Exemplo n.º 1
   * Report that a backend process is ready to commence executing the job.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param rank Rank of the job backend process.
   * @param middlewareAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for middleware
   *     messages.
   * @param worldAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for the world
   *     communicator.
   * @param frontendAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for the frontend
   *     communicator, or null if the frontend communicator does not exist.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void backendReady(
      JobBackendRef theJobBackend,
      int rank,
      InetSocketAddress middlewareAddress,
      InetSocketAddress worldAddress,
      InetSocketAddress frontendAddress)
      throws IOException {
    // Verify that rank is in range.
    if (0 > rank || rank >= Np) {
      terminateCancelJob("Illegal \"backend ready\" message, rank=" + rank);

    // Verify that this backend has not started already.
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessInfo[rank];
    if (processinfo.state != ProcessInfo.State.NOT_STARTED) {
      terminateCancelJob("Unexpected \"backend ready\" message, rank=" + rank);

    // Record information in job backend process info record.
    processinfo.state = ProcessInfo.State.RUNNING;
    processinfo.backend = theJobBackend;
    processinfo.middlewareAddress = middlewareAddress;
    processinfo.worldAddress = worldAddress;
    processinfo.frontendAddress = frontendAddress;
    myProcessMap.put(theJobBackend, processinfo);

    // Record channel group addresses.
    myMiddlewareAddress[rank] = middlewareAddress;
    myWorldAddress[rank] = worldAddress;
    if (hasFrontendComm) {
      myFrontendAddress[rank] = frontendAddress;

    // Increase count of running processes.

    // If all job backend processes have reported ready, commence job.
    if (myRunningCount == Np) {
      // Start job timer if necessary.
      int jobtime = PJProperties.getPjJobTime();
      if (jobtime > 0) {
        myJobTimer.start(jobtime * 1000L);

      // Get the system properties.
      Properties props = System.getProperties();

      // Send "commence job" message to each job backend, with system
      // property "pj.nt" set to the proper number of CPUs.
      for (ProcessInfo info : myProcessMap.values()) {
        props.setProperty("pj.nt", "" + info.Nt);
            /*theJobFrontend   */ this,
            /*middlewareAddress*/ myMiddlewareAddress,
            /*worldAddress     */ myWorldAddress,
            /*frontendAddress  */ myFrontendAddress,
            /*properties       */ props,
            /*mainClassName    */ myMainClassName,
            /*args             */ myArgs);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Class JobFrontend provides the message handler for the PJ job frontend process.
 * @author Alan Kaminsky
 * @version 20-Jan-2009
public class JobFrontend implements Runnable, JobFrontendRef {

  // Hidden data members.

  // User name.
  private String username;

  // Job number.
  private int jobnum;

  // Job resources.
  private int Nn;
  private int Np;
  private int Nt;

  // Whether the frontend communicator exists, true or false.
  private boolean hasFrontendComm;

  // Main class name.
  private String myMainClassName;

  // Command line arguments.
  private String[] myArgs;

  // Rank of next backend process to be assigned.
  private int myNextRank;

  // Timer thread for lease renewals and expirations.
  private TimerThread myLeaseTimerThread;

  // Timers for the lease with the Job Scheduler.
  private Timer mySchedulerRenewTimer;
  private Timer mySchedulerExpireTimer;

  // Timer for the job timeout if any.
  private Timer myJobTimer;

  // Array of job backend process info records, indexed by rank.
  private ProcessInfo[] myProcessInfo;

  // Mapping from job backend reference to job backend process info record.
  private Map<JobBackendRef, ProcessInfo> myProcessMap = new HashMap<JobBackendRef, ProcessInfo>();

  // Number of running job backend processes.
  private int myRunningCount;

  // Number of finished job backend processes.
  private int myFinishedCount;

  // Middleware channel group and address array.
  private ChannelGroup myMiddlewareChannelGroup;
  private InetSocketAddress[] myMiddlewareAddress;

  // Proxy for Job Scheduler Daemon.
  private JobSchedulerRef myJobScheduler;

  // World communicator channel group address array.
  private InetSocketAddress[] myWorldAddress;

  // Frontend communicator channel group and address array.
  private ChannelGroup myFrontendChannelGroup;
  private InetSocketAddress[] myFrontendAddress;

  // JVM flags.
  private String userJvmFlags = PJProperties.getPjJvmFlags();

  // Resource contents that have been reported to job backend processes.
  private ResourceCache myResourceCache = new ResourceCache();

  // Flag for shutting down the run() method.
  private boolean continueRun = true;

  // State of this job frontend.
  private State myState = State.RUNNING;

  private static enum State {

  // Error message if job canceled, or null if job finished normally.
  private String myCancelMessage = "User canceled job";

  // For writing and reading files on the job frontend's node.
  private FrontendFileWriter myFrontendFileWriter;
  private FrontendFileReader myFrontendFileReader;

  // Exported constructors.

