it (#terminals is number of fields
    // minus
    //      the number of chromosomes/dependent variables)
    // else
    //      use the number of terminals specified in the parameter file

    terminalFilename =
            base.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), def.push(P_TERMINALFILENAME), "");
    testingTerminalFilename =
    String terminalSymbolsfromFile[] = null;
    CsvReader terminalFileCSV = null;
    CsvReader testingTerminalFileCSV = null;
    // Are we processing raw time series data?
    boolean timeseriesWithRawDataValues =
        species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_TIMESERIES && species.timeseriesEmbeddingDimension > 0;
    if (!terminalFilename.equals("")) {
      String defaultTerminalFileSeparator = ","; // default field separator is comma
      try {
        // allow for gzip files .... end with .gz or .gzip\
        if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".gz") || terminalFilename.endsWith(".gzip")) {
          terminalFileCSV =
              new CsvReader(
                  (InputStream) (new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(terminalFilename))),
          // set terminal file name to be the one with gzip or gz removed from the end
          if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".gz"))
            terminalFilename = terminalFilename.substring(0, terminalFilename.length() - 3);
          else terminalFilename = terminalFilename.substring(0, terminalFilename.length() - 5);
        } else terminalFileCSV = new CsvReader(terminalFilename);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            "The file with terminal definitions and/or values ("
                + terminalFilename
                + ") could not be found",
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "The file with terminal definitions and/or values ("
                + terminalFilename
                + ") could not be found or the expected GZIP file could nor be opened",
      // if filename has extension .dat it is space delimited, if .csv (or anything else
      // for that matter) it is comma delimited
      // (separator can still be changed with the terminalfileseparator parameter)
      if (terminalFilename.endsWith(".dat")) defaultTerminalFileSeparator = "space";
      // if using a file for the terminals and their values then check for a non-default separator
      String terminalFileSeparator =
      if (terminalFileSeparator.toLowerCase().equals("comma")) terminalFileSeparator = ",";
      else if (terminalFileSeparator == "\\t" || terminalFileSeparator.toLowerCase().equals("tab"))
        terminalFileSeparator = "\t";
      else if (terminalFileSeparator == "space") terminalFileSeparator = " ";
      // let's check for a testing data file at this time as well .. if no file for
      // names and training data no need to worry about this one.
      if (!testingTerminalFilename.equals("")) {
        try {
          // allow for gzip files .... end with .gz or .gzip\
          if (testingTerminalFilename.endsWith(".gz") || testingTerminalFilename.endsWith(".gzip"))
            testingTerminalFileCSV =
                new CsvReader(
                        (new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(testingTerminalFilename))),
          else testingTerminalFileCSV = new CsvReader(testingTerminalFilename);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              "The file with testing data values ("
                  + testingTerminalFilename
                  + ") could not be found",
        } catch (IOException e) {
              "The file with testing data values ("
                  + terminalFilename
                  + ") could not be found or the expected GZIP file could nor be opened",

    if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) numberOfTerminals = species.timeseriesEmbeddingDimension;
    else if (terminalFileCSV != null) {
      // get the terminal symbols for the independent and dependent variables
      try {
        terminalSymbolsfromFile = terminalFileCSV.getHeaders();
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "The file with variable (terminal) definitions and values ("
                + terminalFilename
                + ") failed to read the headers"
                + e,
      // 1 less for each dependent variable (number of chromosomes) at the end
      numberOfTerminals = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes;
      if (numberOfTerminals < 1)
            "The file with terminal definitions and data values ("
                + terminalFilename
                + ") has no independent variables specified in record 1",
      // if using a file for the terminals and their values then check for a non-default separator
    } else {
      numberOfTerminals =
          state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TERMINALSIZE), def.push(P_TERMINALSIZE), 1);
    numberOfSymbols += numberOfTerminals;

    if (numberOfSymbols < 1)
          "The GEPSymbolSet \"" + name + "\" have at least 1 terminal symbol defined.",

    // add a special Symbol for constants if we are using them ... it will be added to the
    // end of the array of symbols!
    if (species.useConstants) {
      numberOfTerminals++; // special constant terminal

    symbols = new GEPSymbol[numberOfSymbols];

    int numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol = numberOfSymbols;
    if (species.useConstants) // add the constant terminal symbol to the end
      symbols[numberOfSymbols - 1] = (GEPSymbol) (new GEPConstantTerminalSymbol());
      symbols[numberOfSymbols - 1].id = numberOfSymbols - 1;

