@Override public void draw(Graphics2D g) { String string = WorldMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(map.getCenterX()) + " | " + WorldMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(map.getCenterY()) + "\n" + renderer.getRenderCenterX() + "|" + renderer.getRenderCenterY(); renderer.draw(g, map, wm.getWidth(), wm.getHeight()); g.drawString(string, 0, FONT_SIZE); }
public void a(ItemStack itemstack, World world, Entity entity, int i, boolean flag) { if (!world.isStatic) { WorldMap worldmap = this.a(itemstack, world); if (entity instanceof EntityHuman) { EntityHuman entityhuman = (EntityHuman) entity; worldmap.a(entityhuman, itemstack); } if (flag) { this.a(world, entity, worldmap); } } }
public void init() { super.init(); initInput(); // create and start a new Resource Manager. The resource Manager is responsible for loading // game elements. ResourceManager rM = new ResourceManager(wm.getFullScreenWindow().getGraphicsConfiguration()); world = generateGameWorld(SIZE_H, SIZE_W); // load our resources! renderer = new WorldMapRenderer(); map = new WorldMap(world, SIZE_H, SIZE_W); // initialize the renderer at the center of the map(Or of course, whereever the hell we want to // really) renderer.setRenderCenterX(wm.getWidth() / 2 - map.getCenterX()); renderer.setRenderCenterY(wm.getHeight() / 2 - map.getCenterY()); }
@Override public void d(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityHuman entityhuman) { if (itemstack.hasTag() && itemstack.getTag().getBoolean("map_is_scaling")) { WorldMap worldmap = Items.MAP.getSavedMap(itemstack, world); world = world.getServer().getServer().worlds.get(0); // CraftBukkit - use primary world for maps itemstack.setData(world.b("map")); WorldMap worldmap1 = new WorldMap("map_" + itemstack.getData()); worldmap1.scale = (byte) (worldmap.scale + 1); if (worldmap1.scale > 4) { worldmap1.scale = 4; } worldmap1.centerX = worldmap.centerX; worldmap1.centerZ = worldmap.centerZ; worldmap1.map = worldmap.map; worldmap1.c(); world.a("map_" + itemstack.getData(), worldmap1); // CraftBukkit start MapInitializeEvent event = new MapInitializeEvent(worldmap1.mapView); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); // CraftBukkit end } }
public WorldMap getSavedMap(ItemStack itemstack, World world) { World worldMain = world .getServer() .getServer() .worlds .get(0); // CraftBukkit - store reference to primary world String s = "map_" + itemstack.getData(); WorldMap worldmap = (WorldMap) worldMain.a(WorldMap.class, s); // CraftBukkit - use primary world for maps if (worldmap == null && !world.isStatic) { itemstack.setData(worldMain.b("map")); // CraftBukkit - use primary world for maps s = "map_" + itemstack.getData(); worldmap = new WorldMap(s); worldmap.scale = 3; int i = 128 * (1 << worldmap.scale); worldmap.centerX = Math.round((float) world.getWorldData().c() / (float) i) * i; worldmap.centerZ = Math.round(world.getWorldData().e() / i) * i; worldmap.map = (byte) ((WorldServer) world).dimension; // CraftBukkit - fixes Bukkit multiworld maps worldmap.c(); worldMain.a(s, worldmap); // CraftBukkit - use primary world for maps // CraftBukkit start MapInitializeEvent event = new MapInitializeEvent(worldmap.mapView); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); // CraftBukkit end } return worldmap; }
