Exemplo n.º 1
  protected void addViewParameters(
      FacesContext ctx, String viewId, Map<String, List<String>> existingParameters) {

    UIViewRoot currentRoot = ctx.getViewRoot();
    String currentViewId = currentRoot.getViewId();
    Collection<UIViewParameter> toViewParams;
    Collection<UIViewParameter> currentViewParams;
    boolean currentIsSameAsNew = false;
    currentViewParams = ViewMetadata.getViewParameters(currentRoot);

    if (currentViewId.equals(viewId)) {
      currentIsSameAsNew = true;
      toViewParams = currentViewParams;
    } else {
      ViewDeclarationLanguage pdl = getViewDeclarationLanguage(ctx, viewId);
      ViewMetadata viewMetadata = pdl.getViewMetadata(ctx, viewId);
      UIViewRoot root = viewMetadata.createMetadataView(ctx);
      toViewParams = ViewMetadata.getViewParameters(root);

    if (toViewParams.isEmpty()) {

    for (UIViewParameter viewParam : toViewParams) {
      String value;
      // don't bother looking at view parameter if it's been overridden
      if (existingParameters.containsKey(viewParam.getName())) {
      } else if (paramHasValueExpression(viewParam)) {
        value = viewParam.getStringValueFromModel(ctx);
      } else {
        // Anonymous view parameter:
        // Get string value from UIViewParameter instance stored in current view
        if (currentIsSameAsNew) {
          value = viewParam.getStringValue(ctx);
        // ...or transfer string value from matching UIViewParameter instance stored in current view
        else {
          value = getStringValueToTransfer(ctx, viewParam, currentViewParams);
      if (value != null) {
        List<String> existing = existingParameters.get(viewParam.getName());
        if (existing == null) {
          existing = new ArrayList<String>(4);
          existingParameters.put(viewParam.getName(), existing);
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Build an {@link IndexSegment} from the compacting merge of an index partition.
   * @return The {@link BuildResult}.
  protected BuildResult doTask() throws Exception {

    final Event e =
        new Event(
                new EventResource(vmd.indexMetadata),

    BuildResult buildResult = null;
    try {

      try {

        if (resourceManager.isOverflowAllowed()) throw new IllegalStateException();

         * Build the index segment.
         * Note: Since this is a compacting merge the view on the old
         * journal as of the last commit time will be fully captured by
         * the generated index segment. However, writes buffered by the
         * live journal WILL NOT be present in that index segment and
         * the post-condition view will include those writes.

        // build the index segment.
        buildResult =
                true /* compactingMerge */,
                null /* fromKey */,
                null /* toKey */,

      } finally {

         * Release our hold on the source view - we only needed it when
         * we did the index segment build.


      if (buildResult.builder.getCheckpoint().length >= resourceManager.nominalShardSize) {

         * If sumSegBytes exceeds the threshold, then do a split here.

        // FIXME reconcile return type and enable post-merge split.
        //                return new SplitCompactViewTask(vmd.name, buildResult);


       * @todo error handling should be inside of the atomic update task
       * since it has more visibility into the state changes and when we
       * can no longer delete the new index segment.
      try {

        // scale-out index UUID.
        final UUID indexUUID = vmd.indexMetadata.getIndexUUID();

        // submit task and wait for it to complete
                new AtomicUpdateCompactingMergeTask(
                    e.newSubEvent(OverflowSubtaskEnum.AtomicUpdate, vmd.getParams())))

        // /*
        // * Verify that the view was updated. If the atomic update task
        //                 * runs correctly then it will replace the IndexMetadata object
        //                 * on the mutable BTree with a new view containing only the live
        //                 * journal and the new index segment (for a compacting merge).
        //                 * We verify that right now to make sure that the state change
        //                 * to the BTree was noticed and resulted in a commit before
        //                 * returning control to us here.
        //                 *
        //                 * @todo comment this out or replicate for the index build task
        //                 * also?
        //                 */
        //                concurrencyManager
        //                        .submit(
        //                                new VerifyAtomicUpdateTask(resourceManager,
        //                                        concurrencyManager, vmd.name,
        //                                        indexUUID, result)).get();

      } catch (Throwable t) {

        // make it releasable.

        // delete the generated index segment.
            buildResult.segmentMetadata.getUUID(), false /* isJournal */);

        // re-throw the exception
        throw new Exception(t);

      if (resourceManager.compactingMergeWithAfterAction) {

         * Consider possible after-actions now that the view is compact.
         * If any is selected, then it will be executed in the current
         * thread.
        final AbstractTask<?> afterActionTask = chooseAfterActionTask();

        if (afterActionTask != null) {


      return buildResult;

    } finally {

      if (buildResult != null) {

         * At this point the index segment was either incorporated into
         * the new view in a restart safe manner or there was an error.
         * Either way, we now remove the index segment store's UUID from
         * the retentionSet so it will be subject to the release policy
         * of the StoreManager.