    Parameter pTerminal = base.push(P_TERMINAL);
    Parameter pdefTerminal = def.push(P_TERMINAL);
    Parameter pFunction = base.push(P_FUNCTION);
    Parameter pdefFunction = def.push(P_FUNCTION);

    // create hashtable of names of terminals and hash table with names of functions
    // so we can easily check that they are not duplicates
    Hashtable functionHT = new Hashtable();
    Hashtable terminalHT = new Hashtable();

    //      process the functions
    for (int x = 0; x < numberOfFunctions; x++) {
      Parameter pp = pFunction.push("" + x);
      Parameter ppdef = pdefFunction.push("" + x);
      String function = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault(pp, ppdef, "");
      if (function.equals("")) // no name for the function
      state.output.fatal("Invalid function specifier: '" + function + "'", pp, ppdef);
      // make sure not specifying the same function more than once
      if (functionHT.get(function) != null)
            "Function '" + function + "' was specified more than once in list of function symbols");
      else functionHT.put(function, function);
      GEPFunctionSymbol fs = null;
      try {
        Class classDefinition = Class.forName(LOCATION_OF_FUNCTION_CLASSES + "." + function);
        fs = (GEPFunctionSymbol) classDefinition.newInstance();
      } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "'. " + e);
      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "' " + e);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            "Unable to create GEPFunctionSymbol class for function '" + function + "' " + e);

      // if using a logical function must be a logical problem
      if (fs.isLogicalFunction() && (species.problemType != GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL))
            "Can only use logical functions with a logical problem type. Function "
                + function
                + " is  a logical function.",
      // if using a numerical function must be an non logical problem
      if (!fs.isLogicalFunction() && (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL))
            "Can only use logical functions with a non logical problem type. Function "
                + function
                + " is a numerical function.",

      symbols[x] = (GEPSymbol) fs;
      // symbols[x].setup(state, base);
      if (fs.arity < 1) state.output.fatal("Arity must be > 0 for a GEPTerminalSymbol)", pp, ppdef);
      symbols[x].id = x;
      int weight =
          state.parameters.getInt(pp.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT), ppdef.push(P_FUNCTIONWEIGHT), 1);
      if (weight < 1) {
            "Weight for GEP Function must be > 0; defaulting to 1)",
        weight = 1;
      symbols[x].weight = weight;
      if (symbols[x].arity > maxArity) maxArity = symbols[x].arity;

    // process the terminals  ... defined by default for timeseries data, in the
    // CSV file if specified and not timeseries, or in the params file if neither of those.
    for (int x = numberOfFunctions;
        x < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol;
        x++) { // load the terminal symbols
      int index = x - numberOfFunctions;
      String terminal = "";
      if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) {
        // terminals get default names v0, v1, v2, v3, ... vn-1
        terminal = "v" + index;
      } else if (terminalFileCSV == null) // terminals defined in param file
        Parameter pp = pTerminal.push("" + index);
        Parameter ppdef = pdefTerminal.push("" + index);
        terminal = state.parameters.getStringWithDefault(pp, ppdef, "");
      } else { // terminals defined in CSV file
        terminal = terminalSymbolsfromFile[index];
      if (terminal.equals("")) // no name for the terminal
      state.output.fatal("Invalid terminal specifier: '" + terminal + "' for terminal # " + index);
      // make sure not specifying the same function more than once
      if (terminalHT.get(terminal) != null)
            "Terminal symbol (indep var) '"
                + terminal
                + "' was specified more than once in list of terminal symbols (independent variables)");
      else terminalHT.put(terminal, terminal);
      GEPTerminalSymbol ts = new GEPTerminalSymbol(terminal, this);
      symbols[x] = (GEPSymbol) ts;
      // symbols[x].setup(state, base);
      if (ts.arity != 0) // cannot happen
      state.output.fatal("Arity must be exactly 0 for a GEPTerminalSymbol)");
      symbols[x].id = x;
      symbols[x].weight = 1; // all Terminal symbols have weight of 1

