Exemplo n.º 1
  // NOTE: this controller is called via a web form by a browser to reset the user's password
  // Filters to extract username/appcode/atc.. from the headers have no sense in this case
  public static Result resetPasswordStep3(String base64) {
    String tokenReceived = "";
    String appCode = "";
    String username = "";
    String tokenId = "";
    Map<String, String[]> bodyForm = null;
    try {
      // loads the received token and extracts data by the hashcode in the url

      tokenReceived = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(base64.getBytes()));
      Logger.debug("resetPasswordStep3 - sRandom: " + tokenReceived);

      // token format should be APP_Code%%%%Username%%%%ResetTokenId
      String[] tokens = tokenReceived.split("%%%%");
      if (tokens.length != 3) return badRequest("The reset password code is invalid.");
      appCode = tokens[0];
      username = tokens[1];
      tokenId = tokens[2];

      String adminUser =
      String adminPassword =

      try {
        DbHelper.open(appCode, adminUser, adminPassword);
      } catch (InvalidAppCodeException e1) {
        throw new Exception("The code to reset the password seems to be invalid");

      if (!UserService.exists(username)) throw new Exception("User not found!");

      boolean isTokenValid = ResetPwdDao.getInstance().verifyTokenStep2(base64, username);
      if (!isTokenValid)
        throw new Exception(
            "Reset Code not found or expired! Please repeat the reset password procedure");

      Http.RequestBody body = request().body();

      bodyForm = body.asFormUrlEncoded();
      if (bodyForm == null)
        throw new Exception(
            "Error getting submitted data. Please repeat the reset password procedure");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      ST pageTemplate =
          new ST(PasswordRecovery.PAGE_HTML_FEEDBACK_TEMPLATE.getValueAsString(), '$', '$');
      pageTemplate.add("user_name", username);
      pageTemplate.add("error", e.getMessage());
      return badRequest(Html.apply(pageTemplate.render()));
    // check and validate input
    String errorString = "";
    if (bodyForm.get("password").length != 1) errorString = "The 'new password' field is missing";
    if (bodyForm.get("repeat-password").length != 1)
      errorString = "The 'repeat password' field is missing";

    String password = (String) bodyForm.get("password")[0];
    String repeatPassword = (String) bodyForm.get("repeat-password")[0];

    if (!password.equals(repeatPassword)) {
      errorString =
          "The new \"password\" field and the \"repeat password\" field must be the same.";
    if (!errorString.isEmpty()) {
      ST pageTemplate = new ST(PasswordRecovery.PAGE_HTML_TEMPLATE.getValueAsString(), '$', '$');
          "<form action='/user/password/reset/"
              + base64
              + "' method='POST' id='reset_pwd_form'>"
              + "<label for='password'>New password</label>"
              + "<input type='password' id='password' name='password' />"
              + "<label for='repeat-password'>Repeat the new password</label>"
              + "<input type='password' id='repeat-password' name='repeat-password' />"
              + "<button type='submit' id='reset_pwd_submit'>Reset the password</button>"
              + "</form>");
      pageTemplate.add("user_name", username);
      pageTemplate.add("link", "/user/password/reset/" + base64);
      pageTemplate.add("password", "password");
      pageTemplate.add("repeat_password", "repeat-password");
      pageTemplate.add("error", errorString);
      return badRequest(Html.apply(pageTemplate.render()));
    try {
      UserService.resetUserPasswordFinalStep(username, password);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      Logger.warn("changeUserPassword", e);
      if (Play.isDev()) return internalServerError(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e));
      else return internalServerError(e.getMessage());
    Logger.trace("Method End");

    String ok_message = "Password changed";
    ST pageTemplate =
        new ST(PasswordRecovery.PAGE_HTML_FEEDBACK_TEMPLATE.getValueAsString(), '$', '$');
    pageTemplate.add("user_name", username);
    pageTemplate.add("message", ok_message);
    return ok(Html.apply(pageTemplate.render()));
Exemplo n.º 2
  // NOTE: this controller is called via a web link by a mail client to reset the user's password
  // Filters to extract username/appcode/atc.. from the headers have no sense in this case
  public static Result resetPasswordStep2(String base64) throws ResetPasswordException {
    // loads the received token and extracts data by the hashcode in the url
    String tokenReceived = "";
    String appCode = "";
    String username = "";
    String tokenId = "";
    String adminUser = "";
    String adminPassword = "";

    try {
      tokenReceived = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(base64.getBytes()));
      Logger.debug("resetPasswordStep2 - sRandom: " + tokenReceived);

      // token format should be APP_Code%%%%Username%%%%ResetTokenId
      String[] tokens = tokenReceived.split("%%%%");
      if (tokens.length != 3)
        throw new Exception(
            "The reset password code is invalid. Please repeat the reset password procedure");
      appCode = tokens[0];
      username = tokens[1];
      tokenId = tokens[2];

      adminUser = BBConfiguration.configuration.getString(IBBConfigurationKeys.ADMIN_USERNAME);
      adminPassword = BBConfiguration.configuration.getString(IBBConfigurationKeys.ADMIN_PASSWORD);

      try {
        DbHelper.open(appCode, adminUser, adminPassword);
      } catch (InvalidAppCodeException e1) {
        throw new Exception(
            "The code to reset the password seems to be invalid. Please repeat the reset password procedure");

      boolean isTokenValid = ResetPwdDao.getInstance().verifyTokenStep1(base64, username);
      if (!isTokenValid)
        throw new Exception(
            "Reset password procedure is expired! Please repeat the reset password procedure");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      ST pageTemplate =
          new ST(PasswordRecovery.PAGE_HTML_FEEDBACK_TEMPLATE.getValueAsString(), '$', '$');
      pageTemplate.add("user_name", username);
      pageTemplate.add("error", e.getMessage());
      return badRequest(Html.apply(pageTemplate.render()));
    String tokenStep2 = ResetPwdDao.getInstance().setTokenStep2(username, appCode);

    ST pageTemplate = new ST(PasswordRecovery.PAGE_HTML_TEMPLATE.getValueAsString(), '$', '$');
        "<form action='/user/password/reset/"
            + tokenStep2
            + "' method='POST' id='reset_pwd_form'>"
            + "<label for='password'>New password</label>"
            + "<input type='password' id='password' name='password' />"
            + "<label for='repeat-password'>Repeat the new password</label>"
            + "<input type='password' id='repeat-password' name='repeat-password' />"
            + "<button type='submit' id='reset_pwd_submit'>Reset the password</button>"
            + "</form>");
    pageTemplate.add("user_name", username);
    pageTemplate.add("link", "/user/password/reset/" + tokenStep2);
    pageTemplate.add("password", "password");
    pageTemplate.add("repeat_password", "repeat-password");
    return ok(Html.apply(pageTemplate.render()));