/** * Spawns a randomized rare item based solely upon the active holiday event. * * @param player */ public static void spawnRare(Player player) { if (!Server.getHolidayController().HALLOWEEN.isActive() && !HolidayController.CHRISTMAS.isActive()) { player.sendMessage("You may only spawn a rare whilst a holiday event is active!"); return; } if (!player.lastRare.elapsed(60000)) { player.sendMessage( "You must wait " + (60 - (player.lastRare.elapsedTime()) / 1000) + " seconds before spawning another rare!"); return; } itemName = (HolidayController.HALLOWEEN.isActive() ? HALLOWEEN_ITEMS[Misc.random(HALLOWEEN_ITEMS.length - 1)] : CHRISTMAS_ITEMS[Misc.random(CHRISTMAS_ITEMS.length - 1)]); randomItem = player.getItems().getItemId(itemName); Server.itemHandler.createGroundItem( player, randomItem, player.absX + Misc.random(2), player.absY + Misc.random(2), player.heightLevel, 1, player.getId()); player.lastRare.reset(); }
@Override public void processPacket(final Player c, int packetType, int packetSize) { c.walkingToItem = false; c.pItemY = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndian(); c.pItemId = c.getInStream().readUnsignedWord(); c.pItemX = c.getInStream().readSignedWordBigEndian(); if (Math.abs(c.getX() - c.pItemX) > 25 || Math.abs(c.getY() - c.pItemY) > 25) { c.resetWalkingQueue(); return; } DuelSession duelSession = (DuelSession) Server.getMultiplayerSessionListener() .getMultiplayerSession(c, MultiplayerSessionType.DUEL); if (Objects.nonNull(duelSession) && duelSession.getStage().getStage() > MultiplayerSessionStage.REQUEST && duelSession.getStage().getStage() < MultiplayerSessionStage.FURTHER_INTERACTION) { c.sendMessage("Your actions have declined the duel."); duelSession.getOther(c).sendMessage("The challenger has declined the duel."); duelSession.finish(MultiplayerSessionFinalizeType.WITHDRAW_ITEMS); return; } if (c.getInterfaceEvent().isActive()) { c.sendMessage("Please finish what you're doing."); return; } if (c.getPA().viewingOtherBank) { c.getPA().resetOtherBank(); } c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); if (c.getX() == c.pItemX && c.getY() == c.pItemY) { Server.itemHandler.removeGroundItem(c, c.pItemId, c.pItemX, c.pItemY, c.heightLevel, true); } else { c.walkingToItem = true; CycleEventHandler.getSingleton() .addEvent( c, new CycleEvent() { @Override public void execute(CycleEventContainer container) { if (!c.walkingToItem) container.stop(); if (c.getX() == c.pItemX && c.getY() == c.pItemY) { Server.itemHandler.removeGroundItem( c, c.pItemId, c.pItemX, c.pItemY, c.heightLevel, true); container.stop(); } } @Override public void stop() { c.walkingToItem = false; } }, 1); } }
@Override public void execute(Player c, String input) { try { String[] args = input.split("-"); if (args.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } String name = args[0]; int duration = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); long jailEnd = 0; if (duration == 0) { jailEnd = Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { jailEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + duration * 1000 * 60; } String reason = args[2]; Optional<Player> optionalPlayer = PlayerHandler.getOptionalPlayer(name); if (optionalPlayer.isPresent()) { Player c2 = optionalPlayer.get(); if (Server.getMultiplayerSessionListener().inAnySession(c)) { c.sendMessage("The player is in a trade, or duel. You cannot do this at this time."); return; } c2.teleportToX = 2095; c2.teleportToY = 4428; c2.jailEnd = jailEnd; if (duration == 0) { c2.sendMessage("@red@You have been permanently jailed by " + c.playerName + " ."); c.sendMessage("Permanently jailed " + c2.playerName + "."); new PunishmentHandler().punishOnlinePlayer(c2, c, "Jail (Permanent)", reason); } else { c2.sendMessage( "@red@You have been jailed by " + c.playerName + " for " + duration + " minutes."); c2.sendMessage("@red@Type ::unjail after having served your time to be unjailed."); c.sendMessage("Successfully jailed " + c2.playerName + " for " + duration + " minutes."); new PunishmentHandler().punishOnlinePlayer(c2, c, "Jail (" + duration + ")", reason); } } else { c.sendMessage(name + " is not online. You can only jail online players."); } } catch (Exception e) { c.sendMessage("Error. Correct syntax: ::jail-player-duration-reason"); } }
public static void activatePrayer(Player c, int i) { if (Server.getMultiplayerSessionListener().inSession(c, MultiplayerSessionType.TRADE)) { c.sendMessage("You cannot activate prayers whilst trading!"); return; } if (Boundary.isIn(c, Boundary.DUEL_ARENAS)) { DuelSession session = (DuelSession) Server.getMultiplayerSessionListener() .getMultiplayerSession(c, MultiplayerSessionType.DUEL); if (Objects.nonNull(session)) { if (session.getRules().contains(Rule.NO_PRAYER)) { c.sendMessage("Prayer has been disabled for this duel."); resetPrayers(c); return; } } } DuelSession duelSession = (DuelSession) Server.getMultiplayerSessionListener() .getMultiplayerSession(c, MultiplayerSessionType.DUEL); if (Objects.nonNull(duelSession) && duelSession.getStage().getStage() > MultiplayerSessionStage.REQUEST && duelSession.getStage().getStage() < MultiplayerSessionStage.FURTHER_INTERACTION) { c.sendMessage("You have declined the duel."); duelSession.getOther(c).sendMessage("The challenger has declined the duel."); duelSession.finish(MultiplayerSessionFinalizeType.WITHDRAW_ITEMS); return; } if (c.isDead || c.playerLevel[3] <= 0) { return; } if (c.clanWarRule[3]) { c.sendMessage("You are not allowed to use prayer during this war!"); resetPrayers(c); return; } int[] defPray = {0, 5, 13, 24, 25}; int[] strPray = {1, 6, 14, 24, 25}; int[] atkPray = {2, 7, 15, 24, 25}; int[] rangePray = {3, 11, 19}; int[] magePray = {4, 12, 20}; if (c.playerLevel[5] > 0 || !Config.PRAYER_POINTS_REQUIRED) { if (c.getPA().getLevelForXP(c.playerXP[5]) >= c.PRAYER_LEVEL_REQUIRED[i] || !Config.PRAYER_LEVEL_REQUIRED) { boolean headIcon = false; switch (i) { case 0: case 5: case 13: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < defPray.length; j++) { if (defPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[defPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[defPray[j]], 