    // must be at least 1 Terminal symbol in the SymbolSet.
    // If not then the user didn't specify the terminals in the param file or in the data file
    if (numberOfTerminals < 1)
          "Must be at least one Terminal Symbol in the set of GEPSymbols\n"
              + "Either did not specify the terminal symbols in the param file or\n"
              + "did not specify the appropriate data file with the terminals specified in the first line.");

    // collect the id's (indices) of the terminal and function symbols that
    // are in the set of symbols
    terminals = new int[numberOfTerminals];
    int terminalNum = 0;
    functions = new int[numberOfFunctions];
    int functionNum = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSymbols; x++) {
      if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPConstantTerminalSymbol) terminals[terminalNum++] = x;
      else if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPTerminalSymbol) terminals[terminalNum++] = x;
      else if (symbols[x] instanceof GEPFunctionSymbol) functions[functionNum++] = x;

    // collect the weights for symbols and terminals and normalize and cumulate them.
    // Then we can use these arrays to pick appropriate symbols or terminals according to
    // their weights ... using the RandomChooser.PickFromDistribution
    cumulativeNormalizedSymbolWeights = new float[numberOfSymbols];
    cumulativeNormalizedTerminalWeights = new float[numberOfTerminals];
    cumulativeNormalizedFunctionWeights = new float[numberOfFunctions];
    int j = 0, k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSymbols; i++) {
      float weight = (float) (symbols[i].weight);
      cumulativeNormalizedSymbolWeights[i] = weight;
      if (symbols[i] instanceof GEPTerminalSymbol
          || symbols[i] instanceof GEPConstantTerminalSymbol)
        cumulativeNormalizedTerminalWeights[j++] = weight;
      if (symbols[i] instanceof GEPFunctionSymbol)
        cumulativeNormalizedFunctionWeights[k++] = weight;

    // use the 2/3 rule if fewer functions else the 1/2 rule (don't count the constant
    // terminal here)
    if (numberOfFunctions < (numberOfTerminals - (species.useConstants ? 1 : 0)))
      probabilityOfChoosingFunction = 2.0 / 3.0;
    else probabilityOfChoosingFunction = 0.5;

    // ... and finally get the training and testing data values for the terminals and dependent
    // variable
    // and put them into the Terminal instances (creating a 'special' Terminal Symbol to
    // hold the dependent variable training and testing values)