   * Construct a new job frontend object. The job frontend object will contact the Job Scheduler
   * Daemon specified by the <TT>"pj.host"</TT> and <TT>"pj.port"</TT> Java system properties. See
   * class {@linkplain benchmarks.detinfer.pj.edu.ritpj.PJProperties} for further information.
   * @param username User name.
   * @param Nn Number of backend nodes (&gt;= 1).
   * @param Np Number of processes (&gt;= 1).
   * @param Nt Number of CPUs per process (&gt;= 0). 0 means "all CPUs."
   * @param hasFrontendComm True if the job has the frontend communicator, false if it doesn't.
   * @param mainClassName Main class name.
   * @param args Command line arguments.
   * @exception JobSchedulerException (subclass of IOException) Thrown if the job frontend object
   *     could not contact the Job Scheduler Daemon.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public JobFrontend(
      String username,
      int Nn,
      int Np,
      int Nt,
      boolean hasFrontendComm,
      String mainClassName,
      String[] args)
      throws IOException {
    // Record arguments.
    this.username = username;
    this.Nn = Nn;
    this.Np = Np;
    this.Nt = Nt;
    this.hasFrontendComm = hasFrontendComm;
    this.myMainClassName = mainClassName;
    this.myArgs = args;

    // Set up shutdown hook.
            new Thread() {
              public void run() {

    // Set up lease timer thread.
    myLeaseTimerThread = new TimerThread();

    // Set up Job Scheduler lease timers.
    mySchedulerRenewTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {
    mySchedulerExpireTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {

    // Set up job timer.
    myJobTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {

    // Set up array of job backend process info records.
    myProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo[Np];
    for (int i = 0; i < Np; ++i) {
      final int rank = i;
      ProcessInfo processinfo =
          new ProcessInfo(
              /*state            */ ProcessInfo.State.NOT_STARTED,
              /*name             */ null,
              /*rank             */ rank,
              /*backend          */ null,
              /*middlewareAddress*/ null,
              /*worldAddress     */ null,
              /*frontendAddress  */ null,
              /*renewTimer       */
                  new TimerTask() {
                    public void action(Timer timer) {
                      try {
                      } catch (Throwable exc) {
              /*expireTimer      */
                  new TimerTask() {
                    public void action(Timer timer) {
                      try {
                      } catch (Throwable exc) {
              /*Nt               */ 0);
      myProcessInfo[rank] = processinfo;

    // Set up middleware channel group and address array.
    myMiddlewareChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup();
    myMiddlewareAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np + 1];

    // Set up world communicator address array.
    myWorldAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np];

    // Set up frontend communicator channel group and address array.
    if (hasFrontendComm) {
      myFrontendChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup();
      myFrontendAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np + 1];

    // Set up frontend file writer and reader.
    myFrontendFileWriter = new FrontendFileWriter(this);
    myFrontendFileReader = new FrontendFileReader(this);

    // Set up Job Scheduler proxy.
    InetSocketAddress js_address = null;
    Channel js_channel = null;
    try {
      js_address = new InetSocketAddress(PJProperties.getPjHost(), PJProperties.getPjPort());
      js_channel = myMiddlewareChannelGroup.connect(js_address);
    } catch (IOException exc) {
      throw new JobSchedulerException(
          "JobFrontend(): Cannot contact Job Scheduler Daemon at " + js_address, exc);
    myJobScheduler = new JobSchedulerProxy(myMiddlewareChannelGroup, js_channel);

    // Start Job Scheduler lease timers.
    mySchedulerRenewTimer.start(Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL, Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL);

    // Kick off the job!
    myJobScheduler.requestJob(this, username, Nn, Np, Nt);

  // Exported operations.

