Exemplo n.º 1
   * Add content to this Group. The OMGraphicHandler layers that are part of the map with have their
   * graphics may be added with a small separation between the layers, depending on the value of
   * layerSeparation.
   * @param mapHandler Description of the Parameter
  protected void createMap(MapHandler mapHandler) {

    double baselineHeight = layerSeparation;

    LayerHandler lh = (LayerHandler) mapHandler.get("com.bbn.openmap.LayerHandler");
    if (lh != null) {
      Debug.message("3d", "LayerMapContent: putting layer graphics on the map.");
      Layer[] layers = lh.getLayers();

      // Back to front makes the sea in the back, and keeps
      // first layers on top, to go with the OpenMap paradigm.
      for (int i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Layer layer = layers[i];
        if (layer.isVisible()) {
          if (layer instanceof ScaleFilterLayer) {
            ScaleFilterLayer sfl = (ScaleFilterLayer) layer;
            layer = sfl.getAppropriateLayer();
          if (layer instanceof OMGraphicHandlerLayer) {
            addContent(this, (OMGraphicHandlerLayer) layer, baselineHeight += layerSeparation);
          } else {
            Debug.message("3d", "LayerMapContent: skipping layer " + layer.getName());

    addSea(this, mapHandler);
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Called when some fundamental parameters change.
   * <p>Each projection will decide how to respond to this change. For instance, they may need to
   * recalculate "constant" parameters used in the forward() and inverse() calls.
   * <p>
  protected void computeParameters() {
    Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.computeParameters()");

    // maxscale = scale at which a world hemisphere fits in the
    // window
    maxscale =
        (width < height)
            ? (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / (float) width
            : (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / (float) height;
    if (maxscale < minscale) {
      maxscale = minscale;

    if (scale > maxscale) {
      scale = maxscale;

    scaled_radius = planetPixelRadius / scale;

    // width of the world in pixels at current scale. We see only
    // one hemisphere.
    world.x = (int) ((planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / scale);

    // do some precomputation of stuff
    cosCtrLat = Math.cos(centerY);
    sinCtrLat = Math.sin(centerY);

    // compute the offsets
    hy = height / 2;
    wx = width / 2;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Inverse project x,y coordinates into a LatLonPoint.
   * @param x integer x coordinate
   * @param y integer y coordinate
   * @param llp LatLonPoint
   * @return LatLonPoint llp
   * @see Proj#inverse(Point2D)
  public <T extends Point2D> T inverse(double x, double y, T llp) {

    if (llp == null) {
      llp = (T) new LatLonPoint.Double();

    // convert from screen to world coordinates
    x -= wx;
    y = hy - y;

    // Debug.output("Gnomonic.inverse: x,y=" + x + "," + y);

    double rho = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    if (rho == 0) {
      Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.inverse: center!");
      llp.setLocation(ProjMath.radToDeg(centerX), ProjMath.radToDeg(centerY));
      return llp;

    double c = Math.atan2(rho, scaled_radius);
    double cosC = Math.cos(c);
    double sinC = Math.sin(c);

    // calculate latitude
    double lat = Math.asin(cosC * sinCtrLat + (y * sinC * (cosCtrLat / rho)));

    // calculate longitude
    double lon = centerX + Math.atan2((x * sinC), (rho * cosCtrLat * cosC - y * sinCtrLat * sinC));
    // Debug.output("Gnomonic.inverse: lat,lon=" +
    // ProjMath.radToDeg(lat) + "," +
    // ProjMath.radToDeg(lon));

    // check if point in outer space
    // if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(lat, ctrLat) &&
    // MoreMath.approximately_equal(lon, ctrLon) &&
    // (Math.abs(x-(width/2))<2) &&
    // (Math.abs(y-(height/2))<2))

    if (Double.isNaN(lat) || Double.isNaN(lon)) {
      Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.inverse(): outer space!");
      lat = centerY;
      lon = centerX;

    llp.setLocation(Math.toDegrees(wrapLongitude(lon)), Math.toDegrees(normalizeLatitude(lat)));
    return llp;
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Paints the layer.
   * @param g the Graphics context for painting
  public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g) {
    Debug.message("dted", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.paint()");


    if (location != null) location.render(g);
    location = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen. Has to be called to at least
  * assure the graphics that they are ready for rendering. Called when the graphic position
  * changes.
  * @param proj com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection
  * @return true
 public boolean generate(Projection proj) {
   Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.generate()");
   if (poly != null) {
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
   * Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of
   * the graphic. Called when the projection changes.
  public void regenerate(Projection proj) {
    Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.regenerate()");
    if (poly != null) {

Exemplo n.º 7
   * Draw the EditableOMPoly parts into the java.awt.Graphics object. The grab points are only
   * rendered if the poly machine state is PolySelectedState.POLY_SELECTED.
   * @param graphics java.awt.Graphics.
  public void render(java.awt.Graphics graphics) {
    Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.render()");

    State state = getStateMachine().getState();

    if (poly != null && !(state instanceof PolyUndefinedState)) {
    } else {
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.render: null or undefined poly.");

    // Render the points actually on the polygon
    if (state instanceof GraphicSelectedState
        || state instanceof PolyAddNodeState
        || state instanceof PolyDeleteNodeState) {
      for (GrabPoint gb : polyGrabPoints) {
        if (gb != null) {

    // In certain conditions, render the offset grab point.

