Exemplo n.º 1
   * Add or replace initialization statement in this VarInit
   * <p>Note: We create a Literal node (of the appropriate type) and add it to "varInit.expression"
   * @param varType : Variable type
   * @param varInit : Variable initialization
   * @param vals : Value to assign
  boolean initializeArgs(Type varType, VariableInit varInit, ArrayList<String> vals) {
    boolean usedVal = true;

    try {
      Literal literal = null;

      if (varType.isList(Type.STRING)) {
        // Create literal
        LiteralListString lit = new LiteralListString(varInit, null);
        literal = lit;
        lit.setValue(vals); // Set literal value
      } else
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Cannot convert command line argument to variable type '" + varType + "'");

      // Set varInit to literal
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Error parsing 'val'?
      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert argument '" + vals + "' to type " + varType);

    return usedVal;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Add or replace initialization statement in this VarInit
   * <p>Note: We create a Literal node (of the appropriate type) and add it to "varInit.expression"
   * @param varType : Variable type
   * @param varInit : Variable initialization
   * @param valStr : Value to assign
  boolean initializeArgs(Type varType, VariableInit varInit, String valStr) {
    boolean usedVal = true;

    try {
      Literal literal = null;

      // Create a different literal for each primitive type
      if (varType.isBool()) {
        // Create literal
        LiteralBool lit = new LiteralBool(varInit, null);
        literal = lit;

        // Set literal value
        boolean valBool = true; // Default value is 'true'
        if (valStr != null) {
          // Parse boolean
          valStr = valStr.toLowerCase();
          if (valStr.equals("true") || valStr.equals("t") || valStr.equals("1")) valBool = true;
          else if (valStr.equals("false") || valStr.equals("f") || valStr.equals("0"))
            valBool = false;
          else usedVal = false; // Not any valid value? => This
          // argument is not used

      } else if (varType.isInt()) {
        // Create literal
        LiteralInt lit = new LiteralInt(varInit, null);
        literal = lit;

        // Set literal value
        long valInt = Long.parseLong(valStr);
      } else if (varType.isReal()) {
        // Create literal
        LiteralReal lit = new LiteralReal(varInit, null);
        literal = lit;

        // Set literal value
        double valReal = Double.parseDouble(valStr);
      } else if (varType.isString()) {
        // Create literal
        LiteralString lit = new LiteralString(varInit, null);
        literal = lit;

        // Set literal value
        if (valStr == null) valStr = ""; // We should never have 'null' values
      } else
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Cannot convert command line argument to variable type '" + varType + "'");

      // Set varInit to literal
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Error parsing 'val'?
      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert argument '" + valStr + "' to type " + varType);

    return usedVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Set command line arguments as global variables
   * <p>How it works: - Program is executes as something like:
   * <p>java -jar BigDataScript.jar [options] programFile.bds [programOptions]
   * <p>- Any command line argument AFTER "programFile.bds" is considered a command line argument
   * for the BigDataScript program. E.g.
   * <p>java -jar BigDataScript.jar -v program.bds -file myFile.txt -verbose -num 7
   * <p>So our program "program.bds" has command line options: -file myFile.txt -verbose -num 7
   * (notice that "-v" is a command line option for loudScript.jar and not for "program.bds")
   * <p>- We look for variables in ProgramUnit that match the name of these command line arguments
   * <p>- Then we add those values to the variable initialization. Thus overriding any
   * initialization values provided in the program. E.g.
   * <p>Our program has the following variable declarations: string file = "default_file.txt" int
   * num = 3 bool verbose = false
   * <p>We execute the program: java -jar BigDataScript.jar -v program.bds -file myFile.txt -verbose
   * -num 7
   * <p>The variable declarations are replaced as follows: string file = "myFile.txt" int num = 7
   * bool verbose = true
   * <p>- Note: Only primitive types are supported (i.e.: string, bool, int & real)
   * <p>- Note: Unmatched variables names will be silently ignored (same for variables that match,
   * but are non-primitive)
   * <p>- Note: If a variable is matched, is primitive, but cannot be converted. An error is thrown.
   * E.g.: Program: int num = 1
   * <p>Command line: java -jar BigDataScript.jar program.bds -num "hello" <- This is an error
   * because 'num' is an int
   * <p>- Note: Unprocessed arguments will be available to the program as an 'args' list
  void initializeArgs() {
    // Set program arguments as global variables
    for (int argNum = 0; argNum < programArgs.size(); argNum++) {
      String arg = programArgs.get(argNum);

      // Parse '-OPT' option
      if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-h")
          || arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-help")
          || arg.equalsIgnoreCase("--help")) {
        if (debug) Timer.showStdErr("Activating 'show help' mode");
        showHelp = true;
      } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
        // Get variable name and value
        String varName = arg.substring(1);

        // Find all variable declarations that match this command line argument
        for (VarDeclaration varDecl : programUnit.varDeclarations(true)) {
          Type varType = varDecl.getType();

          // Is is a primitive variable or a primitive list?
          if (varType.isPrimitiveType() || varType.isList()) {

            // Find an initialization that matches the command line argument
            for (VariableInit varInit : varDecl.getVarInit())
              if (varInit.getVarName().equals(varName)) { // Name matches?
                int argNumOri = argNum;
                boolean useVal = false;

                if (varType.isList()) {
                  // Create a list of arguments and use them to initialize the variable (list)
                  ArrayList<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
                  for (int i = argNum + 1; i < programArgs.size(); i++)
                    if (programArgs.get(i).startsWith("-")) break;
                    else vals.add(programArgs.get(i));

                  useVal =
                          varType, varInit,
                          vals); // Found variable, try to replace or add LITERAL to this VarInit
                } else if (varType.isBool()) {
                  String valStr = "true";

                  // Booleans may not have a value (just '-varName' sets them to 'true')
                  if (programArgs.size() > (argNum + 1)) {
                    // Is the next argument 'true' or 'false'? => Set argument
                    String boolVal = programArgs.get(argNum + 1);
                    if (valStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || valStr.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                      valStr = boolVal;

                  initializeArgs(varType, varInit, valStr);
                } else {
                  String val =
                      (argNum < programArgs.size()
                          ? programArgs.get(++argNum)
                          : ""); // Get one argument and use it to initialize the variable
                  useVal =
                          varType, varInit,
                          val); // Found variable, try to replace or add LITERAL to this VarInit

                if (!useVal) argNum = argNumOri; // We did not use the arguments

    // Make all unprocessed arguments available for the program (in 'args' list)
        .add(new ScopeSymbol(Scope.GLOBAL_VAR_ARGS_LIST, TypeList.get(Type.STRING), programArgs));

    // Initialize program name
    String programPath = programUnit.getFileName();
    String progName = Gpr.baseName(programPath);
        .add(new ScopeSymbol(Scope.GLOBAL_VAR_PROGRAM_NAME, Type.STRING, progName));
        .add(new ScopeSymbol(Scope.GLOBAL_VAR_PROGRAM_PATH, Type.STRING, programPath));