  /** Run this Job Frontend. */
  public void run() {
    ObjectItemBuf<JobFrontendMessage> buf = ObjectBuf.buffer((JobFrontendMessage) null);
    Status status = null;
    JobFrontendMessage message = null;
    JobBackendRef backend = null;

    try {
      while (continueRun) {
        // Receive a message from any channel.
        status = myMiddlewareChannelGroup.receive(null, null, buf);
        message = buf.item;

        // Process a message from the Job Scheduler.
        if (status.tag == Message.FROM_JOB_SCHEDULER) {
          message.invoke(this, myJobScheduler);

        // Process a message from a job backend.
        else if (status.tag == Message.FROM_JOB_BACKEND) {
          // Get job backend associated with channel. If none, set up
          // a new job backend proxy.
          backend = (JobBackendRef) status.channel.info();
          if (backend == null) {
            backend = new JobBackendProxy(myMiddlewareChannelGroup, status.channel);

          // Process message.
          message.invoke(this, backend);

        // Enable garbage collection of no-longer-needed objects while
        // waiting to receive next message.
        buf.item = null;
        status = null;
        message = null;
        backend = null;
    } catch (ChannelGroupClosedException exc) {
    } catch (Throwable exc) {

    // Exit process if necessary.
    switch (myState) {
      case RUNNING:
      case TERMINATING:

   * Assign a backend process to the job.
   * @param theJobScheduler Job Scheduler that is calling this method.
   * @param name Backend node name.
   * @param host Host name for SSH remote login.
   * @param jvm Full pathname of Java Virtual Machine.
   * @param classpath Java class path for PJ Library.
   * @param jvmflags Array of JVM command line flags.
   * @param Nt Number of CPUs assigned to the process.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public void assignBackend(
      JobSchedulerRef theJobScheduler,
      String name,
      String host,
      String jvm,
      String classpath,
      String[] jvmflags,
      int Nt)
      throws IOException {
    // Record backend name and number of CPUs.
    int rank = myNextRank++;
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessInfo[rank];
    processinfo.name = name;
    processinfo.Nt = Nt;

    // Display backend.
    System.err.print(", ");
    if (myNextRank == Np) System.err.println();

    try {
      // Build a command to run on the backend node.
      StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
      command.append("sh -c \"");
      String cwd = System.getProperty("user.dir");
      if (cwd != null) {
        command.append("cd '");
        command.append("'; ");
      command.append("nohup ");
      command.append(" -classpath '");
      for (String flag : jvmflags) {
        command.append(" ");
      command.append(" ");
      command.append(" benchmarks.detinfer.pj.edu.ritpj.cluster.JobBackend '");
      command.append("' ");
      command.append(" ");
      command.append(" ");
      command.append(" ");
      command.append(" '");
      command.append("' ");
      command.append(" '");
      command.append("' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &\"");

      // So an SSH remote login and execute the above command.
      Process ssh = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"ssh", host, command.toString()});

      // Start lease timers for the backend node.
      processinfo.renewTimer.start(Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL, Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL);

    // If an I/O error occurs, treat it as a backend node failure.
    catch (IOException exc) {
      if (myNextRank != Np) System.err.println();

   * Assign a job number to the job. The host name for the job frontend's middleware channel group
   * is also specified.
   * @param theJobScheduler Job Scheduler that is calling this method.
   * @param jobnum Job number.
   * @param pjhost Host name for middleware channel group.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void assignJobNumber(
      JobSchedulerRef theJobScheduler, int jobnum, String pjhost) throws IOException {
    // Record job number.
    this.jobnum = jobnum;

    // Start listening for connections to the middleware channel group.
    myMiddlewareChannelGroup.listen(new InetSocketAddress(pjhost, 0));
    myMiddlewareAddress[Np] = myMiddlewareChannelGroup.listenAddress();

    // Start listening for connections to the frontend communicator channel
    // group.
    if (hasFrontendComm) {
      myFrontendChannelGroup.listen(new InetSocketAddress(pjhost, 0));
      myFrontendAddress[Np] = myFrontendChannelGroup.listenAddress();

    // Report job number.
    System.err.print("Job " + jobnum);

   * Cancel the job.
   * @param theJobScheduler Job Scheduler that is calling this method.
   * @param errmsg Error message string.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void cancelJob(JobSchedulerRef theJobScheduler, String errmsg)
      throws IOException {

   * Renew the lease on the job.
   * @param theJobScheduler Job Scheduler that is calling this method.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void renewLease(JobSchedulerRef theJobScheduler) throws IOException {

   * Report that a backend process has finished executing the job.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void backendFinished(JobBackendRef theJobBackend) throws IOException {
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessMap.get(theJobBackend);
    if (processinfo == null) return;

    // Verify that this backend has not finished already.
    if (processinfo.state != ProcessInfo.State.RUNNING) {
      terminateCancelJob("Unexpected \"backend finished\" message, rank=" + processinfo.rank);

    // Update job backend process state.
    processinfo.state = ProcessInfo.State.FINISHED;

    // Increase count of finished processes.

