Exemplo n.º 1
  public void defineMario() {
    BodyDef bDef = new BodyDef();
    bDef.position.set(32 / MarioBros.PPM, 32 / MarioBros.PPM);
    bDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
    b2body = world.createBody(bDef);

    FixtureDef fdef = new FixtureDef();
    CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
    shape.setRadius(6 / MarioBros.PPM);
    fdef.filter.categoryBits = MarioBros.MARIO_BIT;
    fdef.filter.maskBits =
            | MarioBros.COIN_BIT
            | MarioBros.BRICK_BIT
            | MarioBros.ENEMY_BIT
            | MarioBros.OBJECT_BIT
            | MarioBros.ENEMY_HEAD_BIT
            | MarioBros.ITEM_BIT;

    fdef.shape = shape;

    EdgeShape head = new EdgeShape();
        new Vector2(-2 / MarioBros.PPM, 6 / MarioBros.PPM),
        new Vector2(2 / MarioBros.PPM, 6 / MarioBros.PPM));
    fdef.filter.categoryBits = MarioBros.MARIO_HEAD_BIT;
    fdef.filter.maskBits = MarioBros.BRICK_BIT | MarioBros.COIN_BIT;
    fdef.shape = head;
    fdef.isSensor = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
  private void definePlayer() {
    BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
    bodyDef.position.set(32 / Gyaya.PPM, 32 / Gyaya.PPM);
    bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
    b2body = world.createBody(bodyDef);

    FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
    CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
    shape.setRadius(8f / Gyaya.PPM);
    fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = Gyaya.PLAYER_BIT;
    fixtureDef.filter.maskBits =
            | Gyaya.BRICK_BIT
            | Gyaya.COIN_BIT
            | Gyaya.OBJECT_BIT
            | Gyaya.ENEMY_BIT
            | Gyaya.ENEMY_HEAD_BIT;

    fixtureDef.shape = shape;

    shape.setPosition(new Vector2(0, 4 / Gyaya.PPM));
    shape.setRadius(6f / Gyaya.PPM);

    EdgeShape head = new EdgeShape();
        new Vector2(-3 / Gyaya.PPM, 10f / Gyaya.PPM), new Vector2(3 / Gyaya.PPM, 10f / Gyaya.PPM));
    fixtureDef.shape = head;
    fixtureDef.isSensor = true;

    EdgeShape feet = new EdgeShape();
        new Vector2(-6 / Gyaya.PPM, -9f / Gyaya.PPM), new Vector2(6 / Gyaya.PPM, -9f / Gyaya.PPM));
    fixtureDef.shape = feet;
    fixtureDef.isSensor = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  public void defineBigMario() {
    Vector2 marioPosition = b2body.getPosition();

    BodyDef bDef = new BodyDef();
    bDef.position.set(marioPosition.add(0 / MarioBros.PPM, 10 / MarioBros.PPM));
    bDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
    b2body = world.createBody(bDef);

    FixtureDef fdef = new FixtureDef();
    CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
    shape.setRadius(6 / MarioBros.PPM);
    fdef.filter.categoryBits = MarioBros.MARIO_BIT;
    fdef.filter.maskBits =
            | MarioBros.COIN_BIT
            | MarioBros.BRICK_BIT
            | MarioBros.ENEMY_BIT
            | MarioBros.OBJECT_BIT
            | MarioBros.ENEMY_HEAD_BIT
            | MarioBros.ITEM_BIT;

    fdef.shape = shape;
    shape.setPosition(new Vector2(0, -14 / MarioBros.PPM));
    fdef.shape = shape;

    EdgeShape head = new EdgeShape();
        new Vector2(-2 / MarioBros.PPM, 6 / MarioBros.PPM),
        new Vector2(2 / MarioBros.PPM, 6 / MarioBros.PPM));
    fdef.filter.categoryBits = MarioBros.MARIO_HEAD_BIT;
    fdef.filter.maskBits = MarioBros.BRICK_BIT | MarioBros.COIN_BIT;
    fdef.shape = head;
    fdef.isSensor = true;


    timeToDefineBigMario = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
   * * Filtered version of createRectangularBody Category is who I am, Group filters GameObjects of
   * the same class as mine so we dont collide, Mask is who is allowed to collide With Me Default
   * filter values: categoryBits = 0x0001, maskBits = -1, groupIndex = 0 Leaving them at default
   * would be the same as not passing such argument (use if that is the intended result) **
  public static Body createArbitraryWorldBoundary(
      float x,
      float y,
      float x2,
      float y2,
      short category,
      short mask,
      short group,
      GameEntity myGameObjectIndentifier) {

    bodyDef.type = BodyType.StaticBody;

    // Calculate length of the line segment
    float length = (MathGlobals.euclideanDistance(x, y, x2, y2) / PPM);

    EdgeShape shape = new EdgeShape();
    // Setting the points as offset distance from center
    shape.set(-length / 2f, 0, length / 2f, 0);

    fixtureDef.shape = shape;
    fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = category;
    fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = mask;
    fixtureDef.filter.groupIndex = group;

    // Attach fixture to Body
    Body body = WORLD.createBody(bodyDef);

    // Calculate center of the line segment
    float posx = (x + x2) / 2f;
    float posy = (y + y2) / 2f;

    // Calculate angle of the line segment
    body.setTransform(posx / PPM, posy / PPM, MathUtils.atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x));

    return body;
  public void create() {
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    img = new Texture("badlogic.jpg");