    if (state instanceof GraphicSelectedState || state instanceof GraphicEditState /*
                                                                                        * ||
                                                                                        * state
                                                                                        * instanceof
                                                                                        * PolySetOffsetState
                                                                                        */) {
      if (gpo != null && poly.getRenderType() == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Adds widgets to modify polygon.
  * @param graphicAttributes the GraphicAttributes to use to get the GUI widget from to control
  *     those parameters for this EOMG.
  * @return Component to use to control parameters for this EOMG.
 public Component getGUI(GraphicAttributes graphicAttributes) {
   Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.getGUI");
   if (graphicAttributes != null) {
     JMenu ahm = getArrowHeadMenu();
     graphicAttributes.setLineMenuAdditions(new JMenu[] {ahm});
     //            JComponent gaGUI = (JComponent) graphicAttributes.getGUI();
     JComponent toolbar = createAttributePanel(graphicAttributes);
     getPolyGUI(graphicAttributes.getOrientation(), toolbar);
     return toolbar;
   } else {
     return getPolyGUI();
Exemplo n.º 9
   * Find a PoliticalArea named by the search key. If the shapefile is large, the first query will
   * take a little extra time on the first query to read in the files.
   * @param area_key the lookup key, of which the index for the column was designated in the
   *     properties file.
  public PoliticalArea findPoliticalArea(String area_key) {

    // Right now, this method gathers all the graphics in the
    // shape file, groups them, and then returns the PoliticalArea
    // for the key. In the future, it would be nice to have the
    // option to actually search through the data file, find the
    // indexes of the graphics that go to the area, and assemble a
    // temporary list to pass back.

    if (politicalAreas == null) {
      Debug.message("areas", "AreaHandler: initializing graphic attributes");
      initialize(originalPrefix, originalProperties);

      if (omgraphics == null) {
        omgraphics = getGraphics();
        if (dbfModel != null) loadDbfModelIntoGraphics(omgraphics);
        else infoFile.loadIntoGraphics(omgraphics);

      politicalAreas = determinePoliticalAreas(omgraphics);
      Debug.message("areas", "AreaHandler: completed initialization");

    if (politicalAreas != null) {
      String key = area_key.toUpperCase().intern(); // Just to
      // be sure.

      return (PoliticalArea) politicalAreas.get(key);
    } else {
          "AreaHandler: initialization failed for "
              + originalPrefix
              + "\n\tNo data will be displayed");
      return null;
Exemplo n.º 10
   * Read a cache of OMGeometries, given a ObjectInputStream.
   * @param objstream ObjectInputStream of geometry list.
  public void readGraphics(ObjectInputStream objstream) throws IOException {

    Debug.message("omgraphics", "OMGeometryList: Reading cached geometries");

    try {
      while (true) {
        try {
          OMGeometry omg = (OMGeometry) objstream.readObject();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (OptionalDataException ode) {
    } catch (EOFException e) {
Exemplo n.º 11
   * Read the link and pull off the gesture, filling in the fields of this object.
   * @param link the link to read from.
   * @return Link.END_TOTAL or Link.END_SECTION
  public String read(Link link) throws IOException {

    float ver = link.dis.readFloat();

    if (ver != version) {
      if (ver == .1) { // Big differece....
        throw new IOException("LinkActionRequest: Versions do not match! DANGER!");
      } else {
        Debug.message("link", "LinkActionRequest: Versions do not match");

    // the second thing we get is the descriptor
    descriptor = link.dis.readInt();
    if (isClientNotification()) {
      // In case it is passed back later to the server - we
      // really don't need to know that it was a notification
      // mask after this, right??
      descriptor = LinkUtil.unsetMask(descriptor, CLIENT_NOTIFICATION_MASK);
      return link.readDelimiter(false);
    } else if (isKeyEvent()) {
      // key event
      key = link.dis.readChar();
      modifiers = link.dis.readInt();
    } else {
      // Mouse event
      x = link.dis.readInt();
      y = link.dis.readInt();
      clickCount = link.dis.readInt();
      modifiers = link.dis.readInt();
      lat = link.dis.readFloat();
      lon = link.dis.readFloat();

    properties = new LinkProperties(link);

    if (LinkUtil.isMask(descriptor, GRAPHIC_ID_MASK)) {
      id = properties.getProperty(LPC_GRAPHICID);

    return link.readDelimiter(false);
Exemplo n.º 12
   * Add the projection background color to the base level of the Java 3D map. The MapHandler
   * provides the MapBean and therefore the projection.
   * @param bg The feature to be added to the Sea attribute
   * @param mh The feature to be added to the Sea attribute
  protected void addSea(Group bg, MapHandler mh) {
    MapBean map = (MapBean) mh.get("com.bbn.openmap.MapBean");
    if (map != null) {
      Debug.message("3d", "LayerMapContent: putting down sea.");
      Color seaColor = map.getBackground();

      Projection proj = map.getProjection();

      // Make the background strech a screen around the current
      // map, all directions.
      int width = proj.getWidth();
      int height = proj.getHeight();

      java.awt.geom.GeneralPath background =
          // OMGraphic.createBoxShape(0, 0, width, height);
          OMGraphicAdapter.createBoxShape(-width, -height, width * 3, height * 3);

      addTo(bg, OMGraphicUtil.createShape3D(background, 0, seaColor, true));
Exemplo n.º 13
   * Get the array of grab points used for the EditableOMGraphic. Creates the array by copying all
   * the grab points out of the ArrayList, and tacking the offset grab point to the end.
  public GrabPoint[] getGrabPoints() {
    int size = polyGrabPoints.size();