    // If this is a time series problem AND we are using the raw time series data then
    // we named the terminals v1, v2, ..., nn where n is the number of independent
    // variables as specified in the embedding dimension (which) was used to
    // determine the number of terminals. But we have to process the time series data
    // to get the values for each terminal ... get the raw data from the CSV file
    // if specified or from the user program ... then process it into rows of data
    // representing the independent variables and the dependent variable.
    //   timeseries-delay -- if 1 uses each time series value, if 2 uses every other one, etc.
    //   timeseries-embeddingdimension -- determines the number of timeseries points to use
    //        as independent variables when transforming the set of time series data. Another
    //        data point is used as the dependent variable value. So the time series 'raw' data
    //        consisting of a list of single values is processed by splitting the data into
    //        groups (rows) of size embeddingdimension+1. From the end of the time series data
    //        embeddingdimension+1 values are chosen (if delay is 1 all values are chosen, if
    //        2 every other one is chosen). The last value is the independent variable value.
    //        Then the next row is selected by moving 'delay'
    //        values from the end and chosing embeddingdimension+1 values. This is repeated
    //        until no more sets of size embeddingdimension+1 can be chosen. If this produces
    //        n sets of data then testingprediction of them are used for testing and
    //        (n - testingpredictions) are used for training.
    //        So if we had the data:
    //        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    //        and delay was 1 and embeddingdimension was 4 then we'd process the set into
    //        the following 17 data sets. If testingpredictions was 6 then the 1st 11
    //        would be used for training and the last 6 for testing
    //        iv1 iv2 iv3 iv4  dv
    //          1   2   3   4   5
    //          2   3   4   5   6
    //          3   4   5   6   7
    //              . . .
    //         14  15  16  17  18
    //         15  16  17  18  19
    //         16  17  18  19  20
    //         17  18  19  20  21
    //        If delay was 2 then 7 sets would be formed as:
    //        iv1 iv2 iv3 iv4  dv
    //          1   3   5   7   9
    //          3   5   7   9  11
    //              . . .
    //          9  11  13  15  17
    //         11  13  15  17  19
    //         13  15  17  19  21
    //   timeseries-testingpredictions -- specifies the number of sets of data to devote to testing
    if (timeseriesWithRawDataValues) {
      GEPDependentVariable.symbol = "dependentVariable";
      double rawTimeSeriesValues[] = null;
      if (terminalFileCSV == null)
        rawTimeSeriesValues = ((GEPProblem) state.evaluator.p_problem).getTimeSeriesDataValues();
      else rawTimeSeriesValues = getRawTimeSeriesValuesFromCSVfile(state, terminalFileCSV);
      if (rawTimeSeriesValues == null)
        state.output.fatal("Unable to get time series data values from User Program or CSV file");
      Vector values[] = processRawTimeSeriesValues(state, species, rawTimeSeriesValues);
      // have an array of vectors; 1 vector for each indep variable and the dep variable(s)
      for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        // get the values for training ... and testing (specified by timeseriesTestingPredictions)
        int sizeOfTrainingData = values[i].size() - species.timeseriesTestingPredictions;
        double v[] = new double[sizeOfTrainingData];
        double testingV[] = new double[species.timeseriesTestingPredictions];
        for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++) v[m] = ((Double) values[i].elementAt(m)).doubleValue();
        for (int n = 0; n < testingV.length; n++)
          testingV[n] = ((Double) values[i].elementAt(n + sizeOfTrainingData)).doubleValue();
        int depVarIndex = i - values.length + species.numberOfChromosomes;
        if (depVarIndex >= 0) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s)
          GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(v, depVarIndex);
          GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(testingV, depVarIndex);
        } else {
          ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTrainingValues(v);
          ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTestingValues(testingV);
    // else If there is a file with the terminals and dep variable(s) use this else ask for
    // the values from the User Program (problem).
    else if (terminalFileCSV != null) // terminals defined in CSV file
      GEPDependentVariable.symbol = terminalSymbolsfromFile[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - 1];
      // get all the values into an array of vectors (each vector holds the values for a
      // single terminal (dep or indep variable)
      Vector values[] = new Vector[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) values[i] = new Vector();
      try {
        while (terminalFileCSV.readRecord()) {
          for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++)
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "The file with terminal definitions/values failed when reading records. " + e);

      for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) {
        double v[] = new double[values[i].size()];
        for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++)
          try {
            v[m] = Double.parseDouble((String) values[i].elementAt(m));
          } catch (Exception e) {
                "Failed trying to read a training data set value. The field is supposed to be a number but was the string '"
                    + (String) values[i].elementAt(m)
                    + "'.\n"
                    + e);
        int jj = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes;
        if (i >= jj) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s)
        GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(v, i - jj);
        else ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTrainingValues(v);
      // get the testing data as well if a file was specified
      if (testingTerminalFileCSV != null) // testing data defined in CSV file
        // get all the values into an array of vectors (each vector holds the values for a
        // single terminal (dep or indep variable)
        Vector testingValues[] = new Vector[terminalSymbolsfromFile.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) testingValues[i] = new Vector();
        try {
          while (testingTerminalFileCSV.readRecord()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++)
        } catch (IOException e) {
              "The file with testing data values failed when reading records. "
                  + "\nMake sure the file has the same column separators as the testing data file."
                  + "\nAlso check that it has the same as the number of columns as the testing file"
                  + e);