    // If all job backend processes have finished, terminate the run()
    // method. This will cause the job frontend process to exit when all
    // other non-daemon threads have also terminated.
    if (myFinishedCount == Np) {
      continueRun = false;
      myCancelMessage = null;

   * Report that a backend process is ready to commence executing the job.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param rank Rank of the job backend process.
   * @param middlewareAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for middleware
   *     messages.
   * @param worldAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for the world
   *     communicator.
   * @param frontendAddress Host/port to which the job backend process is listening for the frontend
   *     communicator, or null if the frontend communicator does not exist.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void backendReady(
      JobBackendRef theJobBackend,
      int rank,
      InetSocketAddress middlewareAddress,
      InetSocketAddress worldAddress,
      InetSocketAddress frontendAddress)
      throws IOException {
    // Verify that rank is in range.
    if (0 > rank || rank >= Np) {
      terminateCancelJob("Illegal \"backend ready\" message, rank=" + rank);

    // Verify that this backend has not started already.
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessInfo[rank];
    if (processinfo.state != ProcessInfo.State.NOT_STARTED) {
      terminateCancelJob("Unexpected \"backend ready\" message, rank=" + rank);

    // Record information in job backend process info record.
    processinfo.state = ProcessInfo.State.RUNNING;
    processinfo.backend = theJobBackend;
    processinfo.middlewareAddress = middlewareAddress;
    processinfo.worldAddress = worldAddress;
    processinfo.frontendAddress = frontendAddress;
    myProcessMap.put(theJobBackend, processinfo);

    // Record channel group addresses.
    myMiddlewareAddress[rank] = middlewareAddress;
    myWorldAddress[rank] = worldAddress;
    if (hasFrontendComm) {
      myFrontendAddress[rank] = frontendAddress;

    // Increase count of running processes.

    // If all job backend processes have reported ready, commence job.
    if (myRunningCount == Np) {
      // Start job timer if necessary.
      int jobtime = PJProperties.getPjJobTime();
      if (jobtime > 0) {
        myJobTimer.start(jobtime * 1000L);

      // Get the system properties.
      Properties props = System.getProperties();

      // Send "commence job" message to each job backend, with system
      // property "pj.nt" set to the proper number of CPUs.
      for (ProcessInfo info : myProcessMap.values()) {
        props.setProperty("pj.nt", "" + info.Nt);
            /*theJobFrontend   */ this,
            /*middlewareAddress*/ myMiddlewareAddress,
            /*worldAddress     */ myWorldAddress,
            /*frontendAddress  */ myFrontendAddress,
            /*properties       */ props,
            /*mainClassName    */ myMainClassName,
            /*args             */ myArgs);

   * Cancel the job.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param errmsg Error message string.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void cancelJob(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, String errmsg)
      throws IOException {

   * Renew the lease on the job.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void renewLease(JobBackendRef theJobBackend) throws IOException {
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessMap.get(theJobBackend);
    if (processinfo != null) {

   * Request the given resource from this job frontend's class loader.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param resourceName Resource name.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void requestResource(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, String resourceName)
      throws IOException {
    // To hold resource content.
    byte[] content = null;

    // Get resource content. If resource not found, content is null.
    if (myResourceCache.contains(resourceName)) {
      // Get resource content from cache.
      content = myResourceCache.getNoWait(resourceName);
    } else {
      // Get resource content from class loader, save it in cache.
      InputStream stream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
      if (stream != null) {
        content = new ByteSequence(stream).toByteArray();
      myResourceCache.put(resourceName, content);

    // Send resource to job backend.
    theJobBackend.reportResource(this, resourceName, content);

   * Open the given output file for writing or appending.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param bfd Backend file descriptor.
   * @param file File.
   * @param append True to append, false to overwrite.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void outputFileOpen(
      JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int bfd, File file, boolean append) throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileWriter.outputFileOpen(theJobBackend, bfd, file, append);