    // The second half of the test is the fix to the bug that caused
    // OMEditablePolys to be unresponsive when the colors changed. Thanks,
    // Stephane!
    // if (gPoints.length != size + 1
    // || ((size > 0) && (!gPoints[0].equals(polyGrabPoints.get(0))))) {

    if (gPoints.length != size + 1 || arrayCleared) {
      arrayCleared = false;
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.getGrabPoints(): recreating grab points");
      gPoints = new GrabPoint[size + 1];
      int counter = 0;
      for (GrabPoint gb : polyGrabPoints) {
        gPoints[counter++] = gb;
      gPoints[counter] = gpo;

    return gPoints;
Exemplo n.º 14
  public boolean generate(Projection proj) {
    if (renderType == RENDERTYPE_XY || renderType == RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
      return super.generate(proj); // generate using circle's generate
    // RENDERTYPE_LATLON should go in here

    if (proj == null) {
      Debug.message("omgraphic", "OMEllipse: null projection in generate!");
      return false;

    if (rawllpts == null) {
      rawllpts = createLatLonPoints();

    ArrayList vector = null;

    // polygon/polyline project the polygon/polyline.
    // Vertices should already be in radians.
    vector = proj.forwardPoly(rawllpts, getLineType(), -1, true);
    int size = vector.size();

    // We could call create shape, but this is more efficient.
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < size; i += 2, j++) {
      GeneralPath gp = createShape((int[]) vector.get(i), (int[]) vector.get(i + 1), true);

      if (shape == null) {
      } else {
        ((GeneralPath) shape).append(gp, false);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
   * Prepares the graphics for the layer. This is where the getRectangle() method call is made on
   * the dted.
   * <p>Occasionally it is necessary to abort a prepare call. When this happens, the map will set
   * the cancel bit in the LayerThread, (the thread that is running the prepare). If this Layer
   * needs to do any cleanups during the abort, it should do so, but return out of the prepare asap.
  public synchronized OMGraphicList prepare() {

    if (isCancelled()) {
      Debug.message("dted", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.prepare(): aborted.");
      return null;

    Projection projection = getProjection();

    if (projection == null) {
      Debug.error("DTED Layer needs to be added to the MapBean before it can draw images!");
      return new OMGraphicList();

    DTEDCacheManager cache = getCache();

    if (!(projection instanceof EqualArc)) {
      // fireRequestInfoLine("DTED works faster with an Equal Arc projection (CADRG/LLXY).");

    Debug.message("basic", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.prepare(): doing it");

    // Setting the OMGraphicsList for this layer. Remember, the
    // OMGraphicList is made up of OMGraphics, which are generated
    // (projected) when the graphics are added to the list. So,
    // after this call, the list is ready for painting.

    // call getRectangle();
    if (Debug.debugging("dted")) {
              + "|DTEDLayer.prepare(): "
              + "calling getRectangle "
              + " with projection: "
              + projection
              + " ul = "
              + projection.getUpperLeft()
              + " lr = "
              + projection.getLowerRight());

    OMGraphicList omGraphicList;

    if (projection.getScale() < maxScale) {
      omGraphicList = cache.getRectangle(projection);
    } else {
      fireRequestInfoLine("  The scale is too small for DTED viewing.");
          "DTEDLayer: scale (1:"
              + projection.getScale()
              + ") is smaller than minimum (1:"
              + maxScale
              + ") allowed.");
      omGraphicList = new OMGraphicList();
    // ///////////////////
    // safe quit
    int size = 0;
    if (omGraphicList != null) {
      size = omGraphicList.size();
          "basic", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.prepare(): finished with " + size + " graphics");

      // // Don't forget to project them. Since they are only
      // // being recalled if the projection has changed, then we
      // // need to force a reprojection of all of them because the
      // // screen position has changed.
      // omGraphicList.project(projection, true);

    } else {
      Debug.message("basic", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.prepare(): finished with null graphics list");

    return omGraphicList;
Exemplo n.º 16
   * Called when some fundamental parameters change.
   * <p>Each projection will decide how to respond to this change. For instance, they may need to
   * recalculate "constant" parameters used in the forward() and inverse() calls.
   * <p>
  protected synchronized void computeParameters() {
    int w, h;

    if (ul == null) ul = new Point(0, 0); // HACK

    // quick calculate the maxscale
    maxscale = CADRG_calc_maxscale();
    if (scale > maxscale) scale = maxscale;

    // Compute the "ADRG" scale, which gets used below.
    double adrgscale = 1000000.0 / scale; // 1 million (from
    // ADRG
    // spec)
    if (adrgscale > CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT) {
      Debug.message("proj", "CADRG: adrgscale > CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT");
      adrgscale = CADRG_SCALE_LIMIT;

    // Compute the y pixel constant based on scale.
    y_pix_constant = CADRG_y_pix_constant(adrgscale);
    if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
      Debug.output("Y pix constant = " + y_pix_constant);

    // ////

    /** Pixels per degree */
    double ppd = y_pix_constant / 90.0;
    if (upper_zone_extents == null || lower_zone_extents == null) {
      upper_zone_extents = new double[CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length];
      lower_zone_extents = new double[CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length + 1];

      lower_zone_extents[0] = 0f;
      lower_zone_extents[8] = 80f;
      upper_zone_extents[8] = 90f;