        for (int i = 0; i < terminalSymbolsfromFile.length; i++) {
          double v[] = new double[testingValues[i].size()];
          for (int m = 0; m < v.length; m++)
            try {
              v[m] = Double.parseDouble((String) testingValues[i].elementAt(m));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                  "Failed trying to read a testing data set value. The field is supposed to be a number but was the string '"
                      + (String) testingValues[i].elementAt(m)
                      + "'.\n"
                      + e);
          int jj = terminalSymbolsfromFile.length - species.numberOfChromosomes;
          if (i >= jj) // last column(s) in file is(are) the dependent variable(s)
          GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(v, i - jj);
          else ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[numberOfFunctions + i]).setTestingValues(v);
    // else terminals were defined in the param file and no CSV file
    // defined so .... ask User Problem for the values, training and testing (if there are any)
    else {
      GEPDependentVariable.symbol = "dependentVariable";
      GEPProblem prob = (GEPProblem) state.evaluator.p_problem;
      double vals[] = null;
      for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++) {
        GEPTerminalSymbol ts = (GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i];
        vals = prob.getDataValues(ts.symbol);
        if (vals == null)
              "Expecting user problem (GEPProblem/ProblemForm) to supply training data values for terminal symbol '"
                  + ts
                  + "'.");
        vals = prob.getTestingDataValues(ts.symbol);
        if (vals != null) // don't have to supply testing data
      // if just one dep var then ask user by requesting with getdataValues("dependentVariable")
      // and if more than one dep var (more than 1 chromosome) then ask for dep variables
      // with getDataValues("dependentVariable0"), getDataValues("dependentVariable1"), ...
      for (int i = 0; i < species.numberOfChromosomes; i++) {
        String depVarSym = GEPDependentVariable.symbol;
        if (species.numberOfChromosomes > 1) depVarSym = depVarSym + i;
        vals = prob.getDataValues(depVarSym);
        if (vals == null)
              "Expecting user problem (GEPProblem/ProblemForm) to supply training data values for dependent variable '"
                  + depVarSym
                  + "'.");
        GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.setValues(vals, i);
        vals = prob.getTestingDataValues(depVarSym);
        if (vals != null) // don't have to supply testing data
        GEPDependentVariable.testingData.setValues(vals, i);

    // Some checking of data values to ensure they meet the requirements for the various problem
    // types.
    // For all problem types need to make sure all indep vars and the dep var have the same number
    // of values!
    int numValues = GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.values[0].length;
    for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++)
      if (((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues.length != numValues)
            "Must have same number of values for all independent variables and the dependent variable."
                + "/nNumber of values for Dependent Variable is: "
                + numValues
                + "/nNumber of values for Independent Variable '"
                + symbols[i].symbol
                + "' is: "
                + ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues.length);
    // For Classification and logical problems all dependent variable values must be either 0 or 1
    if (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_CLASSIFICATION
        || species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL) {
      double dvVals[] = GEPDependentVariable.trainingData.values[0];
      for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
        if (dvVals[i] != 0.0 && dvVals[i] != 1.0)
              "For classification/logical problems all dependent variable values must be either 1 or 0.\nFound value "
                  + dvVals[i]
                  + " at index "
                  + i
                  + "in the values.");
    // For Logical problems all independent variable values must be 0 or 1
    if (species.problemType == GEPSpecies.PT_LOGICAL) { // for each indep variable symbol
      for (int i = numberOfFunctions; i < numberOfSymbolsWithoutConstantSymbol; i++) {
        double ivVals[] = ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).trainingValues;
        for (int m = 0; m < numValues; m++)
          if (ivVals[m] != 0.0 && ivVals[m] != 1.0)
                "For logical problems all independent variable values must be either 1 or 0.\nFound value "
                    + ivVals[m]
                    + " at index '"
                    + m
                    + "' in the variable '"
                    + ((GEPTerminalSymbol) symbols[i]).symbol
                    + "'.");
Exemplo n.º 4
  public StringBuffer uploadAndReportCustomDataFile(
      InputStream inputStream,
      long size,
      String fileFormat,
      char delimChar,
      List<String> listOfUIDsToUpdate,
      CustomFieldGroup customFieldGroup,
      PhenoCollection phenoCollection,
      boolean overwriteExisting)
      throws FileFormatException, ArkSystemException {
    List<PhenoCollection> phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert = new ArrayList<PhenoCollection>();

    delimiterCharacter = delimChar;
    uploadReport = new StringBuffer();

    InputStream convertedInputStream;
    if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FileFormat.XLS.toString())) {
      XLStoCSV xlsToCSV = new XLStoCSV(delimiterCharacter);
      convertedInputStream = xlsToCSV.convertXlsInputStreamToCsv(inputStream);
    } else {
      convertedInputStream = inputStream;

    InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = null;
    CsvReader csvReader = null;
    DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

    int subjectCount = 0;
    long updateFieldsCount = 0L;
    long insertFieldsCount = 0L;
    long emptyDataCount = 0L;
    try {
      inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(convertedInputStream);
      csvReader = new CsvReader(inputStreamReader, delimiterCharacter);
      String[] stringLineArray;

