private void GetLatest() throws Exception {
    // clear the bookmarks table...
    getDatabase().ExecuteNonQuery(new SqlStatement("delete from bookmarks"), true);

    // get the bookmarks from the server...
    BookmarksService service = new BookmarksService();
    for (Bookmark bookmark : service.GetAll()) {
      // the bookmarks we get from the server have server ids populated.  we need to
      // remove the server id and save locally by creating a new item...

      // create and copy all of the fields except the key field...
      Bookmark newBookmark = new Bookmark();
      for (EntityField field : getEntityType().getFields()) {
        if (!(field.getIsKey()) && bookmark.getIsLoaded(field))
          newBookmark.SetValue(field, bookmark.GetValue(field), SetReason.UserSet);

      // set local modified and deleted...

      // save...