      // figure out new extents - from CADRG spec
      for (int x = 0; x < CADRG_get_zone_old_extents.length - 1 /* 8 */; x++) {
        double pivot = Math.floor(ppd * CADRG_get_zone_old_extents[x] / 1536.0);
        lower_zone_extents[x + 1] = pivot * 1536.0 / ppd;
        // Can't go further than the equator.
        // if (x == 0) lower_zone_extents[x] = 0;
        upper_zone_extents[x] = pivot * 1536.0 / ppd;
        Debug.message("proj", "lower_zone_extents[" + x + "] = " + lower_zone_extents[x]);
        Debug.message("proj", "upper_zone_extents[" + x + "] = " + upper_zone_extents[x]);
    // ////

    // What zone are we in? To try to reduce pixel spacing jumping when
    // zoomed
    // out, just set the zone level to one when zoomed out past 1:60M. There
    // aren't any charts available at those scales in this projection type.

    if (scale > 60000000) {
      zone = 1;
    } else {
      zone = getZone(ProjMath.radToDeg(centerY), y_pix_constant);
    if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
      Debug.output("Zone = " + zone);

    // Compute the x pixel constant, based on scale and zone.
    x_pix_constant = CADRG_x_pix_constant(adrgscale, zone);

    // If the x_pix_constant, or number of pixels around the earth is less
    // than or equal to the width of the map window, then the corner
    // coordinates become equal or inverted (ul vs lr).
    if (width >= x_pix_constant) {
      x_pix_constant = width + 1;

    if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
      Debug.output("x_pix_constant = " + x_pix_constant);
    // Now I can compute the world coordinate.
    if (world == null) world = new Point(0, 0);
    world.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(x_pix_constant);
    world.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(y_pix_constant * 4.0 / 2.0);
    Debug.message("proj", "world = " + world.x + "," + world.y);

    // Compute scaled pixels per RADIAN, not SCOORD
    spps_x = (double) x_pix_constant / MoreMath.TWO_PI /*
                                                           * MoreMath.DEG_TO_SC(360
                                                           * )
    spps_y = (double) y_pix_constant / MoreMath.HALF_PI /*
                                                            * MoreMath.DEG_TO_SC(
                                                            * 90 )
    Debug.message("proj", "spps = " + spps_x + "," + spps_y);

    // Fix the "small world" situation, computing ox, oy.
    if (width > world.x) {
      Debug.message("proj", "CADRG: fixing small world");
      w = world.x;
      // ox = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust((width - w) / 2.0);
    } else {
      w = width;
      // ox = 0;
    if (height > world.y) {
      h = (int) world.y;
      oy = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust((height - h) / 2.0);
    } else {
      h = height;
      oy = 0;

    // compute the "upper left" adjustment.
    long temp = (long) ProjMath.roundAdjust(spps_y * centerY);
    if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
      Debug.output("CADRG.temp = " + temp);
    if (ul == null) ul = new Point(0, 0);
    ul.x = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(-w / 2.0);
    if ((temp != 0) && (oy != 0)) {
      ul.y = (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(h / 2.0);
    } else {
      ul.y = (int) temp + (int) ProjMath.roundAdjust(h / 2.0);

    if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
      Debug.output("CADRG: ul = " + ul.x + "," + ul.y);
      Debug.output(/* "ox = " + ox + */ " oy = " + oy);

    // Finally compute some useful cylindrical projection
    // parameters
    // maxscale = (CADRG_ARC_A[0] * (1000000/width));// HACK!!!
    half_world = world.x / 2;

    if (scale > maxscale) {
      scale = maxscale;
    // scaled_radius = planetPixelRadius/scale;
    Debug.message("proj", "CADRG.computeParameters(): maxscale: " + maxscale);
Exemplo n.º 17
   * Delete a point at a certain point in the polygon coordinate list. If the position is less than
   * zero, the deleted point will be the starting point. If the position is greater than the list of
   * current points, the point will be deleted from the end of the poly.
  public void deletePoint(int position) {

    int renderType = poly.getRenderType();

    boolean needToHookUp = false;
    if (position <= 0 && isEnclosed()) {
      // if the position is 0 and the polygon is enclosed, we
      // need to disengage the two points, then reattach.
      needToHookUp = true;

    if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_LATLON) {
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: removing point from lat/lon poly");

      if (projection != null) {

        double[] ll = poly.getLatLonArray();
        double[] newll = new double[ll.length - 2];

        int actualPosition = (position == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? ll.length : position * 2);

        if (actualPosition >= ll.length) {
          // Pull the new points off the end
          System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, ll.length - 2);
          position = (ll.length - 2) / 2;
        } else if (actualPosition <= 0) {
          // Pull the new points off the beginning
          System.arraycopy(ll, 2, newll, 0, ll.length - 2);
          position = 0;
        } else {
          // actualPosition because there are 2 floats for
          // every
          // position.
          System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, actualPosition);
              ll, actualPosition + 2, newll, actualPosition, ll.length - actualPosition - 2);
        poly.setLocation((double[]) newll, poly.getUnits());
    } else {
      // Grab the projected endpoints
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: removing point from x/y or offset poly");
      int currentLength = poly.xs.length;
      int[] newxs = new int[currentLength - 1];
      int[] newys = new int[currentLength - 1];

      if (position >= currentLength) {
        // Pull the points from the end...
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, currentLength - 1);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, currentLength - 1);
        position = currentLength - 1;
      } else if (position <= 0) {
        // Pull the points from the beginning...
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 1, newxs, 0, currentLength - 1);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 1, newys, 0, currentLength - 1);
        position = 0;
      } else {