/** * paintComponent schreibt alle Laendernamen an die entsprechende Stelle der Landkarte * (Hintergrundgrafik) und zeichnet die Laendergrenzen auf der Landkarte nach. * * @param g Zeichenflaeche der Landkarte */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Shape shape; Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), this); Font myFont = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 12); g2d.setFont(myFont); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); Territory territory; Color color; ListIterator territories = worldMap.getTerritories().listIterator(); while (territories.hasNext()) { territory = (Territory) territories.next(); if (territory.getOwner() != null) { color = territory.getOwner().getPlayerColor(); } else { color = Color.WHITE; } g2d.setColor(color); g2d.drawString( territory.getName(), (int) territory.getMidpoint().getX() - 15, (int) territory.getMidpoint().getY() - 10); g2d.drawString( new Integer(territory.getArmySize()).toString(), (int) territory.getMidpoint().getX(), (int) territory.getMidpoint().getY()); } if (territoryBattle.size() != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < territoryBattle.size(); j++) { g2d.setColor(territoryBattle.get(j).getOwner().getPlayerColor()); // g2d.fillPolygon(territoryTmp.getFrontiers()); Sieht bei unseren Grenzen nicht huebsch // aus g2d.drawPolygon(territoryBattle.get(j).getFrontiers()); } } repaint(); }
public void d(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityHuman entityhuman) { itemstack.b(world.b("map")); String s = "map_" + itemstack.getData(); WorldMap worldmap = new WorldMap(s); world.a(s, (WorldMapBase) worldmap); worldmap.b = MathHelper.floor(entityhuman.locX); worldmap.c = MathHelper.floor(entityhuman.locZ); worldmap.e = 3; worldmap.map = (byte) world.worldProvider.dimension; worldmap.a(); }
/** * Konstruktor MapView Aufgabe ist das Setzen der WorldMap und die Hintergrundgrafik (Landkarte) * zu setzen. * * @param worldMap Zum View gehoerige Instanz der Klasse WorldMap. */ public MapView(WorldMap worldMap) { this.worldMap = worldMap; this.territoryBattle = new ArrayList<Territory>(); this.setLayout(null); String path = System.getProperty("java.class.path") + "/risk/maps/" + worldMap.getGraphic(); // String path = "/home/swa/Desktop/maps/"+worldMap.getGraphic(); MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this); this.img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(path); mt.addImage(this.img, 0); try { mt.waitForAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null))); this.setVisible(true); }
public WorldMap a(ItemStack itemstack, World world) { WorldMap worldmap = (WorldMap) world.a(WorldMap.class, "map_" + itemstack.getData()); if (worldmap == null) { itemstack.b(world.b("map")); String s = "map_" + itemstack.getData(); worldmap = new WorldMap(s); worldmap.b = world.r().c(); worldmap.c = world.r().e(); worldmap.e = 3; worldmap.map = (byte) world.worldProvider.dimension; worldmap.a(); world.a(s, (WorldMapBase) worldmap); } return worldmap; }
/** Enables the world map. Called by dialogue boxes. */ public static void enableWorldMap() { map.setEnabled(true); }
public void track(List<EntityHuman> list) { this.b = false; if (!this.isMoving || this.tracker.d(this.q, this.r, this.s) > 16.0D) { this.q = this.tracker.locX; this.r = this.tracker.locY; this.s = this.tracker.locZ; this.isMoving = true; this.b = true; this.scanPlayers(list); } List list1 = this.tracker.bx(); if (!list1.equals(this.w)) { this.w = list1; this.broadcast(new PacketPlayOutMount(this.tracker)); } // PAIL : rename if (this.tracker instanceof EntityItemFrame /*&& this.a % 10 == 0*/) { // CraftBukkit - Moved below, should always enter // this block EntityItemFrame entityitemframe = (EntityItemFrame) this.tracker; ItemStack itemstack = entityitemframe.getItem(); if (this.a % 10 == 0 && itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemWorldMap) { // CraftBukkit - Moved this.a % 10 logic here so item frames do not // enter the other blocks