/** * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to * another web component that will create it). Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance * describing where and how control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has * already been completed. * * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any) * @param request The HTTP request we are processing * @param response The HTTP response we are creating * @exception Exception if business logic throws an exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Extract attributes we will need MessageResources messages = getResources(request); // save errors ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); // START check for login (security) if (!SecurityService.getInstance().checkForLogin(request.getSession(false))) { return (mapping.findForward("welcome")); } // END check for login (security) // START get id of current quote from either request, attribute, or cookie // id of quote from request String quoteId = null; quoteId = request.getParameter("quoteViewId"); // check attribute in request if (quoteId == null) { quoteId = (String) request.getAttribute("quoteViewId"); } // id of quote from cookie if (quoteId == null) { quoteId = StandardCode.getInstance().getCookie("quoteViewId", request.getCookies()); } Integer id = Integer.valueOf(quoteId); // END get id of current quote from either request, attribute, or cookie // get quote to and then its sources Quote1 q = QuoteService.getInstance().getSingleQuote(id); // this quotes sources Set sources = q.getSourceDocs(); DynaValidatorForm qvgatd1 = (DynaValidatorForm) form; qvgatd1.set("sources", (SourceDoc[]) sources.toArray(new SourceDoc[0])); // place quote into attribute for dispaly request.setAttribute("quote", q); // Forward control to the specified success URI return (mapping.findForward("Success")); }
/** * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to * another web component that will create it). Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance * describing where and how control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has * already been completed. * * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any) * @param request The HTTP request we are processing * @param response The HTTP response we are creating * @exception Exception if business logic throws an exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Extract attributes we will need MessageResources messages = getResources(request); // save errors ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); // START check for login (security) if (!SecurityService.getInstance().checkForLogin(request.getSession(false))) { return (mapping.findForward("welcome")); } // END check for login (security) // values for adding a new target Doc DynaValidatorForm qvgate1 = (DynaValidatorForm) form; String[] targets = (String[]) qvgate1.get("targets"); String all = (String) qvgate1.get("all"); // the all languages box String engPrelim = (String) qvgate1.get("engPrelim"); String engOther = (String) qvgate1.get("engOther"); String engVerification = (String) qvgate1.get("engVerification"); String engQA = (String) qvgate1.get("engQA"); String engPrep = (String) qvgate1.get("engPrep"); String engFunct = (String) qvgate1.get("engFunct"); String engEng = (String) qvgate1.get("engEng"); String engFinalQA = (String) qvgate1.get("engFinalQA"); String engFinal = (String) qvgate1.get("engFinal"); String eng0 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng0")); String eng1 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng1")); String eng2 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng2")); String eng3 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng3")); String eng4 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng4")); String eng5 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng5")); String eng6 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng6")); String eng7 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng7")); String eng8 = (String) (qvgate1.get("eng8")); String[] engTaskOptions = ProjectService.getInstance().getEngTaskOptions(); // get the user's chosen source array for later use in case new target "new" needs to be created HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); SourceDoc[] sources = (SourceDoc[]) session.getAttribute("sourceArray"); if (!all.equals("on")) { // if specific to only a few targets // for each target, add the new target to db and each target's new engineering tasks selected // from form for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { Set engTasks = new HashSet(); // list of new engTasks // need target doc and source doc to add tasks to it TargetDoc td = ProjectService.getInstance().getSingleTargetDoc(Integer.valueOf(targets[i])); SourceDoc sd = td.getSourceDoc(); if (eng1.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[1 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(1)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng2.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[2 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(2)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng3.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[3 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(3)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng4.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[4 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(4)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng5.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[5 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(5)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng6.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[6 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(6)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng7.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[7 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(7)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng8.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setNotes((String) (qvgate1.get("engOtherText"))); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[8 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(8)); engTasks.add(et); } // for each EngTask, add it to db and link it to this targetDoc for (Iterator iter = engTasks.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { EngTask et = (EngTask) iter.next(); // link this engTask to the targetDoc; add new engTask to db Integer z = ProjectService.getInstance().linkTargetDocEngTask(td, et); } } } // end if all.equals("on") else { // add tasks to all targets (actually a single "all" target) // for each source, add the new target to db and each target's new engineering tasks selected // from form for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { Set engTasks = new HashSet(); // list of new engTasks // target language's new object TargetDoc td = new TargetDoc(new HashSet(), new HashSet(), new HashSet(), new HashSet()); td.setLanguage("All"); SourceDoc sd = sources[i]; // link this target Doc to the source Doc; add new target Doc to db Integer x = ProjectService.getInstance().linkSourceDocTargetDoc(sd, td); if (eng1.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[1 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(1)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng2.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[2 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(2)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng3.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[3 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(3)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng4.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[4 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(4)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng5.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[5 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(5)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng6.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[6 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(6)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng7.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[7 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(7)); engTasks.add(et); } if (eng8.equals("on")) { // if checked in form, then add this task to target Doc EngTask et = new EngTask(); et.setNotes((String) (qvgate1.get("engOtherText"))); et.setSourceLanguage(sd.getLanguage()); et.setTargetLanguage(td.getLanguage()); et.setPostQuote("true"); et.setTargetDoc(td); et.setTaskName(engTaskOptions[8 - 1]); et.setOrderNum(new Integer(8)); engTasks.add(et); } // for each EngTask, add it to db and link it to this targetDoc for (Iterator iter = engTasks.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { EngTask et = (EngTask) iter.next(); // link this engTask to the targetDoc; add new engTask to db Integer z = ProjectService.getInstance().linkTargetDocEngTask(td, et); } } } // end else (new target per source with tasks) // Forward control to the specified success URI return (mapping.findForward("Success")); }