        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, position + 1, newxs, position, currentLength - position - 1);

        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, position + 1, newys, position, currentLength - position - 1);

      if (poly.getRenderType() == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
        poly.setLocation(poly.lat, poly.lon, poly.getUnits(), newxs, newys);
      } else {
        poly.setLocation(newxs, newys);

    if (projection != null) {

    // Remove the GrabPoint for the deleted spot.
    GrabPoint gp = (GrabPoint) polyGrabPoints.remove(position);
    if (gpo != null && gp != null) {

    if (needToHookUp) {
Exemplo n.º 18
   * Add a point at a certain point in the polygon coordinate list. If the position is less than
   * zero, the point will be the starting point. If the position is greater than the list of current
   * points, the point will be added to the end of the poly. This method is convenient because it
   * lets you define the GrabPoint object to use for the node, in case you need a special type of
   * GrabPoint.
   * @return the index for the point in the polygon, starting with 0.
  public int addPoint(GrabPoint gp, int position) {

    if (gp == null) {
      return -1;

    int x = gp.getX();
    int y = gp.getY();

    int renderType = poly.getRenderType();
    boolean rads = (poly.getUnits() == OMGraphic.RADIANS);

    if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_LATLON) {
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: adding point to lat/lon poly");

      if (projection != null) {

        double[] ll = poly.getLatLonArray();
        int actualPosition = (position == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? ll.length : position * 2);

        LatLonPoint llpnt = projection.inverse(x, y, new LatLonPoint.Double());

        if (Debug.debugging("eomp")) {
              "EditableOMPoly: adding point to lat/lon poly at "
                  + x
                  + ", "
                  + y
                  + ": "
                  + llpnt
                  + ", at the end of ");

          for (int j = 0; j < ll.length; j += 2) {
            Debug.output(ll[j] + ", " + ll[j + 1]);

        double[] newll = new double[ll.length + 2];

        double newlat;
        double newlon;

        if (rads) {
          newlat = llpnt.getRadLat();
          newlon = llpnt.getRadLon();
        } else {
          newlat = llpnt.getY();
          newlon = llpnt.getX();

        if (actualPosition >= ll.length) {
          // Put the new points at the end
          if (ll.length != 0) {
            System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, ll.length);

          newll[ll.length] = newlat;
          newll[ll.length + 1] = newlon;

          position = ll.length / 2;

        } else if (actualPosition <= 0) {
          // Put the new point at the beginning
          System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 2, ll.length);
          newll[0] = newlat;
          newll[1] = newlon;
          position = 0;
        } else {
          // actualPosition because there are 2 floats for
          // every
          // position.
          newll[actualPosition] = newlat;
          newll[actualPosition + 1] = newlon;
          System.arraycopy(ll, 0, newll, 0, actualPosition);
              ll, actualPosition, newll, actualPosition + 2, ll.length - actualPosition);
        poly.setLocation((double[]) newll, poly.getUnits());
    } else if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_XY) {
      // Grab the projected endpoints
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: adding point to x/y poly");
      int currentLength = poly.xs.length;
      int[] newxs = new int[currentLength + 1];
      int[] newys = new int[currentLength + 1];

      if (position >= currentLength) {
        // Put the new points at the end
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, currentLength);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, currentLength);
        newxs[currentLength] = x;
        newys[currentLength] = y;

        position = currentLength;

      } else if (position <= 0) {
        // Put the new points at the beginning
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 1, currentLength);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 1, currentLength);
        newxs[0] = x;
        newys[0] = y;

        position = 0;

      } else {
        newxs[position] = x;
        newys[position] = y;

        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, position, newxs, position + 1, currentLength - position);

        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, position, newys, position + 1, currentLength - position);

      poly.setLocation(newxs, newys);

    } else {
      // Rendertype is offset...
      // Grab the projected endpoints
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: adding point to offset poly");
      int currentLength = poly.xs.length;
      int[] newxs = new int[currentLength + 1];
      int[] newys = new int[currentLength + 1];

      if (position >= currentLength) {
        // Put the new points at the end
        position = currentLength;

        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, currentLength);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, currentLength);

      } else if (position <= 0) {
        // Put the new points at the beginning
        position = 0;

        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 1, currentLength);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 1, currentLength);

      } else {

        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, 0, newxs, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.xs, position, newxs, position + 1, currentLength - position);

        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, 0, newys, 0, position);
        System.arraycopy(poly.ys, position, newys, position + 1, currentLength - position);

      int offsetX;
      int offsetY;

      if (gpo.getX() == -1 && gpo.getY() == -1) {
        offsetX = projection.getWidth() / 2;
        offsetY = projection.getHeight() / 2;
      } else {
        offsetX = gpo.getX();
        offsetY = gpo.getY();

      if (poly.coordMode == OMPoly.COORDMODE_ORIGIN || position == 0) { // cover
        // the
        // first
        // point

        newxs[position] = x - offsetX;
        newys[position] = y - offsetY;
      } else { // CMode Previous offset deltas
        newxs[position] = x - offsetX - newxs[position - 1];
        newys[position] = y - offsetY - newys[position - 1];

      if (position == 0) {
        // Could call projection.getCenter() but that might
        // break if/when we make other projection
        // libraries/paradigms active.
        LatLonPoint llpnt = projection.inverse(offsetX, offsetY, new LatLonPoint.Double());

        if (rads) {
          poly.lat = llpnt.getRadLat();
          poly.lon = llpnt.getRadLon();
        } else {
          poly.lat = llpnt.getY();
          poly.lon = llpnt.getX();

      poly.setLocation(poly.lat, poly.lon, poly.getUnits(), newxs, newys);