      List<LinkSubjectStudy> allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated = null;
      if (listOfUIDsToUpdate.size() > 0) {
        allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated =
            iArkCommonService.getUniqueSubjectsWithTheseUIDs(study, listOfUIDsToUpdate);
      } else {
        allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated = new ArrayList<LinkSubjectStudy>();
      if (size <= 0) {
            "ERROR:  The input size was not greater than 0. Actual length reported: ");
        throw new FileFormatException(
            "The input size was not greater than 0. Actual length reported: " + size);


      List<String> fieldNameCollection = Arrays.asList(csvReader.getHeaders());
      ArkFunction phenoCustomFieldArkFunction =
              Constants.FUNCTION_KEY_VALUE_PHENO_COLLECTION); // ");

      List<CustomFieldDisplay> cfdsThatWeNeed =
              fieldNameCollection, study, phenoCustomFieldArkFunction, customFieldGroup);

      // Paul has requested - in pheno we only insert List<PhenoData> dataThatWeHave =
      // iArkCommonService.getCustomFieldDataFor(cfdsThatWeNeed, allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated);
      // read one line which contains potentially many custom fields
      QuestionnaireStatus uploadingStatus =

      while (csvReader.readRecord()) {
        List<PhenoData> phenoDataToInsertForThisPhenoCollection = new ArrayList<PhenoData>();
        log.info("reading record " + subjectCount);
        stringLineArray = csvReader.getValues();
        String subjectUID = stringLineArray[0];
        String recordDate = stringLineArray[1];
        Date recordDate_asDate =
            (recordDate.isEmpty() ? new Date() : simpleDateFormat.parse(recordDate));
        LinkSubjectStudy subject =
            getSubjectByUIDFromExistList(allSubjectWhichWillBeUpdated, subjectUID);
        // log.info("get subject from list");
        CustomField customField = null;
        List<PhenoCollection> subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections =
                subject, customFieldGroup, recordDate_asDate);
        PhenoCollection phenoCollectionIntoDB = new PhenoCollection();
        if (subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.size() == 0 || !overwriteExisting) {
          //				phenoCollectionIntoDB.setName(phenoCollection.getName());
          if (recordDate.isEmpty()) {
            phenoCollectionIntoDB.setRecordDate(new Date());
          } else {
              uploadingStatus); // TODO for this to be UPLOADED TYPE STATUS
        } else {
          if (subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.size() == 1) {
            recordDate_asDate =
                (recordDate.isEmpty() ? new Date() : simpleDateFormat.parse(recordDate));
            phenoCollectionIntoDB = subjectExistingMatchingPhenoCollections.get(0);
          } else {

        for (CustomFieldDisplay cfd : cfdsThatWeNeed) {

          String theDataAsString = null;
          customField = cfd.getCustomField();

          if (csvReader.getIndex(cfd.getCustomField().getName()) < 0) {
            for (String nameAsSeenInFile : fieldNameCollection) {
              if (nameAsSeenInFile.equalsIgnoreCase(cfd.getCustomField().getName())) {
                theDataAsString = csvReader.get(nameAsSeenInFile);
          } else {
            theDataAsString = csvReader.get(cfd.getCustomField().getName());

          if (theDataAsString != null && !theDataAsString.isEmpty()) {
            PhenoData dataToInsert = new PhenoData();
            // as much as i disagree...pheno data isn't tied to subject....pheno collection is
            // dataToInsert.setLinkSubjectStudy(subject);
            setValue(customField, cfd, dataToInsert, theDataAsString);
            boolean flag = true;
            for (PhenoData phenoData : phenoCollectionIntoDB.getPhenoData()) {
              if (phenoData.getCustomFieldDisplay().getId() == cfd.getId()) {
                flag = false;
            if (flag) {
          } else {
          "finished message for "
              + subjectCount
              + "\n      DATA inserts = "
              + insertFieldsCount
              + "  phenocollections = "
              + phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert.size()
              + "  amount of empty scells ="
              + emptyDataCount);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
          "SYSTEM ERROR:   Unexpected I/O exception whilst reading the subject data file\n");
      log.error("processMatrixSubjectFile IOException stacktrace:", ioe);
      throw new ArkSystemException("Unexpected I/O exception whilst reading the subject data file");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "SYSTEM ERROR:   Unexpected exception whilst reading the subject data file\n");
      log.error("processMatrixSubjectFile Exception stacktrace:", ex);
      throw new ArkSystemException(
          "Unexpected exception occurred when trying to process subject data file");
    } finally {
      uploadReport.append("Total file size: ");
      uploadReport.append(decimalFormat.format(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0));
      uploadReport.append(" MB");

