Exemplo n.º 1
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSTreeWalker#visit(com.aptana.editor.js.parsing.ast.JSArithmeticOperatorNode)
  public void visit(JSBinaryArithmeticOperatorNode node) {
    String type = JSTypeConstants.NUMBER_TYPE;

    if (node.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.ADD) {
      IParseNode lhs = node.getLeftHandSide();
      IParseNode rhs = node.getRightHandSide();

      // NOTE: Iterate down the tree until we find the first non-addition node or the first string
      while (lhs.getNodeType() == IJSNodeTypes.ADD) {
        rhs = lhs.getLastChild();
        lhs = lhs.getFirstChild();

        if (rhs instanceof JSStringNode) {

      if (lhs instanceof JSStringNode || rhs instanceof JSStringNode) {
        type = JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE;
      } else {
        List<String> lhsTypes = this.getTypes(lhs);
        List<String> rhsTypes = this.getTypes(rhs);

        if (lhsTypes.contains(JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE)
            || rhsTypes.contains(JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE)) {
          type = JSTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE;

Exemplo n.º 2
   * A private helper function for {@link #toTreeString(IParseNode)}
   * @param buffer
   * @param node
  private static void toTreeString(List<String> buffer, IParseNode node) {
    // TODO: Move to an iterative (non-recursive) implementation if this gets used outside of unit
    // testing
    buffer.add("("); // $NON-NLS-1$

    if (node.hasChildren()) {
      IParseNode lastChild = node.getLastChild();

      buffer.add(" "); // $NON-NLS-1$

      for (IParseNode child : node) {
        toTreeString(buffer, child);

        if (child != lastChild) {
          buffer.add(" "); // $NON-NLS-1$

    buffer.add(")"); // $NON-NLS-1$