    // Need to reset the arrowhead when an end point is added,
    // removing it from the shape when the point gets added.
    // Otherwise, you end up with a arrowhead at each junction of
    // the polygon.
    OMArrowHead omah = poly.getArrowHead();

    // Reset the arrowhead so it will get drawn on the new
    // segment.
    polyGrabPoints.add(position, gp);

    if (gpo != null) {

    // This is the standard call that needs to be made here, the
    // arrowhead changes are around this.

    return position;
Exemplo n.º 19
   * Take the current location of the GrabPoints, and modify the location parameters of the OMPoly
   * with them. Called when you want the graphic to change according to the grab points.
  public void setGrabPoints() {
    int i;
    GrabPoint gb; // just to use a temp marker
    LatLonPoint llp = new LatLonPoint.Double();
    int renderType = poly.getRenderType();

    if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_LATLON) {
      if (projection != null) {
        double[] radCoords = new double[polyGrabPoints.size() * 2];

        // OK, this code resets the location of every point slightly to
        // the inverse location of the grab points. So if you grab one
        // node and move it, all of the precise values of each node
        // actually changes. As we go through the array of grab points,
        // we can check the corresponding projected location of the
        // current node and it matches the grab point, just use the
        // current poly value.
        double[] currentCoords = poly.getLatLonArray();
        Point2D testPoint = new Point2D.Double();
        for (i = 0; i < polyGrabPoints.size(); i++) {
          gb = (GrabPoint) polyGrabPoints.get(i);

          boolean useGrabPointLocation = true;
          try {
            double radLat = currentCoords[i * 2];
            double lat = Math.toDegrees(radLat);
            double radLon = currentCoords[i * 2 + 1];
            double lon = Math.toDegrees(radLon);
            testPoint = projection.forward(lat, lon, testPoint);

            if (testPoint.getX() == gb.getX() && testPoint.getY() == gb.getY()) {
              // The projected location of the current node is the
              // same as the grab point, use that location.
              radCoords[2 * i] = radLat;
              radCoords[2 * i + 1] = radLon;
              useGrabPointLocation = false;

          } catch (Exception e) {
            // If anything goes wrong, don't worry about it, just
            // use the
            // projected inverse of grab point

          if (useGrabPointLocation) {
            projection.inverse(gb.getX(), gb.getY(), llp);
            radCoords[2 * i] = llp.getRadLat();
            radCoords[2 * i + 1] = llp.getRadLon();

        poly.setLocation(radCoords, OMGraphic.RADIANS);
      } else {
            "EditableOMPoly.setGrabPoints: projection is null, can't figure out LATLON points for poly.");
    } else if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
      // Do the offset point.
      if (projection != null) {

        projection.inverse(gpo.getX(), gpo.getY(), llp);

      } else {
            "EditableOMPoly.setGrabPoints: projection is null, can't figure out LATLON points for poly offset.");

    if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_XY || renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {

      int[] ints = new int[polyGrabPoints.size() * 2];
      if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET && gpo != null) {
        // If offset rendertype, the x-y have to be offset
        // distances, not screen pixel locations. For the
        // polygon, you also need to take into account that
        // the ints can represent 2 different things: distance
        // from the origin (Offset) or distance from the
        // previous point. Need to check with the poly to
        // find out which to do.
        GrabPoint previous = gpo;

        for (i = 0; i < polyGrabPoints.size(); i++) {
          gb = (GrabPoint) polyGrabPoints.get(i);

          if (poly.coordMode == OMPoly.COORDMODE_PREVIOUS) {

            ints[2 * i] = gb.getX() - previous.getX();
            ints[2 * i + 1] = gb.getY() - previous.getY();

            previous = gb;

          } else {
            ints[2 * i] = gb.getX() - gpo.getX();
            ints[2 * i + 1] = gb.getY() - gpo.getY();

        double newlat = llp.getRadLat();
        double newlon = llp.getRadLon();

        poly.setLocation(newlat, newlon, OMGraphic.RADIANS, ints);

      } else {

        for (i = 0; i < polyGrabPoints.size(); i++) {
          gb = (GrabPoint) polyGrabPoints.get(i);

          ints[2 * i] = gb.getX();
          ints[2 * i + 1] = gb.getY();

Exemplo n.º 20
   * Set the grab points for the graphic provided, setting them on the extents of the graphic.
   * Called when you want to set the grab points off the points of the graphic.
  public void setGrabPoints(OMGraphic graphic) {
    if (!(graphic instanceof OMPoly)) {

    arrayCleared = true;

    OMPoly poly = (OMPoly) graphic;
    boolean ntr = poly.getNeedToRegenerate();
    int renderType = poly.getRenderType();
    Point p = new Point();
    GrabPoint gb;
    int i;
    int npts;
    boolean geoProj = projection instanceof GeoProj;

    if (ntr == false) {
      if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_LATLON) {
        Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: modifying lat/lon line");

        if (projection != null) {

          double[] ll = poly.getLatLonArray();
          boolean rads = poly.getUnits() == OMGraphic.RADIANS;
          gb = null; // reset for this loop

          for (i = 0; i < ll.length; i += 2) {
            if (geoProj) {
              ((GeoProj) projection).forward(ll[i], ll[i + 1], p, rads);
            } else {
              projection.forward(ll[i], ll[i + 1], p);
            // Need to add a grab point for this
            // coordinate
            gb = new OffsetGrabPoint((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY());