Exemplo n.º 3
  protected void clearRefs() {

Exemplo n.º 4
   * Now that the index partition is compact, decide if we will take any after action, such as
   * {move, join, split, tailSplit, scatterSplit, etc). All of these operations are much cheaper
   * while the index is compact which is why we do them here.
   * <p>Note: asynchronous overflow processing WILL NOT complete until the CompactingMergeTask is
   * done. This means that we will still be reading from the same journal. As long as we are reading
   * from the same ordered set of resources the lastCommitTime chosen here is somewhat arbitrary.
   * <p>The updated view metadata as of the last commit time on the live journal.
   * <p>FIXME Concurrent operations can replace the view definition. However, what would not be good
   * is if they changed the set of resources in the view. The AtomicUpdate of the after action task
   * MUST check for this precondition (same set of resources in the view) and abort (and clean up
   * any intermediate files) if the precondition has been violated (no harm is done if we abort,
   * just some lost work).
   * @todo split + move and friends seem unnecessarily complicated. We can just move anything that
   *     is compact. [Clean up the tasks to remove this stuff.]
   * @todo We might be better off running {@link #chooseAfterActionTask()} from inside of the atomic
   *     update and then doing any work there while we have the lock on the shard. This will prevent
   *     any new data from building up and can help ensure that the preconditions for the operation
   *     remain valid. This might also help simplify the HA design.
   * @todo Once we have flow control on writes we can save the DS a lot of work by not accepting new
   *     writes for an index partition when we are going to compact it, move it, split it, etc.
  private AbstractTask<?> chooseAfterActionTask() {

    final ViewMetadata vmd =
        new ViewMetadata(

     * Scatter split?
     * Note: Scatter splits are considered before tail splits and normal
     * splits since they can only be taken when there is a single index
     * partition for a scale-out index. The other kinds of splits are used
     * once the index has already been distributed onto the cluster by a
     * scatter split.
      final ScatterSplitConfiguration ssc = vmd.indexMetadata.getScatterSplitConfiguration();

      if ( // only a single index partitions?
      (vmd.getIndexPartitionCount() == 1L) //
          // scatter splits enabled for service
          && resourceManager.scatterSplitEnabled //
          // scatter splits enabled for index
          && ssc.isEnabled() //
          // The view is compact (only one segment).
          && vmd.compactView //
          // trigger scatter split before too much data builds up in one place.
          && vmd.getPercentOfSplit() >= ssc.getPercentOfSplitThreshold()) {

        // Target data services for the new index partitions.
        final UUID[] moveTargets = getScatterSplitTargets(ssc);

        if (moveTargets != null) {

          // #of splits.
          final int nsplits =
              ssc.getIndexPartitionCount() == 0 //
                  ? (2 * moveTargets.length) // two per data service.
                  : ssc.getIndexPartitionCount() //

          if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("will scatter: " + vmd);

          // scatter split task.
          return new ScatterSplitTask(vmd, nsplits, moveTargets);

     * Tail split?
     * Note: We can do a tail split as long as we are "close" to a full
     * index partition. We have an expectation that the head of the split
     * will be over the minimum capacity. While the tail of the split MIGHT
     * be under the minimum capacity, if there are continued heavy writes on
     * the tail then it will should reach the minimum capacity for an index
     * partition by the time the live journal overflows again.
    if (vmd.isTailSplit() && false) {

       * FIXME The current tailSplit implementation operations against the
       * BTree, NOT the FusedView and NOT the IndexSegment. It needs to be
       * refactored before it can be an after action for a compacting
       * merge.
       * It is written to identify the separator key based on an
       * examination of the mutable BTree. Once it has the separator key
       * it then does a normal build for each key-range. [@todo It
       * probably should use a compacting merge in order to avoid sharing
       * index segments across shards.]

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Will tailSpl" + vmd.name);

      return new SplitTailTask(vmd, null /* moveTarget */);

     * Should split?
     * Note: Split is NOT allowed if the index is currently being moved
     * onto this data service. Split, join, and move are all disallowed
     * until the index partition move is complete since each of them
     * would cause the index partition to become invalidated.
    if (vmd.getPercentOfSplit() > 1.0) {

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("will split  : " + vmd);

      return new SplitIndexPartitionTask(vmd, (UUID) null /* moveTarget */);