      if (csvReader != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          log.error("Cleanup operation failed: csvRdr.close()", ex);
      if (inputStreamReader != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          log.error("Cleanup operation failed: isr.close()", ex);
    uploadReport.append("Processed ");
    uploadReport.append(" rows.");
    uploadReport.append("Inserted ");
    uploadReport.append(" rows of data.");
    uploadReport.append("Updated ");
    uploadReport.append(" rows of data.");

    // TODO better exceptionhandling
        phenoCollectionsWithTheirDataToInsert, study);
    return uploadReport;
Exemplo n.º 5
  private static void filterCSV(
      String filename, LinkedList<String> filters, LinkedList<String> includes) throws IOException {
    FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
    CsvReader csvIn = new CsvReader(fr, SEPARATOR);

    if (csvIn.readHeaders()) {
      System.out.println("'" + filename + "' has " + csvIn.getColumnCount() + " column.");

      int usedColumn = 0;
      String[] headers = csvIn.getHeaders();
      StringBuffer newHeader = new StringBuffer();
      StringBuffer newValues = new StringBuffer();

      HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
      allData.put(filename, data);

      for (String header : headers) {
        boolean matches = false;

        // check if a filter matches the entry
        for (String filter : filters) {
          if (header.contains(filter)) {
            matches = true;

            // ok, filter matches, but maybe it is on the include list?
            for (String include : includes) {
              if (header.contains(include)) {
                matches = false;


        if (!matches) {
          String value = csvIn.get(header);


          if (data != null) {
            if (!keys.containsKey(header)) {
              keys.put(header, true);

            data.put(header, value);
      System.out.println(" -> " + usedColumn + " column remains");

      FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename + FILENAME_POSTFIX, false);
    } else {
      System.err.println("Can not read header from '" + filename + "'");
Exemplo n.º 6
   * DOC xqliu Comment method "importIndicatorToStucture".
   * @param importObject
   * @param selectionFolder
   * @param skip
   * @param rename
   * @param importItemName
   * @return
  public static List<ReturnCode> importIndicatorToStucture(
      ImportObject importObject,
      IFolder selectionFolder,
      boolean skip,
      boolean rename,
      String importItemName) {

    List<ReturnCode> information = new ArrayList<ReturnCode>();

    Set<String> names = UDIHelper.getAllIndicatorNames(selectionFolder);

    File importFile = importObject.getObjFile();

    String fileExtName = getFileExtName(importFile);

    if ("csv".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtName)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
      String name = PluginConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
      try {
        CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(new FileReader(importFile), CURRENT_SEPARATOR);
        // MOD zshen EscapeMode default is CsvReader.ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED

        java.text.SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =
            new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"); // $NON-NLS-1$

        while (reader.readRecord()) {
          name = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.Label.getLiteral());

          if (names.contains(name)) {
            if (skip) {
                  new ReturnCode(
                      DefaultMessagesImpl.getString("ImportFactory.Imported", name),
                      false)); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (rename) {
              name =
                      + "("
                      + simpleDateFormat.format(new Date())
                      + Math.random()
                      + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

          UDIParameters udiParameters = new ImportFactory().new UDIParameters();
          udiParameters.name = name;
          udiParameters.auther = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.Author.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.description = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.Description.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.purpose = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.Purpose.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.relativePath = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.RelativePath.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.category = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.Category.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.javaClassName = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.JavaClassName.getLiteral());
          udiParameters.javaJarPath = reader.get(PatternToExcelEnum.JavaJarPath.getLiteral());
          String[] headers = reader.getHeaders();
          String[] columnsValue = reader.getValues();
          HashMap<String, String> record = new HashMap<String, String>();
          for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
            if (columnsValue[i] != null && columnsValue[i].length() > 0) {
              record.put(headers[i], columnsValue[i]);
          for (PatternLanguageType languagetype : PatternLanguageType.values()) {
            String cellStr = record.get(languagetype.getExcelEnum().getLiteral());
            if (cellStr != null && !cellStr.equals("\"\"")) { // $NON-NLS-1$
              udiParameters.regex.put(languagetype.getLiteral(), trimQuote(cellStr));