      } else if (renderType == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
        // Grab the projected endpoints
        Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: modifying offset poly");

        int x;
        int y;
        npts = poly.xs.length;

        // Check to see if the poly is a offset poly, and set
        // the
        // offset grab point accordingly.
        if (projection != null) {
          if (geoProj) {
            ((GeoProj) projection).forward(poly.lat, poly.lon, p, true);
          } else {
            projection.forward(poly.lat, poly.lon, p);
          gpo.set((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY());

          if (poly.coordMode == OMPoly.COORDMODE_ORIGIN) {
            for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
              x = (int) (poly.xs[i] + p.getX());
              y = (int) (poly.ys[i] + p.getY());
              gb = new OffsetGrabPoint(x, y);
          } else { // CMode Previous offset deltas
            int lastX = (int) p.getX();
            int lastY = (int) p.getY();

            for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
              x = poly.xs[i] + lastX;
              y = poly.ys[i] + lastY;

              gb = new OffsetGrabPoint(x, y);

              lastX += x;
              lastY += y;

      } else {
        npts = poly.xs.length;

        Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly: modifying x/y poly");
        for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
          gb = new OffsetGrabPoint(poly.xs[i], poly.ys[i]);

      // Add the || to maintain manualEnclosed if it was
      // externally set before the OMPoly is actually defined,
      // indicating that the user wants to draw a polygon.
      setEnclosed(syncEnclosed() || isEnclosed());

    } else {
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.setGrabPoints: graphic needs to be regenerated ");
Exemplo n.º 21
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    Debug.message("saveimage", "SaveAsImageMenuItem: actionPerformed");

    if (mapHandler == null) {
      Debug.output("SaveAsImageMenuItem: mapHandler = null, returning");

    MapBean mb = (MapBean) mapHandler.get("com.bbn.openmap.MapBean");

    if (mb != null) {
      Debug.message("saveimage", "MapBean found, creating image");
      try {

        while (true) {
          SaveAsImageFileChooser chooser =
              new SaveAsImageFileChooser(mb.getWidth(), mb.getHeight());

          int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(getParent());
          if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
            String filename = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
            if (formatter == null) {

            filename = checkFileName(filename, formatter.getFormatLabel().toLowerCase());
            if (filename == null) {
              // This is the reason for the while
              // loop, the name didn't really pass
              // muster, so we'll try again.

            int imageHeight = chooser.getImageHeight();
            int imageWidth = chooser.getImageWidth();

            byte[] imageBytes = formatter.getImageFromMapBean(mb, imageWidth, imageHeight);
            FileOutputStream binFile = new FileOutputStream(filename);
            if (Debug.debugging("saveimage")) {
              com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection proj = mb.getProjection();
                  "Created image at "
                      + filename
                      + "where projection covers "
                      + proj.getUpperLeft()
                      + " to "
                      + proj.getLowerRight());
          } else if (returnVal == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        Debug.error("SaveAsImageMenuItem: " + e);
Exemplo n.º 22
   * Prepare the spline for rendering.
   * @see com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGeometry#generate(Projection)
   * @param proj Projection
   * @return true if generate was successful
  public boolean generate(Projection proj) {


    if (proj == null) {
      Debug.message("omspline", "OMSpline: null projection in generate!");
      return false;

    NatCubicSpline spline = isGeometryClosed() ? natCubicClosed : natCubic;
    // HACK : should use something else than nsegs

    float[][] splinePoints;

    switch (renderType) {
      case RENDERTYPE_XY:
        if (xs == null) {
          Debug.message("omspline", "OMSpline x/y rendertype null coordinates");
          return false;

        splinePoints = spline.calc(xs, ys);
        xpoints = new float[1][0];
        xpoints[0] = splinePoints[0];
        ypoints = new float[1][0];
        ypoints[0] = splinePoints[1];


        if (xs == null) {
          Debug.message("omspline", "OMSpline offset rendertype null coordinates");
          return false;

        int npts = xs.length;
        float[] _x = new float[npts];
        float[] _y = new float[npts];

        // forward project the radian point
        Point origin = new Point();
        if (proj instanceof GeoProj) {
          ((GeoProj) proj).forward(lat, lon, origin, true); // radians
        } else {
          proj.forward(Math.toDegrees(lat), Math.toDegrees(lon), origin);

        if (coordMode == COORDMODE_ORIGIN) {
          for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
            _x[i] = (float) (xs[i] + origin.getX());
            _y[i] = (float) (ys[i] + origin.getY());
        } else { // CModePrevious offset deltas
          _x[0] = xs[0] + origin.x;
          _y[0] = ys[0] + origin.y;

          for (int i = 1; i < npts; i++) {
            _x[i] = xs[i] + _x[i - 1];
            _y[i] = ys[i] + _y[i - 1];

        splinePoints = spline.calc(_x, _y);

        xpoints = new float[1][0];
        xpoints[0] = splinePoints[0];
        ypoints = new float[1][0];
        ypoints[0] = splinePoints[1];


        if (rawllpts == null) {
          Debug.message("omspline", "OMSpline latlon rendertype null coordinates");
          return false;

        // spline creation ; precision 1e-8 rad = 0.002"
        double[] splinellpts = spline.calc(rawllpts, 1e-8f);