     * Join undercapacity shard (either with local rightSibling or move to
     * join with remote rightSibling).
     * If the rightSibling of an undercapacity index partition is also local
     * then a {@link JoinIndexPartitionTask} is used to join those index
     * partitions.
     * If the rightSibling of an undercapacity index partition is remote,
     * then a {@link MoveTask} is created to move the undercapacity index
     * partition to the remove data service.
     * Note: joins are only considered when the rightSibling of an index
     * partition exists. The last index partition has [rightSeparatorKey ==
     * null] and there is no rightSibling for that index partition.
     * @todo What kinds of guarantees do we have that a local rightSibling
     * will be around by the time the JoinIndexPartitionTask runs?
     * @todo This has even more assumptions about [lastCommitTime] than the
     * other tasks. All these tasks need to be reviewed to make sure that
     * there are no gaps created by this refactor. Running these after
     * action tasks while we hold the write lock on the source shard could
     * probably help us to reduce the possibility of any such problems but
     * might require a revisit / refactor / simplification of the tasks.
     * FIXME Make sure that we are not running compacting merges as part of
     * the split, scatter split and other tasks. Some tasks used to do this
     * in order to have a compact view.
    if (resourceManager.joinsEnabled
        && vmd.pmd.getRightSeparatorKey() != null
        && vmd.getPercentOfSplit() < resourceManager.percentOfJoinThreshold) {

      final String scaleOutIndexName = vmd.indexMetadata.getName();

      final PartitionLocator rightSiblingLocator =
          getRightSiblingLocator(scaleOutIndexName, vmd.commitTime);

      if (rightSiblingLocator != null) {

        final UUID targetDataServiceUUID = rightSiblingLocator.getDataServiceUUID();

        final String[] resources = new String[2];

        // the underutilized index partition.
        resources[0] =
            DataService.getIndexPartitionName(scaleOutIndexName, vmd.pmd.getPartitionId());

        // its right sibling (may be local or remote).
        resources[1] =
                scaleOutIndexName, rightSiblingLocator.getPartitionId());

        if (resourceManager.getDataServiceUUID().equals(targetDataServiceUUID)) {

           * JOIN underutilized index partition with its local
           * rightSibling.
           * Note: This is only joining two index partitions at a
           * time. It's possible to do more than that if it happens
           * that N > 2 underutilized sibling index partitions are on
           * the same data service, but that is a relatively unlikely
           * combination of events.

          if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Will JOIN: " + Arrays.toString(resources));

          final String rightSiblingName =
                  scaleOutIndexName, rightSiblingLocator.getPartitionId());

          final ViewMetadata vmd2 =
              new ViewMetadata(

          return new JoinIndexPartitionTask(
              resourceManager, vmd.commitTime, resources, new ViewMetadata[] {vmd, vmd2});

        } else {

           * MOVE underutilized index partition to data service
           * hosting the right sibling.
           * @todo The decision to join shards is asymmetric (an
           * undercapacity shard is moved to its rightSibling).
           * However, it is possible that its rightSibling was also
           * undercapacity and was either moved to or locally joined
           * with its rightSibling (in which case its partition
           * identifier would have been changed). To avoid these edge
           * cases there could be a global synchronous agreement for
           * move/join decisions

          if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {

            // get the target service name.
            String targetDataServiceName;
            try {
              targetDataServiceName =
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              targetDataServiceName = targetDataServiceUUID.toString();

                    + "( "
                    + vmd.name
                    + " -> "
                    + targetDataServiceName //
                    + ", leftSibling="
                    + resources[0] //
                    + ", rightSibling="
                    + resources[1] //
                    + ")");

          return new MoveTask(vmd, targetDataServiceUUID);
      } // rightSibling != null
    } // if(join)

     * Move (to shed or redistribute load).
     * @todo We should prefer to move smaller shards (faster to move) or
     * "hotter" shards (sheds more workload). There should be a way to
     * estimate how much workload will be transferred so we know when we are
     * done.
     * FIXME We should limit the #of shards that we move in a given period
     * of time to allow both this host and the target host an opportunity to
     * adapt to their new load. [An exception would be if this host was
     * critically overloaded, but that should probably be handled by
     * different logic.]
    ILoadBalancerService loadBalancerService = null;
    if (vmd.getPercentOfSplit() < resourceManager.maximumMovePercentOfSplit
        && resourceManager.maximumMovesPerTarget != 0
        && resourceManager.getLiveJournal().getName2Addr().rangeCount()
            > resourceManager.minimumActiveIndexPartitions
        && (loadBalancerService = getLoadBalancerService()) != null
        && shouldMove(loadBalancerService)) {

      // the UUID of this data service.
      final UUID sourceServiceUUID = resourceManager.getDataServiceUUID();

      // Obtain UUID of a relatively underutilized data service.
      final UUID targetDataServiceUUID = getMoveTarget(sourceServiceUUID, loadBalancerService);

      if (targetDataServiceUUID != null) {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {

          // get the target service name.
          String targetDataServiceName;
          try {
            targetDataServiceName =
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            targetDataServiceName = targetDataServiceUUID.toString();

          log.info("willMove" + "( " + vmd.name + " -> " + targetDataServiceName + ")");

        // Move the shard to the target host.
        return new MoveTask(vmd, targetDataServiceUUID);

    // No after action was chosen.
    return null;