WorldMap worldmap = Items.FILLED_MAP.getSavedMap(itemstack, this.tracker.world); Iterator iterator = this.trackedPlayers.iterator(); // CraftBukkit while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityHuman entityhuman = (EntityHuman) iterator.next(); EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) entityhuman; worldmap.a(entityplayer, itemstack); Packet packet = Items.FILLED_MAP.a(itemstack, this.tracker.world, (EntityHuman) entityplayer); if (packet != null) { entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); } } } this.d(); } if (this.a % this.g == 0 || this.tracker.impulse || this.tracker.getDataWatcher().a()) { int i; if (this.tracker.isPassenger()) { i = MathHelper.d(this.tracker.yaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); int j = MathHelper.d(this.tracker.pitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); boolean flag = Math.abs(i - this.yRot) >= 1 || Math.abs(j - this.xRot) >= 1; if (flag) { this.broadcast( new PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutEntityLook( this.tracker.getId(), (byte) i, (byte) j, this.tracker.onGround)); this.yRot = i; this.xRot = j; } this.xLoc = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locX); this.yLoc = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locY); this.zLoc = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locZ); this.d(); this.x = true; } else { ++this.v; long k = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locX); long l = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locY); long i1 = EntityTracker.a(this.tracker.locZ); int j1 = MathHelper.d(this.tracker.yaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); int k1 = MathHelper.d(this.tracker.pitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); long l1 = k - this.xLoc; long i2 = l - this.yLoc; long j2 = i1 - this.zLoc; Object object = null; boolean flag1 = l1 * l1 + i2 * i2 + j2 * j2 >= 128L || this.a % 60 == 0; boolean flag2 = Math.abs(j1 - this.yRot) >= 1 || Math.abs(k1 - this.xRot) >= 1; // CraftBukkit start - Code moved from below if (flag1) { this.xLoc = k; this.yLoc = l; this.zLoc = i1; } if (flag2) { this.yRot = j1; this.xRot = k1; } // CraftBukkit end if (this.a > 0 || this.tracker instanceof EntityArrow) { if (l1 >= -32768L && l1 < 32768L && i2 >= -32768L && i2 < 32768L && j2 >= -32768L && j2 < 32768L && this.v <= 400 && !this.x && this.y == this.tracker.onGround) { if ((!flag1 || !flag2) && !(this.tracker instanceof EntityArrow)) { if (flag1) { object = new PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutRelEntityMove( this.tracker.getId(), l1, i2, j2, this.tracker.onGround); } else if (flag2) { object = new PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutEntityLook( this.tracker.getId(), (byte) j1, (byte) k1, this.tracker.onGround); } } else { object = new PacketPlayOutEntity.PacketPlayOutRelEntityMoveLook( this.tracker.getId(), l1, i2, j2, (byte) j1, (byte) k1, this.tracker.onGround); } } else { this.y = this.tracker.onGround; this.v = 0; // CraftBukkit start - Refresh list of who can see a player before sending teleport // packet if (this.tracker instanceof EntityPlayer) { this.scanPlayers(new java.util.ArrayList(this.trackedPlayers)); } // CraftBukkit end this.c(); object = new PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport(this.tracker); } } boolean flag3 = this.u; if (this.tracker instanceof EntityLiving && ((EntityLiving) this.tracker).cH()) { flag3 = true; } if (flag3 && this.a > 0) { double d0 = this.tracker.motX - this.n; double d1 = this.tracker.motY - this.o; double d2 = this.tracker.motZ - this.p; double d3 = 0.02D; double d4 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2; if (d4 > 4.0E-4D || d4 > 0.0D && this.tracker.motX == 0.0D && this.tracker.motY == 0.0D && this.tracker.motZ == 0.0D) { this.n = this.tracker.motX; this.o = this.tracker.motY; this.p = this.tracker.motZ; this.broadcast( new PacketPlayOutEntityVelocity(this.tracker.getId(), this.n, this.o, this.p)); } } if (object != null) { this.broadcast((Packet) object); } this.d(); /* CraftBukkit start - Code moved up if (flag1) { this.xLoc = k; this.yLoc = l; this.zLoc = i1; } if (flag2) { this.yRot = j1; this.xRot = k1; } // CraftBukkit end */ this.x = false; } i = MathHelper.d(this.tracker.getHeadRotation() * 256.0F / 360.0F); if (Math.abs(i - this.headYaw) >= 1) { this.broadcast(new PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation(this.tracker, (byte) i)); this.headYaw = i; } this.tracker.impulse = false; } ++this.a; if (this.tracker.velocityChanged) { // CraftBukkit start - Create PlayerVelocity event boolean cancelled = false; if (this.tracker instanceof EntityPlayer) { Player player = (Player) this.tracker.getBukkitEntity(); org.bukkit.util.Vector velocity = player.getVelocity(); PlayerVelocityEvent event = new PlayerVelocityEvent(player, velocity.clone()); this.tracker.world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { cancelled = true; } else if (!velocity.equals(event.getVelocity())) { player.setVelocity(event.getVelocity()); } } if (!cancelled) { this.broadcastIncludingSelf(new PacketPlayOutEntityVelocity(this.tracker)); } // CraftBukkit end this.tracker.velocityChanged = false; } }
public void a(World world, Entity entity, WorldMap worldmap) { if (world.worldProvider.dimension == worldmap.map) { short short1 = 128; short short2 = 128; int i = 1 << worldmap.e; int j = worldmap.b; int k = worldmap.c; int l = MathHelper.floor(entity.locX - (double) j) / i + short1 / 2; int i1 = MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ - (double) k) / i + short2 / 2; int j1 = 128 / i; if (world.worldProvider.e) { j1 /= 2; } ++worldmap.g; for (int k1 = l - j1 + 1; k1 < l + j1; ++k1) { if ((k1 & 15) == (worldmap.g & 15)) { int l1 = 255; int i2 = 0; double d0 = 0.0D; for (int j2 = i1 - j1 - 1; j2 < i1 + j1; ++j2) { if (k1 >= 0 && j2 >= -1 && k1 < short1 && j2 < short2) { int k2 = k1 - l; int l2 = j2 - i1; boolean flag = k2 * k2 + l2 * l2 > (j1 - 2) * (j1 - 2); int i3 = (j / i + k1 - short1 / 2) * i; int j3 = (k / i + j2 - short2 / 2) * i; byte b0 = 0; byte b1 = 0; byte b2 = 0; int[] aint = new int[256]; Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAtWorldCoords(i3, j3); int k3 = i3 & 15; int l3 = j3 & 15; int i4 = 0; double d1 = 0.0D; int j4; int k4; int l4; int i5; if (world.worldProvider.e) { l4 = i3 + j3 * 231871; l4 = l4 * l4 * 31287121 + l4 * 11; if ((l4 >> 20 & 1) == 0) { aint[Block.DIRT.id] += 10; } else { aint[Block.STONE.id] += 10; } d1 = 100.0D; } else { for (l4 = 0; l4 < i; ++l4) { for (j4 = 0; j4 < i; ++j4) { k4 = chunk.b(l4 + k3, j4 + l3) + 1; int j5 = 0; if (k4 > 1) { boolean flag1 = false; do { flag1 = true; j5 = chunk.getTypeId(l4 + k3, k4 - 1, j4 + l3); if (j5 == 0) { flag1 = false; } else if (k4 > 0 && j5 > 0 && Block.byId[j5].material.E == MaterialMapColor.b) { flag1 = false; } if (!flag1) { --k4; j5 = chunk.getTypeId(l4 + k3, k4 - 1, j4 + l3); } } while (k4 > 0 && !flag1); if (k4 > 0 && j5 != 0 && Block.byId[j5].material.isLiquid()) { i5 = k4 - 1; boolean flag2 = false; int k5; do { k5 = chunk.getTypeId(l4 + k3, i5--, j4 + l3); ++i4; } while (i5 > 0 && k5 != 0 && Block.byId[k5].material.isLiquid()); } } d1 += (double) k4 / (double) (i * i); ++aint[j5]; } } } i4 /= i * i; int l5 = b0 / (i * i); l5 = b1 / (i * i); l5 = b2 / (i * i); l4 = 0; j4 = 0; for (k4 = 0; k4 < 256; ++k4) { if (aint[k4] > l4) { j4 = k4; l4 = aint[k4]; } } double d2 = (d1 - d0) * 4.0D / (double) (i + 4) + ((double) (k1 + j2 & 1) - 0.5D) * 0.4D; byte b3 = 1; if (d2 > 0.6D) { b3 = 2; } if (d2 < -0.6D) { b3 = 0; } i5 = 0; if (j4 > 0) { MaterialMapColor materialmapcolor = Block.byId[j4].material.E; if (materialmapcolor == MaterialMapColor.n) { d2 = (double) i4 * 0.1D + (double) (k1 + j2 & 1) * 0.2D; b3 = 1; if (d2 < 0.5D) { b3 = 2; } if (d2 > 0.9D) { b3 = 0; } } i5 = materialmapcolor.q; } d0 = d1; if (j2 >= 0 && k2 * k2 + l2 * l2 < j1 * j1 && (!flag || (k1 + j2 & 1) != 0)) { byte b4 = worldmap.f[k1 + j2 * short1]; byte b5 = (byte) (i5 * 4 + b3); if (b4 != b5) { if (l1 > j2) { l1 = j2; } if (i2 < j2) { i2 = j2; } worldmap.f[k1 + j2 * short1] = b5; } } } } if (l1 <= i2) { worldmap.a(k1, l1, i2); } } } } }
public void a(World world, Entity entity, WorldMap worldmap) { // CraftBukkit - world.worldProvider -> ((WorldServer) world) if (((WorldServer) world).dimension == worldmap.map && entity instanceof EntityHuman) { int i = 1 << worldmap.scale; int j = worldmap.centerX; int k = worldmap.centerZ; int l = MathHelper.floor(entity.locX - j) / i + 64; int i1 = MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ - k) / i + 64; int j1 = 128 / i; if (world.worldProvider.g) { j1 /= 2; } WorldMapHumanTracker worldmaphumantracker = worldmap.a((EntityHuman) entity); ++worldmaphumantracker.d; for (int k1 = l - j1 + 1; k1 < l + j1; ++k1) { if ((k1 & 15) == (worldmaphumantracker.d & 15)) { int l1 = 255; int i2 = 0; double d0 = 0.0D; for (int j2 = i1 - j1 - 1; j2 < i1 + j1; ++j2) { if (k1 >= 0 && j2 >= -1 && k1 < 128 && j2 < 128) { int k2 = k1 - l; int l2 = j2 - i1; boolean flag = k2 * k2 + l2 * l2 > (j1 - 2) * (j1 - 2); int i3 = (j / i + k1 - 64) * i; int j3 = (k / i + j2 - 64) * i; HashMultiset hashmultiset = HashMultiset.create(); Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAtWorldCoords(i3, j3); if (!chunk.isEmpty()) { int k3 = i3 & 15; int l3 = j3 & 15; int i4 = 0; double d1 = 0.0D; int j4; if (world.worldProvider.g) { j4 = i3 + j3 * 231871; j4 = j4 * j4 * 31287121 + j4 * 11; if ((j4 >> 20 & 1) == 0) { hashmultiset.add(Blocks.DIRT.f(0), 10); } else { hashmultiset.add(Blocks.STONE.f(0), 100); } d1 = 100.0D; } else { for (j4 = 0; j4 < i; ++j4) { for (int k4 = 0; k4 < i; ++k4) { int l4 = chunk.b(j4 + k3, k4 + l3) + 1; Block block = Blocks.AIR; int i5 = 0; if (l4 > 1) { do { --l4; block = chunk.getType(j4 + k3, l4, k4 + l3); i5 = chunk.getData(j4 + k3, l4, k4 + l3); } while (block.f(i5) == MaterialMapColor.b && l4 > 0); if (l4 > 0 && block.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { int j5 = l4 - 1; Block block1; do { block1 = chunk.getType(j4 + k3, j5--, k4 + l3); ++i4; } while (j5 > 0 && block1.getMaterial().isLiquid()); } } d1 += (double) l4 / (double) (i * i); hashmultiset.add(block.f(i5)); } } } i4 /= i * i; double d2 = (d1 - d0) * 4.0D / (i + 4) + ((k1 + j2 & 1) - 0.5D) * 0.4D; byte b0 = 1; if (d2 > 0.6D) { b0 = 2; } if (d2 < -0.6D) { b0 = 0; } MaterialMapColor materialmapcolor = Iterables.getFirst( Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(hashmultiset), MaterialMapColor.b); if (materialmapcolor == MaterialMapColor.n) { d2 = i4 * 0.1D + (k1 + j2 & 1) * 0.2D; b0 = 1; if (d2 < 0.5D) { b0 = 2; } if (d2 > 0.9D) { b0 = 0; } } d0 = d1; if (j2 >= 0 && k2 * k2 + l2 * l2 < j1 * j1 && (!flag || (k1 + j2 & 1) != 0)) { byte b1 = worldmap.colors[k1 + j2 * 128]; byte b2 = (byte) (materialmapcolor.M * 4 + b0); if (b1 != b2) { if (l1 > j2) { l1 = j2; } if (i2 < j2) { i2 = j2; } worldmap.colors[k1 + j2 * 128] = b2; } } } } } if (l1 <= i2) { worldmap.flagDirty(k1, l1, i2); } } } } }