          TypedReturnCode<Object> create = createAndStoreUDI(udiParameters, selectionFolder);
          if (create.isOk()) {

            // add the suscess message to display.
                new ReturnCode(
                        "ImportFactory.importedSucess" //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ((TDQItem) create.getObject()).getProperty().getDisplayName(),
          } else {
            throw new TalendInternalPersistenceException(create.getMessage());

      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e, e);
            new ReturnCode(
                DefaultMessagesImpl.getString("ImportFactory.importedFailed", name),
                false)); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if ("xls".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtName)) { // $NON-NLS-1$
      Map<Integer, PatternLanguageType> expressionMap = new HashMap<Integer, PatternLanguageType>();
      String contents = PluginConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
      try {
        WorkbookSettings settings = new WorkbookSettings();
        settings.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // $NON-NLS-1$
        Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(importFile, settings);
        Sheet[] sheets = rwb.getSheets();
        for (Sheet sheet : sheets) {
          Cell[] headerRow = sheet.getRow(0);

          for (Cell cell : headerRow) {
            for (PatternLanguageType languageType : PatternLanguageType.values()) {
              if (cell.getContents().equals(languageType.getExcelEnum().getLiteral())) {
                expressionMap.put(cell.getColumn(), languageType);

          for (int i = 1; i < sheet.getRows(); i++) {
            Cell[] row = sheet.getRow(i);
            Cell cell = row[0];
            if (CellType.LABEL.equals(cell.getType())) {
              contents = cell.getContents();
              if (names.contains(contents)) {
                if (skip) {
                if (rename) {
                  contents = contents + "(" + new Date() + ")"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

              UDIParameters udiParameters = new ImportFactory().new UDIParameters();

              udiParameters.name = contents;
              udiParameters.auther = row[6].getContents();
              udiParameters.description = row[2].getContents();
              udiParameters.purpose = row[1].getContents();
              udiParameters.status = DevelopmentStatus.DRAFT.getLiteral();
              udiParameters.category = row[16].getContents();

              for (int columnIndex : expressionMap.keySet()) {
                String rowContent = row[columnIndex].getContents();
                if (!rowContent.equals("")) { // $NON-NLS-1$
                  udiParameters.regex.put(expressionMap.get(columnIndex).getLiteral(), rowContent);

              createAndStoreUDI(udiParameters, selectionFolder);


                  new ReturnCode(
                          "ImportFactory.importedSucess" //$NON-NLS-1$

      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e, e);
            new ReturnCode(
                DefaultMessagesImpl.getString("ImportFactory.importedFailed", contents),
                false)); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // MOD qiongli 2011-11-28 TDQ-4038.consider to import the definition file.
    if (FactoriesUtil.DEFINITION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtName)) {
      String propFilePath =
                  PluginConstant.DOT_STRING + fileExtName,
                  PluginConstant.DOT_STRING + FactoriesUtil.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION);
      File propFile = new File(propFilePath);
      // just import the definition file which have the realted Property file.
      if (!propFile.exists()) {
        return information;
      String name = importFile.getName();
      try {
        if (names.contains(name)) {
          if (skip) {
                new ReturnCode(
                    DefaultMessagesImpl.getString("ImportFactory.Imported", name),
                    false)); //$NON-NLS-1$
            return information;
          if (rename) {
            name = name + "(" + new Date() + Math.random() + ")"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

        IFile elementFile = selectionFolder.getFile(name);
        if (!elementFile.exists()) {
          elementFile.create(new FileInputStream(importFile), false, null);
          ModelElement modelElement = ModelElementFileFactory.getModelElement(elementFile);
          if (modelElement != null) {
                .create(modelElement, selectionFolder);
                new ReturnCode(
                        "ImportFactory.importedSucess" //$NON-NLS-1$
      } catch (Exception e) {
            new ReturnCode(
                DefaultMessagesImpl.getString("ImportFactory.importedFailed", name),
                false)); //$NON-NLS-1$


    // ADD xqliu 2012-04-27 TDQ-5149
    checkImportEvent(importItemName, information);
    // ~ TDQ-5149
    return information;