        // polygon/polyline project the polygon/polyline.
        // Vertices should already be in radians.
        ArrayList<float[]> vector;
        if (proj instanceof GeoProj) {
          vector = ((GeoProj) proj).forwardPoly(splinellpts, lineType, nsegs, isPolygon);
        } else {
          vector = proj.forwardPoly(rawllpts, isPolygon);
        int size = vector.size();

        xpoints = new float[(int) (size / 2)][0];
        ypoints = new float[xpoints.length][0];

        for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < size; i += 2, j++) {
          xpoints[j] = vector.get(i);
          ypoints[j] = vector.get(i + 1);

        if (!doShapes && size > 1) {
          setLabelLocation(xpoints[0], ypoints[0]);
          return true;


        Debug.error("OMSpline.generate: invalid RenderType");
        return false;

    setLabelLocation(getShape(), proj);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Add a layer to the Group, at a specific height.
  * @param bg The feature to be added to the Content attribute
  * @param layer The feature to be added to the Content attribute
  * @param baselineHeight The feature to be added to the Content attribute
 protected void addContent(Group bg, OMGraphicHandlerLayer layer, double baselineHeight) {
       "3d", "LayerMapContent: putting layer " + layer.getName() + " graphics on the map.");
   addTo(bg, OMGraphicUtil.createShape3D(layer.getList(), baselineHeight));
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Create and initialize the state machine that interprets the
  * <p>modifying gestures/commands, as well as initialize the grab points. Also allocates the grab
  * point array needed by the EditableOMPoly.
 public void init() {
   Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.init()");
   setStateMachine(new PolyStateMachine(this));
   gPoints = new GrabPoint[1];
Exemplo n.º 25
   * A simple test method to determine if a file or directory, represented by a string, can be found
   * by the current Java environment. Uses the same tests as BinaryFile constructor for tracking
   * down a file.
   * @param name A path to a file, a URL, or a path to a jar file entry.
  public static boolean exists(final String name) {
    boolean exists = false;
    try {
      File file = null;
      URL url = null;

      if (!Environment.isApplet()) {
        file = new File(name);

      if (file != null && file.exists()) {
        exists = true;
      } else {
        // url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);
        url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(name);

        // OK, now we want to look around for the file, in the
        // classpaths, and as a resource. It may be a file in
        // a classpath, available for direct access.
        if (url != null) {
          exists = true;
        } else if (Environment.isApplet()) {
          if (Debug.debugging("binaryfile")) {
            Debug.output(" As applet, checking codebase...");
          // Look in the codebase for applets...
          final URL[] cba = new URL[1];
          cba[0] = Environment.getApplet().getCodeBase();

          final URLClassLoader ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(cba);
          if (ucl.getResource(name) != null) {
            exists = true;

            // This has been commented out because the
            // AppletDataNugget has been deprecated, and
            // is not needed.

            // } else {
            // url = AppletDataNugget.findResource(name);

            // if (url != null) {
            // exists = true;
            // }

        // It's not in the classpath, so try it as a URL to a
        // webserver.
        if (!exists && name.indexOf("http:") != -1) {

          try {
            final InputStream stream = new URL(name).openStream();
            exists = true;
          } catch (final java.security.AccessControlException ace) {
            exists = false;

    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
      Debug.message("binaryfile", "BinaryFile.exists() caught IOException");
      exists = false;

    if (Debug.debugging("binaryfile")) {
      Debug.output("BinaryFile.exists(" + name + ") = " + exists);

    return exists;
Exemplo n.º 26
   * Get the map coverage
   * @param ullat
   * @param ullon
   * @param lrlat
   * @param lrlon
   * @param proj projection for display
   * @param chartSeries the chart series to query for, may be null for all coverages
   * @param coverages The Map to be modified
  protected void getCatalogCoverage(
      double ullat,
      double ullon,
      double lrlat,
      double lrlon,
      Projection proj,
      String chartSeries,
      Map<RpfProductInfo, RpfCoverage.RpfCoverageControl> coverages) {

    Debug.message("rpfcov", "RpfCoverageManager: Getting catalog coverage from RpfFrameProvider");
    if (proj == null || frameProvider == null) {

    CADRG cadrg;
    if (proj instanceof CADRG) {
      cadrg = (CADRG) proj;
    } else {
      cadrg =
          new CADRG(
              (LatLonPoint) proj.getCenter(new LatLonPoint.Float()),

    List<RpfCoverageBox> hemisphereData = new ArrayList<RpfCoverageBox>();

    if (ProjMath.isCrossingDateline(ullon, lrlon, proj.getScale())) {

          frameProvider.getCatalogCoverage(ullat, ullon, lrlat, 180f, cadrg, chartSeries));
          frameProvider.getCatalogCoverage(ullat, -180f, lrlat, lrlon, cadrg, chartSeries));
    } else {
          frameProvider.getCatalogCoverage(ullat, ullon, lrlat, lrlon, cadrg, chartSeries));

    boolean checkSeries =
        !(chartSeries == null
            || chartSeries.equals(RpfViewAttributes.ANY)
            || chartSeries.equals(RpfViewAttributes.ALL));

    for (RpfCoverageBox box : hemisphereData) {

      OMRect rect = new OMRect(box.nw_lat, box.nw_lon, box.se_lat, box.se_lon, currentLineType);

      RpfProductInfo rpi = RpfProductInfo.get(box.chartCode);

      if (rpi != null) {

        if (checkSeries && !rpi.seriesCode.equalsIgnoreCase(chartSeries)) {

        RpfCoverage.RpfCoverageControl control = coverages.get(rpi);
        if (control != null) {