    // Create two identical sprites slightly offset from each other vertically
    sprite = new Sprite(img);
    sprite.setPosition(-sprite.getWidth() / 2, -sprite.getHeight() / 2 + 200);
    sprite2 = new Sprite(img);
    sprite2.setPosition(-sprite.getWidth() / 2 + 20, -sprite.getHeight() / 2 + 400);

    world = new World(new Vector2(0, -1f), true);

    // Sprite1's Physics body
    BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
    bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
        (sprite.getX() + sprite.getWidth() / 2) / PIXELS_TO_METERS,
        (sprite.getY() + sprite.getHeight() / 2) / PIXELS_TO_METERS);

    body = world.createBody(bodyDef);

    // Sprite2's physics body
    BodyDef bodyDef2 = new BodyDef();
    bodyDef2.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
        (sprite2.getX() + sprite2.getWidth() / 2) / PIXELS_TO_METERS,
        (sprite2.getY() + sprite2.getHeight() / 2) / PIXELS_TO_METERS);

    body2 = world.createBody(bodyDef2);

    // Both bodies have identical shape
    PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
        sprite.getWidth() / 2 / PIXELS_TO_METERS, sprite.getHeight() / 2 / PIXELS_TO_METERS);

    // Sprite1
    FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
    fixtureDef.shape = shape;
    fixtureDef.density = 0.1f;
    fixtureDef.restitution = 0.5f;

    // Sprite2
    FixtureDef fixtureDef2 = new FixtureDef();
    fixtureDef2.shape = shape;
    fixtureDef2.density = 0.1f;
    fixtureDef2.restitution = 0.5f;



    // Now the physics body of the bottom edge of the screen
    BodyDef bodyDef3 = new BodyDef();
    bodyDef3.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody;
    float w = Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / PIXELS_TO_METERS;
    float h = Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / PIXELS_TO_METERS;

    bodyDef3.position.set(0, 0);
    FixtureDef fixtureDef3 = new FixtureDef();

    EdgeShape edgeShape = new EdgeShape();
    edgeShape.set(-w / 2, -h / 2, w / 2, -h / 2);
    fixtureDef3.shape = edgeShape;

    bodyEdgeScreen = world.createBody(bodyDef3);

    camera = new OrthographicCamera(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());

    /*world.setContactListener(new ContactListener() {
        public void beginContact(Contact contact) {
            // Check to see if the collision is between the second sprite and the bottom of the screen
            // If so apply a random amount of upward force to both objects... just because
            if((contact.getFixtureA().getBody() == bodyEdgeScreen &&
                    contact.getFixtureB().getBody() == body2)
                    (contact.getFixtureA().getBody() == body2 &&
                            contact.getFixtureB().getBody() == bodyEdgeScreen)) {

                body2.applyForceToCenter(0, MathUtils.random(20,50), true);

        public void endContact(Contact contact) {

        public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) {

        public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) {
Exemplo n.º 6
    public Box2DTestLayer() {

      CGSize s = CCDirector.sharedDirector().winSize();

      // Vector2 lower = new Vector2(-BUFFER, -BUFFER);
      // Vector2 upper = new Vector2(scaledWidth+BUFFER,
      // scaledHeight+BUFFER);

      // Define the ground body.
      BodyDef bxGroundBodyDef = new BodyDef();
      bxGroundBodyDef.position.set(0.0f, 0.0f);

      // Call the body factory which allocates memory for the ground body
      // from a pool and creates the ground box shape (also from a pool).
      // The body is also added to the world.
      Body groundBody = world.createBody(bxGroundBodyDef);

      // Define the ground box shape.
      Vector2 bottomLeft = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
      Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(0f, scaledHeight);
      Vector2 topRight = new Vector2(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
      Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(scaledWidth, 0f);

      EdgeShape bottom = new EdgeShape();
      // bottom
      bottom.set(bottomLeft, bottomRight);
      groundBody.createFixture(bottom, 0);

      // // top
      EdgeShape top = new EdgeShape();
      top.set(topLeft, topRight);
      groundBody.createFixture(top, 0);
      // left
      EdgeShape left = new EdgeShape();
      left.set(topLeft, bottomLeft);
      groundBody.createFixture(left, 0);

      // right
      EdgeShape right = new EdgeShape();
      right.set(topRight, bottomRight);
      groundBody.createFixture(right, 0);

      BodyDef bxLineDef = new BodyDef();
      bxLineDef.type = BodyType.StaticBody;
      Body lineBody = world.createBody(bxLineDef);
      EdgeShape line = new EdgeShape();
      line.set(topRight, bottomLeft);
      lineBody.createFixture(line, 0);

      BodyDef bxDef1 = new BodyDef();
      bxDef1.type = BodyType.StaticBody;
      Body body = world.createBody(bxLineDef);

      PolygonShape p = new PolygonShape();
      Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[2];
      vertices[0] = new Vector2(5, 5);
      vertices[1] = new Vector2(10, 5);
      body.createFixture(p, 0);

      p = new PolygonShape();
      vertices = new Vector2[2];
      vertices[0] = new Vector2(5, 10);
      vertices[1] = new Vector2(10, 10);
      body.createFixture(p, 0);

      // Set up sprite
      CCSpriteSheet mgr = CCSpriteSheet.spriteSheet("blocks.png", 150);
      addChild(mgr, 0, kTagSpriteManager);

      addNewSpriteWithCoords(CGPoint.ccp(s.width / 2.0f, s.height / 2.0f));

      CCLabel label = CCLabel.makeLabel("Tap screen", "DroidSans", 32);
      label.setPosition(CGPoint.make(s.width / 2f, s.height - 50f));
      label.setColor(new ccColor3B(0, 0, 255));