   * Build a new notification. To update the progress on the notification, use {@link
   * #updateProgress(int, int)} instead.
   * @param episode The episode playing.
   * @param paused Playback state, <code>true</code> for paused.
   * @param canSeek If the currently played media is seekable.
   * @param position The current playback progress.
   * @param duration The length of the current episode.
   * @param session The media session representing current playback.
   * @return The notification to display.
  public Notification build(
      Episode episode,
      boolean paused,
      boolean canSeek,
      int position,
      int duration,
      MediaSessionCompat session) {
    // 0. Prepare the main intent (leading back to the app)
    appIntent.putExtra(PODCAST_URL_KEY, episode.getPodcast().getUrl());
    appIntent.putExtra(EPISODE_URL_KEY, episode.getMediaUrl());
    final PendingIntent backToAppIntent =
        PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, appIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

    // 1. Create the notification builder and set values
    notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context);
        .setProgress(duration, position, false)

    // 2. Load large image if available, see onBitmapLoaded() below
    if (episode.getPodcast().hasLogoUrl())

    // 3. Add actions to notification
    if (canSeek) notificationBuilder.addAction(rewindAction);
    if (paused) notificationBuilder.addAction(playAction);
    else notificationBuilder.addAction(pauseAction);
    if (canSeek) notificationBuilder.addAction(forwardAction);

    // 4. Apply other notification features
    NotificationCompat.MediaStyle style =
        new NotificationCompat.MediaStyle().setMediaSession(session.getSessionToken());
    // Make sure not to show rew/ff icons for live streams
    if (canSeek) style.setShowActionsInCompactView(1, 2, 3); // rewind, toggle play, forward
    else style.setShowActionsInCompactView(0, 1); // stop, toggle play

    notificationBuilder.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.theme_dark));

    return notificationBuilder.build();