   * Write the given bytes to the given output file. <TT>ffd</TT> = 1 refers to the job's standard
   * output stream; <TT>ffd</TT> = 2 refers to the job's standard error stream; other values refer
   * to a previously opened file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @param buf Array of bytes to write.
   * @param off Index of first byte to write.
   * @param len Number of bytes to write.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void outputFileWrite(
      JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd, byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileWriter.outputFileWrite(theJobBackend, ffd, len);

   * Flush accumulated bytes to the given output file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void outputFileFlush(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd)
      throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileWriter.outputFileFlush(theJobBackend, ffd);

   * Close the given output file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void outputFileClose(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd)
      throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileWriter.outputFileClose(theJobBackend, ffd);

   * Open the given input file for reading.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param bfd Backend file descriptor.
   * @param file File.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void inputFileOpen(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int bfd, File file)
      throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileReader.inputFileOpen(theJobBackend, bfd, file);

   * Read bytes from the given input file. <TT>ffd</TT> = 1 refers to the job's standard input
   * stream; other values refer to a previously opened file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @param len Number of bytes to read.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void inputFileRead(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd, int len)
      throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileReader.inputFileRead(theJobBackend, ffd, len);

   * Skip bytes from the given input file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @param len Number of bytes to skip.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void inputFileSkip(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd, long len)
      throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileReader.inputFileSkip(theJobBackend, ffd, len);

   * Close the given input file.
   * @param theJobBackend Job Backend that is calling this method.
   * @param ffd Frontend file descriptor.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public synchronized void inputFileClose(JobBackendRef theJobBackend, int ffd) throws IOException {
    myFrontendFileReader.inputFileClose(theJobBackend, ffd);

  /** Close communication with this Job Frontend. */
  public void close() {}

  // Hidden operations.

   * Take action when the Job Scheduler's lease renewal timer times out.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  private synchronized void schedulerRenewTimeout() throws IOException {
    if (mySchedulerRenewTimer.isTriggered()) {

   * Take action when the Job Scheduler's lease expiration timer times out.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  private void schedulerExpireTimeout() throws IOException {
    boolean doExit = false;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (mySchedulerExpireTimer.isTriggered()) {
        continueRun = false;
        if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
          myState = State.TERMINATE_CANCEL_JOB;
          myCancelMessage = "Job Scheduler failed";
          doExit = true;

    // Cannot hold the synchronization lock while calling System.exit(),
    // otherwise a deadlock can occur between this thread (the timer thread)
    // and the shutdown hook thread.
    if (doExit) System.exit(1);

   * Take action when the job timer times out.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  private void jobTimeout() throws IOException {
    boolean doExit = false;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (myJobTimer.isTriggered()) {
        continueRun = false;
        if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
          myState = State.TERMINATE_CANCEL_JOB;
          myCancelMessage = "Job exceeded maximum running time";
          doExit = true;

    // Cannot hold the synchronization lock while calling System.exit(),
    // otherwise a deadlock can occur between this thread (the timer thread)
    // and the shutdown hook thread.
    if (doExit) System.exit(1);

   * Take action when a job backend process's lease renewal timer times out.
   * @param rank Job backend process's rank.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  private synchronized void backendRenewTimeout(int rank) throws IOException {
    ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessInfo[rank];
    if (processinfo.renewTimer.isTriggered()) {

   * Take action when a job backend process's lease expiration timer times out.
   * @param rank Job backend process's rank.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  private void backendExpireTimeout(int rank) throws IOException {
    boolean doExit = false;
    synchronized (this) {
      ProcessInfo processinfo = myProcessInfo[rank];
      if (processinfo.expireTimer.isTriggered()) {
        // Terminate the Job Frontend.
        String msg = backendFailed(processinfo);
        continueRun = false;
        if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
          myState = State.TERMINATE_CANCEL_JOB;
          myCancelMessage = msg;
          doExit = true;

    // Cannot hold the synchronization lock while calling System.exit(),
    // otherwise a deadlock can occur between this thread (the timer thread)
    // and the shutdown hook thread.
    if (doExit) System.exit(1);

