Exemplo n.º 1
 public void ApplicantStart(String messageSeqNum) {
   // A new Applicant list is about to be sent one item at a time
   // So initialize the list, and delete old list if there is one.
   if (!inProgress) // if another applicantStart has not finished
     inProgress = true;
   for testing only
   appList.add(new applicant("1234",  "Stubborn Mule",  "mule.gif","Mule bread specifically for its stubborn nature."));
   appList.add(new applicant("1235",  "Work Horse",  "wrkhorse.gif","Very strong and hard working horse."));
   appList.add(new applicant("1235",  "Riding Horse",  "ridehors.gif","Very fast and well tempered."));