0); } } } break; case 1: case 6: case 14: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < strPray.length; j++) { if (strPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[strPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[strPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < rangePray.length; j++) { if (rangePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[rangePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[rangePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < magePray.length; j++) { if (magePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[magePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[magePray[j]], 0); } } } break; case 2: case 7: case 15: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < atkPray.length; j++) { if (atkPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[atkPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[atkPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < rangePray.length; j++) { if (rangePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[rangePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[rangePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < magePray.length; j++) { if (magePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[magePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[magePray[j]], 0); } } } break; case 3: // range prays case 11: case 19: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < atkPray.length; j++) { if (atkPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[atkPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[atkPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < strPray.length; j++) { if (strPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[strPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[strPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < rangePray.length; j++) { if (rangePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[rangePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[rangePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < magePray.length; j++) { if (magePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[magePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[magePray[j]], 0); } } } break; case 4: case 12: case 20: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < atkPray.length; j++) { if (atkPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[atkPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[atkPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < strPray.length; j++) { if (strPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[strPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[strPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < rangePray.length; j++) { if (rangePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[rangePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[rangePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < magePray.length; j++) { if (magePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[magePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[magePray[j]], 0); } } } break; case 10: c.lastProtItem.reset(); c.protectItem = !c.protectItem; break; case 16: case 17: case 18: if (System.currentTimeMillis() - c.stopPrayerDelay < 5000) { c.sendMessage("You have been injured and can't use this prayer!"); c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[16], 0); c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[17], 0); c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[18], 0); return; } if (i == 16) c.protMageDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); else if (i == 17) c.protRangeDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); else if (i == 18) c.protMeleeDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); case 21: case 22: case 23: headIcon = true; for (int p = 16; p < 24; p++) { if (i != p && p != 19 && p != 20) { c.prayerActive[p] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[p], 0); } } break; case 24: case 25: if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { for (int j = 0; j < atkPray.length; j++) { if (atkPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[atkPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[atkPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < strPray.length; j++) { if (strPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[strPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[strPray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < rangePray.length; j++) { if (rangePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[rangePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[rangePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < magePray.length; j++) { if (magePray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[magePray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[magePray[j]], 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < defPray.length; j++) { if (defPray[j] != i) { c.prayerActive[defPray[j]] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[defPray[j]], 0); } } } break; } if (!headIcon) { if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { c.prayerActive[i] = true; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 1); } else { c.prayerActive[i] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 0); } } else { if (c.prayerActive[i] == false) { c.prayerActive[i] = true; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 1); c.headIcon = c.PRAYER_HEAD_ICONS[i]; c.getPA().requestUpdates(); } else { c.prayerActive[i] = false; c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 0); c.headIcon = -1; c.getPA().requestUpdates(); } } } else { c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 0); c.getPA() .sendFrame126( "You need a @blu@Prayer level of " + c.PRAYER_LEVEL_REQUIRED[i] + " to use " + c.PRAYER_NAME[i] + ".", 357); c.getPA().sendFrame126("Click here to continue", 358); c.getPA().sendFrame164(356); } } else { c.getPA().sendFrame36(c.PRAYER_GLOW[i], 0); c.sendMessage("You have run out of prayer points!"); } }