   * Take action when a backend process fails.
   * @param processinfo Process info.
   * @return Error message.
  private String backendFailed(ProcessInfo processinfo) {
    // Mark the backend process as failed.
    processinfo.state = ProcessInfo.State.FAILED;

    // Tell the Job Scheduler that the backend process failed.
    try {
      myJobScheduler.backendFailed(this, processinfo.name);
    } catch (IOException exc) {

    // Set up error message.
    return "Job backend process failed, node " + processinfo.name + ", rank " + processinfo.rank;

   * Terminate this Job Frontend immediately, sending a "cancel job" message to the Job Scheduler
   * and all Job Backends. The error message is <TT>msg</TT>. This method must only be called by the
   * thread calling <TT>run()</TT>.
   * @param msg Error message.
  private void terminateCancelJob(String msg) {
    continueRun = false;
    if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
      myState = State.TERMINATE_CANCEL_JOB;
      myCancelMessage = msg;

   * Terminate this Job Frontend immediately, sending a "cancel job" message to the Job Scheduler
   * and all Job Backends. The error message comes from the given exception. This method must only
   * be called by the thread calling <TT>run()</TT>.
   * @param exc Exception.
  private void terminateCancelJob(Throwable exc) {
    continueRun = false;
    if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
      myCancelMessage = exc.getClass().getName();
      String msg = exc.getMessage();
      if (msg != null) {
        myCancelMessage = myCancelMessage + ": " + msg;

   * Terminate this Job Frontend immediately, sending a "cancel job" message to the Job Scheduler
   * and all Job Backends. The error message comes from the given exception. This method must only
   * be called by a thread other than the thread calling <TT>run()</TT>.
   * @param exc Exception.
  void terminateCancelJobOther(Throwable exc) {
    boolean doExit = false;
    synchronized (this) {
      continueRun = false;
      if (myState == State.RUNNING) {
        myCancelMessage = exc.getClass().getName();
        String msg = exc.getMessage();
        if (msg != null) {
          myCancelMessage = myCancelMessage + ": " + msg;
        doExit = true;

    // Cannot hold the synchronization lock while calling System.exit(),
    // otherwise a deadlock can occur between this thread and the shutdown
    // hook thread.
    if (doExit) System.exit(1);

  /** Shut down this Job Frontend. */
  private void shutdown() {
    synchronized (this) {
      // Stop all lease timers.
      for (ProcessInfo processinfo : myProcessInfo) {

      // If state is RUNNING but myCancelMessage is not null, it means the
      // user canceled the job (e.g., by hitting CTRL-C).
      if (myState == State.RUNNING && myCancelMessage != null) {
        myState = State.TERMINATE_CANCEL_JOB;

      // Inform Job Scheduler and Job Backends.
      switch (myState) {
        case RUNNING:
          // Send "job finished" messages.
          for (ProcessInfo processinfo : myProcessInfo) {
            if (processinfo.backend != null) {
              try {
              } catch (IOException exc) {
          if (myJobScheduler != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException exc) {
          // Send "cancel job" messages.
          for (ProcessInfo processinfo : myProcessInfo) {
            if (processinfo.backend != null && processinfo.state != ProcessInfo.State.FAILED) {
              try {
                processinfo.backend.cancelJob(this, myCancelMessage);
              } catch (IOException exc) {
          if (myJobScheduler != null) {
            try {
              myJobScheduler.cancelJob(this, myCancelMessage);
            } catch (IOException exc) {
        case TERMINATING:
          // Send nothing.

      // Record that we are terminating.
      myState = State.TERMINATING;

    // All proxies, channels, and channel groups will close when the process
    // exits.

  // Unit test main program.

  //	/**
  //	 * Unit test main program.
  //	 * <P>
  //	 * Usage: java benchmarks.detinfer.pj.edu.ritpj.cluster.JobFrontend <I>username</I> <I>K</I>
  //	 * <I>hasFrontendComm</I> <I>mainClassName</I> [ <I>arg</I> . . . ]
  //	 */
  //	public static void main
  //		(String[] args)
  //		throws Exception
  //		{
  //		if (args.length < 4) usage();
  //		String username = args[0];
  //		int K = Integer.parseInt (args[1]);
  //		boolean hasFrontendComm = Boolean.parseBoolean (args[2]);
  //		String mainClassName = args[3];
  //		int n = args.length - 4;
  //		String[] cmdargs = new String [n];
  //		System.arraycopy (args, 4, cmdargs, 0, n);
  //		new JobFrontend (username, K, hasFrontendComm, mainClassName, cmdargs)
  //					.run();
  //		}
  //	/**
  //	 * Print a usage message and exit.
  //	 */
  //	private static void usage()
  //		{
  //		System.err.println ("Usage: java benchmarks.detinfer.pj.edu.ritpj.cluster.JobFrontend
  // <username> <K> <hasFrontendComm> <mainClassName> [<arg>...]");
  //		System.exit (1);
  //		}

Exemplo n.º 3
   * Construct a new job frontend object. The job frontend object will contact the Job Scheduler
   * Daemon specified by the <TT>"pj.host"</TT> and <TT>"pj.port"</TT> Java system properties. See
   * class {@linkplain benchmarks.detinfer.pj.edu.ritpj.PJProperties} for further information.
   * @param username User name.
   * @param Nn Number of backend nodes (&gt;= 1).
   * @param Np Number of processes (&gt;= 1).
   * @param Nt Number of CPUs per process (&gt;= 0). 0 means "all CPUs."
   * @param hasFrontendComm True if the job has the frontend communicator, false if it doesn't.
   * @param mainClassName Main class name.
   * @param args Command line arguments.
   * @exception JobSchedulerException (subclass of IOException) Thrown if the job frontend object
   *     could not contact the Job Scheduler Daemon.
   * @exception IOException Thrown if an I/O error occurred.
  public JobFrontend(
      String username,
      int Nn,
      int Np,
      int Nt,
      boolean hasFrontendComm,
      String mainClassName,
      String[] args)
      throws IOException {
    // Record arguments.
    this.username = username;
    this.Nn = Nn;
    this.Np = Np;
    this.Nt = Nt;
    this.hasFrontendComm = hasFrontendComm;
    this.myMainClassName = mainClassName;
    this.myArgs = args;

    // Set up shutdown hook.
            new Thread() {
              public void run() {

    // Set up lease timer thread.
    myLeaseTimerThread = new TimerThread();

    // Set up Job Scheduler lease timers.
    mySchedulerRenewTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {
    mySchedulerExpireTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {

    // Set up job timer.
    myJobTimer =
            new TimerTask() {
              public void action(Timer timer) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable exc) {

    // Set up array of job backend process info records.
    myProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo[Np];
    for (int i = 0; i < Np; ++i) {
      final int rank = i;
      ProcessInfo processinfo =
          new ProcessInfo(
              /*state            */ ProcessInfo.State.NOT_STARTED,
              /*name             */ null,
              /*rank             */ rank,
              /*backend          */ null,
              /*middlewareAddress*/ null,
              /*worldAddress     */ null,
              /*frontendAddress  */ null,
              /*renewTimer       */
                  new TimerTask() {
                    public void action(Timer timer) {
                      try {
                      } catch (Throwable exc) {
              /*expireTimer      */
                  new TimerTask() {
                    public void action(Timer timer) {
                      try {
                      } catch (Throwable exc) {
              /*Nt               */ 0);
      myProcessInfo[rank] = processinfo;

    // Set up middleware channel group and address array.
    myMiddlewareChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup();
    myMiddlewareAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np + 1];

    // Set up world communicator address array.
    myWorldAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np];

    // Set up frontend communicator channel group and address array.
    if (hasFrontendComm) {
      myFrontendChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup();
      myFrontendAddress = new InetSocketAddress[Np + 1];

    // Set up frontend file writer and reader.
    myFrontendFileWriter = new FrontendFileWriter(this);
    myFrontendFileReader = new FrontendFileReader(this);

    // Set up Job Scheduler proxy.
    InetSocketAddress js_address = null;
    Channel js_channel = null;
    try {
      js_address = new InetSocketAddress(PJProperties.getPjHost(), PJProperties.getPjPort());
      js_channel = myMiddlewareChannelGroup.connect(js_address);
    } catch (IOException exc) {
      throw new JobSchedulerException(
          "JobFrontend(): Cannot contact Job Scheduler Daemon at " + js_address, exc);
    myJobScheduler = new JobSchedulerProxy(myMiddlewareChannelGroup, js_channel);

    // Start Job Scheduler lease timers.
    mySchedulerRenewTimer.start(Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL, Constants.LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL);

    // Kick off the job!
    myJobScheduler.requestJob(this, username, Nn, Np, Nt);